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he's literally burning it down why why is he burning it down [Music] buddy what's going on everyone's your Romeo along with dropsy bladed Steve and welcome welcome to Castle Wars everybody this is an awesome game of where we pretty much go ahead and build our very own castle from scratch however we do have a lot of help along the way we have these awesome schematics that when you put them down will literally spawn in pieces of the castle for you the only problem is getting the gold in order to buy it so you start off by going into the middle there killing all the guards to get generators the generators will spawn a gold iron and diamond for you which you can spend on all sorts of cool weapons including modded guns like these the flamethrower in the minigun but Barnett you have 15 total minutes to prepare for battle and then it's go time where you have to try destroy all three beacons that are gonna be placed in your enemies tower before they destroy your three alright well without further ado let's separate calls and all right drop seek you ready to go time let me kill all the things I'll do my best is that help I think that's how people try it oh we got iron already Oh gold oh we already got the gold you're good or I'm gonna bring this back if you want to keep killing it we'll just keep on whenever you get a golden just bring it back back back back back cuz 15 minutes is not a lot of time to build an entire castle especially when I get o point still wrong TP TP TP I got you I got you and actually that reminds me I don't even have ice on my spot you need okay there you go alright - to - to do - to do take some of this your bad guy and summit Oh Madonna Jen nice and there was a gold jet on the ground over there I saw it with my own two teeth I mean I'll do my best to find it at least yeah I'm sure it's not going anywhere it's like Steven I see it actually wait a minute what it's not and bleh do steal it I think you're good at first thinking universe yeah I got it first alright nice I was just afraid of bad people you never know you got wrong you don't know what they're capable of whoa three six iron Jed's from one kill I just got a gold and a diamond nice well apparently we got six iron Jen's so we're gonna be looking all sorts of snazzy ready to go yeah there we go there we go there we go uh grab these were quick and scope a alright and make sure you're upgrading the gens as well as we go yeah yeah well the iron Jen I think really just for pistol and ammunition so there we go well I bought a bunch of pistol ammunition so that's good oh and there's also really weak armor we can get for it - nice okay okay so my vote is after about five minutes of calamities we then spend 10 minutes building I think that's a smart move yes because we've never had to rush a build so quickly yes yes yes yes seven gold gents yeah that's it yeah why are we putting them down or we're killing them yes no no no no no said I'm set them you know oh oh so gently drop them down you mean yeah drop them down if you I can switch teams I'm sorry well that's fine I can't control now so I know it was a it was a good one that's good it's sometimes the dad jokes come in and then they just they don't stop oh god you've been hanging out with blade too much you know cuz the years thought come in and they don't start coming all right well we've got 12 minutes left so why don't your immediate sees getting on and I pistol baby death crash I pistol him to death when he had a minigun he can't even argue it back just trash he knows he knows all about ok let's put that there so we only have two diamond Jen's however I think like that's probably enough right let me think so the diamond we just need to get a minigun really which is 32 diamonds yeah oh and plus the armor actually we might need like one okay let's get one more and honestly we can just keep upgrading that that's true too dropsy I don't get what's going on I literally just said yep well I I literally said we needed diamond Jen's and I just killed two guards and got five from each of them have ten virgins I just found five gold Jen's five gold Jen's and I just got six all right I think we're good to start the building yes okay well I'm gonna take the stuff I have here let's start off with the castle walls okay I'll start building those Oh make sure you want creative mode as well you might want to go ahead and get yourself dirt blocks so you could put them down - all right yes so there you go in burn okay and let me get a castle gate - castle gate check ok now this part always bothers to D and it's unfortunate but like the castle gate it doesn't exactly it doesn't exactly line up perfectly per se oh is it not like even cuz that battle water battle bot our spawn what a but okay okay this here and basically because of the way it is it's never going to be sized right it's really it's fine okay there we go let's see this you see the scam no okay we gotta go down even more it's hard it's hard once you get like the first one down though you could build them off of that pretty easily but alright yep so you're about to see first hand oh I'm inside of it Oh a little more stuck a little more stuck inside we got Barry oh yeah we got we got enemies Barry there we go we almost killed a little more I see what he blames late he didn't find it said I won't be even with Oh I'll deal with it I don't think I can deal with it though really affecting me Oh also I think we're fine on not even having to upgrade I have two stacks of diamonds on me right now oh yeah no we think worked out big time so this if you want to be the super awesome person and build the actual castles you'll notice like castle large and things like that yeah Tower large maybe so I usually put like four tower larges in the corners of the map but I don't know you can have fun and just do whatever you want really and sometimes we just make it a huge mess so that they don't know what's going on to that it was always a good strategy you know I couldn't agree with that one let's just put some towers in places yes okay castle wall there we go give me dad here castle walls more castle walls yeah it looks good alright and build alright okay this should be probably enough of those okay I'm not gonna make this go all the way back because we've never had such little time before to do this and I don't I'm not hopping it we have enough time to build all the way across this thing so you know it'll be cut like a little bit not much but you know I wonder how good their base is gonna be in such a short time I feel like they didn't get as lucky as we did I don't think so especially cuz Stevie's run around with a minigun it was like what are you doing yeah he was just trying to kill us the entire time being a real but that's Steve that's that that's what he is he's but okay there okay two more two more one more large toward Oh uh why is Steve saying knock knock who's there oh it's a minigun you know I probably should have guessed that's what the joke was he's okay now he's being mean now he's just spawn killing what a poo okay the real castle wall castle wall perfect okay now the walls should be all good all the way around oh I see you put all those down that's good that's good there's also one that's just gold castle oh yeah and the old castle that's good and the tower smalls you can scatter them everywhere and it's just a mace and then the amid nice that's what I want to do all I have I did a thing and there's no going back [Music] it's okay live here now hey we don't you know we don't it's fine they're gonna come here be so confused when they see this baby like what did you do it's like what didn't we do like I can explain doesn't look like the worst thing in the world it's pretty bad okay do you want me to get the castle thingy yeah I'll start the small towers okay uh castle there we go and put that there also I think we have enough to buy oh yeah diamond wise I have enough to buy the full set and a minigun okay good good I'm sure you do too yes Oh as soon as I collect here in a second yeah okay so I'm gonna do minigun and also get a flamethrower we'll get both them that's 14 fuel tanks so the iron does have a use then because I was like why do we need all this iron and oh yeah ammunition yeah okay so there's that and then minigun okay so i have 11 and 14 that's good for now good good there is 6 min left and I'm proud of us honestly no ya got a lot done oh that doesn't go there let's see is there enough room back here to plant this oh there is no yeah well no there's not it's outside the bat oh oh it's fine it's fine don't don't don't judge me everyone watching I'm sorry why don't have a schematic that's just called blade it's an interesting schematic name it's it's his name take a look at this I I'm afraid to spawn this in I don't really yeah I don't know about that one yeah we're just gonna leave that alone I don't think we want that sponding no I I don't think so either I don't I don't want any part of that okay I'm gonna go ahead and buy a bunch of castle tower smalls then the reason why is if you put enough down and you make it like a maze then you could put some obsidians in there cuz you have three of them obsidian place and it just takes them longer and longer because they got to go through each and every little one yeah I like that like that okay so I'm gonna put one down right put one down right there Burrell perfect I'll put one down right here and we'll put another one down right here we bed we're so bad oh it's fine it's fine it's it's called strategy they just don't understand yeah they went Steve wouldn't even know a strategy if it fell on his lap exactly um it's like a way to win that's what we're doing is it kind of like vanilla wafers exactly Wow okay actually a genius thank you I try and there's still room for more small towers I mean we could do it or we could just take this time here and put down I'm gonna I'm gonna start scouting out areas for the obsidian so I guess one two all right I'm gonna keep placing some towers down okay nice all right I'm gonna do this tower right here and in the middle of it there's one okay now inside the castle and yeah I'm doing inside the castle and in this back area here that's - how many bean cans do we place three bean cans being can that's a why is he beacon yeah oh I thought he was just being ridiculous yeah three obsidians okay and I'm gonna put the last one on top of that flag way up there okay so oh there we go perfect so we have all three set up 3 min 3 minutes left geez oh geez I'm proud of us though I didn't think if we didn't get the lucky drops we did I'm not sure if we would have this much down no I don't think we would well now that I have the armor if I were you I'd buy tons and tons of ammo I'm gonna buy like 20 20 of the fuel tanks and 20 of the minigun ammo just to be extra safe yeah of course hopefully we won't need all that but you never know okay so there's that good and okay some more she's bought the wrong one that's what I'm gonna do with all these diamonds geez geez geez Jesus is too many all right well I think we give them their last two minutes and then we will be right back all right drop see let's go go go so remember we have infinite lives until they break all three beacons so I got extra careful well oh the guards well you have a shotgun yeah I do not just one Chuck oh my gosh of a shotgun actually yeah I mean to be fair the minigun tarz the room - this is crazy all right let's hope for the video I can tear through their armor so I'm assuming they also had the best armor there's one of them oh gosh oh man oh man I got him hey I'm gonna go lower the volume - this is way too loud okay okay um reload reload oh no they found me out drop see they know about my hiding spot all right I ran into one of the buildings and I went upstairs now I'm sneaking through stuck through yes yes okay this work this work okay okay I'm in the enemy base Oh God he was waiting on top of the wall camping what a butt so he's camping literally on top of the wall okay okay well Steve - can be annoying in the game Oh blade blade blade the flamethrower might not even be necessary no I don't think so reload can't let go through this way sometimes you can make a good pathway through their Church over to their side I see oh yeah it's already got a hole in it there we go I stuck it behind him and they found me out oh come in yep I pinned him down okay he's dead all right there's no sign of camper Steve sweaty Steve okay I'm inside of their walls right now oh oh I see Oh what he knew I was in there they're shooting they know we're in there oh no blade okay Oh Oh Steve's here Steve's here okay okay are you able to kill him I'm getting there I'm getting there all right I'm gonna go and just so I know not to read go into a house I just destroyed the the door there on that oh he's using a flamethrower now me and blade are in a crazy easy battle right here got each other he's gone Oh God blade miniguns nice Steve might be over there though oh geez I'm barely surviving out here this is not easy okay nothing every floor seems to have nothing okay at least I've checked a few places and know where to look and where not to look that's true oh I fell I'm dead okay Steve Steve here no no no he left again he left again okay okay I'm at our base I'm going back now I want to go back to theirs I could see Steve I use the flamethrower olive in there hopefully that does a little bit of damage to him a little bit of lasting damage okay this way now whoa nope go away go away all you evil Guardsmen you leave me alone yes I can't you got blade thanks why Steve saying my house cuz I tried to go in he's just camping inside oh yes blades hiding in the wall I was well I have no health let some plays gonna get the kill on me huh where he didn't get me oh nice so I'm gonna die in a second however I'll have enough time to search one more building so at least we'll know one more building isn't uh you know it doesn't have it or does have it maybe who knows it is the beacon I mean there's obsidian on top of one of these towers maybe might be up Steve hey the flamethrower is really really effective honestly ice in sight when I hear broke through the wall Oh Steve Steve Steve they're obscene it's not on top of their towers Steve is a bit hard to kill because I'm pretty sure he only has many guns oh did he just like a load himself up with like that sounds like a total Steve move anymore checking the last of the tower larges mhm by the looks of it I would say no really yeah I don't know I've checked one small tower and I've checked the the tower larges and nothing so strange I also just bamboozled him he went way up there meanwhile I'm already on my way down oh he notices that but it's too late sorry there blade I'm playing I'm being a sneaky snake okay I'm back so I'm inside their main castle now uh-huh and I'm not seeing anything later hmm okay let's check no not there I'm not sure did they hide there's as good as ours aren't even that a hidden that's the crazy part I don't think Steve's found even one of them yet okay let's go down here that do they find it that one no I keep finding like places where he's trying to look and there's nothing there no neither thing I think of is they must have hit like on the side of their towers maybe but I don't really I don't know I've checked every single tower and all the castles okay maybe inside like the downstairs here let's see what in the world is going on I don't know where it would be I'm gonna try and make a run for their base again hopefully I mean I I searched a lot that round I guess I'll check around the back like maybe they put it outside their castle walls I'm just not sure okay okay and go away go away thank you inning Steve managed to get one yeah we're down by one so that's not good okay I snuck past them so I'm back at their base so I snuck past one of them the other one is still here hmm but it's okay hopefully I found one of theirs they implanted it inside of the wall what like that's that's a ridiculous spot that's that's cheap borac one okay so we've gotten one now maybe that's for all them are then perhaps they're all inside the wall in walls maybe let me check the outside of this now no okay well at least we got one okay and no that doesn't look like that is even really survivable oh my goodness oh no what wait he's in our walls get back here he's inside our walls now he made me kill what's-his-face all right why is he not taking damage oh we're both all right I'm searching the outside of theirs now again and then I'm gonna go back inside the walls and see no I don't think it's here in which case we're going to check the inside okay okay let's see did they do the same thing twice I'm a hundred percent believe they would it was a good idea but it's only a matter of time so I found it no waiting for one of them to try some round the castle tactic okay no I'm not really sure what to make of this up it's coming back they're using their flamethrower all right yeah oh gosh one of them is here I don't know which one though as Steve's here right now okay so this is played again all right blade two and me see you over dere you ain't sneaky Steve's here okay okay scared them off I scared them off okay let me check like the outside of this part no there's like so many little areas that this could be like so many little places look see cranny that this could be oh man okay [Music] what about over here okay I check the then I don't have the slightest one up here no I'm like out of spots of this could be no not there not there either something on the side of one of these tall tall towers somewhere I don't know say I know they tread walls so probably put them anywhere close are they both here Oh probably the only other thing I've seen them do once before was on the inside of their wall they literally like put it as part of the wall but I don't know let's check these main little gate things is there might be one here yeah sure like the very could've done it in the walls like we had to break it in ours you know probably did something like that again possible yeah they're both here they're both here oh gosh hold down the fort a-alright blade still in the water somewhere he's actually probably breaking it and right now oh yeah P built over he built over oh great great alright I'll try and go to the top of this tower then alright drop see I'm looking around I'm gonna the only I can think of is inside of the towers the only less playset in check literally inside of the towers under the cap I believe in you I'm gonna try and keep you know gate guarded but they've been getting crafty not gonna lie yeah okay let's go DC way oh gosh I hear bullets but I don't see them and then they're clearly not hitting me with them suddenly not that big of a concern but no there's no way I was literally find one I was passing the front gate and I found one uh-huh oh of course alright that's to course gosh dang it I can't - they keep they keep hitting me off seeing one of them trying to build over now you know I see you it's okay go ahead build over bark - alright second one is gone I'm gonna take out Steve steve-o steve-o dinosaur crouching though oh gosh I hear the flamethrower already see just spam holding it down at the staircase entrance I believe it was actually burning he's literally burning it down why why is he burning it down oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what is he doing okay everything's on fire my assumption is he's burning at daggers are something important maybe the obsidians up here I don't know oh my gosh she's got me almost dead though there's no way he's not closed all right killed oh there he goes yep I killed him but I'm on fire right now and this is very bad looking is that it I can't tell I've no idea where blade went he I shot him around the side cuz he felt and he just disappeared I have a hunch I just is really bothering me like why he would opt to burn that thing to the ground you got I'd look at look oh yeah I did but I didn't see it there yeah I don't know it just seemed awfully suspicious of it all right reload of the minigun now it's the flamethrower let's head back over there side oh I was a hitting me stop hitting me in the head guards geez the flamethrower kills these guards and like a split second no yes okay here we go the moment of truth the big moment oh is that a name I see I don't know is that his name I see could it be a whilst you reveal yourself did he and the building continues to burn okay Steve went up in flames that is there I knew it I was like yes yeah I was like that I was like there's no way Steve just burned this down for no reason I looked and it was there I knew it I was like this it just doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense it there it is there it is nice wait is that the last one yeah that would be their last one but I should have wait to kill blade oh that's okay - fine all right time to rush him okay here we go come on as long as they don't shoot me here and Bourque three let's get him hey I'm coming final lives for these hooligans and I see one of them that I see bolt them actually let's see if I could flamethrower I'm making a shortcut through the church I'm Mike I got Steve oh nice blade might burn to death we'll see did it work okay so Steve's out blade is on fire and probably very very injured okay come on let's finish this game let's finish this game yeah I'm gonna shoot off with him right now no he's gonna pull through he got me he got me dang it oh my goodness we can't let him get to the end I hear a bunch of mini guns ringing out is that you or is that him I'm trying to clear out the front area it's gotten very saturated there is yeah GG and that right there everybody was Castle Wars that's it that's gonna do it thank you so much for joining us today we hope you had fun maybe there's big favor 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Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 616,483
Rating: 4.8912435 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, JeromeASF, youtuber, modded, mod, minigame, challenge, mod pack, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, how to, minecraft mod, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, pranking, prank, trolling, troll, mods, gameplay, tutorial, parody, no swearing, no cursing, animation, lets play, mini-games, mini games, showcase, minecraft animation, custom map, traps, funny, 1.12, playthrough, comedy, jerome asf, pixelmon, fortnite, bedwars, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4
Id: Vhn4RT1lgD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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