Minecraft Speedrunners VS 4 Hunters (Tech Guns Mod)

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oh my gosh there's a skeleton with a revolver jesus oh my god today we're taking inspiration from our mandarin i'm doing speedrunners verse hunters but with a twist we're using tech guns oh my god the nuclear death race insane so remember everyone every three minutes both teams get a new gun given to them all right well uh three two one let's go good luck guys cap no this is very good get away how are you going to start the video while me and kevin are over here having a talk and drops who's kevin wait where's wait i hit ted there's no kevin oh well you're a fan you mean kevin bacon yeah you're going to wait for me there kevin the pig and then you started it and then you offended him as well well yeah steve first off kevin's not part of the i don't even know who kevin is i'm in a nuclear death ramp we're just polishing kevin is all right well life is good here got myself rusting table all right 20 wood you guys are all going down you're all going way down okay uh honestly they're like y like 10 and i hope you guys find diamonds down there thank you yeah you're welcome oh that's right there's copper war on this i looked up i'm like world version 112. why is there copper and i realize oh yeah it's because it's part of the tech guns mod technically speaking if you know what you're doing like steve you can actually uh you can make your own tech guns well like a thompson is super easy all you need is wood and iron that's all it is oh hey kathy i see you right behind me i just wanted you to know that i uh i cheated at the beginning and uh you don't have very many more of those do you jerome huh yeah steve i gave myself a stack so steve you wait if you don't want okay you don't find steve this is what well steve well that's unfortunate that's unfortunate for you steve because you didn't die fairly and drop your stuff oh wait hold up i had steak like a whole stack of steak steve i forgot man i forgot okay you can make it up to me by allowing me to eat one of those steak thank you very much i'm regening yeah and then you can you can throw the rest of them away right yeah yeah throw it away that's exactly what i'm doing okay look at this guy get a load of this guy cappy yeah look at this guy chuckling over here hey i'm getting excited because i'm pretty sure the weapons are going to start flying in in just a moment here uh okay there we go then you're gonna get embarrassed that's what you think steve i didn't say the weapons were gonna be balanced sometimes we're gonna have the same weapons but other times i'm gonna get some better weapons steve yeah right right right but other times i'm gonna hit you in the head with a stick hey speaking of which oh we all got hand cannons oh geez the hand cannon sounds much better what was that i just heard did someone just try to snipe me from like a million miles away the hand cannon has one bullet no so did you just use your only bullet okay so now you guys know uh well now i know cappy's no longer a threat i can't be in the tree up there oh no hey jerome hey buddy just get away from me run you don't want this steve you don't want this i bet you don't want this you're gonna miss your shot steve don't miss your shot steve i'm not shooting i'm not sure don't miss your shot steve i missed a shot he missed the shot oh you already made a wood sword huh give me that uh no more wood sword for you know i'm taking your place you're back up you're back up we'll cap you out cappy's in a tree he test-fired the gun and it only had one bullet so yeah i still have my only bullet my only one there we go 61 planks it should be enough all right now time to move on to getting iron because the armor actually does protect you from taking the uh bullet damage so that's good come on there's gotta be some that is pretty cool it's a mountainside over there i see surface coal like way over there but don't really think it's worth it okay let's look for a mine shift something just to help us out here you know how did i get a rose bush uh here's zombies and i think that means the caves nearby so i'm very excited about this but who's following i see their name tag someone's like following me from can we where are you zombie i hear you in this wall i know you're in here you can't hide forever see if i could hear found it i found the cave system it was hidden oh jesus a zombie miner it's one of tho it's one of the zombie miners the ones that have like the oh the overalls oh yeah you got to be careful for overalls he dropped a bunch of gunpowder so i guess if i knew how to craft my own like weapons and stuff i could do that but i don't know how to do that so i can't do that you know yeah there we go yeah they're so easy well you guys are never finding my secret mind shift it was it was done it was literally a done well that's fun that's fun we'll be all right over here wait who's that up i see you up there oh parkour cappy you don't even have a weapon left i'm keeping an eye on you steve keeps dying to you that is fair steve gave me all my starting food he gave me a hand can or well maybe give him the handgun he missed that shot but he gave me some weapons he gave me that i didn't do any food yeah you were supposed to get rid of that i did it's in his stomach yes that's how he got rid of it ah very uh very filling steve might i add very filling sir oh dang it there's got to be a mind shift around here so oh balti a bolty yes what does it do the ping does it be like ping i don't know it's got six rounds in the mag no way okay and a scope dude that's scary steve don't complain what wait did you no you all got which is one bolty right and the double barrel shot it's jerry's season oh no blade accidentally gave you guys too much no no no no no no no i don't know of course okay you guys can wait for me i know you're out in these woods somewhere i'll find you i'm hunting bacchus get away cap you go away i'm just hunting for a mine shaft of some sort oh no oh god oh god oh god i hate cap once ha ha kev you get away i've already hit cap one time he took fall damage and then i sniped him oh so oh my gosh that makes so much noise like literally when you miss the shot right next to me that was crazy i love all the sound effects ah god no bones don't die the bones no diet your bones i'm definitely gonna die here in a second oh my gosh gee willikers i don't even see you anymore well it's it's cap over here is the one who sees me i i shouldn't be telling you guys this your double barrel shotgun is catastrophic oh my gosh there's a skeleton with a revolver jesus oh my goodness that's a wild wild west there's literally a skeleton with a revolver chasing me right now that bones is finally dangerous ted watch out i mean one wasn't it before that's what you think bud that's that's just a you problem i'm sorry man dude that's horrifying oh my gosh i need to find a new area all right cap i'm not gonna lie to you when i said that the double barrel was catastrophic you had me at half a heart dude what i mean you say what but you double barrel shotguned me from one foot away to the cranium what was the expectation i don't know man you know how sometimes with video game shotguns i think it's universal that a shotgun to the face from a foot away is catastrophic non-destiny god oh i'll be foreign come on jerome it could have been worse i could have had a blunderbuss dude blunderbusses are my my one true fear in this world oh my god oh my god zombie with a revolver oh my gosh oh my god the range oh my god he just put me down to one and a half hearts again from full with a revolver yes steve i'm gonna die to a zombie with a revolver dude he's got this insane range insane accuracy like oh my gosh we need to put that there all right i need to i need to oh what was that is that him again i think i think the zombie's still chasing me you want the ground bro no i'm not underground dude when someone wait wait bro you guys don't want to get close to me i'm going to leave it at that why does everything have guns why am i gonna die you guys got another hand cannon oh wait why does this skeleton have a back tag why does this skeleton dead are you about to die to zombie sorry to to gunman bones no i i'm running away but it's following me oh my god i don't know why just imagining a skeleton oh why why is there another one steve steve steve same thing sounds like something no clue that was like roxy saved my life wait hop in what do you guys have a car oh they're on a boat all right i've got some iron ore let's go left foot red steve yeah another boat mission in the bayou that's just what happened oh hey guys oh you guys have a boat i thought you had like a car was like is that even in the tech guns no i got scared dropped me and i are boating around and captures getting chased by multiple zombies um i can build you another one hold on i would greatly appreciate geronimo i saw one of your guys's name tag up there you're trying to hide i'm just gonna let you know if you come near me i will flamethrower you and it won't be pretty there you go bud behind you also special request whoever gave me night vision could you add 99 true to the end of that because i have particles and they really smell i did put you on it i don't have a partner oh geez oh geez zombie get away zombies get away get away in this area no i just heard about it your gun keeps poking through my head and i'm terrified steve that was awesome what i just did to that zombie no stan i i that's twice i don't want this man all right everyone wait everyone everyone no no cheating don't come after me while i do this imagine dying two bones sorry that it had to happen wow it's even all capitalized pretty ow ow wow bruh i heard that happen wait dropsy imagine you die every video to skeletons how dude how does it keep happening don't know is that do you need to talk about it because we're definitely not the crowd because we'll just laugh at you the whole time but i was going to say actually go happier like you just go laugh at me that that one oh yeah that makes sense instead i can tell you something that'll make you feel better yeah i uh spent like six months as captain blasim without having memorized the tnt recipe oh um your boy just got a pulse rifle no no no um so you guys might want to stay stead there's no way instead please for your own bad lives i would be so upset right now oh my god instead why dude also i was very satisfying earlier where i got the flamethrower then bolt action sniper a zombie that was like kind of something of of dreams you know nice oh yeah okay the question is can i utilize a shield while i have a weapon out i have a bad feeling the answer is gonna be no i can tell you can't dual-wield two hand cannons you cannot but to be fair it is good just to have on you uh just for the sake of you know i could always if i'm like low on health and i need to eat or something i can always shield up and pull that out while i'm not shooting and eat there's definitely some circumstances where that will come in hand um you get a helmet going hey dropsy you're addicted keep an eye on good stuff and we need boots now and i need many more irons what was that i heard like a flap like someone's like trying to fly by me or something i heard i definitely heard a flat but i don't know what it was maybe it was flying bird it yes that that was it that's that's exactly what it was you figured the one you got it's dead figured the code out there we go a little more cryon oh wow okay apparently complaining about iron is a good thing it may have been me jumping into the water what you heard oh you're nearby steve is that it uh potentially oh i think you're definitely nearby i'm pretty sure it's heard some steve i'll have you know the pulse rifle has 36 bullets in the mag and i'm not afraid to use them on you yeah well we haven't gotten anything in like 10 years oh well yeah that's kind of what happens when you keep dying to bones yeah you know i wouldn't know anything about it but you can add stropsy instead they seem to know a lot about that no i don't want to be looped into this too late you already are you're part of the hive now there we go isn't it iron pick i wonder what that achievement could be about give you a hint it's bad getting iron get it guys i i had no clue okay wait steve this whole time you hadn't killed one of the monsters uh no i had been running from them for my life because i'm stuck at one heart there we go and i'm for assault oh that's pretty bad news for us honestly that's not pretty one bit i don't like that i'm not awesome for you for me that's not good because we all got enforced but to be fair i mean i also do have the you know i do have myself a ghost rifle i can use right zombie how is a bolt action rifle sniper to the head not a one hit all right let's drop that and let's drop that the guns are useless once you run through the clip which is pretty fair honestly keeping it balanced ish so you can't just be like spraying praying every th the um yeah no thank you no no no thank you that uh every mob under the i turned a corner four zombie miners and a zombie skeleton soldier just turned and looked at me and it started rushing oh my goodness yep they turned look and started rushing oh it's definitely a no-go oh my god oh my god the zombie skeleton this is fine oh hello you see what i'm going for yeah i decided to conserve my ammo so i decided to lava the mobs instead and oh my god yeah i just got a revolver with full clip in it from one of the zombies nice that does happen from time to time you know that does happen that's pretty impressive thanks buddy oh come on come on pig pig stop stop you're running oh god chaby's here gabby's here duck getting covered oh my gosh oh my gosh no jeez i gotta get out of here gotta get out of here go zombies help me out here just go and kill them only trust me trust me it's a good it's it you don't you don't have any quarrel thing we could be best friend zombies okay okay i talked to the zombies guys they work for me now so uh oh yeah yeah yep yep that's your only warning i mean that's a likely story oh my gosh i need to get out of here i need to get out of here asap dude that was such a close call oh my god cap you had me at like one heart oh asap or a snap which one jerome guess how i got to you uh the glowing no i uh put doors on the bottom of the ocean and dug to you really yo that's really smart actually cat that's very smart oh thank you what are you and genius or something no certainly not i'm a genius with a j that's what my mom always told me well that's nice oh i found where he left oh yep i could tell him at the bottom of the ocean because of the way that it is and the lack of oxygen you do now okay there we go i got a bio gun that thing's stupid powerful oh you're welcome oh geez oh perfect hey jerome uh oh god that's you on the shoreline there isn't that yes we can run here as well yeah if i see steve up there too are you guys trying to snipe me from all the way over there no maybe i heard the sniper maybe jeez ah jeez this is not pretty i'm coming up with a plan here quick i need to be super quick about it though yeah you do yeah oh good to know that the bullets don't follow real life physics where you just oh no from the top of the ocean to the bottom nice and there we go i'm getting out of there so long buckaroo wait oh that was so weird yes i swam to the bottom of the ocean crafted a boat and then and then i ran away or should i say i swam away or i'd be botified away no oh no uh should we just swim to that over there i need a surface lava pool and i need it stacked please provide the service lava pool surface service lava pool yeah yeah the service lava pool oh okay i found a tech guns created thing let's see what's inside i mean usually there's mobs in there you have to hear the zombies already but that's what i'm working on and all right we can drop that let's go ow that was oh my god it just respawned another to be fair though i don't think there's really any loot in there so i'm leaving it nice thanks you like that well i didn't see a chest i looked in but all i saw was a furnace and zombies and they kept spawning and i was like i'm just gonna lose armor points and and ammo here so i moved on with my life dude i can't believe we got a biogun pulse rifle oh gee willikers maybe every three minutes was too aggressive at first i mean you're doing good though yeah but you guys are too i feel like this is gonna be a very good final fight if it comes to a final fight you know that or take down the ender dragon you know i'm shame yeah i know what you're saying but it's not gonna happen all right well i mean surface lava steve that's where you understand because i'm about to get some cooked lamb chops yeah well you're a cooked lamb chop all righty there we go nice little lava pit i'm going to start working on getting to donator guys p d w it's called the dual wield pet ooh more biogas no way that almost just happened what oh then i heard the bio gun it was one of you guys i knew it oh i see man i shoot man right yep you don't want this bring it ow oh my god oh my god that actually hit me oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah that's right oh god my face yeah probably don't like that very much do you that's my least favorite oh my gosh also instead with you sniping at me the bullet that missed hit the walls inside of me there's like slow motion almost oh i can't give up this ground here because there's a lava pool right there whichever one of you guys tried to cover it up with water you weren't quick enough palios you aren't quick enough one bit all right ow you know what stead yeah jerome you don't want this buddy i've got more ammo than you'll ever have i've got more ammo than you'll ever have but do you oh god cap you that bio gun too i'm pincered yes i needed that i needed that big time there we go drop anything good did he drop anything good uh i mean he might have dropped some weapons but the problem with those oh the power gun did almost have full ammo so no no problem at all cap you might want to get out of there bud i would probably ow ow yes there we go let's see what loot we can get from cat come on please be good please be good miner's helmet no thank you bio gun the shots i'll take it i'll take it let's go baby big wins big wins that was scary that was a really scary moment there guys i thought you had me beat for sure um ow what happened get some big gains something hit me and i don't know what it was straight might have been like a stray bullet or something a stray bullet are you sure it was straight might have been a deliberate bullet steve it sounds like you know a lot about i just watched a mob explode is that one of you guys are you sure it's a strange road that is one of you guys oh steve bob why oh steve bob why didn't you write your essay steve steve steve back off back off yeah stevie's sure about that so it looks like you're the one who's backing off oh my gosh this might be the most intense speed runner versus hunters we've ever had this is really cool i didn't realize you had full iron armor over there dude in the same spot as last time i got oh did that say does that say what i think that said that says what you think it says oh my goodness um well uh have fun with your nuclear death rays i got the bigger nuclear death ray i mean it means exactly what you think it means oh my god oh my gosh what was that dust pop where does that even come from bro oh my god i have literally no idea where that even came from like literally zero idea i am like fighting to survive right now against an endless swarm of mobs should i miss i don't worry about it i hear it's not here just a little funny the problem is i hear shots ring out and i have no idea if it's one of you guys if it's one of the mobs you know like whatever it is me trying to survive against the mobs oh god what was that what [Music] are you three okay over there i don't think that they are i don't think they are okay dude again i'll do it one two and three hey dropsy you like the pulse rifle to the head no not really that's very nice ah keep on wasting your ammo up there i hear you guys i'm real disappointed that the death ray doesn't cook meat that is fair cappy that is extremely fair i'm disappointed for you you're nuts jeez cappy what in the world was that where did you ever come from oh my god oh god oh god so low guys oh god what is that what is that what is that i don't know it drops we just bring him down let him try a little longer okay okay i got your stuff i was so close to dying there i need to regain my balance here a little bit also jerome i don't know why you're holding fort here i can see two other lava pools what really yeah we got it oh geez maybe three if that's what i think it is to the side i've got all your stuff god that was close good job steve i i almost died that was really close just the sheer amount of mobs that were nearby i'll just say i didn't even shoot at you steve i've been running from like 90 000 mobs with guns and they they have kept me on no health this whole time uh believe me i know what you're talking about steve that's the one thing the tech guns mod does a great job of making the mobs actually something to worry about a mining drill bruh that's so cool this is just null this is this oh wait this doesn't punch oh that's a different thing oh this what oh well i guess that's what you guys can get like yeah diamond armor and stuff i i guess i mean there's a reason he gave it to you guys maybe it's got good melee damage or maybe it's a troll no it's got d i just two shot a skeleton with it oh wow so yeah i think i don't think it's a troll i i mean if he gave it to you i'm sure there's a reason he gave it to you well unfortunately i lost mine because my inventory was full 13 attack damage and oh geez why do i have to get rid of that there we go oh no one of you guys is here again go away no no no we're not here you're just going crazy you know earlier whenever i was tunneling to jerome you guys know you want to just go away i actually no i don't steve it's good for you okay dang it i wonder if you can break obsidian if there is a drill probably maybe maybe not i don't really know uh yeah hard to tell here jeremy i'm going to light your portal for you wait really wait i'm just saying death ray over there oh dude i got excited you gave me an idea i shot a flamethrower at it and it didn't actually work oh really that's lame yep it doesn't actually work and then i tried lighting a plank on fire it doesn't actually do fire spread if they update this mod ever which they might i mean to be fair we're on 112 they might have a more recent but if they updated ever and they don't add that in i'd be very sad i feel like that's such a cool thing to add in that would completely change like the dynamic of this game there we go oh we're moving up in the world now we're moving up in the world oh yes we are steve and yes after a ton of fighting i finally made it into the nether dude this has just gotten crazy oh my god there's pigment zombies time to go in oh might die on his own well we're gonna make sure it happens why you guys always scream like arnold as soon as you go in hey guys no hey guys good fight no guys dying to a pig dude the cyber demon is what almost killed me cyber d the cyber demon walked up to me and did like a bajillion hearts that is wow
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 225,236
Rating: 4.9529734 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, man hunt, speedrunner vs, speed runner vs man hunters, minecraft speed runners, minecraft man hunt, man hunt modded, modded man hunt, hacker, lucky blocks, minecraft drop items when hit
Id: hw1WL_A8pqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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