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Matt I see you building no do something about it okay something about it [Music] Oh buddy what's going on everyone's aroma here along with Beck bro Jack and today we're facing off against Steve and Matt for tumors too modded money wars now to make matters super cool if you take a look at this Avengers trader here we got Captain America armor we got black panther suit as well and last but not least Captain Marvel the way we play bed wars is simple pretty much you have a bed at your base you should cover it up to protect it because if yours and your teammates bed is broken then you're out of lives and you are on your very last legs so the goal game simple break the other team's beds killed for the last time and you're the winner of course all the while trying to get for yourself some really cool types of Avengers armor I mean personally I'm probably gonna go for black panther or Captain America those like my favorites but that we'll see how the the game plays out pardon that if you guys enjoyed an important time be sure you hit that like button be sure to subscribe as well and let's hop on in all right well let's go go go guys oh man it's gonna be intense really oh yeah I'm trying to decide what I want to do first should I cover my bed should I go for the middle of the map or should I you should not cover your bed that's my suggestion oh thanks for the suggestion on your Steve I like that suggestion I completely forgot I had to cover my bed yeah yeah I'm gonna cover it let's see what kind of blocks are there if we have diamonds there's obsidian but that's gonna be very hard hmm-hmm I just break the sand and put it on yeah you know why at least it's something yeah it's a that is a cover and it's free what other blocks do we have I mean any stone is worth gold oh that's I don't know about that yeah let's go the sand strata like your stuff let's do that and chopping my strip I'm copying your style sand I never thought about doing that that's genius hi this is a Beck bro ASF here Steve the pro strats I hope you know I actually is covering my bed in sand I hope to hope you were serious because that's what I did that was like the main stretch just get as much time as possible and make a little sand castle around it yeah that is that's pretty much it this is a sand castle Wars kind of like I'm sure you've seen on TLC channel a cake wars like that but this is you know we just build sand castles it yeah it makes sense makes sense right there's not a gold gen on your island right yeah no so cool Jen you got to go to the first one okay yeah just making sure I have to leave my Island oh yeah and that guy over there Nev he's a bully he's a jerk do I have to fight him is he like a superhero or he's just normal guy oh he's a supervillain yeah then the need is for nasty Steve hmm I just found out the sickest thing what's that I can't tell you sick hey dude I got the secret but like I can't tell you oh thanks bud anything else man problem yeah dude you won't believe it but um you like that kid that like comes to lunch and it's like yeah my mom packed Lunchables and a bunch of candy like no way you're like yeah but you can't have any yeah that's you you're the Lunchables kid Andy Wow I went there Matt uh-huh I don't know if there was ever coming back for you honestly drunk I just wanted something yeah you look pretty today thanks bud oh it's so kind of you a friend mr. Alford mr. jackal that looks very handsome too yeah working at it for years nice nice yeah my big nose prevents me for being too handsome but you know oh my god there's a skeleton randomly on the island he accidentally shot one of the traders and the trader just beat him to death oh my god that is very unexpected oh my no the traders are not supposed to fight so I don't know what just happened there's no ceiling there's a little bit of a trader malfunction wait why is there a zombie on my island Satan I haven't gotten anything yet wait who's building a crossing all the way to me no there's a creeper who I spent this probably whole game building across to me is that you met they're taking you out worried about what I have and haven't done with my building blocks man why what do you know we are we teamed up right yeah we're team me and you okay okay okay these nasty guys though I don't know about that we'll have to take them out not gonna happen okay got some more gold going there Matt I see you building no do something about it okay something about it never ever ever have I had seen Jerome land a shot like that in my life we already have our first fatality well Matt just lost all of his armor and building blocks nice yeah all of my building blocks where will I get more I don't know where will you Matt I I had more arrows just keep trying to take him out gosh dang it he called my bluff actually don't have more arrows I gotta go back and buy more arrows he was nibbling at my ankles I'm not appreciating it he was named after yay this is gonna work to him one day he looks up to you Steve okay Matt you stay away from my Island no I'm gonna make a big play here is to play my bed because I'll be really sad oh no no no you don't have to worry about your bed Matt I'm gonna take your bed out you better boom stops right stop looking at me with those eyes it's an EVE should I be scared and Eve oh yeah yes and the map is giant Nev Nev just destroyed my face Oh leave no you can't trust Nev ever it's a bad I thought it would be nice you sounded like Steve Mac get off my god that's gonna break my bed in a second nice as well Matt you leave my bed alone I gotta get new stuff then I'll come home wait room no you you just lost a full inventory of iron that you had never picked up Matt you get off my Island oh I'm coming back I need more iron stop it Matt go away no no come the diamonds gonna be on your hands I think cuz Matt won't leave me alone break your bed I'm just gonna come over all your diet your iron pulled a Steve drum stop you get away from my Island I killed I killed him I killed him okay good good good good have you turned out any diamond Jen's I'm working at it okay okay Nev Matt get a job what are you doing Steve can progress stop it you appliance and turn down the cold okay you turn on the gold nice I know I just turned on one diamond Jen you're stinky mattress anyway you don't want my stinky mouse zombies defending your face III don't know why just zombies and skeletons been spawning over there oh wait actually there is a man with a shotgun oh my baby there's a zombie miner mod and there's a guy a zombie miner with a shotgun that just kills it third party we now have zombie miners on the field you're at the third party how do they win they have to have a way of winning I made my way to you hello sir the shotgun miners are here all right Jackie we're gonna need to team up and make a move for the middle of the mat eternal is emerald gents but the big Giants are there and they're kind of mean and no I just watched you get destroyed by Dave I'll make my way though you realize we've died collectively more to NPC's than we have each other yes it's okay we're not the Avengers yet once we get to their knee von P a problem yeah who do you want to be by the way mmm I'm a big black panther guy okay then I'll be Captain America nice can I be Mega Man yes I'm Steve so Black Panther is your favorite superhero linner mmm it would probably have to be Ironman then Black Panther then mega Hulk I see I'm more of a Donkey Kong Fannie's my favorite Avenger I think yeah he's pretty cool superhero he's got like donkey smash no it's all so maybe unpopular opinion I'm actually more of a DC guy so my favorite superheroes flash hmm I mean the flash the flash the most powerful superhero in the world yeah if you would actually run what I mean I mean just think about it he would never lose if he never stopped running right but he just always has to stop for something it wasn't like Superman as fast as him oh is he really I think you might be mad I just watched you you deserve that he was trying to break my bed he just walked off a cliff you're in the wrecked by NIMH Wow I'm kids so mad at this game I'm getting really frustrated here I'm still looking for him was here well the emeralds are in the super super giant the giant see I'm scared of the Giants oh yeah how about this Drummle proposed something to you you're not on so long as one person's bed remains but you can only respond it that bed oh well no he's saying you lose your spawn points like for instance if Matt broke my bed I'd have to spawn at Jack say yeah I like that I like that okay wait isn't that actually like why do you prefer being called Jack Beck or bro you want me bro hey bro all of the above you just call me bro Jack Beck dad whatever you're feeling Jack bro Beck I'll call you ASF yes and Steve can we call you just Steven set aside music 88 a little bit long to say or Nev yeah Nev works too that works I need some arrows here I finally made it to the mid again yes without me of the Emeralds get all the emeralds oh wait oh god yeah I still have to turn that on they get building blocks but I think I could parkour here we go parkour okay I'm at mid but the giant guy is here and he does not look very nice Oh God ow ow just don't I don't shy I'm coming oh no Steve's here oh no no no no I didn't bring any arrows alum Steve you go away at least the Giants none of shotguns all right well I you know what fair but I have three hearts man three hearts oh come on oh come on oh come on oh come on wait don't die on me okay I haven't nice I have one stack of diamonds this I took down a giant where's the rest of the people well there was two guys I killed one you kill me what are you doing my sweet what can you see this you see this smirking I'm doing I cannot see your face cam okay good I see one of them leaves autumn Nisan we're good we're good we're all right we care about me are you even playing am I even playing playing right now are you even playing let me send you a screenshot mr. Steve what game are we playing okay jack you hold down the middle I'm gonna get more diamonds for us so that way we can keep on upgrading the generators there okay all the Giants come back the Giants come back no no okay nice how many emeralds healed I have eight right now 22 do you see my Stevie nice I think it's an ad to get the superhero gear so I'm curious what Matt's been doing Matt's just taking his time hmm we should keep an eye out for that yeah Matt okay well knowing Matt he's probably at my side cooking up a barbecue not playing the game I mean that's that's out of this because I mean I feel like I've had a 2v1 fight and Matt's not done anyone come over to my house and gear me up dude that's such a bad team got an extra bed if you need to stay for a little while I'm almost at 80 okay good work good work buddy I got an extra bed if you need to stay for a little while Steve oh he stole my bed that's what he's implying that literally took me a second I was like wait a minute oh no oh no I got a Neve on me I'll protect you what are your Neve pretty good I have 80 emeralds I need stupid eye the Emerald Steve you do something fast because I need your backup why don't you know you're there I've used all my wool of steel drums bed I chase Steve off we got the emeralds yeah I'm gonna need your super powers at MIT if you can help me out when you get Black Panther okay I just have to figure out the controls so I don't accidentally jump off the map Oh make sure when you buy the gear the most important part is the injection that gives you the super power okay otherwise you're just a kid in a Halloween costume okay I'm okay with that actually that might be even better yeah we could just go trick-or-treating honestly we can go to Steve's house see I found a strategy where you just build overtop of NIMH and just don't even fight him now question now is this now you're an adult right so you're the one putting out the candy what kind of candy do you put out outside of your place this is cops obviously that's nice okay that's good that's good that was good as mine but wish that my friend Matt would play the game with me I am coming to the middle of the map if you weren't there to give me some backup I'm gonna take your bed - I have the super powers but I'm a little bit short on emeralds Oh - buy the gear yeah I was like six short oh I might be able to help you if you come back with me cuz I had over 100 emeralds I'm so fast speed face okay this is my new home now - by the way I got kicked out of my last one all right we have a sand castle with some wool on top we should be safe I mean to be fair my home still there it's just like yo how many ticks was it I think so yeah Bri where you go I don't have this fail so like we can go and hang out there we just can't like sleep over there it's not you know okay we can like barbecue there and come back tear for legs happen well fix this particular okay well so neebs coming over to your base I know oh no he's coming now I'm the one who's short on on money I need 12 more emeralds I live to nearly destroyed my bed his own team right are you guys fighting each other that's perfect I'm starting to think that's going down here it could be a too long that Steve isn't very grateful for everything I do for him Steve I could see that see me and Jack we got energy where it were we're good together here ready for trick-or-treating bakka but all over it but you know it's still a nice bed oh let's go nice is that how much you do with Black Panther yeah it's absolutely insane plus I have like a vibranium attack or something I don't know has a charge out oh nice yes Steve yes I can't run don't leave me behind buddy I got all the emeralds there somehow just walked over that oh how we in fault oh don't kill me oh no don't die don't nobody get them good I'm good I do way too much damage to die I almost had a heart attack I lagged right as I was walking on the 1x1 pathway Oh cried yes help me where are you well I can't say that now can I there's good news compose your gear but you never lose your superpower so you don't have to rebuy the objection I don't have okay I don't have to raincheck myself yeah an escort back that's good cuz it kind of hurt yeah it does kind of see please Steve please teammate Steve tourists Steve so now all we need is a lot of diamonds so we could buy better swords okay I have a diamond enchanted sword oh wow okay cool and then pickaxe if we want to help break if they have like obsidian or anything we're all good hey what do you guys have around your bed or what would you put around your bed if you had a bed um I had a bed wait what do you mean if I had a bed around your current bed probably just sand okay all of it uh so I just punched me even did seven damage with my fists perfect I'm gonna be honesty Steve I don't see this going well for us me neither hey hey pal I think it might have something to do with the fact that I don't have armor or a game not doing anything you're crazy right okay I'm running over to Steve's bed while they're fighting okay god I broke his bed I broke his bed comments to damage now you got a respawn at Matt's pace Steve there's somebody here without any armor Oh No yeah this is my life you want to come in now let the giant do it oh I feel kind of bad I just need a minute that's all get out of here Nev I kind of feel bad for Steve for once right because Matt hasn't done anything you know static Erik Terry the extra weight that's what I'm trying to tighten your sass what the heck you can fly wait what you can fly it's Black Panther no no no who's flying around Oh Captain Marvel Ken I didn't even think of that Oh No yeah that's gonna be a problem yeah we might have made the wrong choice here I feel ya kinda sorta cuz you can't fly and I can't fly I can jump around kind of cool but that's it all right well I'm guarding our base if you want to try and take out Matt's base and then we okay we'll be in the power position here hopefully I can make these jumps I just jumped off the map I had some extra emeralds left in the chest there at Oakes and who broke the diamond generator drum Matz at her base whoa got him nice got him - easy easy easy Matthew see if I fly teammate could get your pet here you go by the way there's 62 emeralds to get you started good stuff I still the superpower sorry I wrecked the Neves yeah oh yeah oh yeah big time superheroes and you're in the newspapers just remember me remember Jack the traitor yeah yeah the food traitor he's in creative mode and stack a snake you have to pay him 20 emeralds oh it's only fair yeah yeah just chuck it off the edge the emerald yeah yeah what are you give him to us actually 300 emeralds yeah the emerald generator is actually like insane this wait Steve do you not have a bit anything flowing no I don't have a bed anymore all right do you want me to play defense while you go and break his bed or what do you want to do she's flying around he'll fish he blew in and blew out yeah we may need you to play defense cuz he could come in while we both leave it's true hmm I see one of them coming here is met hello Matt anyone come for at least three or do you wanna you want to come to a barbecue grill peace treaty whoa whoa just shot something ow Steve fish you lay out Steve stop shoot waters this mean it's illegal if you please keep shooting lasers stops you out Steve does that hurt no Steve nothing happened I'm on fire oh you need vision team captain marbles ejection Panthers objections I do work okay it didn't work didn't work I'm on fire our tire pace is on fire I'm killed oh gosh she's back yeah we did a little bit of damage to him it's okay it's okay we have a lot of sand how do we hit them I don't know everything's on fire I'm so scared hold me the only thing we can do is go and break they're better than we'll worry about them later I guess you've never seen a superhero movie yet Steve you know you're my best friend you might flying around the center and get me some Mentos Oh God everything's on fire Nev well this is going horribly no we got it we got it okay I just punch somebody in the face she's sorry about that hey hey hey can you imagine how much no dirty hit punched in the face by I feel like it's just instant death there yeah you know there's not very many superheroes to choose from Asura Bo yes make him my way to the base walking slow drones letting me break his bed and I'm home bad no you're not he's not here he's not here he's a liar he's under he's under the base I see him oh my gosh you're right he is under it Steve he's go away hmm I'm going to their base I don't know why I told you that Matt's here - they're both Captain Marvel we're splittin at the pronghorn Oh Steve you stop trying to break that bed this is the young man fired leave me alone I killed Steve how's the bed looking but over there I'm halfway there I got some leaves on me taking him out they came so close to breaking the bed it was exposed I'll tell you what this strat with the ow yeah I'm sand actually smart thank you I thought about it a lot Oh Steve's back oh it's right he could still fly without the super suit because yeah I don't even need the super suit gibs on fire was that our bed hey Jerome yeah he has our bed why there's a double bed here both beds going room all right everyone other last life Matt you going down Matt no I'm not no yes I am I'll write it be that's with your own Beck's I thought it'd be real funny hey Steve any less words pal get me out of here see you never know I was so close we did it right good teamwork that's it buddy there always are both out we won I'm everybody that's gonna do it that's all we have time for today we hope you guys had fun maybe to hit that like button subscribe check out my friends down below in the description I'll see you next time bye peace out
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 380,725
Rating: 4.9165535 out of 5
Keywords: jeromeasf, jeromeasf money hunt, money hunt, jeromeasf and beckbrojack, beckbrojack, hilarious gameplay, kid appropriate, funny, fun, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft animation, minecraft roleplay, challenge, minecraft mod, modded, mini games, custom, family friendly, bed wars, jeromeasf bed wars, beckbrojack bed wars, gameplay, how to, mods, mod, minecraft, jerome asf, pixelmon, fortnite, bedwars, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, risk factions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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