The Tier 6 Boomerang Is BROKEN! (Modded BTD 6)

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okay guys so i've covered the map in the sun terror temple now if you haven't seen me use this modded tower before make sure you go check it out in the video in the description but i'm gonna send 1 000 bad balloons stacked on top of each other and we're gonna see what happens okay but to do that i need you guys to hit the like button so if you guys hit the like button i'll send in a thousand bad balloons okay on the count of three one two three okay guys that's awesome let's do it oh my goodness there's so many of them what is even happening these guys aren't even looking oh my gosh it's getting so laggy they're popping 1 000 bad balloons all at once they all have their own their own ability i'm gonna spam the oh my gosh i'm spamming they did it they popped a thousand bad balloons oh my gosh look how many pops he has that's so many pops okay everyone in today's video we're gonna be taking the middle path of the boomerang monkey the permachart and upgrading that and modding it so we get a t6 boomerang monkey here's the way it works normally with the balloons td6 tower you can only upgrade it to tier v but we figured out how to make a t6 tower but t6 is incredibly powerful and actually can't be bought with money the way you achieve a t6 tower is by getting a certain number of pops once you achieve the t5 tower in this instance we're gonna need a hundred thousand pops i am so excited guys i chose this map because well one i haven't played on this map in a while it feels like and two we're going to be putting down this guy right here in the perfect boomerang zone the perfect boomerang circle per se i don't i don't know i don't know what to say but that's what we're going to be putting in we have to get them to the middle path we're going to go faster rings there we go oh i don't know what would be better to get do i want long range or improved rings hmm i think i want i want i want glaives glaives are just so powerful right like i feel like i can never go wrong with that i would like to get bionic boomerang oh my gosh you can hit that spot that's so nice okay i think i want to go a quickly as possible try to get the bionic boomerang and then kind of start working towards getting money i guess we don't really need that much money we just need to get a lot of pop the whole goal is to get this guy to a hundred thousand pops which i guess isn't gonna be that crazy it's just gonna be a little bit a little bit difficult okay there we go there we go look at him so now now that he's got this he's so much more powerful he just shoots way faster i can't wait to see the true potential of a t6 tower i mean how awesome is this guy gonna be i don't know and i am so very excited to see i need to get a village as quickly as possible because right now since i didn't go the bottom path he can't pop lead balloons or camo balloons which is kind of a huge problem because that's what we need him to be able to do and if he can't pop that well we're in trouble i think what we need to do though we need to just kind of chill out hey we leveled up we got one monkey knowledge point wait wait i think actually oh this way that's way better to swap his hand around that's the first time i've ever actually swapped it and it and it makes sense because now it goes around this way and it pops all the balloons this this is actually i'm not kidding you guys the best spot for a boomerang i've ever had like the way he shoots and then the fact that they have to go all the way around this is the best boomerang spot ever do we want to get a bank getting us getting ourselves a village would be pretty nice but also very expensive uh let's go over the monkey bank first that's what we want to do i want to get a couple of busts for this guy right i want to get him a brewmaster a village just everything and anything and everything that will help him pop balloons right because we need him to pop as many balloons as possible the more bloonsy pops the better it's nice having the top hats on it's really kind of hard to see the white balloons on here they really blend into the track without the top hats yeah i think it'd be kind of hard to see them i don't know maybe i'm just crazy no my one weakness okay one of my many weaknesses camo balloons ah he's gone so very very sad guys oh my goodness that's a lot of red balloons for him to pop he doesn't care what about blue balloons oh yeah he doesn't care this guy is good i need eight thousand dollars there's no way i'm gonna have eight thousand dollars to be able to pop blood blooms like i can't pop legally we're in trouble please help me can he not pop blood balloons i don't think he can this is bad news bears okay so what we're gonna do is we need okay pop it just target strong target strong try get strong i believe it's fine it's fine it's fine no that's okay that's okay all right we can we can we're not gonna lose but it's not we're not gonna win you know what i'm saying we lost we didn't lose all of our lives we just have to be on the lookout for the leaderboards okay that's the ah there's more of them collect eight thousand that's enough yes that was enough that was just barely enough to be able to pop lead balloons so we're good we're all we're kind of chilling now okay we have nothing to worry about until it's time for the moab that's enough 3500 we have two banks now we need to be able to deal with this the moab when the moab shows up i don't know how we're gonna deal with the moa but can we take out rainbow balloons oh my goodness all right some balloons got by but i don't think it's that big of a deal come on they dealt with it yes he did indeed deal with it i love that it's round 36 and he's only a t3 okay there we go now we can get turbocharged i'd love to get permacharge but i needed to get turbocharged so we can kind of deal with this moab i don't know if he's going to need help with a moab or not he's definitely going to need help with a moab if he needs help i'm going to save up the well because we can use the turbocharge how good is the turbocharged okay the turbocharge is actually an amazing ability he might be able to use it to pop the moab i actually think he'll be okay if we use the turbocharge right when he wants to go up against the moab let's see uh-oh uh oh oh oh okay use a turbo charge okay this guy definitely needs a little bit of help he needs some backup he is not he is this guy is not ready to fly solo we're gonna help him out here uh i'm scared i wanna help him out i do maybe he doesn't need my help just yet okay we're gonna do bigger radius oh we're gonna use that ability so nothing gets by oh my goodness okay okay okay here let's go ahead i need an energizing totem stat okay i need that and we need some monkey boost okay we need we need more monkey boost okay we're good we're good that's just like in case i'm about to lose situation let's see let's see i don't think he's gonna do it i think we need i need i think we need this okay come on okay we're fine we're fine we're able to deal with it there we go this guy do i want him to be here all the time i don't think so but this guy was not able to deal with it by himself so we need to kind of just wait wait it out i'm gonna hold on to the sniper for now because he's gonna help out a lot he's not that strong but he's gonna help with moabs and stuff and he takes out like zebra balloons so he's already got 1500 bombs but we're at 12 000 12 of the way so we're doing very well for ourselves okay let's get some more yeah look at that he's taking out like the annoying ceramic balloons we're doing fine i'm not really worried about it how are we doing uh oh are we okay yeah we're okay we're kind of okay we're trying to maximize our our output of our monies no i got the wrong one why am i so bad i got the wrong one i can't believe i win the top path i'm so silly all right we can collect that and we can also collect that because there's not there's not that much money in the others so there's really no point to i got the wrong one again guys why am i so bad i am oh i am a weenie guys i can't believe it i can't believe i'm such a fool i can put a banana farm right here though and that makes me a lot less sad okay one two three four five six we got seven banana farms that's a lot of banana farms i would love to get perma charge i'd love to get permit we need perma charge very soon i think our next goal is to get perma charge we have 13 000 there's no excuse for us to not have perma charge by now i don't want to get a uh a brewmaster because it's not going to last that long oh here we go ready this guy how many pops has he got he's got 12 000 pops this guy's gonna pass this guy for pop soon but like i kind of have to have them right like look without them we're oh we might lose here we might lose are we okay we're okay we're okay we're okay we're kind of okay oh my gosh we might not be okay we might not be okay we're in trouble we lost i'm so bad at this game i'm so bad okay i wasn't paying attention that's what i get for being greedy guys all right i'm just gonna collect the money and we're gonna upgrade on permacharge we're good we have our first we have the t5 we have them at permacharge which means we no longer need this guy oh yeah look he doesn't care he doesn't care anymore we're good to go and we're just we're just cruising along we're just chilling okay yeah look at this he he deals with everything he does not care we're back to being just golden okay i can't wait for this guy to get a hundred thousand pops because as soon as he gets a hundred thousand pops boom that's a t6 tower baby okay that's when we're in business he can take out moab's no problem now and especially if we use his ability he'll be really strong perma charge is an amazing like an amazing upgrade i kind of underestimated it until now that's a lot of damage this is at twenty seven thousand i'd like to get a perma group i guess that's what we can spend our money on it's just getting a perma brew because getting a permanent bruise it's just gonna make them stronger right is that enough money i don't know if that's enough money to get a perma brew it's totally enough money it might not be enough money it was not enough money okay now we got perma brew and we want perishing potions too thank you okay now look at this now with perma brew this guy's gonna be unstoppable look at that those are ceramic balloons a boomerang monkey against ceramic bones and he's just like what what's the what's the problem you know what what's the problem should you guys think you can get past right this line i don't think so nice try oh it's the bfb i'm scared i'm very scared here we go you ready guys and look at his range now all right let's boost them guys this is just the t5 tower that was just the t5 tower taking out the bfb by the way all right just so we're all we're all clear on that this guy's not fully upgraded and i'm kind of terrified to see what's about to happen because we're at 65 000 65 of the way there let's go i am so excited to see the true power of this of this guy of this tower we're gonna like as soon as we get like close to 100 000 i want to sell everything except the village so that way he can hit ammo balloons and then i'm just going to get rid of everything else just to see his true potential no buffs no nothing at all i just want to see how good a t6 boomerang monkey is and just the middle path just to see how crazy strong he's going to be and we still have this ability i wonder what this ability is going to do once he's like super powerful is it gonna like double his damage imagine him becoming even more powerful and then getting a buff that even increases it it's gonna be it's gonna be nutty it's gonna be absolutely nutty and i look forward to it 93 000 guys oh we're so close we're so very close i'm very excited now okay all right we don't need that is that 95 000 oh lots of rainbows okay i'm gonna sell this guy now oh we're at 97. 98. oh here we go one oh my goodness what's happening oh man okay okay he's upgrading he's growing what is happening oh my goodness this is the strongest tower ever okay what is happening godly charge what what he one shots my webs he tears them apart like they're a bunch of red balloons yo this guy is kind of nasty those are fortified moabs oh oh these guys are in big trouble look at it he's huge he's giant he grew up to be like the size of godzilla he's the ultimate tower he's bigger than the bfb he's bigger than the bfb he literally he could just be like yo bfb and just picks up the bfb's like why well you're coming with me oh my gosh she won shots in this like it was that a bfb or a red balloon guys i couldn't tell honestly like it just it was just gone wait we haven't even used this ability what does this ability do does it make him even stronger i hope so he's like kind of kind of insane what are they supposed to do against this guy here's the here's the thing they're not supposed to do anything because they can't do anything because they're gonna get annihilated absolutely annihilated wait i think the boost actually makes it worse i think the boost makes him weaker it has to let's see all right here's the bfb so when we had the boost on he would just it took like i i don't know like eight or nine hits or like one two let's see so let's see what happens now if we don't have the watch all right we'll do it and then i'll use the boost on the second one the boost totally makes him weaker so we can we shouldn't use the boost at all because it makes him weaker that's crazy he's so powerful if you try to use a power up on him it actually weakens him his raw power is where he becomes his strongest i i've totally forgot about all of our banks i totally forgot about them like my mind just blinked we have i mean we don't even need money right so we have 200 000 we can do whatever guys we could summon a sun terror we'd just be like yeah we'll here this will be our backup guys if we lose okay here i'll take the center and we'll put them over here i'd love to put them like right here here we'll take the center and then boom we'll just put the oh my gosh he has global range and class the game and so it crashed but you got the idea of what this crazy tower can do but what actually can it do so we're gonna hop into sandbox mode for a little bit and we're gonna see the true potential of this guy let's see the true potential of our godly charged t6 guy okay let's give them a village so we can see all types of balloons so here we go we're going to give them jungle drums and we're going to give them mib just so we can see all types of balloons and let's see what oh my gosh that was 999 omg's let's just try one's omg let's just see one's omg and let's see what happens with against one's omg oh my he doesn't stand a chance he does this omg doesn't stand a chance he's just gone it's just instantly gone all right all right let's see what happens when he goes up against a bad balloon guys here we have it in fast forward mode we're gonna see if our ability makes a difference when we use it against him so so far he's doing pretty good it doesn't really seem to be doing a lot but if we use the ability oh that's the ability is kicking it but let's go i love the two different like the abilities that are going because you have these and then you also have these and they both just like spin around at the same time go my friend go there we go use it pop all the balloons go pop the bad balloon i believe in you i believe in you please can he do it will he be able to do it in time no oh wait wait he's my no he wasn't able to pop the bad balloon in time sad days everyone but he's still an insane tower nonetheless i hope you enjoyed today's video if you did hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications 70 of the people who watch my channel aren't actually subscribed to the channel so please consider doing so because we upload super awesome high quality content every single day thanks for watching and i'll see you guys tomorrow bye guys
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 766,136
Rating: 4.9345918 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Tier 6, BTD 6 Tier 6, Bloons TD 6 Tier 6, Tier 6 Boomerang Monkey, Tier 6 Boomerang God, Bloons TD, Bloons, Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 Boomerang Monkey, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Bloons Tier 6, modded bloons td 6, gaming, btd, BTD7, Boomerang Monkey Hack, Tewtiy Tier 6, Tier 6 Tower, Tewtiy Mod, hack tower, Bloons TD 6 Update, BTD 6 update, BTD 6 mod, Godly Charged, bloons, tier 6 sniper, Boomerang Monkey, Perma Charge
Id: wLVasvBhOxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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