4 Player *Tech Guns Mod* Minecraft Modded Money Wars - Minecraft Modded Minigame

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can I be an npc in the next [Music] Oh buddy what's going on everyone's your Romeo with dropsy Matt and Steve and welcome to an awesome modded money wars that's right we're back with one of the fan old favorites so the way we play this is simple you got iron generators in your base here get gold generators over on this little side island here and then diamond generators right here in the middle of the map you try to get as much iron diamond and gold as possible so you can buy the best armor and weapons but this time we added in something extra special that's right we're back with the tech guns you got the blaster shotguns you've got your cost rifles you've got the sonic rifle I mean it's it's it's gonna be crazy even the nether blasters here so if you guys enjoyed this age old classic then hit that like button subscribe as well if you do and hextech came to Rome down below in the comment section let's do it go oh this is interesting so the first time ever blade didn't give us the gold Genesis start he's getting he's getting meaner and meaner about this stuff have you noticed that yeah that's dude Matt we used to start when we first started this we had four iron gents in two gold Jen's now we just get three iron Jen's on our island any right ain't right at all you're right you're right that ain't right throw a lead Adam yeah wait Adam wait I don't know let's talk about the person not the object oh yes yeah I agree I'm so busy watching and are wondering what's up with my background everything I'm actually using my friend Andrew set up for this video and one other one and a live string so after that though next time you see me I should be back home and New Jersey visiting my family by that point so yeah speaking of being back home yeah can't wait for you to not be back home again and then be in Florida we're gonna have that powwow yeah super would you call it yeah you're not gonna call it a powwow drop see what would you I don't know I've never used the word powwow for anything what you've never used the word powwow no I don't think I've ever called any form of get-together a powwow well you're you're the one missing out then powwow is say it's the only thing better than a powwow is a shindig that's true yeah hey I have a question maybe an answer so where's our gold generator supposed to be at though those Islands we have to build all the way out to them that's what I'm saying do blades getting real greedy with the gold gents can we just like all agree that like we're gonna need to be a little bit friendly towards each other in the beginning I mean you don't say if you don't say yes do you wanna be friendly I'll be friendly I think you melted somewhat geez drop no drops he shot the first shot I don't want it here no no you shot the first shot you made me jump off an island with almost make you jump off you could have ran off yeah Steve I'm inclined to believe her cuz you melted her nice looking in just like you didn't like stop hurry and kill her your melted her she stole all my stuff I didn't steal anything there is two I just wanted the gin I didn't want what you had there's a perfectly good other gold generator over there you can go use that one you know that's wrong yeah what's what's going on here that's what dude no you went somebody went the wrong direction cuz if we all had going I think you need to change the direction of your attitude yeah you stop melting your friends generator oh my god Steve is there a food food trailer by the way were we supposed to give ourselves steak I'll be honest with you Jerome I gave I say myself steak but then I died put it up in my um my ender chest oh that's smart that way in case Steve melts you you can just get it back again right see why he always likes melting people yeah he's got a real issue honestly I've been thinking about it recently uh-huh and I was thinking I could share that Island too dropsy yeah sure we all share in steve's Island is that what's going on here hey Matt Matt you stay on your base stay on your base no sale your base they'll come over to mine I'm out of the game Matt came over and already destroyed my bed and like fighting stopped off the edge of the mat like three minutes I mean yeah I guess Matt came over and melted me in that work Steve you can have one more life oh look it's literally been three minutes life don't worry I don't I don't need a better anything I mean remember towards my dream can we just have a truce yeah we'll share this moment all right I'll upgrade it real high you just Hey stand there and watch okay well you know what your beds as good as gone oh you can do three-minute video now you call yourself Chad how'd you get away from me I'm watching even yeah if you'd like you can purchase a bed from me oh the bed salesman yeah drop sleep you're gonna go get your own you have your own gold gender op see thank you very much oh my god oh my god Steve what's that from huh what does it eat it from my eyeliner be hatin yeah I had to stick up for my friend drop see this how it's gonna be Matt and they're gonna team up on us to good pals just doing pal stuff we get targeted even buddies even yeah and we just get targeted for being buddy pal guys all right now wait a minute no I don't know Steve why why oh he's over on my side in creative mode that's why see I'm in creative he's gonna walk over here in creative mode come up to my bed and then go because I didn't realize I was in creative mode because you broke my bed in five seconds so I went into creative mode steep I would I gotta be reasonable no we're not making it up we're not friends well the game it's getting a little too real I'm not I'm not happy with Matt right now not my friend anymore I was what everyone watching this video is invited from the birthday party yes when everyone in this video to know that Steve's both yelling at me in game and in our private discord right now Oh No is he a nice and private yes ripping through it Steven no I didn't say anything yes he did I wasn't mean about it stop get melted nube mágica melt all of them you're gonna become steve-o this true let me but Matt's going sweaty right now no man going to upgrade the diamond Jenn's oh yeah like that time I was upgrading the gold Jenn for you being a nice buddy and then you knock me off the edge I was there remember no but what's in you know cuz all your friends think bats you know what dress being real mean today guys I hope you win this time this one I'm actually rooting for you what no no usually ever for dropsy oh that's nice all but came true wrong but this time I'm rooting for you you know what camped room you're right Lori I'll go back to messing with drop see just stay on your side of the island drop so we need to team up against this menace wait I don't have anything you got a gun clearly a to tell lasers yes the iron it actually is like really disturbing the cheap allow our a shot Kamel didn't you just stop seeing that gonna be an npc in the next how do you survive so many bullets out making him go off of him is that what it is where is she good job drops he keep distracting him don't really understand where she's at wait where is she Steven what as my best friend I won't you - I thought I was your best friend you yeah uh sorry but Stevens really my best friend we've known each other for like 63 years so 60 times we were how short of a lifespan do you normally have there was a time that Steve and I were golden retrievers on a farm and then we were separated for a couple years when we turned into humans it's like a dog's purpose except for instead of becoming another dog we became Matt and Steve right you got it you got to go away just yet evil away he won't let me leave sorry and he's yelling oh I'm just gonna eat this thing I can't leave the Middle Island dropsy no Mattias is puppy guarding I can't leave my face I don't have anything you have a laser gun we talked about this yeah I'm buying six laser guns not to mention you have an unattested gold gen right here that you could easily just get some golden stubble it's tested yeah it's been tested I took it Matt wasn't looking so I ran back to my base that's good I don't I don't want to pool you I mean you're my friend hey not be my best friend but you're one of my best friends you may not be my best friend but you're one of my best friends Oh because there's like your best friend and then there's like your best friends right right right but your best friend is better than your best friends but you're better it like you do more for your best friend then yes you could be in a tornado and if you like Matt I need you to drive into this tornado to save my life and be like welp Steve probably not gonna make it to work on Monday but I'm coming to help you and then they were reincarnated as dogs you could just explode and get melted thank you yeah I'm gonna slowly just live inside your base it's so creepy you just gonna live there yeah it's a thing I do you just you kill people then you live in their houses huh turns out she is thought about this and I can't do anything so I just live here Chad pasta home renovation yeah right now hey hey you helped me with this block oh no she's not she's not helping me Jobs retro prom home was melted ooh I know what that means what party it matches okay I thought I was invited over for the house party but I guess well do you want to actually I was thinking you know you're inviting me in am i into your home so I'm gonna invite you in it drops his home well I didn't let you into my home oh well what am i doing in this Florida thing I'm just gonna go sit in a five guys oh oh you might literally start let me come by the game here anymore you're not welcome in these parts not after the incident anyway wait what incident you know you know exactly what we're talking about understand what we're talking about - I don't think anyone I understand I think I think our fans think we understand what's going on and we have no idea what's going on we never do do we know we're just clueless speaking of clueless drunky stop shooting like nuclear laser beams at me because I'm gonna mess that it's actually a golf rifle thank you okay well unless you want to get messed up I suggest you stop ow damage no it sucks you should stop shooting it I can't tell this here thank you I feel like the laser rifle that we always start out with in any test tool they need to start out with yeah I feel like that should make the best weapon that you get because you'll actually hit me for my entire health down to one heart if yeah but you keep getting me down on one heart cuz you can just see me shooting also the reload time it's not like you continued to shoot the golf's rifle you have to like shoot it and then reload it and then shoot it if I remember correctly Wow dropsy making diamond achievements Wow Matt see not having a bed achievements yeah I forgot that I was about to shoot him - that was mad that was insane I'm sorry bud that was I'm sorry Matt Matt no please I didn't mean to do you dirty like that no that was good dude after that episode where I shot you off the bridge a thousand times with the bow I think I just that was that was not ok Matt yeah really then upset the kids oh my okay I take it back to God's rifles awesome I am coming for your prophecy that busy Oh Flopsy I thought you called her a frappe see like a frappe okay yeah I heard from rethinking crappie like in my hero I should called her like a frosty like from mm-hmm you know that comes out of the machine that's always broken drop see this is what it looks like Rob Lee go away sit I'm living inside of your cube stop it you stop you stop it stop you're being unreasonable you stop get out of it no no I live here now stop it this is where I live go away I live here please leave me alone never call me again there are your beds broken any last words drop see Kapow I miss come back now I missed again all right y'all I'm coming for you drop see see end of the road well gee gee I don't think that right there but it's gonna do it that's the only of time for that we hope you had fun even hit that like but if you're serving subscribe as well and of course hey shake em Jerome down below in the comments section to add a fun time peace out bye bye and we'll see you next time pals
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 75,395
Rating: 4.9510136 out of 5
Keywords: jeromeasf modded minecraft, 4 player, 4 player minecraft, minecraft, modded minecraft, money wars, modded money wars, jeromeasf, jeromeasf minecraft, hilarious gameplay, kid appropriate, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft modded, minecraft mod, modded, custom map, mini games, jeromeasf minecraft mods, jeromeasf custom minigame, youtuber, lets play, challenge, minecraft roleplay, family friendly, no, jeromeasf tech guns, tech guns mod, minecraft tech guns, minecraft gun mods
Id: V3QsN0zJCgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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