4-hour Billionaire's £99 Soft Serve Challenge! How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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Hi I didn’t have a YouTube channel to comment, but I really want to know: how much would it cost you “per cone” if you did a batch? (IE how it compares to £99)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlueSnoopy4 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
Welcome to How To Cook That i'm Ann Reardon and  this week we are recreating the Billionaires   Soft Serve ice cream that costs 99 pounds and  I'm gonna get my boys to compare it to a normal   Choc Top ice cream to see which one is better.  Apparently it takes four hours to make one!   Let's do it and see ... ready set go! Firstly  some caramel, put some sugar and some water   and some glucose syrup into a pan and stir  over high heat until the sugar is dissolved.   Wash down the sides of the pan using  lots of water and a wet pastry brush.   You can see the little sugary granules on the side  of the pan here and if we don't wash those down   once we've made the caramel it will then  crystallize and it won't be like caramel anymore.   Then we just leave that to boil unstirred  and that can take a few minutes so while I'm   waiting because the clock is ticking, I'm going to  heat up some passionfruit and then add into that   some grated fresh ginger and give it a stir. Once  that's nice and hot i'm just going to turn off the   heat. The reason I was heating it up was so that  ginger flavor can infuse into the passionfruit   liquid. Back to the caramel those bubbles have  slowed down and it's starting to look golden so   now I'm going to add in the milk. Be careful when  you do that that you don't get burnt by all the   steam that comes off and I obviously need to swap  to a bigger pan and there we go ... add the cream   and give it a stir then you want to let that  bubble away until it reaches 107 degrees C.   Pour it into a heat proof bowl and sprinkle on  some salt. Now i know this looks really runny   right now but trust me it will thicken up as it  cools and it will be perfect. Because i'm trying   to make this quickly I'm going to put the bowl in  a sink of cold water to take out the heat faster   water is really good at drawing the heat out of  things. Back to our passionfruit and ginger I'm   going to strain that through a sieve because  I don't want the seeds and I don't want those   little chunks of ginger. Just stir it with a spoon  to get as much of the liquid through as possible   and then that looks pretty good. Pour that into  a blender and add a tin of mango. Puree them   together until it's smooth and then tip it into a  ziploc bag flattening it out so that it can chill   faster and put that into the freezer just to get  it really cold. Now for the ice cream ... heat the   milk in a pan and all these recipe quantities are  on the HowToCookThat.net website for you so you   can make it at home too. Instead of using sugar  I'm going to use some of the salted caramel that   we just made and that will make the soft serve  that salted caramel flavor that we're after.   Whisk that together with the egg yolks and then  whisk that into the hot milk. Now technically   you should really add some of the hot milk into  the yolks first to temper them but if you whisk   really fast you can get away with doing it  this way and I'm in a hurry. Heat that up to   78 degrees centigrade or 178 degrees F and then  remove it from the heat and add in the cream   and again because I want this to chill quickly I'm  going to pour it into a Ziploc bag place it flat   in the freezer. Moving on to the chocolate sorbet  ... oh my goodness I've used up 40 minutes of my   time already! Okay put the water into a pan and  add some sugar and cocoa powder and whisk that   over the heat this makes a really dark chocolate  sorbet, if you didn't want it quite so dark   then you could leave out some of the cocoa  I guess and yes you guessed it once that's   all ready pour it into a bag so that it can cool  quickly. The mango ginger passionfruit mixture is   now chilled enough so I can cut off the corner  and add it into the ice cream bowl to churn.   Now I will save a little bit of this mixture for  the sauce because that was also mango passionfruit   and ginger flavored so I'm assuming it's the  same thing, it tastes really good as it is.   While that's churning I need to move on so let's  make the macarons. Sift together the almond meal   and icing sugar and then whip together the egg  whites sugar and red food coloring until you get   stiff dry peaks. Add the almond meal mixture  and fold the two together until it looks the   thickness of slowly flowing lava. Pipe that  onto lined baking trays ... now i've got   enough mixture to make three trays of macaroon  shells, I only need two shells per ice cream so   this is eating into my time. I don't even know  if they make their own shells at the ice cream   place or if they just buy them but anyway,  bang the tray on the bench to smooth the tops   and get rid of any air bubbles and bake them.  Time to check on the mango sorbet that's ready,   so i'm just going to put that in a container in  the freezer. Now put the chocolate gelato on to   churn. This is actually a second ice cream bowl,  I have more than one of these, you can't just   use the same one twice unless it's been back in  the freezer it has to be really cold or it's not   actually going to work. To make a chocolate spoon  with a pattern you're going to need to cut out   some chocolate transfer sheet and you'll need a  spoon mold of course. Add some tempered chocolate.   Now I'm making enough to make one for everyone  in the family because on Saturday nights during   lockdown we've been having a movie night at  home with homemade choc-tops. Melbourne has   had the longest lockdown in the world apparently  so we've been entertaining ourselves. Time to   decorate the cones ... now the lady at the shop  said it takes 20 minutes to make one of these.   Now I agree it is time-consuming because you  have to place each decoration separately with   a pair of tweezers. I found that if you put it  on its side and you can kind of drop each one   on rather than trying to hold it in place till it  sets it is much quicker and I can do one of these   in about six minutes rather than 20 minutes. How  much time have i got left on my timer? 37 minutes   what?! There's so much more left to do. Okay  white chocolate salted caramel truffles,   I would normally make my own truffle cases but  theirs looked like they'd bought them. You can   buy hollow truffle shells like this from chocolate  companies and then just fill them yourself.   This is of course the salted caramel that we  made at the very start, so we'll just fill   each of those up and then you just close off the  base with a bit more tempered white chocolate.   I would of course prefer these in milk chocolate  instead of white chocolate but I just don't love   white chocolate what's your preference? Milk,  dark white? Let me know in the comments. Oh   gosh I'm cutting this fine, the ice cream needs to  churn for 15 minutes ... I should have put this on   earlier ... go go go! Okay while that's churning  I need to make the pecan brittle, put some sugar   into a pan with a little bit of water let it boil  wash down the sides of the pan with water just   like we did before and while this is boiling put  the pecans into an oven to warm while we wait for   this to go golden and then when it's ready pour  it over the pecans. Having the nuts and the tray   hot just gives you a little bit longer to stir  this around and make sure they're all covered,   it does start to set pretty quickly though so you  don't have long. Chuck some isomalt into a pan and   melt it and then pour it into a diamond shape mold  and level it off ... oh no! I was so close, well   sort of I'm nearly up to assembly. Can I finish it  off? Yes, I'm gonna keep going. All right get the   pecan brittle and chop it into smaller bits and  then put some caramel on a flake and wrap it in   a 100% pure gold leaf ... now make sure you don't  use gold leaf that's for art because that often   contains other heavy metals that are dangerous  for us to eat. Gold itself we don't digest,   it just goes straight through it is tasteless so  it has no function except for just to look pretty.   Take the isomalt diamonds out of their mold,  isomalt also has no taste so this is just for   looks too. Dip the top of the macaron shell into  some white chocolate and then add those isomalt   diamonds on top and sprinkle with edible glitter.  Gently take the spoons out of the mold and remove   the transfer sheet. The patterns on these  transfer sheets are just colored cocoa butter.   Our ice cream is now churned and all of  our parts are finally ready to assemble.   Put the peanut brittle into the base of the cone,  this is really yummy you should just make yourself   some of this. Then pipe in some salted caramel  soft serve add a ball of mango sorbet followed   by a ball of dark chocolate sorbet. I have a whole  tub of this stuff we only needed a little ball.   Top with a generous amount of salted caramel ice  cream ... apparently the finished one should weigh   300 grams and I think we're gonna make that really  easily. Add the gold-coated flake and a spoon,   it's quite tricky to get these in because of those  sorbet balls that are under the ice cream. Now a   pipette of mango ginger and passionfruit sauce.  Add a white chocolate salted caramel truffle,   a diamond-encrusted macaron and  another sheet of gold right on the top.   Now that did take me four and a half hours to make  one soft serve ice cream! But now that I have all   those elements made, making a second one only  takes 10 minutes. I'll get my boys to rate these   in a minute but first a word from today's sponsor.  The LG XBOOM Go pl2 Jellybean speakers, you can   get these in sour lemon, bubblegum or ice mint.  They've partnered with Meridian so the speakers   give a balanced and clear sound and let me show  you something cool. You only need one of these but   if you happen to buy two you can have your music  playing on one and you can play that from songs   on whatever music service you use and then if you  press this little button on the inside of each one   and then just wait a second, then you can pair  them together for dual play and double the output.   If you want to turn the volume up, press  it on one and it goes up on both and down.   Or you can of course control it from your phone.  If you press sound boost it seems to boost the   bass on both to give bit more of a party sound  and if you pause it so you can talk it pauses on   both of them. They've got 10 hours of battery  life and are splash-proof so you can use them   by the pool. Okay let's see how the boys rate the  Billionaire's soft serve ... what rating would you   give it out of 10? Um i really love the pecans  at the bottom so I'd probably give it an 8.5.   The dark chocolate sorbet was a hit and the ginger  in it was a nice touch as well. I think I'd give   it an 8. I really liked the flake so I think I  would give it a 7 out of 10. The Billionaire's   soft serve costs 99 pounds. 99 pounds that's  like $200 that's insane! Pounds? That's crazy   expensive. That is an awful amount of money. Now  to see if you think it's worth even half of that   price ... as you know normally on a Saturday  movie night we would have a homemade Chop Top,   what if next Saturday night you could have another  Billionaire's ice cream or you could have a choc   top and an LG XBOOM Go pl2 jellybean? I'd take  the speaker for sure. What color? Um, the ice mint   one. That looks good. Ice mint it is. Thank you  very nice. I would prefer to have the normal Choc   Top and the jellybean speaker. Wise boy and  what color would you like? Uh watermelon.   Watermelon is a limited edition one you actually  can't buy this at the shops they just sent one   of those to us and here's your chop-top.  Definitely the jellybean and the chocolate.   What color would you like? Oh um, I would  like the sour lemon one thanks, I thought   that one looked really sick. Sour lemon and a choc  top! Perfect that leaves me with the bubblegum   and I am going to run a competition for my patrons  to give the bubblegum one away. So if you are a   patron make sure you go over to the Patreon page  and enter the competition there. If you're not a   patron, you can join them and I do want to say  thank you to all of my patrons for being so   wonderful and thank you for all of your support  I really appreciate it. You can check out more   indulgent desserts here. Make it a great week by  being kind to others and I'll see you on Friday.
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 1,008,392
Rating: 4.9588456 out of 5
Keywords: worth it?, worlds most expensive, most expensive ice cream sundae, most expensive dessert, ann reardon, joshua weissman ice cream, binging with babish, best cooking channel on youtube, how to cook that, selfridges, ice cream, soft serve, hoe made, from scratch, homemade ice cream, ice cream recipe, creamy ice cream, best ice cream recipe, how to make home made ice cream, youtube recipes, mango sorbet, passionfruit, chocolate sorbet, pecan brittle recipe
Id: akSOxP70FMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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