Dr. Joe Arthur preaching "The Power of One Voice" on March 8, 2021

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[Music] three [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] fingers [Music] so so so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] do [Music] all right we're going to welcome you tonight to the first service of our national pastors and workers conference thank you for joining us for camp meeting here at north valley baptist church we're looking forward to a great few days together and here's what we want we want god to meet with us and god to speak to us and we're asking that we would just get out of the way and let god have his way i don't know what god's gonna do but i know this god's gonna do something and god wants to do something you know these have been strange days and a strange season in life for all of us but some of the greatest services that i've ever been in have happened right here in this parking lot over the last several months it's an ordinary unusual thing but god's been meeting with us in an extraordinary way we're going to ask god to speak to our hearts this evening you have a song book there if you're a delegate if not you have a song sheep we're going to sing together number eight how firm a foundation so if you'd grab that now brother martinez is going to come lead us in that great song let's stand together please and join in choir tonight sing that verse together now [Music] he has said [Music] unlike the next two words on the second [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes by my grace [Music] i'll call me to go [Music] it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right church get rid of that governor give it all you have on the last together now [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Music] hey man wonderful singing tonight i want to also welcome you to the service this evening it is a joy to have each and every delegate here of course our church family we're so thankful to have you in attendance tonight and then those that are watching online it is a beautiful sight from up here and i hope before you leave this conference you'll get a chance to come up here obviously during a time when we're not in session and perhaps when it's not raining we're praying it got to hold the rain down get a picture up here this is so beautiful and we're so honored to have you here pastor treber kicked off the meeting for the early bird sunday morning with a message from acts chapter 9 on the life change of the apostle paul preached a message on the fact that god wants to change us and i truly believe that god wants to change our lives this week it was about 27 years ago i traveled down to this conference for the first time with pastor and mrs rule pastor triber stood up in that meeting and he announced the start of golden state baptist college i had no idea how god was going to use that conference and of course the college to change my life and i believe that god wants to change us tonight let's pray and ask him to move in our midst as we've already sensed his presence together as we pray collectively our father we're so grateful for the privilege to be here at north valley baptist church and god we've already sensed your touch upon this service we're asking you to take control of every aspect every congregational song every special lord every announcement and as we come to the preaching of thy word i pray that our hearts would be open and receptive that we would receive with meekness the engrafted word and lord that we would leave this place being doers of your word and not hearers only move in power we pray for we ask all these things in the precious name of jesus amen you may be seated thank you for standing the ramp of the old ship of zion and i sink my toes in the sands of time on jordan's bright shore i'll see friends and loved ones who have made the same journey when i hear the singing of the heavenly choir i shall most gladly join that eternal refrain singing glory to god he spared not his son were the most [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is and i will sing hallelujah heavens all that i long for is who he said and i am one of his ones [Music] and when i see the savior [Music] that's when i'll know i'm home god delivers again oh my god delivers again just when things look hopeless he reaches down his head then all the [Music] just when things look hopeless my god delivers again standing there at the red sea god's people began to complain soon pharaoh and his mighty army will take us in bondage again stand still and see the salvation of the lord moses cried then god parted the waters and they crossed to the other side we'll never bow to your [Music] the king said did we not cast three men into the furnace found look i see four men loose in the fire unhurt god delivers again oh my god delivers again just when things look he reaches down his head then all the forces [Music] delivers again just with these god delivers again [Music] a man possessed by devils his body vexed with pain the people greatly feared him for he could not be bound by chains yet at the name of jesus the devils fled away the people were amazed to hear the madman say there is no other name like the name of jesus no other name to praise no other name to cherish jesus no other day [Music] no other name is given whereby we must be saved no other man will ever give what jesus gave he is [Music] there is no other day like the name of jesus no other name to praise and proclaim no other name to cling to name to cherish [Music] jesus [Music] r jesus well somebody shout amen to that praise god for that name it's not just a name it's the name given to man whereby we must be some it's a highly treasured name man i feel like preaching coming right now y'all ready to sing let's sing together page number 12 please page number 12 i bowed on my knees and cried holy now church we're all gonna sing this in heaven might as well practice down here lift it up as we sing the first together now i dreamed of [Music] from mansion what about death yes and oh the sight i saw but i said here it is i want to [Music] yes the one who tied for i'll get behind that glorious now can i pop on my knees head right holy what a god [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory [Music] i'll picture that now turn high yes oh they showed me all around heaven they saw me all around heaven all the scenes were to numerous to tell i saw abraham [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh here it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] oh what a god [Music] here's one of my favorites page number 13 please just the next page there i feel the touch of hands so kind and tender praise god we're sheltered in the arms of god let's sing together on the chorus oh let the storms rage high the dark clouds won't worry me for i'm shared within the arms [Music] and within the arms of god let's try the first i feel the touch of hands so kind and tender they're leading me i have no fear i have no fear when jesus walks beside me for i'm shalt the arms of god [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he walks with me and heart of birth can harm shall turn [Music] away [Music] all god's people said amen god bless you you're flashing the lights let me hear the horns tonight now we're so grateful you're here welcome to the camp meeting and i apologize about the weather but i'm not in charge of that it's been near 70 all the month of february until about friday and it turned cold on us i think in the tents you're probably okay out here if it gets too cold just move into a car or whatever you have to do i i think i know i just asked the radio station and uh so ushers if someone in that back parking lot needs to know what channel it is the back parking lot is 98.7 whenever we tail we haven't told this in month it's in the bulletin normally but i don't know how you're going to hear it anyway but 98.7 in the front 99.5 i do sign language 9 9.5 there we go all right so that's where we're at 99.5 98.7 well this is day 360. 360 days we've been shut out of that 3 000 seat auditorium and it's um it's been such a gift and such a blessing it really truly has somebody wrote me during the beginning of this crisis here in america and around the world they said we're standing with you in your assignment i haven't forgotten that this is the assignment that god has for us right now i don't like it the governor hears me regularly the congressman he has my cell to call the other day again he hears me regularly the mayor uh wrote a letter to me on uh text me on friday again or saturday and uh and um the county health director and right now they're watching many of them not all of them but many the uh the county lawyers watch and they're my friends they'll know this is true the very first time we had the lawsuits going against one another i was meeting with them without lawyers and therefore attorneys were there after about an hour i said you know i said we're getting nowhere we're just going in circles i've tried to be very gracious to you and you have been extremely gracious to me but we're not getting anywhere so let's just have prayer i've all these years i've been here i just always begin every meeting with prayer to end in person let's just have prayer all right heavenly father and i began to pray and midway through i got thinking and tony you're listing perhaps right now and melissa and michael and douglas and i got thinking i don't know if they want me to pray but you know every meeting thereafter when our attorneys came they were shocked they said now pastor you always begin with prayer once you start today at the close it's a pastor why don't you close us in prayer my heart is very burdened for them i can tell you i have a love in my heart and i'm going to pastor those people one day i don't agree with it and they know i don't agree with the shutdown but this is our assignment right now and i a church that is so thrilled that god is allowing us to come to church on a parking lot we are in a constant state of revival it's just amazing and i want to try to this week explain to you what god is doing here but one thing for example last year we took during covet 50 000 bibles to our city in the past we've done that on the 25th anniversary 30 and this is our 45th many times people would be upset with us it is so rare if anybody says anything bad toward us people have flagged us down on the road and say thank you for the bible people sent money in here's to help you with your project emails come thank you for a bible and it's just been a wonderful thing people in this area are welcoming to the gospel we're seeing people saved on this parking lot on sundays it's just a wonderful thing and we want to welcome you and we're so honored so so privileged that you come and be with us uh the campground and the camp meeting i'm just so pleased you're here i want to be able to talk to you this week and at the close of this service we'll give you some announcements we'll have coffee fellowship in the morning if you're going in the building so we want you to go in the buildings for tours and see it some sessions will be held in the buildings tomorrow but whenever you move into a building the convention center night you have to have a mask on and here in this county you have to practice social distancing many of you are coming from states that are wide open and we're happy for you but we're not there but we're getting there and i don't want to be an old grump on this journey of life brother brown every single sunday for me is special right now i'm treasuring these days i hope i have many sundays left but i don't want this part of my journey to be where i'm an old complainer i want this part of my journey to be so so very wonderful and it is wonderful i want you to know that um if you don't have not registered we'll tell you to close how to get registered in the convention center and tonight you want to register because for our delegates it's italian food tonight and you'll get a bag to go italian food and um and you can eat inside it's separated how many people were allowed on the first floor the second floor the courtyard will have heaters out there you could take it in your car you can go wherever you want to eat it that'd be okay but every night there's a meal to close and we look forward to that tonight is italian food tomorrow night is mexican food and then wednesday night is chick fillet food and so it'd be wonderful we'll have lunch together and in the morning my weather app says 50 chance of rain my wife has 70 chance of rain but as far as i know i'm not in charge of the rain and we're going to have services here we'll get you all tucked in drive in whatever but we'll just get through that and that's supposed to be it lord willing we'll see if that is true thank you for coming what an honor 36 years we've enjoyed this conference and last year this was the last event it was over and on friday i had to come to the college students and close the school and it's been really a difficult situation but while we're here and undoubtedly in these dormitory rooms they'll normally open the windows and they sit in the windows here the girls do many of them watch outside and we put people everywhere those that are parked around the corner you can't even see but we're grateful you're here tonight one of our men asked me will we be having an offering this week have you ever heard a camp meeting without an offering is the pope a catholic yes he is we're having an offering and uh we're looking forward to the ushers coming momentarily or you can give online or they'll come through the cars and through the area here receive an offering you're going to have to get used to those planes there's 500 jumbo jets a day and i know that because my wife and i live about four blocks from here we live on the corner of the boulevard and the expressway the expressway has 185 000 cars a day in our backyard so we'll sit out there when it's warm and we barbecue and we say during traffic time when the wheels are just going see it sort of sounds like the ocean doesn't it we both have mental problems but we're having a good time ushers wherever you are please come if you will and let's let's give if we can in church family i would hope that there'd be about 25 of you men and or ladies that would give a thousand dollars this week to help us and that will be a start to the cost of the conference we're going to have the offering i'll stay here and i want to introduce the speaker and we'll get right to it and normally we'd sing a lot more we'd have a choir and it just doesn't work now if you folks are cold out here in the open get near a heater and we'll take care of that let's pray together father i thank you for the history of camp meetings we thank you back in the early 1800s there were 25 000 people that come to camp meetings some would sit in the rain for a week in kentucky i've read the account and they sat there and god you did a great work america and the world needs this week here thank you for the thousands and tens of thousands that watch this service tonight i pray your blessing upon the preachers he preaches the word of god in jesus name amen [Music] do [Music] so we have our thank you so much brother caleb galvon and what a blessing he is to us here we have a rule here when when it's cold like it is tonight if i ask you to stand to sing together or read the bible or something if you're all bundled up in a blank and tucked in there you don't have to stand and but if you can stand let's stand together christ is all i need christ is all right [Music] is [Music] let's talk about jesus the king of kings is hate the lord of march to pray throughout eternity let's talk about him more and more say together let's talk about jesus king of [Music] kings let's talk about jesus [Music] hey standing please i want you to meet mrs trevor this week she's over in the middle tent here and i'm just so very thankful for her and she is a special lady she is the one really this church has been blessed because of her and you know sometimes pastors go on and on but i should say a lot more than i'm saying right now now for both of us we're so so honored to hear brother larry brown is here dr brown and ronda he'll be preaching tomorrow morning you know sometimes you get the idea that the big guns preach at night and the second string preaches in the morning i wanted to spell that right now i would preach at the sword of the lord for years and they'd say brother tripper when do you want to preach i said give me tuesday morning i want tuesday morning i didn't want the night we run the second rate guys on the night time here but that is not true but brother brown i know you don't think that but i'm just so very excited to hear you preach tomorrow brother larry brown and i share grandkids five grandkids together and rhonda and i love brother brown i admire him so much and he's been a big help to me during covet he's called me so many times just right when i needed to hear his voice i love brother brown he is country and i'm just so thankful 45 years he pastored however in iowa washington iowa his son the last 10 years been pastoring that great church but sam eppley from tennessee will be preaching on wednesday morning what a preacher he is you'll be thrilled as you hear him preach and then tomorrow night brother justin cooper one of our pastors here and if you haven't heard him we just had revival here he preached sunday two services monday tuesday wednesday and here's what i did we had so much preparation for that revival i asked god to speak to me and i can tell you in the 45 years i've been here god spoke directly to me and to our people and you'll love him then my dear friend brother tony hudson i love tony he's been such a help to me encouragement i'm looking forward to hearing preach tonight we hear our dear friend from atlanta brother joel arthur brother arthur is a great man he was brother hancock's pastor and what a blessing he and julie have been to me personally we'll have a special and then he'll preach for us you know brother galvan i'm thinking right now before then in 1959 you've heard me tell this story before so won't go into great detail right over here in hayward audrey meyer would come up there once a quarter and she said i don't i'll never forget this about 1961 she was at the old piano upright on that stool she was a rather large lady and she would spin that thing around at the same spiration once a quarter and she said i wrote a new song little course i think you'll like it tonight i want to teach it to you and she taught us that of course his name is wonderful jesus my lord in these back tents back here and up over there i want to thank you for being out there i hope you're warm enough in the parking lot one stance of the special brother reamers will sing and then brother joe arthur will preach for us sing it together yesterday [Music] is he's the great shepherd [Music] is we'll let you be seated there bundle back up please if you're cold if you're cold get by a heater there's room right there and you'll still be appropriate with the way you're supposed to sit here i brought i have two top coats and i'm gonna wear one tonight and i've got another one i brought so if you need a top what man here is cold i'm cold i saw i admit it right here does anybody need a top coat tonight i've got one here i'll rent it for fifty dollars this evening it's free anybody anybody need that all right brother reamers where are you he's right here this man is such a gift to us he's from a church in connecticut that about 40 some years ago we helped to start and i thank the lord from he's the director of our sunday school for years now he's the director of all publications his wife just sang a little while ago with my daughter niece and they're having baby number three there she is any day now not right now while he's saying here's a godly man i love him so much meet him at the table tonight you sing first please then brother arthur you're saying we've got paper clips to hold your bible together my soul was astray from the heavenly way i was wretched and vile as could be [Applause] but then my savior in love he gave me peace from above when he reached to despair when he came to me there and he showed me that i could be free then he lifted my feet he gave me gladness complete [Music] when i hear his sweet voice in the tempest to him high then please [Applause] [Music] when he reached me [Music] when my savior reached down for me he had to reach way down for me without god or his son when he reached down his hand for me i was [Music] well glory aren't you glad for old-time salvation i got to do this one time honk if you love jesus amen matthew's gospel chapter number three what a blessing it is to be back again at north valley uh a little unusual i know you miss your building but this is electrifying i love it and uh felt like i'm on top of the world up here and we won't be jumping off and taking a leap of faith i can tell you that but dr treber god's people god's church have prayed for you and your church all over this country and the hand of the lord has been a punion it's still upon you and i'm glad tonight that old time religion is alive and well the bible said let the redeemed of the lord say so and the reason why it said let the redeemed of the lord say so we're the only ones got anything worth saying we got a song tonight let's sing it we got a light let's shine it we got to praise let's render it we got a voice let's lift it up he is worthy of our praise he is worthy of our worship he's an awesome god and we love him tonight if you save raise your right hand if you know it raise your left hand if you're glad about it raise both of them weigh them around a little bit and turn to your neighbor and say you look better with your mask on amen matthew's gospel chapter number three tonight begin reading in verse number one in those days came john the baptist preaching in the wilderness of judea and saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand for this is he that was spoken of by the prophet isaiah saying here's my text tonight the voice of how many one the voice of how many one the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the lord and make his paths straight and i'm interested tonight in that little phrase in verse number 3 where it said the voice of one the voice of one crying in the wilderness and tonight the lord be on my helper i want to preach for a while on the power of one voice the power of one voice in the midst of the pandemic in the midst of the political unrest that we have seen for the last year in our nation we have heard from everybody from everywhere about everything we have heard from the athletic world we have heard from the entertainment world we have heard from the political world we have even heard from the religious apostate world of our day but i believe tonight it is time that the world heard from the church heard from the redeemed lifting our one voice in this world of sin and sorrow the bible said that john was the voice of just one but i'm glad he was lifting up that one voice crying in the wilderness now think about john the baptist tonight what was john well the bible said that he was a forerunner he was sent to prepare the way for the first advent of our savior so john went forth crying something like this prepare get ready somebody's coming prepare get ready somebody's coming he would say i'm not that somebody but i just came to appoint you to that somebody that somebody is greater than me that somebody is before me that somebody i'm not even worthy to tie his shoes but get ready prepare somebody's coming you've never seen anybody like him so get ready somebody is a coming and i believe that's what we are in this day in which we live we are forerunners god has sent us to prepare the way for the second advent of our savior can i remind you tonight just like he came the first time he will come the second time god got it right about the first coming and he's got it right about the second coming all of the promises all of the prophecies all the predictions about his first coming were fulfilled to the minute detail and can i remind you tonight all of the prophecies all of the predictions and all of the promises god's got it right about the second coming of jesus christ this is our job this is our ministry this is our message in this day in this wilderness to lift up that one voice and say prepare get ready somebody's coming the only difference is this the first time he came he came in a manger but the next time he comes he'll come in the clouds the first time he came they planted a crown of thorns upon his head but the second time he comes they are crowning king of kings and lord of lords the first time he came they impaled him to a wooden cross but the next time he comes he'll sit upon the throne and the first time he came they spit on him and said crucify him but the next time he comes they will bow and lift their voice and save that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father we've heard what the world's got to say we have heard what politics has gotten to say we have heard what religionists has to say let's lift our one voice tonight in this wilderness and lift him high and lift him up because he is worthy to be lifted the world needs to hear the voice of the redeemed think about john the baptist tonight some parallels between john the baptist and his day and you and i in this day notice the commissioning of john the baptist the bible said there was a man sent from god whose name was john let me emphasize that again there was a man sent from god whose name was john even though his mother elizabeth and his father zacharias even though they were godly people and devout people and very very spiritual people brother when john came on the scene he was a daddy's man he wasn't mama's man when john began to preach he was a daddy's preacher he wasn't mama's preacher he did not represent the religionists of his day brother when john came on the scene he was sent from god he was god's preacher he was god's voice he was god's man he came under the auspices of heaven he came in the authority of heaven and when john lifted up his voice he was sent by god can i remind the church tonight we're not another civic group we're not another religious entity but we are the pillar and the ground of truth the voice of god the church of the living god ordained by god anointed by god authorized by god we're not here tonight to lift up ourselves or to lift up a religious city we're here tonight to tell this world there is a god in heaven there is hope for this world there is the grace of god because it's not about us tonight but it's all about him jesus christ the king of kings and the lord of lords the world has their voice and politics has their voice and the entertainment world has their voice but this is god's voice this is god's day this is god's time we came on business tonight for the king of kings and lord of lords john was sent by god and god has sent us to lift up our voice in this wilderness of sin and sorrow the commissioning of john the baptist quickly tonight i want you to notice the characteristics of john the baptist brother when john came on the scene he was different than the religionist of his day let me say it like this tonight they had never seen anybody like john the baptist they had never heard anybody like john the baptist the way he lived was different the way he spake was different the way he looked was different there was a distinguishing mark between john the baptist and the religionists of his day while they had seen the best that religion could produce they had seen the levite they had seen the scribe they had seen the rabbi they had seen the pharisee they had heard what they said but they had never ever seen anybody like john the baptist they had never heard anybody like john the baptist when he stepped upon the scene there was a difference between him and the religionists of his day may i say this tonight if we're going to be a voice for god in this world of apostasy and compromise we've got to get our distinguishing mark back we're in the world but we're not of the world church ought to be church a preacher ought to be a preacher there ought to be a difference between us and this world we ought to look different we ought to walk different we ought to live different our message is different our song is different our voice is different our approach is different thank god for old time holy ghosts feel believers like john the baptist he was a holy man and yet he was a humble man he walked in righteousness but he walked in humility he was bold but yet he was compassionate i love this about john the baptist he said this he said you know that one that's coming he's greater than me he was before me i'm not even worthy to tie his shoes and here's how john felt about it he must increase but i must decrease he must increase but i must decrease john said i need to get little in your eyes and he needs to get real big in your eyes because brother he came on business for the king of kings and lord of lords may the church tonight step out of the shadows and step out on the stage of time and lift our one voice and be different from the world and look different from the world and sing different from the world and preach different from the world and point me in to jesus christ the rose of sharon the lily of the valley and the bride in the morning star the world needs to see our light and the world needs to hear our voice let's lift it high tonight in this wilderness in which we live don't ever underestimate the power of one voice and i see the commissioning of john the baptist i see the characteristics of john the baptist but tonight i want to see the calling of john the baptist what did god call this man to do one thing lift up that one voice his calling was to lift up that one voice by the way tonight the only voice that john could lift was his own he could not lift up the voice of the rabbi he could not lift up the voice of the levite or the scribe or the pharisee the only voice he could lift up was the voice that god had given him may i say to this congregation tonight in these cars under these tents the only life you can give to god is yours the only heart can be ablaze for god in your life is yours and the only voice you can lift is yours god's given us a box let's break it at his feet god's given us a life let's put it in the hands of his lordship and god has given us a voice if you're saved you've got a song if you're saved you've got a testimony if you're saved you've got a word let's lift it up tonight let's lift our voice the world needs to hear the voice of the redeemed and i see john one day down by the rivers of jordan and he's gonna lift up that one voice in the wilderness i believe john clears him off a piece of ground and he uses an attention-getting word maddie beckons with his hand and says behold behold they say that means in the greek stop pause gaze with full attention because something big it's about to happen a redneck would say behold means you'll watch this and boy john beckons with his hand and he gets that crowd's attention behold behold and i see him as he points across the river behold the lamb of god that taketh away thus man i want to run but they ain't nowhere to run oh behold the lamb of god that taketh oh i wondered and now to face anybody here you're glad when you was a sinner a half a heartbeat from hell going down for the last time somebody lifted up their voice somebody lifted up their voice and said stand in attention look in amazement right over there behold the lamb of god aren't you claiming you was a sinner somebody told you about the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world oh notice what he said behold the lamb of god not a lamb not some lamb not one of the many different lambs the lamb of god the only lamb of god the single lamb of god never been one like him before and there'll never be another one like him he is not a savior he is the savior he is not a way he is the way he is not a door he is the door he's not a resurrection he is the resurrection he's not a shepherd he is the shepherd he is not a life he is the life he is not a king he is the king he is not a lord he is the lord lift up your voice lift up your voice god has one savior he has one mediator he has one king he has one lord he has one redeemer he has one emancipator he is the one the only one and there'll never be another one [Music] lifting up that voice john said behold i love this the [Music] lamb of god they had never heard that before they had never heard that phrase before they have heard the rabbis speak they have heard the levite and the scribes speak but they had never heard that message lamb of god lamb of god lord have mercy they knew aaron had won they knew that abel had won they knew moses had won they knew the high priest had won they knew that israel had won but for the first time in their life they heard that god had won and it's not just one but the lamb of god this is not aaron's lamb this is not able's lamb this is not moses's lamb this is not joshua's lamb this is not israel's lamb this is the lamb of god god's lamb conceived of the holy ghost in the womb of a virgin baptized in holy ghost power in jordan gonna live a sinless life shed sinless blood thy voluntary death and thank god three days later will arise from the dead the perfect savior the perfect perpetuation the perfect atonement god's lame god's emancipator god's salvation god's redeemer god's lord god's christ aren't you glad tonight we're dealing with eternal things it's god's message it's god's word let's lift our voice and point men not to the world savior but to god's the only savior and when you think it can't get any better john shoves it in our gear and said behold look over there your watch is the lamb of god that taketh well glory that taketh away they had never heard that they might say that they had never heard the pharisees say that they had never heard the scribes say that taken away you mean he can take it away my sin the guilt of my sin and the condemnation of my sin and the weight of my sin and the consequences of my sin and the judgment of my sin you mean there's somebody who's right for what's wrong in my life you mean to tell me i don't have to carry around anymore he don't have to haunt me anymore john lifted up his voice and said look right over yonder there's somebody that can take it away he can take it away take away your guilt take away your shame take away your judgment take away your call this world tonight they need to hear somebody that's been to calvary lift up their voice and say you don't have to live that way you don't have to die that way there's somebody tonight named jesus who can take your sins away well glory now they had heard he could do something with it but they never heard he could take it away they had heard he could put it behind his back they had heard he could seal it up in a bag they had heard he can separate it as far as the yeast is from the west they had heard he could put it in the depths of the sea they had even heard he could cover it or atone it but they had never heard anybody go as to far as to say whoop hallelujah take it away because you listen to me tonight if it's in a bag it's still there if it's in the depths of the sea it's still there if it's behind its back it's still there if it sees from the west somewhere between it's still there oh if it's covered it's still there that's old testament language come to the grace and the blood and calvary and the cross they have never heard anybody say it's better than in a bag it's better than in the depths of the sea it's bitter behind his back it's better than far as the east is from the west it's better than covered you say brother joe what could be better than my sins being behind his back what could be better than it being in the depths of the sea what could be better than it being in a bag what could be better than casteis from the west what could be better than covered i'll tell you what's better go go go go go go go it's over with it seem violated it doesn't exist when god sees you tonight he sees you pro calvary hallelujah hearts you glare tonight our sins are gone there are people all over your community and all over our towns weighted down by the guild and condemnation of sin lost with that god headed to a devil's hell they need to hear your voice i said they need to hear your voice and say there's one the lamb of god named jesus he don't hide it he don't cover it he takes it away he does away with it what i'm really trying to say is this god has no record of your existence before salvation you ask me why i'm happy i'll tell you why my sins they're not covered they're not head they're gold they're gold they're gone he took it away whoo he took it away i was flying out of monroe louisiana the other tuesday and this airline attendant said to me she said sir you have a nice suit on i said well i may not be a good preacher but i want to look like one and she said you are a what i say i'm a preacher i'm a preacher of the gospel of the lord jesus christ and she said what religion is that i said old time salvation honey i'm glad some of the night old time salvation's real to me and she said well i'm such and such i'm a such and such and she told me what religion she was in and she said uh sir i could ask you a question you talk about god laying one a fish right in the boat i didn't have to cast the lure out she said is there any difference between what i am and what you are i said yes ma'am there sure is she said what would you consider sir the major difference i said honey our hope is built oh nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness where christ and christ alone i didn't say this she said this she said that's wonderful that's absolutely wonderful i've never understood why we pray to dead people anyway that's what i promise you honey my crowd don't pray to dead people we call on the living savior the high savior the only savior for archery glad when you was in your sin lost and on your way to hell i have a heartbeat from the pit somebody lifted up their voice and said behold lord there's somebody named the lamb of god that can take your sins away lifting up that one voice you say brother joe how effective do you think john the baptist was well evidently pretty effective because the next day he's got converts to baptize matthew chapter number three said they were down there by the jordan and john's baptized in converts and it just says this and they were confessing their sin they would walk up to john and i guess and tell them what they've been doing and boy i'm glad that was john and not me i know too much already this lady said to julia the other day you and brother joe don't do facebook y'all don't know half of what goes on in the church she said we know enough to keep us up all night they'd confess their sin john would baptize them they'd go on their way another one would step in confess their sin john would baptize them they'd go on their way and about that time john looks around there stands jesus christ the son of the living god and he doesn't confess his sin because he don't have any to confess you know what i love saying that so much i think i'll say that again he didn't confess his sins because he didn't have any to confess young and zap felt so good i'm going to say that one more time he didn't confess his sins because he didn't have any to confess he's a sinless spotless pure impeccable holy lamb of god he's the sinless savior and he said john john baptized me john said oh i can't do that baptize you i'm not even worthy to tie your shoes and jesus said i love this to fulfill righteousness to fulfill righteousness i want you to baptize me what is righteousness that's what god imputes to your account when you trust the lamb of god that's what god imparts to your life when you trust the blood of jesus christ you're pronounced and made righteous in him well how to sinners depraved lost and undone ever acclaim or receive righteousness well they have to put their trust in their faith in the gospel which is the death and the burial and the resurrection of jesus and he said john to show this crowd how righteousness is imputed and imparted baptize me son and john he'd baptized a lot of people but usually you got the preacher baptizing the converts here you have the preacher baptizing the converter and in type of his death and burial he immerses him in that liquid grave buried with christ in type of his resurrection risen with christ he lifts him up out of that watery grave i see jesus standing there well that old red muddy jordan water dripping off his face i i don't know what he did for john i i don't know what it did for the bystanders but i know what it did for heaven it tore heaven slam up god shoved back the clouds took the holy ghost and put it on the wings of a dove and it flew from the throne of god and hovered over the shoulders of the son of god and god himself leaned over the balconies of heaven and spake with a voice that shook the foundations of the earth this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased you say what's the point i've been about to die all day to tell you john was so faithful in lifting up his voice john was so consistent in lifting up his voice john was so burdened about lifting up his voice so one day god said i'll think i'll help him i think i'll join in and i'll lift up my voice and can i just say tonight it's one thing to hear john's voice what but it's another thing to hear god's voice john lifted up his voice until god lifted up his voice i just want to say this tonight i grew up in an old-fashioned fundamental independent baptist family king james only local church singing preaching testifying and shouting and i want you to know something tonight i'm not embarrassed i'm not ashamed and i'm not trying to unidentify myself in other words i am not a recovering fundamentalist the only thing i'm trying to recover from is stupidity and ignorance i am not trying to recover from old-time preaching daddy i'm an old-fashioned shouting mama i'm not trying to recover from amazing grace i'm not trying to recover from this power in the blood and i'm not trying to recover from the gospel and god's plan of salvation i'm glad i heard the teaching i'm gonna heard the preaching i'm gonna heard the singing and where i come from i even heard the shouting and i heard some good so i've seen my mama getting the glory hallelujah i like it i think it's in order let the redeemed of the lord say something oh i've heard some good singing howard billy killed him the burns tree up the green baptist count meeting i'm on the winning side oh yes i've heard some good good good singing i've heard some wonderful wonderful bible teaching in my life i've sent her biblicanoy teaching ceo roach teach some of the great bible teachers of the south and then brother i really believe this god has allowed me to hear some of the best preaching i believe anybody could ever hear man i'm glad i've heard the voice of mays jackson i'm glad i've heard the voice of harold seitler i'm gonna i've heard the voice of curtis hudson i'm glad i've heard the voice of tom malone i'm glad i've heard the voice of sammy allen i'm glad i've heard the voice of jack treeber i just want to say i thank god for every gospel song brother justin i've ever heard every old-time holy ghost shout i've ever heard every bible lesson i ever heard every gospel message i've ever heard i'm glad i've heard it but i want to tell you one day jesus spoke to me one day bless his holy name and i didn't hear my mama's voice i didn't hear my daddy's voice i didn't hear the voice of the preacher i didn't hear the voice of the singer i didn't hear the voice of the testify i heard god's voice the voice of sovereignty the voice of eternality the voice of deity i'm glad i heard his voice but listen tonight they didn't hear god's voice till they heard sean's voice i believe tonight if the church would be faithful and lifting up her voice it won't be long to god to join in and say i think i'll lift up mine oh let's keep soul winning let's keep impacting our cities for god let's keep on singing let's keep on teaching let's keep on preaching we're not preaching by ourself we're not singing by ourself we're not witnessing by ourself there's a voice greater than ours there's a voice more powerful than ours god will lift up his voice and if the world ever gets his voice they'll never be the same we got one voice let's lift it tonight but when god joins in his voice that one voice becomes the voice and the world needs to hear that one voice if you've ever traveled up interstate 85 going north out of greenville toward uh charlotte north carolina you'll come to a little town called cowpens south carolina on the left hand side of the interstate is a church called mountain view baptist church they had the same pastor 51 years dr jimmy robbins faithfully pastored that church 51 years no wonder he died pastoring an independent baptist church 51 years he was different he was eccentric he was unique but he was god's man he was a soul winner he was more than just a preacher he was a soul winner i didn't realize what a mighty man of god he was and you've preached in that church brother cooper the first time i preached at that church and i met 10 different families four generations deep that still are part of that church someone asked me one time they said i i don't know if i heard dr robbins or not i can tell you if you got a wonder you didn't he was one of them kind if you heard you know you heard he was not just a great preacher he was one of the coolest dudes i've ever met in my life he wore solid red alligator skin cowboy boots i just want to say if you wear real solid red alligator cowboy boots that's cool he wore them custom-made double-breasted suits with them gold buttons you put them gold buttons with them red cowboy boots he drove a red car always had on a red tie he had red carpet red curtains a white house with reds with red shutters i said dr robbins you like red yeah i like red it stands for the blood the thing about him i admired the most oh my i was not only admired it but i was a little bit jealous on top of his head oh my he had the most luscious beautiful head of flowing curly hair boy i miss my hair i've heard all these jokes about bald is beautiful don't nobody say that but ball-headed people sorry boy he get to preach it like a wild man he throw that leg up and that red cabbage and that that gold button that hair going everywhere i'll tell you god is good you better get [Applause] fiery man of god full of god 51 years nobody ever told on him he stole money or chased somebody else's wife left this world with an impeccable testimony for god and one night after revival they went up the cracker barrel and there were two fellas there from the hell's angels had those motorcycles those harley davidsons those pipes and i mean they looked apart had the ponytail and the deep sea fishing lures and all the markings and had them coats with the sleeves cut out and big muscles and on their mother had that hulk bill they were packing i don't mean packing i mean packing when i see people like that i'm very kind hi good to see you praise the lord dr robinson says hey hey boys hey how you doing tonight and he laid his hand on one of them's shoulder that boy jumped back and preached robin said i ain't gonna hurt you boy calm down i ain't gonna hurt you and in that south carolina i'm not making fun of this man of god i love him but in this south carolina lingo he said hey hey boys i like him holly's you know harley's in case we have any people here that needs to be interpreted i like him holly's boy like him hollis i like him hollis and i ain't boys i like all that chrome on there i like all that chrome on that now you know a man that wears red alligator shoes and gold buttons and a red tie it's gonna light chrome on a highlight i like a little chrome on that thank you sir and that man of god laid his hand on one of them showed and said hey hey hey boy dude preacher robin's a faithful will you do preacher robbins a favor yes sir i like him harley's and i like that chrome on there boys but do preachy robin's a favor don't write them into hell don't ride them hollers into hell boy jesus loves you jesus died for you and whatever you do don't ride them pretty hollies into hell and walked off never heard from them again five years after that on a sunday night at mountain view baptist church a nice looking young man walked in in a suit and a tie my one of my best friends is the head usher there brother spencer you know the spencer boys he walked up to the guy and said come on in man church has just got started come on in glad to have you man make yourself you're a visitor we're glad to have you come on in uh how how did you hear about a church he said well i'll come to see somebody i i i believe they called him preacher robbins said i want to come talk to him brother spencer said well you're too late we buried him about six months ago he's gone to glory they said that we'll begin to cry he said oh my i've been wanting to come and see him and tell him something brother spencer said well his family's here and his friends and his members tell us what you want to tell him he said well i just want to let him know about five years ago me and one of my buddies i did the cracker barrel with our motorcycles and said he walked up to me and yelled at me he said that's our pastor he said to dude hello red cat that's our pastor and said he told me wasn't going to hurt me he said he never hurt us you'll get that in a minute and he said he told me that jesus loved me and he asked me to do him a favor not riding my harley into hell and he said we left that night and from that night forward i could get that voice out of my head i like him harlan's boy i like that chrome on there but do preacher robin's a favor don't write him into hell don't write him into hell he said sir every time i cranked it up i heard that preacher say don't ride it into hell every time i revved up the engine i heard him say don't write it into hell we'd getting them parties and we tried to get stoned and smashed and the heavy metal and all the sin but i couldn't drowned it out i couldn't get that preacher's voice out of my head don't ride that hurley into hell and he said a couple of years ago i got saved i got born again i'm teaching a sunday school class they're going to make a deacon out of me and i just wanted to come by and tell that preacher i'm glad he lifted up his voice there's somebody in your family tonight needs to hear your voice but somebody in your neighborhood needs to hear your voice there's somebody at your workplace needs to hear your voice oh john the revelator got a glimpse of the glory world and he said i stood at the throne of him the lamb of god and he said i heard a bunch of voices thousands and thousands ten thousands time ten thousand you know what it was it was a bunch of one voices that had got together in one mighty voice to proclaim that jesus christ is the king of kings and lord of lords church let's lift him up today let's lift him up tonight we've been left here on the stage of time for such a time is this this is our destiny this is our calling this is our slaughter this is our day he's been good to us he's been faithful to us he's worthy to be lifted up let's lift it up here and we won't be ashamed when we lift it up there lift up had one voice lift it up that one voice how many of you are saved and on your way to heaven tonight because somebody someday somewhere lifted up that voice it made a difference in your life it'll make a difference in other people's lives one voice crying in the wilderness one voice proclaiming righteousness one man doing what he's called to do one man fate full and true will you be the one voice will you be the one voice our heavenly father we love you tonight we thank you for your mercy we thank you for your grace i want to thank you lord for that thursday evening in 1979 and you called my name and you spoke to me thank you lord lord help us to lift up our voice this is a great time to be a christian a voice of hope a voice of light a voice of truth help us to lift our voice tonight that was the wind souls the gospel make a difference in this world and we'll love you tonight in jesus name altars are open why don't you stand if you would and make your way to the front and kneel and pray there's plenty of space up here would you come tonight so what you have is a voice i'm glad for the day i heard his voice and now we're here to lift up our voice make him known why don't you come every man every lady every young person you ought to come and ask god to use your voice in these days see these are dark days these are difficult days yes but these are ordained days we're here for such a time as this until jesus comes we want to occupy be busy lifting him up honoring his name why don't you come tonight somebody needs to hear that voice it might be your next-door neighbor it might be in your family your city needs to hear that voice maybe you're here as a pastor and you say you know what we've labored and we've worked we've strained we've struggled to spun our wheels and gained no ground it's not worth it it's worth it you lift up your voice lift up him they need to hear that voice you pray tonight pray for our country pray for your city pray for your church let's ask god to do at work in our hearts tonight would you pray maybe you ought to come and just say thank you jesus for the day i heard that voice thank god for the one who lifted up his voice thank god for the preacher the sunday school teacher the soul winner the bus worker you pray till you're through we're not in a hurry during the invitation this is the most important time in the service you pray to your through let god speak to your heart that's god to help us we need some of your young men by the way to be a voice you young men the bible college god will use your life if you let it you pray [Music] our father we thank you for the great evening today we thank you for what's transpired the preaching of the word of god we thank that that voice that name that name which is above every name has been lifted up and i pray that we would do our very best to honor that name thank you for saving us thank you for cleansing us thank you for taking away our sin i pray that you would do something very special these days or together thank you for these dear friends i pray that we might be able to leave here if you should terry later this week with the determination that we're going to reach people it will help to reach our city and do our very best for thee god keep us from a casual christianity keep us from compromise god may we live true to thee i pray that these young preachers might understand how short their ministry is going to be it's here that it's gone our life goes so quick and i pray that they might do it right from the very start to the day they draw their last breath thank you for all that you've done tonight give you the praise in jesus name amen let's remain standing for a moment and i want to thank for the arthur god god's people said amen wonderful message wonderful thank you for your response i really do hope that you were warm enough i think in the tents perhaps you are i know out here you have to be cold but i thank you for coming quickly quickly and i'll i'll bear in mind that you might be cold i want you to stop by the convention center tonight the bookstore from the auditorium we have two bookstores here but the bookstore from the auditorium is in there and if you'll go by they have a semi-annual bible sale i think it's 30 off bibles i just purchased one from there myself in january and i love a new bible i think it's it's helpful to me to go through them quickly and i enjoy them and then i normally give them away but i want you to uh consider stopping by there and you could take care of that tonight i want you to be sure to get registered tonight you're going to need to get your lanyard and then that'll get you the meals and everything we give away so get in there tonight and if you haven't registered get registered tomorrow morning and if it's too cold you don't have to come but in the courtyard there we'll have heaters going about 8 15. i'll meet you for coffee and danish if you want to just stop by there that'd be fine if you don't i totally understand i want you to know that um there's a there's a book there's a gift tonight i want to give every pastor if you're registered as a pastor every night i have something for you and tonight is this book here on the comforter has come lessons and messages and writing on the work of the holy spirit of god and i hope that you'll go by there and get it's free for every pastor that is here tonight i want you to stop by and see this pamphlet we have dozens and dozens 30 40 50 pamphlets in there on various subjects on women and children and ministry and the work of god but this is something for father's day it's called step up to the plate that you might be able to take a look at it and order it for father's day brother tony you hear him talk about the red book all the time and i love the red book i enjoy it but we have what we call and you i wish you could see the cover can't meet and choir we've taken the red book and we've it's hard to sing out of that red book choir songs and they've been arranged for us tonight and they're there um i'll show i shall never forget today i want to know more about my lord i like that brother tony i heard that your church i like the way you sing it there and of course i'll meet you in the morning i'm going that way looking for a city there's a good song and um so many they're all arranged and they're uh in the convention center tonight we have a we have let me give you one more in this year of covet and i've loved preaching out here and i've loved hearing the preachers we have so many good preachers here god has really used this time in my own life i really believe that i'm more right with god and a better pastor today 360 days later than i was last year at this time god allows everything to come in our life for a purpose and he's helped me i've preached messages and here's just a few of them i preached on one word or some weeks i've preached on two words and sometimes three words almost every message i preached was one word two words or three words and i hope that you'll come and take a look at this book the word courage the word boldness two words trust god two words be strong two words and work the word determination adversity press on guard your mind and a message that i recently preached that helped me so much i believe god i just believe god i believe if he wanted it to rain tonight he was going to send it because he sends the rain it's cold i believe god he did it for us i believe covet can work together for the good and glory of god i just believe god i believe that he's in charge and control of everything i believe him and i want you to get this book tonight it's in the book it's in the convention center now as we begin to leave we realize that many of your cars you want your meal but we're going to have to get you out of here because some folks are trapped and we have it down to science how to leave generally speaking but it'll be a little bit different tonight if you're going to stay we're going to still need to move your car and you can come right back in here but will position you a different way because there's someone that wants to go home tonight and so we'll dismiss the parking lot patrol they know they'll dismiss that lot first and you'll go down golden avenue two lanes and you'll turn right you can turn a u-turn at the light and come back on there are three roads here compassion lane is the road on the far side of the auditorium where our buses run down golden avenue is the middle one and this is romans road and so you're going to come back down de la cruz and turn into romans road that's a corner there traffic comes fast be very careful you come into the property behind these dormitories back behind here on the ronald reagan road and back into the parking lot they're gonna park you right there it'd just be an easy transition when that is emptied this one empties for you that are new with us tonight what's going to happen and it will happen in three minutes all these chairs will be removed the heaters will be removed the carpet will be rolled up the middle uh pole will be removed the back wall will be removed all the chairs will be removed and people drive out through the tent and so if we know how to do it it'll work that way i'm so thankful you're here if you go in the building for any reason you have to wear a mask you go in the convention you have to wear a mask you get your meal brother luke flood do i need to say anything else tonight he is in charge he's saying with the four saying they're all siblings mom and dad got married here years ago and they're here and their kids are here their mates are here their grandkids are here brother luke are you in the house here where are you at brother luke is there anything else i need to say brother luke okay so where did they get their food tonight in the commons this is the gymnasium side this is a two-story dining there is seating capacity downstairs and upstairs it's very limited i think it's 10 i forget what it is and there's a courtyard you can take it with you i love you folks so very much i appreciate you i'm so grateful you're here tomorrow morning we begin at 9. we're together for just a little bit about 30 minutes 35 or so and then i'll give you instruction where we're going to go there's workshops you don't have to come to i meet with the pastors and their wives i don't know but i think i've been told we go to the auditorium we'll have the heaters on the buildings but you if you're a pastor you don't have to come to my session you'll see in your notebook some of the sessions there's there's media things to take care of there's youth work different things you'll see them and you figure out where you want to go you're not offending me if you don't come there but i'm looking forward to being with you on tuesday morning and wednesday morning those two days it'll be a wonderful time together our father thank you for tonight thank you for brother arthur and the tremendous message thank you for our friends and god i pray your blessing now not only on this close of this conference but tonight over at the other property the spanish conference being conducted and i pray that god in a mighty way you deal with those dear spanish folks and all the preachers that have come from all over the area and around our country to this place god stir the hearts of the spanish conference this weekend as well as here bless these dear folks give them good rest some have had a long day today and i thank you for each one in jesus name amen well let's get after it real quickly you know what to do with the chairs the pianist plays we roll up the aisles i'll stay here we'll tell you to start your engines by the way in the cars anytime during preaching you can start your engines if you get cold to start them up even during preaching the pack lot is going two lanes at a time already they'll empty it out quickly it's going great [Music] we're about ready start your engines you're doing great brother wooten are you in here brother martinez has a brand new cd out we have a quintet fellows all singing they have a new cd out it's in the bookstore it's in the comments tonight 10 by 12 tonight 12. [Music] brother jacob is in this front lot we've got the second lot already emptied and they're coming back the right way good we're coming through this tent right here folks start your engine we'll start here with mrs flora says i think she might be ready [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: North Valley Baptist Church
Views: 3,414
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Keywords: NVBC, Live Streaming, Jack Trieber, Preaching, North Valley Baptist Church, Baptist Church
Id: q9aw3Vra8ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 30sec (7170 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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