4 Fico Score Boosting Hacks to Do Right Away!

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[Music] [Music] um all right guys welcome to the credit game this is the first and only channel that comes to you every single day monday through friday and sometimes on saturday to give you the knowledge you need if it's your first time on the channel please do me a favor it helps out tremendously i know i asked you guys to do this but hit that subscribe button i don't know what side it's on it's on one of these side the subscribe button really helps it helps out you right you become a master when you can do 10 000 hours of anything in your life 10 000 hours you become a master at that craft which equals end up being just slightly over a year but you become a master right so the more you do things the better you get right chess masters have got so many hours in and that's why they think 14 moves ahead what if you could do that with credit what would your credit look like right so that's why i teach every day i don't come to you once a week i come to you every single day to hold you accountable so you can watch the videos to make sure you learn this channel is about learning it's about taking action it's about what mom and dad never did for us well at least for me and school's never taught this is probably the most asked question in credit repair in credit in any type of credit situation that most people ask this question that is what is a good fico score and how do i raise it that is the number one question i get from clients so what is a good fico score well you have to look at again what fico is we'll talk about that and also what are you trying to do so a good fico score ultimately would be over 780 which is classified as class at your excellent anything over 780 so from 780 to 850 would be considered the same same interest rate same anything over that anything over 780 you're just saying i'm bragging right i got an a27 it makes no difference from someone from a 781. okay somebody with an a13 somebody with 849 somebody would made a perfect credit score it is the same so what is a good fico score i would say a great fico score would be 780 plus there are 150 million people in america right now especially what we just went through with the economy that have a credit score under 625 150 million people suffer from under a score of 625. how does that how does that happen like i get it happens and it's not your fault because you never learned it you're thinking about it's so difficult to get it to my credit score raised because you never were taught it it's not your fault but i'm here to help you and tell you it is extremely easy to raise your credit score and i'm gonna give you four tips on how to do it and the first one that i'm going to give you is this did you guys know that there are ways to remove negatives from your credit report in fact you have the right to remove anything that's negative obviously unfair unduly incorrect from your credit report the onus is put on the credit bureaus from them to verify the information or remove it you all know that you have the legal right to challenge the information on your credit report okay now whether you hire somebody to do that or you do it yourself the difference is one are professionals and the other one's you and you may not know what you're doing right one is time it takes a lot longer the other ones know exactly what to look for and how to remove it okay but did you know that you can actually add positives to your credit report and i don't mean trade lines i don't mean authorized user trade lines what i mean is can you imagine if you could actually add your rent payments that you've been making rent on time with your cable bill your phone bill your netflix bill all those payments could be added as positives to your credit report but you have to know about a few things and that's why i bring it to you if you guys don't know about rent reporters or rental karma or experian boost those three things i just told you you go back to this video a hundred times if you need to your phone bill your cable bill your um netflix account your rent payments that you've been making payments you could even contact your if you bought a house you can even contact your uh the owner of the house that you're running from and ask it's worth a shot if they would report the information to the credit bureaus it don't even have to be an apartment what you want to do is rental reporter rent reporters or rental karma they will report the rental payments of history back at least two years okay and when i talk about fico tenement you're gonna understand why it's important they go back two years so immediately you just got two years of positive history now remember that your credit score is made up of different elements 35 is your payment history so what if you could put positives and sink down some of those negatives right let's look at this for a minute let's say you have three or four negatives and you have maybe one positive you make making payments on example what if you then soak down and push down those negatives by putting on your rent your cable your phone and your netflix payment experian boost contact experian boost they'll be able to add everything except for your rent rental reporters or rental karma will be able to add your rent payments if you're renting a home possibly the homeowner can actually report the data to your credit bureaus it's worth a shot i just gave you something that literally is 35 of your credit scores your payment history the more history you have on there it's gonna push down the negatives by putting positives on tip number two utilization this is 30 of your credit score let me give you example there's been a big controversy of where do we want to keep our utilization at most people say if you keep it under 20 you're good that's wrong the most beautiful number that you're looking for is the number two it's not paid off most people will say paid off completely in my opinion not correct okay paying it off then basically you won't have any interest but it won't be revolving from the standpoint of it actually reporting each month you want to show a little bit and i mean very little bit and that magic number two will have your highest credit score possible now so when i say tip number two is utilization what i'm talking about is take a look at all your credit cards that you have okay here's what you need to do this is called the snowball effect what i want you to do is i want you to go through each credit card and the first thing you do is call the back of the card and ask the card for the closing statement date each one of your credit cards will have a different date okay so let's say you've got a thousand a five hundred and a three hundred your lowest credit card's three hundred and you have a 500 and you have a thousand okay each statement date from that card is a different date find out what that date is write down say it discovers your thousand write down the closing statement date by a call in the back of your discover card and say what is my closing statement date they will tell you okay same thing with the 500 same thing with the 300 now here's what you need to do you need to make sure that you pay before the closing statement date not the due date they are two different things so this is the tips and tricks i bring you guys because most people think it's due on x date but what happens is most of the time that is after the statement date you want to make your payment before the statement date of that particular card okay now here's what snowball means it's called the momentum right do you ever like so right you push a snowball like up a mountain right but then once you get it to the top what happens it becomes easier and easier and then literally it starts rolling down the way you get momentum in anything in life in business and personal in in working out just life in general is called momentum right it's the mindset of momentum it's your seeing progress right because if we're not if we're not growing what are we doing putting comments so the answer is what you guys need to do is you need to get your cards to two percent but you want to start with the lowest credit limit card that 300 card needs to be paid down to two percent that is the first course of action i would do i would look at my 300 card okay and i want to get that card down to six bucks i hope my math was correct you want to get that card down to six dollars okay two percent of the total credit limit okay then that's very easy to do right then you're going to move to your 500 and you're going to get that card to 10 2 500 credit limit okay 10 bucks you want to pay it down to get to 10 bucks then you want to go to the thousand dollar credit limit card where you see how we get momentum the first one's paid off you feel like it's a win it's like making your bet every day in the morning it's a win it's the first win you get and if you start your day with a win you're going to continue to have a good day they're little small wins that make up little small wins and those small wins and finally you get success same thing in business same thing working out you don't see that the results until you start doing it day after day get your credit card the first lowest credit card down to two percent and then move so right right we're at a 300 but then we're going to move to our 500 we're going to do the same thing we're going to get that thing paid down to two percent and then we're gonna move to the thousand now all of our cards are at two percent which is going to be the best utilization possible the magic number literally like your your score is going to like go through the roof so you want to raise your score look at the two factors that are contributing to the biggest part of your score payment history 35 percent i just told you how to add positives to push down the negatives so you can put on years of history by going to those companies contact experian boost tell me you want to report your your your your phone bill your cable bill and you wanted to do your netflix okay power bill and all that contact rental karma or rent reporters and say hey i would like to record and have you guys post my rent i've been making payments for years they will put on at least two years of history for you now you're pushing down those negatives in the meantime right then you're gonna go to your credit cards find out write down the name of the card write down the statement date underneath of it start with the lowest credit card start paying that thing down to two percent move on to the next one move on to the next one and boom you have a two percent utilization i'm telling you guys something right now this has changed thousands and thousands of lives what i'm telling you right now is the easiest way to raise your fico credit score okay so but i i understand that a lot of people don't have all that money i understand it maybe you don't have the thousand the 1500 the 2000 who knows what your credit card limits are and maybe you're like mike i don't have it to get them all down to two percent right that's why you start the lowest one but what else could you do what else could you do this is this is trick number three what else could you do that would offset the utilization which again is 30 of your score to lower the utilization without you actually having to make a payment to the credit card so i told you i'm going to give you trips i like i'm just a gold nugget right here what you do is you add a high limit trade line with a high limit onto your credit report let's use that example for exam and let's say you have a 300 a 500 and a 1 000. okay so your total credit 1000 1500 1800 what if you put a 25 000 credit trade line on your credit report an authorized user trade line 25 000. the debt stays the same and all you're doing is now adding in 25 000 more so now instead of three accounts you have four accounts right so now you would have a 300 a 500 1000 and a 25 000 authorized user account so the debt doesn't change right so i don't know where your debt would be on these right i don't know what your utilization is but for example if you put 25 000 credit limit now you have to add the twenty five thousand two thousand twenty six thousand twenty six thousand five hundred twenty six thousand eight hundred and then twenty six thousand eight hundred combined total credit limit divided by how much utilization you have and i guarantee you if you did that and that was the scenario that we were looking at your score would climb through the roof because you're adding in 25 000 of new credit onto your credit report this is called an authorized user and what that means is you're piggybacking off of somebody with excellent credit somebody would more than likely that has over 780 credit score who is willing to share their credit with you whether it's a family member a friend or whether that is using our vip vendor who has been vetted and screened and checked out to make sure that their utilization is low they never miss any late payments because it's a copy paste they're willing to share their credit and say you know what i'm willing to add you onto my credit card and what's going to happen is that 25 000 credit limit will then report to your credit report as if it was you and what happens is your score just freaking just goes nuts so and literally just it starts racing like crazy because you're lowering utilization and you're adding on another positive account okay tip number four and this again is about a trade line understand this age trump's credit limit so in a case where you have low utilization you're like you know what i got load utilization so i don't need a really high credit limit i want to always tell you this the age of the account will trump the credit limit give you an example i would rather have a 3 000 4 000 credit limit with 15 years rather than a 20 000 credit limit with a year old i would take the three thousand with 15 years of history hands down over a 50 000 credit limit with less than a year why and this is the biggest misconception people oh i want a 50k credit card age trump's credit limit because when lenders are looking at your credit especially when we're talking about fico you better have aged accounts on there okay so now age i don't remem recommend anything under two years because they can look back two years okay and if they look back two years and they see something that just got put on that's a six month old it's not gonna work okay so any trade lines have to be over two years all right but think about it like this as a lender they want to make sure that you making payments how good does this look like if you had a 5 000 credit limit with 15 years of perfect payment history so maybe you went through a bankruptcy and you're like you know what i need to start over i got a clean slate but you know i don't know what to do well the way that i went through it the old school way was i got a secured credit card then i went to the next card and then i got my next card and my own right that's the old school way today people know smart they're smarter than that right and that's why i want to bring it to you to give you the insight to save you years of time you could either literally do it like i did back in 2013 which is get a secured credit card then hopefully get your capital one right everybody knows go to capital one platinum go there and then you go to your discover i.t card after that post and make three to four payments there you can start building it up and it takes a while or you can add in a trade line or two to your credit report because maybe you just went through credit repair and you got a clean slate maybe you went through a bankruptcy and you've got you're like i don't want to do the whole secured card route i just want to get started right away literally this is a process that could take literally under like 60 days you can put a couple trade lines on in under 60 days you're starting to get big boy credit cards instead of having to wait and do the secured card 200 credit limit and then the capital one that's gonna give you maybe three to four hundred bucks and then maybe to discover i.t card that might give you 800 to a thousand then that process takes about you know eight to nine months maybe maybe a little longer depending on how good you are or you can put a few trade lines on and start the process literally within 30 to 60 days at most okay age trump's credit limit so if it was me and i'm giving you a tip i would say get two trade lines get a high credit limit okay something like 20 000 plus at least two years old put that with something with a low credit limit maybe um 3 to 5k 15 10 to 15 years old that combination together shows progression it shows that 10 15 years ago you got a three to five thousand dollar credit limit and then you were approved two years ago for a twenty thousand dollar credit limit it's called progression and that's what you want you want to show lenders that you've been approved for higher and higher limits okay hope you guys are following me because i'm dropping some gold nuggets here for you today now listen this is for millennials this is for people bankruptcy this could even be for your kids maybe you have a 14 15 16 17 18 year old kid and you're like you know what i want to set them up not for failure because we weren't taught it in schools right but you could put a trade line on their credit so they can start building credit so think about that right so i'm talking millennials i'm talking to people with a clean slate i'm people talking to people never had any credit at all i'm talking to people that have you know limited credit what they call thin file i'm talking to parents that have children that are that are upper and you know 16 17 18 that you can put a trade line on them so you can set them up for success and not failure like we went through okay that's the people that would be benefiting from having a straight line now that does not excuse the other people like i'm saying what i did because i went through credit repair okay but also understand this putting trade lines on your credit report also adds positives and pushes down the negatives so as you're working on your credit removing the negative obsolete unfair unduly incorrect information on your credit report you're then countering that by also adding the i told you earlier which ones to go to rental karma rent reporters and then do the experian boost and putting on two trade lines the high limit two years the low limit 10 to 15 years okay i just gave you the golden goose to literally fixing your credit that is the fastest way you're gonna raise your fico credit score i know it sounds like a lot guys that's what i'm here for okay i come to you every day to help you give you the most information you need and so for that reason if you guys want help i'm here to help you i got a team out there that is literally gets swamped with calls we have about two to three hundred calls that come into our business every day for people that are looking for help okay this isn't a one-man band it ain't just me i got a whole team of people out there that want to help and so um if you call please leave a message i'll call you right back that's how busy we are because we get results from our credit game this is the first ever created platform that has everything in one space and on top of that you get free elite credit repair with the purchase of any of my programs that i'm doing you'll also be able to get up to 75 if you guys remember me from before i had a broker program i sold it for three thousand dollars it would give you fifty percent off the trade lines fifty percent off of trade lines guys my program is a third of that or less and you get seventy five percent off competitor prices and the entire education platform when i say education that means that i teach exactly what i did okay i'm number one in the credit space i ran the number one trade line company in america for seven years i know credit like literally like my kid's name okay because i'm inside it and i've got multiple 10 000 hours into mastering the craft if you want the help i can help you okay that's just a matter of you just picking up the phone and calling me at 904 420 7772 that's 904 420 7772 when you're watching this video you need to think about yourself are you under 700 credit score and you want a better interest rate you want to get a horror you want to get a house how does it feel to have those things that you don't have right now that will give you a big enough why to say you know what mike you're right i do want a better credit score i do want to fix it by my life i'm tired you know how tiring it is to have bad credit your whole life depends on this everything you do in life it has something to do with credit fix your credit guys right i'm giving you like the everything you need and more call me at 904-427-7772 and i'll show you how to get the huge discount on trade lines and also free elite credit repair with our program i love you guys it's mike from the credit game talk to you soon make sure i'm here tomorrow to give you some more data some more information about what's going on until tomorrow take care you
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 13,690
Rating: 4.9454093 out of 5
Keywords: 4 Fico Score Boosting Hacks to Do Right Away!, boost fico score, boost credit score, credit score hacks, credit score tips, FICO credit score, credit scoring models, how to have an 800 credit score, what is a good fico score, credit game
Id: st5GG433v8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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