3rd Life: Episode 4 - I HAVE A PLAN

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welcome back to the next episode of third life i'm gonna be very careful this episode as i promised the lava wall is getting there scar is on his red name there he is oh my goodness he looks like a robot i had a really good idea at least what i think is a good idea what is this someone attempting to break in are they so i had an idea to give us a little bit of warning if some i mean this is this is something that's pretty grindy but if we place the cactus really really high not only do we get a ridiculous looking wall if someone breaks in to get past we will know about it so my plan for today is to help scar in his endeavor to get some kills i don't know who he wants to focus in fact i need that bit of water but we've got a busy day ahead of us let me be clear i'm still a green name so i can't be doing any of the killing but i do have to do what that crazy man says he's gotta be on a lead i have to do whatever he says and i'm pretty sure he's gonna go a bit crazy and try and uh do what red names are supposed to do right let's go me up with scar i'm probably not gonna be able to get a lot of this cactus wall done initially it just looks so silly imagine that but everywhere we're talking a good hour's work so we'll see where we are in this episode and see if there's any lull points and we'll try and get some of that done he's checking out the reputation points most wanted kill list wow look at your cactus over here yeah yeah so i was thinking we just make it extremely tall all the way around it's a really good early warning signal if someone's gonna make their way in oh i love it oh and it's gonna be so dangerous jumping off of the lava and it's also hilariously high i have a quick idea that i want to run by you okay do you remember seeing the giant cookie on the mountain yeah i want the cookie okay right somewhere another i know i know that if you look up you don't see anything but just for my sake look up do you see that that's that's your name and it's in red your job your job is not to steal cookies your job is to take everyone else's lives no i really want the cookie all right well i got some tnt and i've actually been thinking of ways that we could get people but if you just want cookies then i'll put my ideas away no hold on okay so we need to get that enderman for the for the look for the enderman looking um no we'll how about this how about this we we think about getting the cookie and we do some murder today sound like a plan sure uh scott i'm going to say this what happened where where i'm really paranoid because of my red no i'm just gonna say what happened i'm just gonna say put on some clothes oh sorry how many times you just want to show off how many times okay that's better i feel a bit safer you know i'm i talk a big game but i have no idea how to kill people so i'm gonna kind of rely on you on the trap department okay yeah well we're gonna need there's there's a few things we're definitely gonna need redstone and some observers if we're gonna do anything oh it's okay i'll take my armor off um what's going on what's going on you got an arrow and you're near the bit oh geez not in the butt you can't shoot a man on the butt she's the wings i just i just slide over the wall oh jeez what the what's going on where did that come from tell you what scott i'm gonna go and get some things from the nether you take care of business over here right bye-bye now have fun don't die we need us some quartz just a little bit we don't need much but we just need a bit of quartz even just a little is all we need bingo bango yeah i don't like the look of this so much i got what i came for oh oh no what what what joel died what oh no oh dude i was just coming over to warn you they were breaching the the wall what they were preaching they were preaching the wall again i was running over here to tell you dude what did our defenses just work i think they did what's up these two flowers okay that might not be a good job maybe not oh my god oh my god did he where did he die yeah i don't think i was here okay oh yeah where is the board over here the board's over here the board's over here by the way i didn't know you could bump up on there that's insane is this a good time to talk about the fact that i don't know how to make traps good job for you i do i do know how to make traps can you be the trap master hmm let me see yes yes i can i'll be the talker all right so if you keep these guys someone looked someone looked at the enderman oh should i break it yes yes don't break don't break the boat sorry guys who is it oh yeah i'm sorry guys [Laughter] he you look so non-threatening with like a balloon that you're carrying around with you look like a child i could stick mr bubbles on anyone at any one time so you better you better be all careful it's a one-time pass by the way anyway yes we got a date with ren oh oh yes i'm gonna and we'll see you guys later goodbye this is really scary green gosh right come on i've i've got a plan i know how to make instant death traps instant death is instant death instant death is the best kind of death well i've been thinking i've been thinking i feel like we should mix it up you know slow death put your clothes on scott close yeah you're right you're right you got to remind me you gotta remind me you do your thing so what do i gotta do i gotta know what does sand cost i know what it costs i know what it is i know what it costs skis you didn't hear anything but in exchange for a sand pass i need you to take ren away from his base for about 10 minutes we're not going to do anything bad promise you know you know nothing you can claim ignorance here's the deal okay i'm a man of my word and ren's my boy so you gotta tell me what you're gonna do and you gotta you gotta stand by it okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna give him back his enchanting table you are full of it are you full of it that's not no we're we're full of good stuff yeah we are returning the enchanting table but we want it to be a surprise put that away scar what thanks i'm just shifting inventories in exchange for a sand pass this is the price we need you to take ren out of his base and keep him busy for a while no dice i can't let you do that to my boy i can't do it i can't do it guess he's not getting any sanska i'm not getting any sandpass i guess oh and you lose your friend purse new plan okay so new plan skis wasn't in on that so you're gonna have to keep him busy and i'll set up the trap because i don't trust you to set up the trap there's a very high chance it will instantly explode and i will die there is a very high likelihood i will die from this scare is he going hey man dude get him get him i authorized you to murder oh you know i can't do that scar crud i'll do it then yeah don't kill me you took away a precious gift from me you know mr bubbles is really holy we'll give you we'll give you back your friendship pass right now if you go back to your base fair enough friendship reinstated okay that that way actually i know where to go that's the way back to your base excuse me hey okay maybe etho will help us ethos over there hello best friend etho hi hello hello do you wanna you wanna get in on uh shenanigans if it's not against ren anybody else oh my gosh why is everyone protecting friends ren is like the king daddy of the server yeah that's why we got to bring him down a notch yeah everyone literally everyone will not could look skidz is over there he's about to go and warn ren of our little shady player look at him over there not the best first target i gotta say so ethan oh you got another one oh dude oh right they're doing like some sort of game thing oh man oh wait is that oh wow that's a lot of yellow that is not worth it no no no no i'm just i'm just kind of coming over to enjoy your company um i was just wondering oh it's battle time no no it's not battle time it's it's uh it's a love time uh yes we're all friends there's no love there's no love around here [Laughter] can i use your enchanter no is that it get out whoa can i use your enchanter real quick we don't have we don't have ours anymore well that that ain't my problem last time you came here threatened to kill me and steal the enchanter now you want to use it forget it forget it dudes no no what could i give you i'm on my i'm on my knees look what do you got going on green what's what's up your sleeve buddy nothing all right as the hand of the king i order you to stay put what's going on here potatoes i don't trust you where did etho go he's the only one eyes on right now and i saw him working he's with uh scar over here maybe i could trojan this thing if i'm quick i could set this up i have to be really oh of course there would be water right here can i build this at top speed i think i can slightly panicking this is so dangerous quickly i'm panicking i'm panicking that's it okay it's set up if anyone touches that it's game over green it's getting heated over here man what was this what are we missing over here what is going on here tell me his cartoon should we bounce yeah let's get out of here they're not they're not you're way too content with what's just happened here i didn't even i wasn't even here dude exactly so where were you what were you up to i'm waiting we're waiting for everybody for like 10 minutes okay i'm gonna admit it guys we have an operation here we're trying to steal big beast cookie i'm just not buying that for a moment nobody wants that yeah well wait till you see our big cookie on our mountain jealous oh hi look dude i was really spending my time oh my god dude i was really spitting my tires trying to get them to like stay in one spot dude i was i was grasping i'm so sweaty can we go please we just need to get far away someone someone can we get the cookie we're going to go and get the cookie hello hello hello hello hello hello [Music] oh please come on the grass didn't grow fast enough okay are you watching scott are you watching i'm watching oh someone mine it somewhat someone oh no martin no no no no no no no oh did you place the tree there someone take it please i don't want to miss this dude we could get like a quad they just need to no there it goes oh wait what it didn't work it didn't work what did i do wrong no oh what huh oh no what did i do wrong please tell me oh no terribly this could go terribly unless they're breaking it oh dude this failed okay so here's the deal either we wait for big b or we just take the cookie now we take the cookies [Music] i can't believe that didn't work it was foolproof oh we were so close we were so close to getting a massive kill on them oh dude come on we gotta get the cookie we're gonna go i want to know what went wrong they're currently trying to disarm the bomb which is the chest with the minecart with the main cart with the tnt in it who just stole my cookie yeah why'd you steal his cookies i you're a monster what did you do you're a monster you're chaos incarnate jeffy just died once and he's now dying toys hi did you what did we say back in uh modern warfare 2 oh baby aqua oh you did it how did you you monsters we got three kills you got ren skizzle and jimmy and you've been scheduling jimmy on to the red hearts oh we got red i will say green you don't have two red hearts that'll want your blood this was scar's kill i mean either way they're a third life so they might still want your green heart green so big b protected it was it was a moment of lapse judgment are you going to get back i can't believe you take it back i kind of missed i missed a little bit i saw that i saw a bit of it i didn't even see the explosion i just seen it shut that thing up turn around and see the crazy how are you so calm the plan worked it failed and then it worked you mean look at that tab menu there were so many green names and now there's three red and three yellow best day of the server oh god ryden's coming up you're one of your victoria scar incoming hi erin [Laughter] so not only did i die but the sacrifice what's going on over here what happened guys i mean it was supposed to instantly explode it would have got way more of you if it had worked yeah i believe that as well oh man yeah i don't fully understand that i'm pretty sure it even makes sounds as well there were sound effects okay the piston it didn't get the minecarts rolling for something well i know it went wrong i lost everything so thanks guys that's the way this server works oh ren was so close to an instant death there i got you a guy did you punch him in the sky a guy was waiting on the side of a mountain how are you not slightly tempted just to give it a little nudge i mean come on we all agree to this right oh man okay scott i used all of the tnt we're gonna need to oh wait no i didn't i got two more um all i would say is you two might need to what like get your protection split up more scott we need to is it the red desert now because we could uh invite the other red guys to come and help us oh yeah yeah yeah if they're not too salty jimmy lost two lives in 10 minutes behind you um behind you thank you um i do have one issue uh b big b made off with a no kill pass i don't know where he went big b's immune i want you to listen to me your friend passes the stock is plummeted i was holding one when i died i feel like i should go and console my life yeah let's i need to go and see i cannot believe he got caught in your crossfire he wasn't even meant to be here i mean it didn't even work that's the worst thing they just didn't know how to handle it why did why was the actual situation for yes there's an active bomb let's huddle i mean we thought it was over like it was disabled no it was just a tnt main car no no it was it was still live like it was still live what i failed to do was to get them to collide with each other so if anyone touched them it instant explodes nothing exactly what happened they needed to shoot it from a distance but instead they all huddled around it for some reason this series could end up being fairly short if we have i mean look at that absolute carnage in one day i don't think that could have gone any better well yeah it could have it would have gone better if it actually worked the first time so tnt is going to be one of the most valuable things so i think one of the things that we could do in this episode is make a micro creeper farm i don't even know if it'll work on this server because mob caps and stuff but it must be worth a try yeah i can see his name timmy hello jimmy he's sulking he's sulking like a little red name [Laughter] honestly i have never been so more surprised than when it went off because there was there was a tnt that i could pick up and i didn't know if i stepped on the tnt it would blow up jeffy i told you that we needed to shift it from a destin so i was like the only way you deserve that is shooting it no but i didn't know that it would go off i still i i in cold blood and the worst thing about it is that the procs chat cuts off as soon as you die so you can't even apologize i couldn't apologize i just understand here i mean you're gonna fail to be fair they gave you the loaded gun that wasn't you that brought oh my gosh i actually i feel so bad look i look like the villain but i wasn't i was it was just an honest welcome to the red desert son scott you need to make a decision now okay are you teaming up with the other red players or are you are you keeping to your own team well we could we could just have a little you know alliance we could have that alliance here all right like the other only other red person at the moment is skizzle have you seen skizzle since he's been on reddit no we ought to go and say hello to him as well yeah should we go well the others are good i'm not sure he's going to be the happiest to see him i think out of the everyone on the server us three are probably the worst to me yeah you're the last three people that he wants yeah let's go see him let's go let's get he's getting nothing nothing what are you guys doing to my place hello hi schizzle i'll just stay over here do you like the gold armor it's very fashionable yeah i'm a charity case at this point see this let me tell you something scar you see this button i don't even trust this button to get inside see there's no there's no salt here is there scissors i don't know i mean they seem to find they just seem to want to like talk let me let me let me take the temperatures who are you who are you angry at oh you know what's okay i want to be angry at scar but look at this [Laughter] well it didn't even work skizz it was meant when you destroyed the enchanting table it was meant to kabumi right there but it didn't but i i'm happy with this i mean this is better than i imagined i was feeling really upset i was like oh man it's not work now i've got to think of something else and they've there goes all my tnt boom yes we stole big bees cookie we needed something out of this so we took us okay we need we need to have a little conversation about our next moves because there's now i didn't expect this i thought we'd get maybe a couple more yellow names but now we got two more red names and i wasn't picturing the red names yeah well here's the thing like as much as i love those guys they're not exactly the fiercest warriors on the server no no no no no so what do you want to do mostly just want to kill b dubs and clear maybe that'll be our task next next episode okay so what i'm thinking is tnt is definitely a good one yes we could we could make a tnt cannon and then we could build we could build it up against the castle wouldn't that be sweet that would be sweet siege the castle i i want to siege the crash all so much so what if we're going to do that we're going to need a lot more tnt than just the measly bits that i've picked up you're two on you we could blow the castle now with it dude you've got so much blood lust oh i just know that we could get them so easy with another trap but yeah we should siege with full tnt compliment okay so what's the i i think my plan is to try and build a creeper farm on the side of the border that's my that's my plan okay yeah that's that's yeah i don't think you do that the farm is gonna go here i have no idea if this is gonna work we're gonna go as high up as we can and i'm probably gonna die from fall damage do you know what i maybe i should preemptively put some uh water at the bottom okay that'll do at least i'm protected for a there's a bit of water that i can go in so we're gonna do a half size creeper farm for tnt hopefully this works i have no idea if mobs even spawn close to the border i think they probably should but who honestly knows [Music] oh man that actually took so long and i had to add all these bits because the light levels were wrong do you know what this has not been worth it it barely trickles out anything and i mean i'm gonna get a few bits of gunpowder from this not a lot and hello i'm the last person online is so late this session is over but i had to get this finished okay let's see what you've got to sell because you might sell something that i can't get on this server oh i don't think you can get puffer fish i don't think there's any warm water on this server this is brilliant this is supplying the traps i shouldn't even be making traps really i just got to do what scar says but i'm still green name so we're all good so weirdly it's like i have two red lives my green life is actually a red life then on yellow i'm safe and then on red i'm doing it for myself anyway oh this series is chaos and i love it and it's probably about to go even more insane i hope you've been enjoying this series because i certainly have and every time all the people online basically say i can't wait for friday so that we can record this insanity that triple kill was great it was a lot of fun and i hope you enjoyed this video and today's keyword is puffer if you've made it to the end of the video just try and somehow put puffer or puff of fish or some sort of thing in there that lets me know that you made it this far into the video i really do appreciate all of you i'm having a blast look at that he's made it red red was wanted kill this martin most wanted kill list oh i love this series i shall see you in the next one goodbye wow you're here at the end of the video but beyond the end well if you're here and you're listening to this then what i'm going to start doing at the end of the episode is recommending a video of someone else in third life who was kind of on a different storyline to what i'm going on to kind of try and spread the love and get people interested in other people's third life series so today's third life person is going to be tango i didn't see tango the entire episode and it turns out he had his own thing going on so a link to his video will be in the description and i thoroughly thoroughly encourage you to check it out thank you very much for watching and goodbye for real this time go check it out
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,173,494
Rating: 4.9803901 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, 3rdlife, grian 3rdlife
Id: S_BGbpfPWc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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