NAILED IT! Challenge. Experienced cake decorators attempt Nailed It challenges from Netflix!

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Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and today I'm going to take on one of the Nailed It! challenges from the Netflix series. A few of you have asked me to do it if you haven't seen the show basically what they do is they take a group of bakers who have said they can't bake and then they give them a challenge and a time limit to reproduce a cake. Now I've watched this a couple of times and both times I've gone there's no way you can make it in that time ... the cakes aren't going to be able to cool it's not gonna work. So I thought would actually give it a go and see if experienced bakers can do it in that time. So I'm not holding out hope I think it's all not gonna work but we'll give it a go. I'm not gonna do it alone though... I have all the way from the UK Zoe from Zoe's Fancy Cakes! If you have not seen her YouTube channel before make sure you go check it out. #SaveYouTubeBakers she's actually a proper youtuber with great baking and does really really high-quality good stuff! You can't come all the way to Australia ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บand not get gifts! Awww thank you. Tim Tams in all different flavours, Caramelo Koalas and you've been here before so I assume you tasted Vegemite. Do you know, I can't remember if I have. Just in case I got some! It's not as offensive as I imagined! I personally hate Vegemite sorry to all the Aussies out there I don't like Vegemite. My kids love it my husband loves it. Yeah it's okay. Alright so we're gonna start this challenge we're going to do the one where they made princess cakes. I'm not going to give you a picture of how you have to decorate it because you know how to decorate a princess doll cake you can do it however you like. So we are gonna have 45 minutes on the clock starting now! Ahh this is so stressful... I never have to do it to a timer! The clock is ticking. I feel like the nerves ... I can't get the margarine out when I'm in a rush! Ann's not going to invite me around to bake again. She's stealing the microwave! We only have one microwave this is a major disadvantage they all have their own work stations we have his cramped space for both of us. No extra time ... we're just gonna stick to 45 minutes because I feel like the people competing I'm going to find your timer and change it! It's over there, you can see we're about five minutes gone already and we haven't got our cakes in the oven! We haven't melted the chocolate we haven't finished step one! 45 minutes is not looking like it's gonna happen. I keep reading the same line in the recipe and it's not going in... Eggs, chuck this in... you're way ahead of me. Yes but you can do this on the electric mixer. I have to do it by hand because my mixer isn't big enough for this bowl. I just like watching you! You'll be finished yours in 10 minutes. No way, it's gotta bake. Normally I would break them into a separate bowl so I can see if I've got egg shells in but it's just an extra step I'm gonna put them straight in here. I'm just putting flour everywhere, this is not good. Okay just slow down. I think it's safe to say I'd be pretty rubbish on the British Bake Off. Yes but that's timed too but I feel like they give them a decent amount of time for that. okay so that's 36 minutes, we've we nearly used ten minutes and our cakes still aren't in the oven! I'll make it a bit thinner than normal, hoping it will bake. Get these in the oven... oh almost forgot my baking powder. Buttercream, here we go! Evenly spaced, evenly distributed. My bowl is tiny because I've got the mini mixer, I gave you the big mixer. Oh thank you :) So I'm going to try a little trick and see if it works. I'm going to put Glad wrap over the top. hey that's a really good idea! I don't know if it's going to work yet, don't give it too much praise. Ok here we go... I feel like I need to do the same. The hole is massive in mine so it's not gonna contain that much. I'm going to get it out of the hot tray and then put this in the freezer and see if I can get it to cool down. Now I can copy you because now you're ahead of me. I do you think homemade cakes taste heaps better. Definitely. But if you don't have time if you got 45 minutes you don't have time. She's put on a few pounds since I dressed her. Good that's more realistic. Everyone always asks about this spray that I use when I'm rolling out fondant ... it's literally cooking oil spray and it just stops the rolling pin from sticking stops the fondant drying out. I should probably not spend too long on this. How much time I've got 15 minutes okay when it gets to 10 I want to start assembling, actually right now I really want to start assembling but I'm just gonna put a few little decorations on. The competitors on the show don't have to fix cameras in the middle of their time, this is a bit of an unfair disadvantage! ๐Ÿ›  We have 10 minutes left ... oh my goodness! She's going to have to go in a warm cake. 10 minutes and we haven't even started assembling. One way of making a cake fail because it's warm it's not gonna carve. Are we high enough yet? It does make such a big difference there doesn't it a one cake I'm not even convinced it's gonna stay upright. Cut a hole down the middle ... we have six minutes remaining I'm wondering if she'll go in without a hole. Moment of truth ... there we go it's in . Oh no, she's leaning! Is that because it's warm? I think so and also when I put a bunch of cream on I think I've kind of pushed the cake over to one side. Take your time do it carefully but we have four and a half minutes left and I haven't even started rolling my fondant I don't think I'm going to get fondant on my cake! In 45 minutes nobody can do a cake. So I feel like it's setting up a show to go hey let's get something you're not very good at setting you up for failure and then we'll laugh at you! Now that we're on season 3 if you're gonna go on the show you should know that that's the context of the show. Stick my fingers in and make it look lumpy bumpy then maybe... one minute and ten seconds. Let's make it look like ... no it's not looking like creases it's not working. Just get this fondant So usually I use ganache as well instead of just buttercream yeah just because it's a little bit firmer, it depends on who the cakes for and what I'm doing. Usually ganache gives me like a firmer finish if I'm decorating something for a little while. She is just ... her skirt is getting shorter and sticking out the back! We have 15 seconds! it's 10 nine eight seven... This is starting to lean because it's warm, so it's gonna slide over. Do you think we should show them from the back? yeah. I didn't finish sealing it in at the back here ... the same problem with this dress, it's a new trend! If you have made a cake fail I've got a couple of 'Cake Fail Rescue' videos that you can go to to rescue your cake from this point. If you want to know how to do different fondant decorations head on over to Zoe's channel she does beautiful, beautiful cakes old flash up some pictures now. I promise they don't look like this one ... I do a lot of doll cakes as well but yeah ... not like this! So 45 minutes is not enough time not even for people who bake and decorate a lot. Thank you also to my patrons for sponsoring this channel you guys are awesome I really appreciate your support it really encourages me as well as pays for ingredients so that I can make videos for you guys and shout out to RODE ... this is called the Wireless Go it's a really cool little invention so you get two little boxes, one sits on you and you can use that as the microphone or attach a lav mic and one the same size sits over on your camera so that you can get good sound. So go check out RODE Wireless Go. Very very cool they also sent me another big microphone this which you definitely can't stick on you like a lav mic! This one is if you guys want me to do any ASMR videos let me know in the comments and I will give it a go. Thanks to RODE thanks to my patrons and thank you to Zoe subscribe ... thank you ... subscribe to Zoe's fancy cakes. Make it great week and we'll see you on Friday ๐Ÿ’•
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 1,390,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Netflix nailed it, NAILED IT!, challenge, princess cake, decorating a princess cake, cake fail, cake rescue ann reardon, zoes fancy cakes, best cake fails, nailed it, Paul scheer, guest judge, nailed it show, nailed it cake, youtuber, cake challenge, how to cook that, how to cook that ann reardon, food challenge, howtocookthat, debunking
Id: 5sFoTIyNnN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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