Blender Intro - Text Animation Wire Logo Effect in EEVEE [Blender 2.8]

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hey this is Kev with blender binge back with another video this time we're gonna be creating this cool stringy energy metallic cool spaghetti style animated logo that appears and does some cool stuff so let's just jump in the first thing I'm gonna do is create some text so I'm just gonna go add text and you see it says text wonderful so I'm gonna just change this to logo so I'm gonna hit tab and I'm just gonna spell the word logo cuz I don't know why not write logo and I think I'm gonna go to this little a down here and I'm gonna change the font it's gonna go to font regular here and I'll just chase it choose a new font so I'm in my fonts folder and I think I'll just go and grab and have one in mind let me see luckiest guy nice and thick and it works for this tutorial okay so that's great done so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to convert this text okay it looks how I want it I'm assuming it's gonna look how you want it when a convert text object convert to mesh from curve whatever and then we're gonna do is I'm gonna hit tab I'm gonna hit a to select everything I'll go to faces here alright hey to select everything I'm going to hit a on the keyboard once then I'm gonna hit enter and then I'm going to go to the move tool and pull it up make it thick kind of thick that's probably pretty good like that okay then hit tab again and now I could have used the thickness inside the font thing but it's not going to work very well for this next step I want to do because it's gonna it's going to separate these polygons and you have to go and clean it up so this way is much easier so now what I can do is I can just hit tab again hit a select everything and then I'm just gonna go to mesh separate by loose parts and what that does is I hit tab again now I have separate objects okay text one text to text three whatever the next stage is I could have just done this before too but I'm just gonna rotate these guys up so let's see here I can open up this little tab here and I can go to item and I'll just hit 90 degrees on the X so now it's standing up and then I can kind of move it into the middle all right it doesn't have to be perfect just kind of like right there that's pretty good so now the next thing we want to do is enable the magic plugin the magic plugin exists inside blender 2.8 and I believe this has been here for a while but if you go to edit preferences and you type in add curve ok or you just scroll down here where it says add curve extra objects okay you turn that on and you get this little create tab over here go to create and now for each one of these I can hit bounce spline and it gives me spline and then I have this bounce spline thing down here where I can go ahead and kind of choose how I want how many splines I want that's probably pretty good right there and for each one of these I can do the same thing bounce spline and bounce spline and now what I can do is I can just go and hide these other little texts and now I have the magic so from here what I can do is select this and I can go to this little object data go to geometry and just give it a depth of like point oh that's way too big point zero five that's probably pretty good right there same thing with this depth 0.005 here depth 0.005 and the reason I'm doing this separately is because some of them might not look as good so I'm just gonna do is one at a time point zero five and that's that's kind of cool I like that so now what I can do is just give this a floor so I hit add mesh plane I don't know 50 make it nice and huge and that's kind of cool all right so I have this and I have this okay so we have the floor and we have the logo and now I'm just going to animate the camera a little bit so what I'm gonna do is select the camera here's my camera and I think it's zero it out first so I'll hit alt R and alt G and then I'll pull it back a little bit here you pull it up and there I demand rotate it like 90 degrees that's probably pretty good and then what I think I'm gonna do is I actually gonna create an empty that I can stare at so I'm gonna go add empty plane axis and the plane axis is just a non rendering object it doesn't render it's just something I can use the camera to point at so if I select the camera and I go over here to constraints I say add object constraint and I say track two and then I'm gonna choose the target being the empty and I'll say negative Z and I'll choose up axis is y and now you'll see if I move this around the camera tracked to it so what I'll do is I'll hit 0 and I just want to get a little bit of a camera motion in here so I think this animation will be about 144 frames so I'll go in there and type in 144 and if I scale this up a little bit here you can see this now I have 1 to 144 so at 1 Boop's 0 let me go to view and turn on lock camera to view and what that does is it allows me to to just navigate using the cameras like I'm holding the camera so I'm gonna middle Mouse about here and what I'll do is I'll go to camera item and in the location I don't need to worry about rotation because the rotation is handled by the aiming of the aiming and the - so I'll just go in here and hit insert keyframes and then I'll go to 144 maybe I'll zoom it over I'll just middle mouse over here up there and it insert keyframes and I have two two diamonds on the timeline and if I hit play you can see that I am now have a nice kind of sweeping motion here okay and I'll leave it at that and what I'll do now is I'll start getting the look so to do that first let me save gonna pause the video and save this and come back okay so I saved it and what I'll do now is I like having the timeline here now I'm in blender 2.8 so I could use these workspaces up here for shading but I'm I like having the timeline here and everything so I'm just gonna go ahead down here where my mouse becomes a little crosshair dragged up and I'm gonna change this to shader editor so I will select this guy and I knew and this gives me a new principal be SDF shader and while I'm here I'll change change change change to Evie and I'm going to turn on a few things screen space reflections turn off half rest trace turn on bloom cuz I don't know why not and maybe motion blur and that should be pretty good for this and now I'm gonna go to world and I'm going to turn the color all the way down to black and now I'm gonna add a light in so you can see here that I deleted the light the default light that's not in here so I'm gonna go to add light and I'll say area and I'll throw the area up above and I could say maybe softened it a little bit the larger that area gets the softer the light gets so the larger the light source the softer it is and power about 150 that works and so now I have that and that's looking pretty decent so I can now go ahead and make the shader so for this guy base color let's see I'll make kind of a yellowish color I'll turn it to metallic and roughness make it pretty rough so it's like shiny and cool and that works kind of golden and now I can just select the rest of these and just make these like that that will work pretty well so there we go so now what I can do is I can just change this this bottom here so I hit new give that a new shader and I think what I'll do is I'll just kind of make this one see what happens if I make this metallic and rough oh yeah there we go getting enough nice roughed shader in there and what I could do is I can like make it so it's not like perfectly see how like this is like perfectly reflective I can change that by going add texture I'll say Musgrave okay and then I'll do ad converter color ramp and I'll take the factor of Musgrave trying to plug it into the factor of color ramp and then color - all right yeah color to roughness here and what I can do now is that black will be completely shiny and white will be rough and this kind of brings in this rough areas these rough areas here see that so I'll scale this up a little bit and kind of make just some just some breakage here detail black and arity dimension split it up a bit and then this is obviously like weights you crazy here so I can flip this by just hitting this little arrow thing and saying flip colorramp and just kind of bring it in and then maybe take this and let me push that up a little bit I'm base color I can change to something a little more interesting than FB I'm here I can change I just get something interesting I mean it this is up to you really just just whatever you want that's that's fine and now one other thing we can do here is I can go and turn on the bloom a little bit more and then we'll get to our our logo animation which is probably what you've been waiting for okay so let's go ahead and go to Eevee go to bloom maybe big this that's way too hot there we go point two that's probably pretty good so now we can do is do the animation so we have this going that's looking pretty cool now let's animate the wireframe so to do that I'm gonna hit this and what I'll do is I'll go to this object data data and I'll turn a preview resolution up and that's just gonna make this cooler across the board so I'll do that for each one of these as I go but what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to say and start an end see that it fills it in it kind of like traces it so what I'll do is that frame let's just say I started frame 24 that's one second in I'm gonna go to to end and I'm going to hit insert keyframe and then at about 20 frames out I'm gonna hit it 1 and then the next one here same thing so I'll go to 30 turn that down insert keyframe go to 50 turn it up keyframe 40 for the next one turn this down keyframe 60 up to one keyframe and the last 150 these just so the overlap is their animating zero okay keyframe and then 70 up to one keyframe so now if you look at this and I hit play you can see it fills in pretty nice right that's pretty cool and lastly what we can do here is I can kind of make it blink out at the end here so what I can do with that is I can go ahead and add in texture and a control to the space color so this is kind of cool like this but I can add some variation by doing something really interesting you I can you add a converter color ramp I can drop this on to this and drop this on to this okay just clicking and dragging all right left-click and drag and then I can change the color to maybe something a little more red and now I color to base color here and it'll change it but it's not really changing it's just kind of giving me a gradient so what I can do here is go to input and I can say object info and I can take random plug random into factor here and now if I change RGB to like HSV and change this to like far I can really kind of like get random colors here but that's not what I want I don't want the rainbow effect so I'll just I'll just keep near here and I can just go ahead and and that'll just give me some slight slight variation here so you can change that to constant you can see what that's doing and if you added more colors in here like it would totally do that but I'll just I'll just leave it at HSB and then it'll just kind of randomize the colors just enough so they're a little more interesting to me and if I had play here we go nice so what I'll do here is I'll make it blink out at the end so to do that I'll go like 1:30 and now color ramp here what I can do is I can add in so shift a or go to add doesn't matter and I'm gonna go to color I don't say brightness and contrast throw that in and now I have a brightness control alright that's wild so what I'll do is I'll go to 0 and at 1:30 I'll keyframe it so I right-click on bright insert keyframe then maybe it 131 I can bump it up a little bit insert keyframe then at 132 I can go negative insert keyframe okay bring it back up to 0 insert keyframe go a couple out go brightness insert keyframe next one go dark insert keyframe and then maybe toward the end I can let it get really bright or just white out White's out the whole thing insert keyframe so now if I hit play and maybe I can go like a little bit before that too so I could start up like 120 insert keyframe here darken it out insert keyframe go a few more brighten it up insert keyframe dark insert keyframe light insert keyframe and you see here boom so let's give this a render and see what it looks like so to do that I'm simply gonna go to output okay I created a folder called wire logo I'll just call it wire logo dot mp4 for this one it except go here to file format ffmpeg encoding h.264 in mp4 and everything else looks alright I think I'm okay with everything else so I will hit render render animation and see that that's bad so one last thing I have to do here is I can turn these off or I don't really need them anymore so in my case right now I'll just delete them and now I'll hit render animation and there we go so let me pause it and come back okay so we're back and here we are with the logo and it's looking pretty interesting I'm kind of digging it so you can go ahead and change up you know play with it change the floor if you want the color things that you know could have been a little bit a little bit cleaner in this video or whatever but yeah that's the general the general idea of making this kind of effect and it's kind of fun and you can go ahead and play with it and see what you can do so with that hopefully you got something out of this video if you did hit like subscribe share it and I'll just keep making more so I'll see you next video thanks bye
Channel: Kev Binge
Views: 102,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.8, blender guru, blender 3d, blender tutorial, blender eevee tutorial, blender eevee animation, animated text, best animation schools, vfx school online, blender animation, gleb alexandrov, cg geek, blender animation loop, blender intro, blender text, blender text animation, blender eevee, eevee animation, blender modeling, blender easy, blender easy tutorial, blender cycles, intro to blender, b3d, remington graphics, cg cookie
Id: q1UKIn6XP6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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