Debunking Can you make ICE in a microwave? Debunking Fake Videos Ann Reardon 2021

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That buttered shoe bit is so ridiculous. What the hell?

The hack doesn't work, and now I have butter on my shoes.

👍︎︎ 130 👤︎︎ u/Tersphinct 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

The part where she briefly talked about how amazing her husband is for no other reason than she loves him was absolutely adorable.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/snoobsnob 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love Ann Reardon!

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/suntorytimo 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I just imagined AR doing one of these for the "you suck at cooking" videos.

"I went to my local creek and could not find any avocados there. Also no matter how many times I toss these Brussel sprouts against the counter, they do not turn into peas."

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/Beilke45 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fake it until you bake it.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/LetDuncanDie 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

"The hack failed, and now I have butter on my shoes."

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/JuRoJa 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad she is back.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/dontcareitsonlyreddi 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ann Reardon is a saint.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/scxrlxrd 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

The frozen candle one is kind of obvious. If you look at their side by side the one on the right seems to have the wick flickering much faster.

It's obviously a composite shot.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/cmrdgkr 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
Welcome to How To Cook that I'm Anne Redolalala ... I don't usually get that bit wrong! Welcome to  How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and you guys   overwhelmed me in the poll asking for another  debunking video, so let's test out some more   viral how-to videos to see if they're telling  the truth and you really can do it that way   or if they're faking them. So let's start  with the channel we haven't seen before   on debunking but you guys sent me this video  so many times. I do really appreciate you   submitting in videos for me to review the best  place to do that is probably on twitter if you   send me the link then i've got that there so this  is from tastemade uk and they did a frosting hacks   video so we'll start with this first cake. what  they did is they took some lindor chocolates what   it looks like lindor or chocolate balls to me cut  them in half and put them on top of a frosted cake   looks easy enough so far then they  take a hair dryer and they melt the   lindor balls and spread it over the top of  the cake as well and add some fruit on top   perfect perfect drip cake we've done things with  hairdryers and cakes before and it just melts the   frosting and you can even see that in their video  if we rewind back let me show you these side by   side they've got before and after they magically  change from these mixed melted frosting crooked   drips into perfectly straight chocolate that has  no frosting in it but as always let's actually   give it a go and see what it looks like if  we do what they said grab some lindor balls   these are surprisingly difficult  to cut perfectly in half.   Then place them around the top of  the cake and bring on the hair dryer   clearly i need to push these down a bit into  the cake to stop them getting blown off the top   now before i added these chocolates i actually  had this cake in the fridge for a couple of   hours to give the frosting the best chance of  surviving the heat of the hair dryer as always   i try and give it the best chance of working  now to cover the top how they had it i need to   blow some of that chocolate into the middle  too that's looking covered but we've still   got these lumps of chocolate everywhere oh dear  i'll just try and cover that area with a little   bit more chocolate and then i think i'd better  stop there because it's not getting any better   it just doesn't look great even adding fruit  on top is not going to rescue this cake   if you do want to make a quick drip cake  here is my version of what i would do   take your already frosted cake and then grab some  ice magic or magic shell depending where you live   what it's called and start in the middle adding  it in a circular motion and when you get nearer   to that edge just add a little bit more where you  want it to drip down you don't need heaps just   enough to let it flow over the edge then you can  add the fruit on top on one side doesn't that just   look beautiful and you're done a really simple  easy drip cake or if you prefer you can of course   use lindor balls and a hairdryer i'll leave that  choice up to you, I know which one I would prefer.   Okay moving on to the next video this one is  by five minute crafts it's called 'stunning   hacks you must try' ... we will try! It says a  chilled candle burns longer. now this hack has   been circulating on websites for years it says put  your candles in the fridge and they'll last longer   but i've never actually tested it the thing that  makes me a little bit dubious about it is you put   something in the fridge it gets cold obviously but  you take it out it doesn't stay cold for that long   and candles that size typically burn for many many  hours so i would have thought the chill factor   is going to wear off pretty quickly and then is  it actually going to make that much difference,   i don't know so let's set up a time lapse and see  if it really does burn down that fast these two   have been in the fridge for six hours and these  two have just been at room temperature which in   australia and summer is quite warm so let's light  these up and then put it onto time lapse this   time lapse goes over five hours and after which  time i needed to blow out the candles so that i   could go to bed because you can't leave candles  on unsupervised now on the pink one you can see   that more of the wax has melted but the  level hasn't gone down with the purple one   it looks like this one was melting faster than the  other one but if i turn it around you can see this   side is also melting and if i turn this one around  you can see that this side is not melting because   it's just the position of the wick in the candle  is not quite central so the side that the flame   was closer to was melting faster than the other  but the level of wax is the same after five hours   on all four candles so did it make any difference  at all well if we have a look at these candles in   the morning once they've been allowed to go cold  you can see the wax level is exactly the same   on both of them so despite one of them getting a  bit of a head start on melting the wax it didn't   actually use the wax up they're still just at the  same level and that was burning for five hours i'm   pretty sure that by five hours they're both the  same temperature the advantage of being chilled   in the beginning will have worn off by then so  i'm saying this one's fake but just to be certain   let's do another test with some really small party  candles because obviously they're going to burn   quicker we can compare them even more this one has  been in the freezer for three hours and this one   has been at room temperature pause and put in the  comments which one you think will last the longest   they are neck and neck so far the frozen candle  was supposed to last longer according to five   minute crafts but it looks like it can't stand  the heat and it's all over the room temperature   candle outlasted the frozen one by a couple of  seconds which scientifically could be because   that one was lit first which probably makes  those couple of seconds difference so in reality   they're burning at the same rate exact same time  don't waste your time putting it in the freezer.   Okay what have we got next the same video tells us  that if you have creases in your brand new shoes   then you go to your kitchen and brush softened  butter onto the side of your shoe then put them   in the freezer for two hours at which point the  creases and the butter have disappeared and they   look like brand new shoes! okay well let's test  this one out ... it's not like they would have   switched the shoes on us in the freezer is it  😉 I have a shoe here with a crease just there   where it folds when you're walking so i'm going  to dip this in some butter and brush it on such   a shame to waste shoes the things i do for you  guys gosh debunking is very wasteful then pop that   into the freezer and freeze it for two hours after  which time i have a shoe with frozen butter on it   at least it's frozen so it does come off in chunks  the crease is exactly the same as it was before   but now i have butter in the little holes and the  stitching which is obviously going to attract dirt   and it's just gross and it's really hard to get  out. The hack doesn't work and now i have butter   on my shoes. Why youtube continues to promote this  rubbish how-to content that just has fake hacks   on it i'll never know i personally think it's  devaluing the platform by promoting this rubbish   i mean fake how-to content is not new there's  videos from years and years ago that were on   the platform but the difference is they never  used to get millions of views they used to get   a small number of views and that was that but  these people have managed to game the algorithm   and be doing really well and youtube  seems to be doing nothing about it.   Let's take a look at this video from seven  years ago where a guy dresses in a lab coat   and then he carefully explains how to reverse  the polarity of electricity to your microwave   while warning you not to do it at home and then  they put a beaker of water into the microwave   and instead of boiling the water, well you can  see for yourself the results are spectacular   the 100 milliliters of liquid have been turned  into ice. So let's test that one out here it   goes i have my glass of water into the modified  microwave turn it on and a few minutes later what that's not cold that's not ice what is it? That's slime! Now in case you're in any doubt you  can't reverse the polarity of electricity to your   microwave and make it make ice or slime both  of those were faked. It's as if the microwave   and many different things in the kitchen that  you just open and close have become the magic   hat that magicians used to use you know the big  black top hat and they'd pull out a rabbit in this   case we just put something into the microwave and  pull out something else and trick the audience.   Let's look at another five minutes crafts video  she spills her water all over her notebook   dries it with paper towel and then she puts it  in the freezer shut the door open it and there   we have a brand new notebook it's not even that  good a magic trick but i'm gonna try it anyway   so if i spill water all over my notebook the  first thing i do is try and rescue my computer   and my phone because i'm more worried about  them in the notebook and then if you dry it off   then put it in the freezer and see what happens  now for comparison's sake i'm going to spill water   on another notebook and do what i would normally  do if i wet a notebook and that is dry at first   and then separate the pages so they don't stick  together put it over something rounded to keep   the pages separate and then blast it with a hair  dryer now once it's completely dry i put that   under a heavy book to flatten it again so this is  the one that i dried with the hairdryer and put   under the weight and you can still see some water  damage there you can tell that the pages have been   wet especially that first page but overall  it's not too bad it's usable as a notebook   all right let's check the one in the freezer  it's still all bent on the cover it doesn't   magically straighten like theirs did and the  pages are actually frozen together in a solid   tank trying to get these apart is damaging the  pages and as soon as it comes to room temperature   of course you just have a wet book it's not going  to dry in the freezer so it's really obvious that   they switched the notebook out for a brand new  notebook when you close the freezer it's just   not that entertaining a magic trick to watch.  I'd rather watch someone who was good at magic   do a trick like this guy ... i make all  three travel from one fish bowl to another   here comes the first one just a shake like  this it jumps from this fish bowl over to this   fish boil that's one first one across watch  number two just a shake number two goes across.   If you want to know how to do that magic trick  then you can go and watch Jay on his channel   he actually explains how to do that trick  and hundreds of other magic tricks it's far   more entertaining than watching five-minute  crafts open and close a freezer or open and   close a microwave and pretend that something  has happened when it hasn't. Alright we need   to make something edible so Dave has something  to taste let's have a look at this next one.   Grab some skittles he does like skittles,  put them into the waffle machine then add   pop sticks and boom huge skittle lollipops! Now i  didn't own a waffle maker so i had to go buy one   for this video and let's see what happens add  an entire packet of skittles i know that they   didn't do this but i'm going to spray one section  with cooking oil to see if it helps at the end   add more skittles and then add the pop sticks  on top close the lid push it down a bit and then   they set theirs to maximum so i'm going to do the  same thing now it's only been on for one minute   and we're already getting smoke so let's turn  it off and take a sneak peek oh melted skittles   i'll leave that to cool it does say these are  quick desserts and one hour later it's still   warm on the top and ow it's still hot on the  edges so this is not going to be quick at all   it's been three hours and it finally feels  cold so let's open it up and take a look   well these pop sticks are just sitting on top  of course because when things melt they go down   not up it's not like we're making waffles which  have baking powder in so they rise and expand to   fill the waffle iron as they cook. nope the  skittles are set solid and impossible to get out   I'm gonna have to turn it on again for a moment to  try and melt a little bit of the skittles and save   the waffle maker. that one that I greased came out  ... awesome Dave can taste that one in a minute   but the rest just don't want to  budge I'm gonna have to spend   hours cleaning this mess up. Let's get  Dave to taste the one that did work... It's a bit like a burnt gummy waffle but  uh it's not a pleasant eating experience.   What's wrong with ordinary skittles? why'd you  have to put in a waffle maker? Let's try a new   channel ratatar i think it's called they're  testing trend tik tok hacks in real life   even better than i am now if i zoom out on that  video you can see that it's had 5.4 million   views that's a lot of views. now by the style of  that video because it's very kiddy, i'm assuming   that most of those views are coming from kids  not from adults or older teenagers i know my   teenagers would not watch that content i don't  even think Jedd would watch that content. If we   scroll down though on the video you can see the  comments are switched on, so why does it matter   that the comments are switched on why am i looking  at that well you may or may not remember back   in 2019 youtube got in big trouble for showing  targeted ads to children you're allowed to show   ads to kids you just can't collect their personal  data from other things they've looked at and then   target them specifically youtube got around this  by saying no kids were on their platform you had   to be over 13 to download their app so therefore  no kids were viewing youtube but then at the same   time they were boasting about how many views their  kids content was getting especially things like   nursery rhyme channels and the ftc said hang on  a minute adults aren't watching nursery rhymes   so they find them a whopping 170 million dollars  for violating the children's online privacy act   so you've probably heard the word COPPA bouncing  around on youtube for a while so now to protect   themselves from getting that fine again youtube  added a little box that we have to tick when we   upload a video that says is this video made for  kids i.e is the video targeted at children under   13 as the primary audience for it now if it is and  you tick yes the comments also get turned off so   we can tell in this video that they've ticked no  this is not made for kids which means targeted ads   can appear against it which gives them higher  ad revenue which is their motivation for ticking   no it's not made for kids, but clearly to me  this video looks like it is made for kids and   that made me have a look at some other ones as  well if we look here at five minute crafts play   it also has comments turned on their videos too  and if we go to the channel and then scroll down   to some of their older videos and click on that  you can see that this channel used to be called   five minute crafts kids so clearly that whole  channel was aimed at kids and the comments   are still switched on even though the start  of the video says five minute crafts kids.   Anyway let's go back to the waffle maker because  they said they were trying tik-tok hacks in real   life and I just don't know if what they showed  was in real life so we'll take some m&m's and   add them into our waffle maker. switch it  on for just a minute and then take a look   we have burning chocolate and melted cracked m&ms,  it's not looking good but I reckon I can at least   rescue this a little bit by adding some chunks  of chocolate over the top and just letting that   melt with the machine turned off. This would of  course be far better done in a silicon mold and   just melting the chocolate properly so that you  don't burn your chocolate but at least I might   have something salvageable that I can give  to Dave. Oh wow all right well that helps... oh gee. It's been in the fridge what the m&ms was supposed to melt into the  shape of the waffle-maker. they were supposed to   magically turn into waffles with m&ms. oh well you  know if that happened I'd be amazed, that would be   five minute magic! Dave and I have actually been  married for 25 years we had our silver wedding   anniversary the other week and I just want to  say he is the most amazing, loving, creative   unbelievable guy, he's like the dream husband  and he even eats bad food on camera for me!   He's just great, I just want to tell you that he's  really cool. 💕 Okay let's have a look at another   video let's look at one of the frosting ones from  tastemade UK they had so many in that one video.   Okay they've got an easy bundt cake pour ...put  a small cake tin over the top of a bundt cake   and pour heaps of frosting in then add some  cocoa powder lift the cake tin and watch it   in slow motion spread over the sides of the cake  and then slice. I like the way they stop the video   right before it's gonna spill onto the counter  like you can just see that happening but anyway   let's give it a go. I have my bundt cake  and a cake tin so I'll pour in that frosting   shake on some cocoa powder and then lift the  cake tin now we have a little bit going on   the outside but interestingly most of it seems  to be going down the middle and under the cake   it's found an easier way to get out here and  so it is just coming out underneath the cake   all right I'm going to have to clean up that  mess I'm not making another bundt cake so we're   going to use the same one again but first of all  what I'm going to do is put some melted chocolate   at the bottom of the cake and put that in the  fridge to set first so that we end up with a   hard disk that will hopefully stop the frosting  being able to run out underneath the cake now   that's set we can do attempt number two. That's  looking better perfect and now we can cut a slice   and clean the frosting off the counter all over  again 😂 I mean apart from not telling you that it   can go under if you don't seal it actually looks  okay and it tastes okay it's just really messy I   don't really get the point of letting it all just  go everywhere apart from it looks good on camera   but not necessarily in real life but anyway  the same video from tastemade has ice cream   frosting ... good old ice cream frosting we've  seen that before from a different channel haven't   we? Now so yummy said that you could whip the  ice cream frosting into a really thick spreadable   pipeable frosting which is impossible it doesn't  matter what you do it's just not going to whip   thick. Their's at least is making a thinner  icing but let's have a look i still think   that they are not telling the truth here ... so  they had 12 scoops of ice cream which they melted   and then added one sieve full of icing sugar.  Now as i said no matter how long you whip that   for it is not going to whip up into a thick  frosting it's always going to be a runny liquid.   It just doesn't have enough fat in it now i've  whipped this for eight minutes and as you can   see it's still liquid so what if they've got the  proportions a bit wrong? let's see if we add some   more icing sugar we'll add another cup to it and  mix it in and another cup mix that in another one   mix it in and it's still really really runny you  couldn't pipe that but hey let's add another cup   of icing sugar and mix that in after adding six  additional cups of icing sugar it's still so   runny you could use this as a glaze on donuts  but not as piped icing rather than just keeping   on adding more and more icing sugar and wasting so  much I'm going to do this in reverse let's start   with one sip full of icing sugar like they had and  this time we're going to add to it two scoops of   ice cream remember they used 12 scoops so we're  only going to use two once that's melted in the   microwave mix it in and again we have a thin icing  it won't whip let's pipe that onto our cupcake   now if you're after a thin icing you can of  course do this but you wouldn't pipe it on   you just dip your cupcake into it. You can  do that with icing sugar and any liquid like   icing sugar and some lemon juice to make some  lemon sort of glaze icing that you just dip   in but it's not whippable if you want it to  be whippable into a nice thick frosting you're   going to need 30% fat in your ingredients so for  example i could take some chocolate which is about   31% fat and some cream this cream is 30% fat  and you mix those two together once it's melted   overall we have more than 30% fat in our  mixture and it will whip into a really nice   thick frosting that you can pipe and put  a nice swirl of it on top of a cupcake   but if i get chocolate which is 30% fat and add to  that some ice cream which is 11% fat overall now i   don't have 30% fat anymore so even if i melt that  together and then i try and whip it and i try and   whip it and i try it's not going to whip up it  doesn't have a high enough fat content. If you   have any other videos you want me to debunk make  sure you send them to me on twitter. Thank you so   much to all my patrons for your ongoing support  you guys really blow me away i am just every time   every month when i look at Patreon I'm just like  wow i did not expect that people would support   my channel like that and it's a really a blessing  to me thank you make sure you watch some more of   my videos and if you want to tell the algorithm  that this is a good video make sure you like it   comment on it and share it send it to someone make  it a great week and i will see you on Friday 💕
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 3,501,148
Rating: 4.9615974 out of 5
Keywords: debunking, ann reardon, howtocookthat, butter on shoes, ice-cream frosting, so yummy, 5 minute crafts, worst channel on youtube, fake hacks, testing viral hacks, food scientist, dietitian, skittles in waffle machine, skittles waffle, ice cream and icing sugar, new, funny, ice in the microwave
Id: nwQvMF-Rm4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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