3x Lightning ZEUS Upgrade! (Tier 6 Druid in Bloons TD 6)

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[Music] today guys we're gonna be leveling up the drood we're gonna be getting him to the max level super storm and then we're going to upgrade him past superstorm to the t6 drood where he becomes none other than zeus the ultimate lightning monkey hey guys sorry to interrupt the video i just have a huge announcement for you guys so i know i've been talking about starting my second channel up the ryan channel again where i'm going to be doing mobile stuff and all that although but i have some pretty cool news is we are going to be bringing that channel back within a week or so and it's going to be including minecraft content uh mobile content and a bunch of other stuff from other youtubers as well and it's going to be a lot of fun but do you guys want to see that sooner than a little bit from now you want to see it maybe come out this week or maybe this friday if you guys do make sure to hit that like button if this video gets i don't know 15 000 likes i'll start immediately uploading on the second channel let me guys know hit that like button guys alright guys let's get this party started those pumpkins look very cold i just have to say i hope you guys are all having a fantastic day today and i am excited guys why am i excited because we have more than a single god now okay we no longer have just the sun god temple we now have zeus zeus is the strongest god in the greek mythology we're gonna see if he's the strongest god in the balloons tv6 community so let's get this started i am very excited where is he where is he there he is all right let's put him down where is like a good i guess we could kind of just put him down right here this seems like a fairly decent spot i know it's not going to be like ideal but i think it'll be fine so in order to get to the next thing we are going to need to get a total of 100 000 pops which seems like quite a lot of pops i mean 100 000 pots is not gonna be easy but i mean now that we've got lightning it's gonna be really good we know for a fact that we want to get to the top path and get super storm wait wait you know that but the question is do we want to go thorn swarm into heart of oak or drutic reach and heart of vengeance so thorn swarm shoots out eight thorns per shot instead of five and then attack converts regrow blinds and normal blooms which is kind of boring i don't think that's that important druidic reach is nice increases rage by a large amount and the heart of vengeance is gained 10 attack speed and 1 for every life lost from the starting value after the upgrade max is 100 and diminishes if lives are restored so at wait gains 10 attack speed and 1 for every life loss from the starting value after the upgrade oh so we definitely want to get the the the bottom tier upgrade so the reach oh my gosh that's like a big reach so heart of vengeance actually does seem very useful and so in order to get to max at 100 attack speed which will allow him to have a double attack speed we need to lose how many lives a lot of lives not like a lot a lottle but just like a lot of lives basically we need to lose 90 lives so it's actually gonna be good for us to let balloons buy and to lose lives that's something that we we want to do and so i'm actually not going to upgrade anything i'm going to just let him do his thing because i know that right now he can't pop any camo balloons and so once the camos go through and are going to lose a couple of lives we'll be fine we're trying to use our big brain plays here because we want this to be a strong tower possible so by letting the balloons by is going to make this tower stronger so once we get to the end game and he becomes a t6 tower he might he's going to have double attack speed than what he normally would have so having that extra 10 attack speed is going to be nice but what i really want to be focusing on right now is making sure that i can get ourselves a little bit of um get ourselves a banana farm here now normally i have i got our benjamin here and i normally i put benjamin down because i think benjamin i mean we all know benjamin's gonna be great especially if we're doing a bank strategy but the reason i don't want to put benjamin down is benjamin actually grants you lives every single round he restores lives and it clearly states in heart of vengeance that you lose the perce the bonus if you gain the lives back so we don't want to ever gain our lives back we want to be sitting at a steady 10 lives which is pretty scary because i mean if you're only at 10 lives that doesn't leave you much wiggle room i mean if you have 100 lives it gives you a little bit of time to kind of think while balloons are going through and you're kind of like what's happening but i mean it's not that big of a deal we're getting pretty close we're about to get our first monkey bank at round 18 not too shabby come on start no lose lives no i have my spikes stop it no not i'm not to lose a single life yet i'm too good guys the druids okay all right now we're going to start losing lives okay here we go here we go okay there we go now we're starting to lose some lies he's now he's starting to get a little bit stronger okay there's our first camo balloon that's okay we just wanna we definitely want to lose a small percentage of our lives not all of them just a very very small percentage so we've lost 74 so far oh no plasma balloons okay that should be enough we're not gonna lose okay 51 48 okay i don't know what his bonuses it doesn't say how much what his bonus has gotten to and that's gotten only a little bit scared so i'm gonna get drew to the storm i'm gonna go ahead and just get another bank i'm i feel kind of disrespectful just putting the bank right on top of our boy here that does seem a little bit rude i'm not gonna lie okay uh let's put a village down get radar scanner so that way we can hit the camo balloons when they inevitably start showing up and trying to wreak havoc on the world because i mean camo balloons are kind of mean not not gonna lie they're not very nice i wonder if that's gonna count towards increasing his attack speed just a little bit i wonder if those lives count i don't know if they do or not that's what's a little bit concerning not necessarily concerning it's like i i just don't know how that how that works if anyone knows that would be very useful the question i'm asking is for heart of vengeance or any anything at all right does it count if you lose a magic light for example um the bottom tier the bomb shooter if you if you if a bomb gets through or a balloon gets through it just bombs the whole stage and gets rid of all the balloons right so what happens if you lose just a magic life does that count okay we are not in a super super good spot i'm gonna collect this money we're gonna get ball lightning because ball lightning is a very fun thing to get and now we need to start working towards super storm super storm is one of the most expensive upgrades in the game not the most expensive there's definitely plenty of other things that are more expensive than it but 97 000 that is a huge change compared to the spirit of the force there's only 37 000 in avatar of wrath which is 48 000. it costs more than both of those combined we have three banks and we're doing pretty well but we need to save up to get that 97 000 and ideally we want that ninety seven thousand before we get to a hundred thousand pops because we don't i don't know what's gonna happen if we get to a t uh six upgrade limit before he upgrades into the super storm maybe he'll immediately just jump into it i'm not entirely sure all i know is it's time for us to focus on getting another bank oh my goodness he's not going to be able to pop a mo up i just realized that we need a sniper he needs he need we need a sniper and we need it now target strong deadly precision faster firing okay we were in big trouble if we didn't use the help of that guy so we're gonna use uh the help of our sniper monkey here to take out any of the stronger balloons because the whole idea with zeus and lightning is he's gonna deal with the giant crowd of balloons right anything like rainbow rushes and region stuff like that but when it comes to stronger singular balloons we all know that the superstorm just doesn't really cut it he's just not powerful enough to be able to deal with those kind of shenanigans that kind of craziness let's see if i can get one more bank i say now we're gonna start saving up trying to get ourselves to the right spot i'd like to ideally if we can get to him to superstorm in let's say 12 12 to 15 rounds i think i'll be really happy so around in between around 60 and 65 is when i would like to get him leveled up will that happen i have no idea i think if i save up all my money we have one two three four five six seven seven that should be that should be fine because if those max out gonna be on like 60 000 ish by the time we get there anyways we're making so much money that it's gonna be fine so it's already at fifteen thousand actually do we wanna deposit into these so they make more money i mean it's gonna make us more it's gonna make us more money to do it this way we might need to upgrade them to main moab because i don't think the two of these can deal with a bfb by themselves in fact i'm pretty confident that they're not able to oh whoa whoa cowboys we're okay we're okay wait i can just sell my banks so we need how much money 97 000 okay done there we go we now have super storm uh having super storm is such a weight off of our shoulders everyone now that we just have this we're good all right we don't actually we'll leave these banks here because they're just going to be making us money and we don't need the money right now so there's no point in selling it we're at round 57 i said i would want it between 60 and 65 so we actually got it way before we actually needed it this guy needs to go though that's a problem because he's popping all the balloons he's at 22 000 pops we need we need to sell this guy he's too powerful so he oh my goodness that's so powerful he can actually push them back from there oh no how many pops does he get on this let's see it takes so long oh my gosh that's so slow okay i'm getting a snipe where's our sniper monkey where is our sniper monkey there we go i i we have to there we go that's that's gonna help that'll just help take out the because like that it's like 400 pops yeah because otherwise it just takes so long it just takes so very very long and it's very tedious having to deal with that i wonder if there's a way yeah now that we have more moab and we don't have main moab it's actually turning out to be rather nice because that way he can kind of just deal with it i would love to see this guy's power before around 80. if we could get him we could definitely get him a hundred thousand pops before around 80. okay do we need this guy no we can sell them let's get something that's going to deal with anything that gets by that's what i want to do let's get a backup let's go all we need to do let's put this right here that's all we need that is all we need right there right now right there well we're just gonna get permit spikes and then we can get faster production even faster production oh my gosh we're at 87 000 pops now oh no see this is the problem guys once we get to this stage this is when it becomes a little bit tedious that's the one reason i almost never use super storm is because he makes the game last like it feels like such a long time you're just kind of sitting there like um okay looking at my my wrist here i don't wear a watch guys but if i did i'd be looking at my watch because i'm looking at the time we only need 10 000 more pops we're so close okay pop it please please oh my gosh i have an idea let's also how have these not made any money whatsoever what are these rounds just taking five ever only five thousand more pops needed yay oh let's get like one of these guys that's all we need let's just get a pirate ship and now we can go ahead and get monkey pirates there we go and so now we don't have to deal with any of those shenanigans how much does it cost 22 000 whoosh that's mine no there's more there's more oh my gosh what's happened he's upgrading let's go oh my gosh what the heck he looks insane he's huge oh my gosh zeus the god of thunder does he wait i don't does he even need this anymore oh here we go we can just we can take this this is ours we don't need anything else oh my gosh look at him go i mean he just pushes all these things back super easily i love it zeus god of thunder he's huge i love how giant he looks okay we're we're i'm just grabbing all these things oh my gosh look at that all these it's another they send out the normal tornadoes anyways he's so he throws out so many tornadoes he just constantly throws out tornadoes it's so sad i wish he had just a little bit more range let's see i wonder if he's gonna get busted if we put on this on him no we increase okay we need more we need to increase his range there we go his range yes look at his range okay we need more money now oh my gosh guys we don't even need this how much does this permanent record 64 thousand dollars okay that's 30 000 that's 22 000 and that's 10 thousand okay worth we're selling everything we're selling everything i need permanent brew now okay here we can we can get all these things oh my gosh look at it he sends out so many tornadoes and now that he has a range oh my gosh this is too good oh my gosh i feel really bad for these these villages okay i'm getting a sniper just to start dealing to start dealing with this there we go there we go and just target strong oh look at that we have a cool symbol right here we have the uh the it's like a super storm symbol but it's a different color it's much more vibrant and awesome looking he's also this guy's become giant look at him go he's got his giant like lightning bolt you was like yeah come at me bro come at me you wanna you wanna fight me please you wanna you wanna fight me that's what this guy's like i'm sure that's his personality guys i guarantee it in fact i wanna see what he would be like against like just a ton of balloons you know just like a giant army of like a thousand rainbow balloons or you know more like ten thousand rainbow boots i feel like going up against ten thousand rainbow balloons would be absolutely amazing guys what do you think of zeus the ultimate tower here's the thing oh my gosh see look how strong he is when he actually gets to attack he oh my gosh let's go oh my gosh he's letting some balloons he let balloons by he let balloons by wait maybe the towers are weakening him let's i'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and let's just say i'm gonna see if these things are weakening him oh my gosh yeah look how much stronger he is now that we removed the the buffs on them the thing with the t6 towers is that when you try to buff them they some for some reason get weaker and i don't necessarily know why we need we definitely need to fix that but like look at that once we remove the buffs from him i guess they're i guess they're technically debuffs he was too strong he was too weak he was too weak now without any bumps at all he just destroys everything look at him go all right look at all these moabs oh my gosh she just pushes all of them back go back foul demons back you shall not wait okay i got this guys are you seeing a lord of the rings here we go you shall not pass okay here we go here i'm gonna sell this guy and see what he does against the zomg here we go here we go of course he's just gonna push him back right oh my gosh did he get any pops or whatsoever oh my goodness i don't know if he did wait wait wait wait let's see let's see oh my gosh he put he it's like 20 pops okay that's so not worth it here we go we're just gonna we're just gonna ramp it up let's go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom this is actually a really good strategy you get like a mortar tower and the mortar just kind of sits here just there we go all right now we're good now we're good we're just gonna take this guy out he's too powerful okay he's too powerful so i i think the thing with zeus is zeus is a tower that would just be absolutely amazing to have like on your journey like on your team but i could see him also not being very good just by himself this is the type of tower that more of a support tower where you want to have them at the end of your map and you want to have them there with just like perma-brew and or not perma-brew you want to have them there with a perma-spike and then he just pushes the balloons back and basically his job is to make sure you never lose so i could see him being a super good support tower but as a primary offense tower and not that great i don't know what do you guys think let me know in the comment section down below and please don't forget to like comment and subscribe make sure to turn on notifications because you want to be notified each and every time we upload a video which is daily thanks for watching you guys are beautiful you guys are awesome and i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content see you later guys
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 376,682
Rating: 4.9374857 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Tier 6, BTD 6 Tier 6, Bloons TD 6 Tier 6, Tier 6 Druid, Tier 6 Zeus, Bloons TD, Bloons, Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 Druid, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Bloons Tier 6, modded bloons td 6, gaming, btd, BTD7, Druid Hack, Tewtiy Tier 6, Tier 6 Tower, Tewtiy Mod, hack tower, Bloons TD 6 Update, BTD 6 update, BTD 6 mod, The Biggest One, bloons, tier 6 The Biggest One, Druid Monkey, Druid mod, Druid monkey tier 6, Druid, zeus, btd 6 zeus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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