How To Be Funny Without Trying

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we've all had moments where we wish we could think of something funny to say but our mind goes blank it sucks so in this video we'll go through easy ways to get a laugh in four different situations when someone else is talking when you get teased and need a comeback when you're asked a question and when you're telling a story and rather than go through examples where you need to be insanely witty these are purposefully some of the absolute easiest ways you can get a laugh do these consistently and people will love being around you so the easiest way to get a laugh when someone is talking is by non-verbally overreacting to what they've said here's a quick example with tom holland no they don't give anyone the scripts i did read the scripts did you yes they because they're not going to give you the script oh don't walk off come back this wordless walk-off is stupidly easy but it's surprisingly consistent at getting a laugh here's another example with mila kunis after shaq says he didn't watch the la dodgers in the world series what's wrong with you i'm a yankees fan [Music] if the walk-off feels too over the top for you you can also do a smaller non-verbal overreaction like shaq here i'm not like anti-gifts i just don't over gift my child because [Music] the next situation that people tend to go blank is when you're being playfully teased someone teases you and you want to banter back but you can't think of anything to say let's look at a good example of banter with kevin hart watch how he responds after charles barkley tries to tease him i see your new show where you sit in the hot tub your body ain't that good you can just walk around without your shirt off if we're ever going to talk about bodies i want you not to be the one to bring that conversation all right if you don't get out of here shaped like a bean bag [Laughter] did you notice that charles didn't get a laugh at his insult but kevin did that's because chuck's was just a diss but kevin's was an appearance analogy or said simply uh you look like joke in your own life generally avoid teasing something that's hard to change like weight or height instead if someone teases you fire back with a you look like joke about their clothes it gets a laugh and isn't hurtful to the other person like teasing a more permanent feature here's a quick example tell chuck don't nobody wear that many pieces in the suit no more it helps tremendously to smile while you say it so they know you're being playful unless you think that kevin is the only one this works for here's shaq getting kevin after kevin tries to tease him giving shaq these seven for one deals with these suits these are group packages are sold individually we do have to ask you brother how's that then i've used michael jackson billy jeans these you look like jokes about someone's clothes are fun easy comebacks for anytime someone teases you they'll get a laugh and put you in control the conversation without actually offending the other person appearance analogies like this are an easy way to get a laugh in stories as well here's an example with craig ferguson describing a pro tennis player but the thing was i was surprised because he had one little regular size arm and one giant yeah he looked like a crab that had lost a fight and you can see will didn't laugh until the analogy now let's talk about one of the most awkward social situations for a lot of people making small talk for most people making small talk means taking turns asking boring questions and giving boring answers a great habit for making small talk more fun and making people love talking to you is to get in the habit of giving an absurd answer it's stupidly basic but almost always gets a laugh here are a few quick examples and then we'll dive into how exactly you can do this you must be exhausted very tired i'm actually sleeping right now do you do the upside down ones what are they called i do the upside they're called the upside down i go to the gym you fly in this movie yes i but i i fly generally anyway [Music] yeah you may think this requires being quick on your feet but the truth is most of us get asked the same questions over and over for you it may be where are you from or what do you do the best thing you can do is think of the situations where you wish you could be funny and then think of the three most common questions you get asked in those situations then come up with a go-to absurd answer for each one you can improv anytime you like but this gives you an easy automatic joke to fall back on if your mind goes blank having watched thousands of hours of footage by now i can promise you that your favorite charismatic celebrity definitely has go-to jokes and stories they repeat it's okay if you do too if you aren't quite sure how to craft a funny response one fun framework is to purposefully misinterpret the question here's an example with conan and flulaborg so do you ever get insulted that many movies the last super easy way to make people laugh is simply to laugh as you tell a joke or funny story the goal isn't to fake this it's to focus on genuinely amusing yourself this lets you take advantage of the psychology of contagious laughter for example in this next clip notice that kevin hart initially tries to keep a straight face but when conan laughs he can't help but laugh how does your wife do it how does she do it i'll be honest she never seems quite happy [Music] in some cases this is big over-the-top laughter like with conan but other times it can be as simple as laughing with your eyes without needing to actually laugh out loud as you speak if you want to learn more about that subtler laughter with your eyes check out our video on george clooney called 5 easy steps to be effortlessly charming i'll link to that at the end of this video this next clip is the one that inspired this point in it shaq is trying to stay mad at charles barkley for cutting him off but watch how the laughter of the crew affects shaq i'm not saying no jokes shaq tries to stay mad but can't because they're all laughing you can see he starts to smile and laugh even though he doesn't want to and there you have it four simple ways to make people laugh and love being around you if you want to learn more about how to make people love being around you you may like our video program charisma university we've had thousands of members joined so far and people often write in crediting the program for helping them get a new job or a promotion new friends and a better dating life i'd love for you to do the same if you want to learn more about it you can click the link on screen now or in the description below either way i hope you enjoyed this video a big thank you to our editing team for the hard work they put into making it thank you so much for watching it and i look forward to seeing you in the next one
Channel: Charisma on Command
Views: 1,712,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charisma on command, charismaoncommand, coc, charlie houpert, charisma, tom holland, charisma on command tom holland, craig ferguson, charisma on command craig ferguson, charisma on command humor, charisma on command comedy, comedy, humor, how to, how to be funny, how to be funny with girls, how to be funny in conversation, how to be funny charisma on command, george clooney, mila kunis, shaquille oneal
Id: ZHxsBom4EIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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