SURPRISE Mods in BLOONS with SSundee! INSANE Modded Bomb Shooter in Bloons TD Battles

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what's going on everyone my name is Ryan a tutti and today we're up against Sunday where we have two new modded towers never before seen that was just released we don't really know what they do so I'm actually gonna have the modded bomb tower and Sunday is going to have the modded wizard tower both of these towers have t6 upgrades apparently they're super awesome and super crazy I'm really excited and we're gonna see just which ones better we're gonna try it out it's probably gonna be super unbalanced and crazy but hey that's why we're here it's gonna be awesome so if you want to see more make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications without further ado let's hop in today's video wizard versus you got a cannon right I got a cannon so my wizard is modded he doesn't know what it is in his cannon is modded I have no clue I am really I'm super nervous and I'm super excited to see what happens right here right there perfect what what my doesn't do anything I just have like time and projectiles that's it well you know you need to mod your towers better or to do I want you shave facepalm it Hani's Blanca I'm like I'm so sad we're gonna see which is better his modded tower versus mine so far mines winning oh wait you got it okay you got a money tower down there we go I know I gotta get some money if I'm hoping to upgrade my tower at all so you said this money tower is also monitored right yes this is this is the time and this isn't grow bananas this grows pure diamond okay what oh I think things now right my tower is pretty good so I've got the them basically that I've got it's upgraded for to the left and to to the right but there's a fifth tier upgrade but it costs a hundred and seventy five thousand dollars duty I haven't upgraded my wizard once Holy's around eight and you have it okay you don't wanna I always do intense magic okay ice storm I stop what is ice on it's raining yeah I think my towers gonna win I think your towers gonna win - banana research facility okay what does this give now 6,600 I'm getting my first t5 upgrade it's called the cluster of doom oh my goodness oh wait that's what your Tower done it shoots rays of doom out of it I can't believe it how am I gonna beat that I don't know but wait there's another upgrade that I can get now I'm gonna do tornado tempest which is for oh wait that's not max wait what is it doing hold on hold on let's just do oh god here we go upgrade to your final tier for your tower yeah that's your sixth hour okay here we go what it spins it around that's so low B hey it breaks everything okay look at that dude look at the balloons on my seven just go flying back okay I have a horn on one two three I have 1.5 million what's up Rick 750,000 rainbow storm here we go rainbows what's that a tornado that just sucked up that's not fair that's not fair I want a refund out can we swap towers is that my max tier I can upgrade it 1 2 3 4 5 sway hold on 1 2 3 or 5 650 million dollars wait your Joe if I'm gonna give 50 billion dollars what is that okay oh my goodness okay I need more monkey farm I need more monkey farms you need way more monkey farms okay it's time that I try to see what the other upgrade is I'm a little nervous go ahead sell that sell it just god I am filling my entire area with uppercut and I need to do this twice right oh did you upgrade your other towel I'm sure I haven't gone all the way I'm really excited to see what it does okay God that little spinny thing is insane that's yeah okay so I'm probably gonna go with that so this one it's only 70,000 dollars there's called mini Mahler's mini mullux Mahler's we're gonna try okay watching oh yo what that's so cool okay also instead it sends out a lot of homing missiles yeah wait wait there's an upgrade for this it cost is that oh that way what is the right path dude I have a BIA what is that new okay this cost a million dollars yeah mine is fifty million that's so expensive how in the world does that ever happen okay so this bank just worked accumulates money oh oh okay oh okay wait did you just this is okay this is this is unfair this is unfair okay I'm fair by cost fifty million but you're not even at the final tier I'm at my final tier okay I'm not at actually I'm gonna try the final the final upgrade okay are you ready I'll get further for the purple one yeah all right I'm gonna sell I'm gonna sell this tower I'm gonna get it okay here we go this is the final upgrade what wait wait look at them what's happened what is happening what expanding okay okay oh my gosh oh no I got I got to get more banks to thanks to the wave are now too near my dad daddy oh no I think I might lose whoa that was so close I might I don't know which ones better than okay I gotta I gotta get all the money for the bank wait wait oh no okay I've changed I've changed my mind I've changed my mind I'm going the other one this one's too scary I'm too scared to use the other one all right 25 million now okay 25 million 25 million 25 million don't grab my attack sword attacks faster I'm gonna get more banks oh gosh dude this is not going well for the home team it's not going oh wait why I can't get it no wait can i no okay I'm just I've decided I'm gonna gonna put this guy here that's i I've put it I decided my towers I'm good I put my second million wait hold on if I click this is just 16 million oh I have 43 million you're so close my final form on my first Wizards another wizard to try out I'm so I have another Wizards on the right path here we go master of storms okay no no oh god room boom okay you should probably put both power stuff I think I have to put both powers down or else legend you have to like your system with is Moab dude let's see what these bombs oh okay okay timeout dream I'm saying I'm gonna send as oMG at you because I I have to see what happens okay I'm gonna send this what here it comes as oMG okay all right $10,000 okay here's a zone okay okay okay there goes to zoom okay and it's just a oh okay okay okay I'm struggling it's struggling I don't know it's struggling now yes yes go go no no don't buckle nope oh dang it yeah so you didn't mean so I still have my other wizard tower you can't even see your side of the screen though oh I know that yeah I know okay here we go there we go let's put this I don't know put it oh gosh I don't know where to put it um crap right there I I think I saw like something good happen something happened there okay I'm gonna collect all of my banks right now play isn't 78 million I have a hundred and fifty Oh what is going on like okay okay okay I have so much money too what is happening right now I'm sorry all right so now I'm gonna go up the right path with this this wizard tower okay I don't even know we're gonna see what happens should I delete my other one oh that's risky that's really risky especially with everything happening so everything Sabina Quigs 125 now that go white wait I see a fire thing I see I see I see like literally I see like Phoenix wings Oh No can you upgrade it to the next path wait did you see it's shooting rainbow what is happening right now okay so that is my maxed on the right path right okay okay the max on the left path on let me get rid of all these banks you thanks for getting Nora oh gosh there's a song I have to I have to see something okay I know this is gonna be ridiculous but you have your rainbow wings right what happens if you punched it to 100 quick put put down the village and upgrade it to 102 attack speed and just see what happens so what do I do I think if you put it your village down and you go all the way to the right to get the 100 attack speed boost I don't know what will happen I know it'll crash the game for my bombs but I don't think it'll crash the game for you I can barely hang on here this is getting so crazy tell that sell that okay so if I go all the way right so that's the 100 times thing a hole my goodness okay I'm gonna delete the the storm guy okay yeah that's probably a smart I'm gonna do one hundred times right okay I'm so nervous if this crashes huh I think we broke it that's don't go it's still going but barely all I see is just a rainbow on your screen oh that was awesome all right so I am gonna keep the master of storm I'm keeping the master of storage okay oh no oh no oh no I'm losing I might lose here oh no we're okay we're okay oh no what I thought you was I thought I lost you I thought I lost you that was so close that was way too close like that 19,000,000 quick ninety million all right so I'm gonna get rid of my my bright path wizard okay and I'm only gonna keep my left path wizard that's probably a smart call I have to I have to have both of my towers or else I just lose but yours cost like 10 times as much as mine so oh my goodness what are those there's so many okay we got we got my camera okay we're okay I panicked wait too hard there I was really this mom no oh no oh we deal with can't we take out the purple guy oh boy oh my goodness you're popping it wave oh my gosh but all of my bombs should be able to just oh no no no I don't think I could do it Tom Tom Tom oh no I'm not even popping mine though this is bad for me no this is oh no I can't pump it it's not pumping and won't pump it just lagging what is happening to your screen right now is that even a hunter time oh I can't I can't click on it you're liking my game too badly I think I lose I think I just lose there's no way I come back is way too open that was so crazy all right everyone that was it so the wizard apparently is just way too powerful for me to contest with that was just absolutely crazy I would have used it 100 times to text me but it literally crashes the game because there's so many Moab ala just running around and it's insane I hope you enjoyed if you have any ideas make sure to comment down below guys remember the most up voted comment we might just turn into a tower so if you want to see your ideas implemented into the modded series that we're doing here with Sundy make sure to tell me in the comments section down below alright everyone make sure to LIKE subscribe turn on notifications and comment down below I love you guys I'll see you guys later bye everyone whoa
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 394,376
Rating: 4.9135332 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD Battles, ssundee, Btd battles, bloons td battles ssundee, btd battles ssundee, ssundee bloons, btd 6, bloons td 6, gaming, mobile game, google play store, bloons td battles hacked, btd battles hacks, bloons td modded, bloons td mods, hacked, mods, modded, hacker vs hacker, bloons td battles hacker vs hacker, Bloons td battles hacks, bloons td battles mods, hacked wizard tower, hacked bomb tower, btd battles bomb tower, ssundee hacks, TrippyPepper, TrippyPepper hacks
Id: iQuI2GuZn4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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