6 Clear Signs A Woman Wants You

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we've all been there before you're talking to someone you like and you can't quite tell if they're flirting with you or just being friendly mrs robinson you're trying to seduce me [Music] aren't you you might feel this uncertainty when talking to someone you've just met or maybe with someone you've known for a while but have trouble reading either way in this video we'll go through 6 subtle signs you can look for to figure out if someone is attracted to you one quick note before we begin for visual aids we'll be looking at clips from celebrities but given that the cameras are rolling and these are actors it doesn't necessarily mean these people are attracted to each other also no single sign guarantees anything but if you see several of them together you'll start to get a clear picture of how the person feels about you superhero film we've all seen a bunch of superhero films the first subtle sign that someone is attracted to you is something you might see while speaking with them or you might catch it even before being in conversation it's preening examples of preening are standing up straighter playing with or fixing their hair straightening their clothes or playing with jewelry you can probably think back to a time when you did this while talking to someone attractive here's an example from margot robbie that bullied him on the boardwalk on his way home one day yeah i was bully number two i think these are things we all do some of the time but when we're looking at someone we're attracted to we do it for longer periods of time or more frequently so if you notice someone fix their hair once it might not mean anything but doing it a lot can be a subtle sign they're interested in you for example watch a few moments with craig ferguson and kate mara her words give away that she's flirting in the first clip but for yourself you want to pay attention to the body language even during the more innocent parts of conversation i like to do the shoulder pads and heels and then nothing else oh yeah that's uh it's all right what else do you want to talk about i love dunkin donuts coffee no no he's not he's not he's not a donut horse he's a regular yeah he's a horse people preen subconsciously as a combination of nervous fiddling and a desire to make themselves look better so in this next clip notice how catherine's hair touch comes after craig calls her out on something yeah toronto's crazy by the way i like that little do you feel that little leg thing happen in there yeah yeah you are a black belt aren't you as you just saw touch can be another sign that someone is attracted to you but not every touch means the same thing there's two kinds of touches to look out for that are subtle signs someone is attracted to you the first is a drag touch or lingering touch for example notice how this woman's hand stays touching the guy for as long as she can can i get another egg absolutely i'm so glad you're here yeah i don't know which way i'll just go this way a hug can definitely be platonic but if afterwards someone drags their hand across your arm or down your body rather than immediately disconnect it might be a sign of something more here's a quick comparison of a platonic hug versus a drag touch the drag touch won't always be that obvious so here's a more subtle example it goes quickly watch how instead of dropping her hand after the hug she drags it across cristiano's back basically not disconnecting completely until the last moment she can so next time you hug someone and you aren't quite sure how they feel about you pay attention to whether they quickly disconnect or let their hands linger that said not every touch needs to be drawn out in order to be a sign of interest the second touch related sign that someone is attracted to you involves little touches but frequent unnecessary little touches here's an example of an unnecessary touch it's just the two of them speaking so she could have said this without touching his arm i could tell you again later you can tell me again later that'd be fine one unnecessary touch doesn't necessarily mean anything on its own it's when you see several back to back that it becomes a sign of attraction here's a quick example i've been studying you you've been studying me yeah and i've been wondering what's going on here and well i sort of like created the link between this and this is there a link there is there something is there a theme running yeah it's a you know it's a service because i'm guessing how far that's going yeah there were actually more states now as i think about it keep going i can get up don't make a joke out of that none of those touches on their own mean anything after all some people are just touchy so what you really want to pay attention to is if someone is touchier with you than with other people that shows they may be attracted to you now in times of social distancing you might not see a lot of touching so another subtle sign you should pay attention to is where someone points their body for example here's robert downey jr having a platonic conversation with craig ferguson slight correction it's not the number one movie in america it's the number one movie worldwide he phases his legs and body to the audience only turning his neck to look at craig compare that to this conversation where the woman is completely perpendicular to her chair looking at the two side by side it's obvious who's engaging more with craig here's another example where you can see a change in body language during the conversation notice how tiffany starts with her body fairly even between james corden and jay but as the flirting starts she cheats her body more and more towards jay that's a good madden pi which has mondays at nine on cbs so you didn't answer my question though can we go to break please she even keeps her body facing jay while james corden is speaking you're never going to break him if you see someone point their body towards you even while they talk to someone else that's a great sign that the person is interested in you closely tied to this is another body related sign that someone is attracted to if they lean their body towards you this can be done in a variety of ways the obvious example would be while speaking to you like this a less obvious time that you might see this and not realize it's happening is if they fall towards you while laughing she easily could have fallen backwards or to the other side but she fell to the side that put her closer to craig this could just be by chance but it may also be a subconscious desire to get closer to you for a quick comparison watch alice eve with fairly neutral body language with conan although she is facing him and compare it to her body language with craig i grew very quickly i grew like three feet in a year and uh what you can't pick and choose like well i suppose you can actually yeah yeah you can no i feel bad country it is a free country you're absolutely right well done alice for reminding us that it's a free country the last sign someone may be attracted to you is likely to happen before you're even speaking to them it's the smiling eye dart here's a great example in this case henry cavill is looking at her first but normally it'll be when you catch them looking at you our series so we also were talking about how to make sure that we bring her in early enough it's normal for someone to look away when you accidentally lock eyes with them so what you're looking for is that sheepish smile while they look away that's a tell that they feel like they've been caught meaning they were likely purposefully looking at you perhaps because they have a crush on you or are checking you out so now you know some subtle signs that someone is feeling attracted to you but what if you're realizing that you don't get these signs thrown your way as often as you'd like one of the fastest ways to make yourself more attractive is to boost your charisma and your confidence if that's something you're interested in seriously committing to you should check out our program charisma university it's a step-by-step 30 day video series that comes with a daily action guide that's guaranteed to show you exactly what to do each day to take your charisma and confidence to the next level and if for whatever reason you don't then you get a full refund just by pushing a button inside the course thousands of people have gone through charisma university so far and had great results here's what a few of them have said thank you you changed my life it's so much easier for me to connect with people all of my relationships have improved and i am able to make new friends anywhere in any situation i never expected such remarkable outcomes from a simple online routine this course completely changed my mindset on how to approach people and think about myself it has undoubtedly made a significant impact on my life everything in my life has improved from loving myself and others more to creating and developing amazing external relationships there's so much more joy in my life and cu has been a huge reason for it if you're interested in the 30-day program to become more confident and more charismatic you can click the link on screen now or in the description below either way i hope you enjoyed today's video and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Charisma on Command
Views: 6,420,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charisma on command, charismaoncommand, coc, charlie houpert, charisma, charisma on command flirting, charisma on command dating, body language attraction, signs of attraction, signs a girl likes you, signs she likes you, body language signs, signs he likes you, signs someone likes you, body language signs she likes you, how to tell if a girl likes you body language, does she like me, female body language, signs he likes you but is hiding it, signs he likes you secretly
Id: fhGFHWouHHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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