3D Printers are now a Tool! P1S and X1C Comparison

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welcome back to hoos 3D printing is now a tool that is the major leap I believe that has happened in the 3D printing space within the last year the technology has evolved from something that is exclusively available to tinkerers and hobbyists and has now become accessible to the larger population in this video we are going to explore my printer recommendations for the channel specifically we will be looking at these These are the bamboo love p1s and the bamboo lab x1c two offerings from bamboo lab which I think are appropriate for printing all of the objects that I create all right let's change up set for a second so if you're unfamiliar with this Channel or or my other Channel all the gear I create practical prints that people can use at home to enhance their life in practical ways so to me a 3D printer is a conduit in a workflow that moves from idea in my head to computer and then passes through the 3D printer which materializes it in real life now if that isn't Magic I don't know what is the moment that I started 3D printing I realized the potential of this technology going forward for everyone this is going to become an appliance that is in every house just like a microwave now the main limiting factor in this workflow is generally the 3D printer it restricts time it restricts material and it restricts shape of the idea that you're trying to translate from computer screen to reality now as far as concerned any technology that removes those limitations reclaims time and streamlines that process adds productivity to individuals and Society itself and that is why I'm focusing on these printers today so here I have the bamboo lab p1s and I'll tell you how I got to the decision of purchasing this printer for myself a couple of years ago I made a video on on the Enders and this was kind of like a channel guide video on how to 3D print as well as how to troubleshoot 3D printing how to replace Parts it was basically a complete tear down of the Ender and how to manage it print settings and the rest now this guide to 3D printing it's kind of a good summary of Where 3D printing was a couple of years ago the focus wasn't on the 3D printer's cap cap abilities it was on how to manage the tool because the tool in itself took up a lot of time so when I started seeing the reviews of the bamboo lab printers come out and how they have created a plug and play 3D printer I couldn't resist I went out and I bought myself this this is the bamboo lab p1s part of the P1 series that steps up from the p 1p which is a non-enclosed device to something similar to the x1c which we will be exploring in a little bit when I received this machine I started using it and I realized very quickly that this machine is incredible now I will say I was stepping up from Enders the contrast was Stark for me but I was so excited by the prospect of presenting the people in my audience this printer as a solution for plug and playay printing that I reached out to Bamboo lab so for complete Clarity I'm just going to read out the email that I sent them so that you understand the perspective that I was coming from Hello bamboo Labs marketing team I'm a 3D printer Hydroponics and gardening YouTuber I have recently purchased your bamboo Labs P1 s and to be frank I love it I want to recommend your product to my audience and I think this is an opportunity for us to cooperate I want to move away from the six Ender machines that I have in my prototyping lab and I am interested in exploring the carbon and AMS comination as well as the mini to see what the best option is for my viewers a string of emails went back and forth culminating in them sending me this this is the bamboo labs x1c with am combo so I've spent the last couple of months playing around with both of these machines and I have come to many conclusions which I now want to share with you recommending either the p1s or the carbon respective of who you are and the outcomes you want from machines such as these so let's compare and contrast the these machines now the reason that I was so interested in playing with the X1 Carbon is mainly because of its multimaterial capabilities however we are going to explore how the p1s can actually be upgraded to do the same the thing that I didn't expect is that all the other features within the carbon would actually have a greater effect on the experience of uninhibit my workflow it's also allowed me to Inc incorporate multicolored prints into that workflow which is expanding my design capabilities and to be completely Frank the AMS is able to be fitted to the p1s so what's the difference between these two machines and why would you pick the bamboo Labs x1c over the p1s if it's technically capable of all the same things well that's actually what I'd like to compare and contrast in this video to give you the best information on your purchasing decisions when it comes to my recommendations for a 3D printer on this channel now both these printers are incredibly fast on my Enders I had exclusively 8 mm nozzles to reduce print time and I actually ordered A8 mm nozzle with the bamboo lab p1s and never fitted it because the moment that I started printing with the4 mm nozzle the print time was cut by 2/3 and that is just I went from 12-hour prints to 4-Hour prints and from 24-hour prints down to like 9h hour prints the funny thing is actually um they have sport like modes where you go from uh silent to standard standard is like default mode and then you go to Sport and then you go to ludicrous but even their standard mode is what I would consider ludic for something like the old Enders or even the upgraded Enders I know that I'm going from like archaic technology to state-of-the-art but my God they are fast 20,000 mm per second of acceleration this speed is driven by its highspeed core XY design both of these printers have a welded steel chassis multicolor and multimaterial capability utilizing the am module direct drive extruders which actually in my experience are super powerful I had a lot of problems with filament getting stuck on the filament rolls as the filaments end even if you have a filament sensor if those drives aren't strong enough have enough grip on the filament they won't pull that filament through and you'll have print values even with a filament run out sensor because they'll just grind away at the filament until such time as the filament snaps or it just doesn't pull through and you get a print failure I've never had a problem with these drives not pulling the filament through it also has a filament run out sensor so you can use whole TOS of filament and then just reload mid print both of these machines have carbon filters integrated into the fan hands within their bodies this is good for printing materials that give off voc's and allows the printers a wider range of materials in a safer Manner and they both have active vibration compensation which is essentially an algorithm that compensates for the movement in these machines and there is actually quite a lot of movement the speeds the head is getting up to is actually mindblowing and there is some wobble in the machines and that is just physics I will also say that they aren't the quietest machines coming from an Ender I mean they're the same but uh I have had the Ender 3 Pro Max Neo uh it was incredibly quiet but it wasn't moving at these speeds and it wasn't achieving the results of these printers are achieving so no you will not be able to have this in your bedroom and sleep with it but I am more than happy to make that sacrifice while we're on the negatives I guess W Garden so very much like apple in the sense that they're a proprietary brand there's no open source but I'm also an apple Fanboy and I understand that to make something work as well as these machines you kind of need everything to be proprietary to work together in an ecosystem another thing that I haven't seen mentioned in many reviews is is that the bed isn't actually a 256x 256x 256 Square it has an exclusion Zone in the left hand corner the front left hand corner which you cannot print on technically there is a workaround the reason is on the side of the head there is a lever that the the head will push up into the corner and press against a protrusion in the corner of the printer that cuts the filament which allows the AMS to operate because it will then pull the filament out push other filament in extrude out the tiny amount of filament that was cut and continue printing after it has stacked its color that means that your designs are restricted to the rest of the print bed which I've actually found to be a problem when I was designing something that kind of needed the whole print bed there is a work around in the sense that the protrusion it's on a spring you can push it back and because it's on a spring and you can push it back there is a print that you can print that holds that protrusion back and allows you to utilize the entire bed however it does remove that ability for the printer to cut its own filament it means you cannot use the am while the exclusion area disabled it is something to be aware of if you're planning on printing something that is exactly that square size and we'll talk about that object that I was trying to print in a little bit all right so let's talk a little bit about the differences between the bamboo lab p1s and the bamboo lab X1 Carbon so on their site Bamboo's definition of the differences between the p1s and the x1c is the p1s is based on the p1p with an improved cooling solution and inclosure however it is not recommended to directly print fiber reinforced filaments such as glass fiber or carbon fiber before an extruder and hot end upgrade the X1 Carbon is equipped with micr lighter for advanced AI detection functions and offers more convenient and efficient screen interaction now I'd say that's a pretty good summary but we can go more in depth when it comes to the differences now having operated two of these in parallel for about a month and a half I'm going to outline the differences that I've found between the two and the surprising conclusion that I came to when it comes to which one I would recommend the differences are the x1c has a flow calibration area as well as a nozzle l wipe so the wipe on the p1s is where the flow calibration would be in the x1c and there is an L wipe up in the corner which is essentially just a nozzle wipe in a different place the x1c has liar which allows for all of the extra bed leveling functions the p1s has in a physical bed leveling function where the nozzle touches the surface but the x1c has in a physical bed leveling function as well as the liar which gives it an extra level of calibration and the liar also allows for a first layer detection where it scans the first layer and looks for abnormalities within that first layer they both have time-lapse cameras the p1s has a 720p time-lapse camera and the x1c has a 1080p time-lapse camera and as far as I can tell this is a much better quality camera and when you're accessing the camera in the app this camera works and I'm not sure whether this is the Wi-Fi module being more efficient or the camera being more efficient but it is a nonstuttering picture on your phone whereas the p1s stutters a lot uh the connection it just falters and it's a slideshow of pictures from the printer rather than a video which I get from the x1c the 1080p camera in this allows AI or machine learning to detect spaghetti and other malfunctions similar to that now my experience with this is actually that the printer tends to ER on the side of caution and it will actually fail the print not fail but it will pause the print way more often than this machine because it will essentially find false positives or false failures sometimes that can actually be a point of frustration with the device which is just silly that we've got to the point that a device is more cautious than you are but it has actually saved a couple of my prints the continual updates that I've been getting for this device and the way that I see really Edge case scenarios handled by it especially with the AMS unit um recently I had that problem where filament wasn't coming off the spool and the AMS unit basically solved the problem itself it just kept running until it solved that problem and I was just standing there in awe that this machine has such an edge case built into its programming it it is very is very impressive actually another difference is this is just a software thing you actually have access to the timelapses in the app on your phone with the x1c and you don't with the p1s I'm not sure why that is now these are differences that I don't really get um the x1c has a door sensor it's integrated into the door but it's not functional I don't think as far as I can tell it doesn't have any function there is a spot for it on the p1s but there is actually no physical sensor in there so that doesn't really matter but that may be something that they integrate into the future and weirdly the x1c doesn't come with an SD card to record your time lapses and the p1s does so because I got the x1c after the p1s I spent probably like half an hour in that box looking for the SD card because I thought it's a more expensive printer of course it's going to come with an SD card the other one did um nope it just I had to look online and everyone says I couldn't find my SD card and there doesn't come with it it's not in the list of things you get with it it would be nice if this rather expensive came with a small 32 GB micro SD card but it does not so okay so those are the differences that aren't really upgradeable you can't just add them onto your p1s now we're going to get into well the main differences and the upgradeable differences the x1c comes with a hardened steel nozzle now that means that it can print carbon fiber and glass fiber filaments the p1s s comes with a stainless steel nozzle now that can print in those filaments however it's not recommended now you can just upgrade that to a harden steel nozzle now the x1c also comes with a metal gear extruder so this is also part of the caveat of printing the fiber reinforced materials you need Hardware that is harder so to print with these materials it is recommended that you also upgrade the metal extruder gears for carbon fiber and glass filament both of these upgrades are things that I would recommend to people choosing the p1s going forward I specifically on this channel and my other channel want to start focusing on structural prints especially on prints that are going to be utilized in vehicular storage camping and other lifestyle prints that I'll be focusing on on all the gear now these upgrades are not expensive the cost of upgrading both the harden steel extruder and the all metal gears is only 56 Australian dollars that's not prohibitive at all and this is where we kind of get to contrast and compare the machines for those that are looking at both of these options as a PR going forward the cost of these printers at the time of the making of this video was $1,069 for the bamboo lab p1s and $1,839 for just the x1c not the AMS unit just the x1c which makes this printer about $800 cheaper with the cost of upgrading to the multimaterial which is about $56 you're looking at $1,124 for this machine with the print capabilities not all the fancy stuff the print capabilities of this machine that's the saving of about $700 to $750 and that is going to drive a lot of people to the p1s however I'd like to talk to you for a second about the main differences between these two offerings from bamboo lap now they both print from device you can utilize the screen on this or you can utilize your smartphone with the smartphone app now the smartphone app is actually incredible uh it's quite intuitive and it does somewhat replace the screen on the x1c however the ability to just come up to your printer tap in select an a file an older file and print it is a quality of life upgrade that I did not expect that would streamline my workflow in the way that it has the immediate feedback that I get from this screen with troubleshooting and the integration of the am specifically which we'll talk about in a second as well as the Deep printer control that you can achieve at the printer with this it brings a level of ease to printing that I found was actually a little bit of a hurdle with utilizing this screen and I found myself hesitant to control this printer with this screen obviously utilizing the phone app all the time as well as the computer rather than even going near that thing I know it's like I'm a spoiled kid but like this is just so good there is one thing within this programming that they have added since a lot of the Past reviews and that is bed object Omission so if you have a print failure on your print bed you can actually enter into the software and it gives you a gcode rendering of a top down view of your bed and this actually allows you to select objects on that bed and omit them so that say you have six different objects Printing and one or two have failed you don't have to fail the whole print and just start again you can omit objects as long as they're not touching and the printer will just skip those parts of the G-Code and this is incredible if it detects a print failure you can just continue the print omitting the objects that have failed that magic I don't anyway um I think this is yet to be realized by bamboo as to the potential that it has going forward in the future with updates in fact I'd like to take a second right now to talk to Bamboo Labs here is a way that you can improve your customers lives at the same time as diversifying your sales of both of these devices I would like to see implemented in the future the X1 sees scrip have the ability to control multiple P1 s's if I could purchase one x1c as my first printer and then know that I can expand my printing capabilities by buying P1 s's that would be controllable from this screen in a prototyping or print Farm facility I I would buy a x1c without question as my first printer and then you could have add-on printers that you upgrade the hotend and the extruder gears and all you would need is a tab on your x1c that allows you to control an array of printers this would make existing p1s customers more likely to buy the x1c and it would also make x1c customers more likely to purchase quantities of P1 s's to fulfill their prototyping facility and then each print FM would have multiple groups multiple X1 C's and an array of P1 s's that are controlled by those X1 C's I think it would be a beneficial move for both your business and us all right so let's quickly talk about the AMS okay so at first I thought multicolor printing like it's just a gimmick it's wasteful with filament but that is actually before I started designing my own multicolored prints and the reason for that is every print that I had ever seen on YouTube had been a toy essentially there's not many people that design functional prints and when I started designing my prints with function in mind I started to appre appreciate the usefulness of multimaterial as well as multicolor prints for instance here I have a functional print that is about to be released on my second Channel it is a lockable vehicular storage it allows you to store fishing rods and other long items on a vehicle which is lockable and sealed so that you can store things safely on a vehicle now I needed these to be extremely strong so I needed to print them in materials that are versatile and suitable for the application and going forward that is what I'm going to start incorporating into my channel efficient color and multimaterial 3D prints that utilize the AMS in a way that we can affordably incorporate the color and physical attributes of multipool printing now this might just look like a couple of my logos that I've created as an example for this segment but these are actually functional one of the downsides of the AMS is that it does not accept cardboard spools and these cardboard spools are the cheapest pet G that is available to me in my area which is Australia the problem is that the AMS module because it is a fully self-contained module it spins the the Spool in the holder and the cardboard disintegrates essentially um because the edges of the spool aren't what usually is meant to be touching usually it would be held on a spool holder the cardboard disintegrates and clogs up all of the moving parts and it's a bit of a problem so I designed these These are they're essentially just spool protectors and allow the spool to run on the runners within the AMS and I designed spool protectors with my logos on them and this allowed me to you know test out the color printing now these just fit directly over the top of our cardboard spools like so and clip into the center hole as well and they allow you to protect your AMS unit from cardboard spools so for those who have access to the Jo filament in Australia I'm going to put these designs onto my patreon there are multiple there are less filament hungry ones which I've designed so that they have cutouts in them or you have the option of testing out your AMS unit units with multiple of my Logos now this was printed in the bamboo Labs PLA and my cheap pet G I'm really impressed with how vibrant the bamboo Labs colors are I've never actually been able to get a color that vibrant so thank you to bambo lab for sending those out to me and here is the print that I was talking about earlier that actually takes up most of the print bed and as you can see I've got my logo down there in the corner as an example of how much filament this wastes that is the color stack for this print it is not very wasteful at all if it's designed properly and that's what I want to talk about with you right now that is actually an upcoming design on my channel that I've printed for a cracky bucket lid um and the reason that I needed it to be so large is because the print surface is um not the size of a bucket but this design can actually fit over a bucket which is pretty cool and the tolerance that these printers allow me to design in is just incredible like I think I've got a 2 mm Tolerance on these and it just works like look moving Parts how good something that I don't see anyone talk about is how to design for the bamboo lbs AMS and I just want to touch on that quickly while we are looking at the am M so essentially what this system allows you to do is it allows you to have multiple materials and multiple colors print with in a single print file and the way that you achieve this is you go into the bamboo lab slicer which is essentially just a prer slice of skin where they've done a lot of work to make all the print settings absolutely perfect for their machines so I'm not even going to talk about print settings here because just use their print settings that's the beauty of these machines it's Plug and Play you put your model in and you print it with the print settings for the filament that you're using and it'll just print it it's incredible but when it comes to multimaterial and multicolor you need to design the designs essentially so that you can easily and quickly throw them through a slicer and then paint them with the colors that you want to achieve so for instance when I designed this because you want it to be able to be printed for people that do not have an AMS as well as people who do have an AMS you design it so that it can be so there's not two separate files that you're dealing with and that everyone else has to choose between the way that you do this is when you're in the design program when you're in Fusion 360 or whatever you use you take the design and this is for any surface but realist ially if you don't want to waste too much filament this is mostly for the top and bottom surfaces of your designs you emboss or extrude into the surface that you're going to print or the top of the surface that you're going to print whatever shape or words in text or whatever that you want to be colored you emboss it by 02 mm so that's 2 100s of a MM it's enough for the slice ing program the bamboo slicer to register that there is uh imperfection on the surface but the slicer will actually ignore it for printing purposes so for people that do not want to print in multicolor it does not show up on the final print but for people who do want to print in multicolor you can go into the paint surfaces section of the slicer and you can fill paint these areas with different material selections or different colors essentially and this allows you to fill in color and print in incredibly detailed arrangements and if you didn't want to do the fill print because there's just too many letters or whatever you can print by layer and that will allow you to select everything that is on the same surface so in that 0.02 layer it will print everything in white like this and that allows you to like multi select a whole surface of intricate designs if you didn't want to individually click and fill all of those areas and it prints it as if it were on the first layer so that it doesn't print on the second layer or the third layer it will print first layer in two different colors or however many you want or however many you like and it will print perfectly so that's just a a quick design consideration for if you're using the AMS these will be on my patreon if you want to print them and I hope you enjoy them okay so back to the printers I just want to mention the A1 for one second because I do think that that is a very affordable option for people that don't quite need all of this uh the A1 Mini I probably wouldn't recommend for my viewers because I will be designing with these bed size in mind so you may miss out on some larger prints that take advantage of that larger bed size and I would actually like to get my hands on an A1 to give it a bit of testing so let me know in the comments below if that's something you'd be interested in watching when it comes to the p1s and x1c however they got me in real life after watching all the reviews I could get my hands on I chose the p p1s and this is the right choice if you're willing to sacrifice workflow but still have an identical print quality and be able to upgrade to the multimaterial capabilities of the x1c however for me now if I were to repeat this purchasing decision I'd actually choose the x1c for the control that the screen enables and my workflow it allows you to change AMS filament with extreme ease and if you want the true unencumbered printing experience that bamboo Labs is offering this is the way essentially what I'm trying to say is these printers are two different answers to two different people the pragmatic value hunters and that my time's worth too much and I'll pay anything to remove obstacles in my workflow now personally I'm both of these people naturally pragmatically I am the first but I've been falling into the second as my time becomes more and more valuable to me my time is worth money and this is no longer a hobby it is a business personally I actually think that bamboo Labs has done right by the 3D print community by offering the p1s and probably cannibalizing sales of the x1c and they've done that just to give us the ability to choose between pragmatism and luxury or in a more pragmatic view a fluidity of workflow so I guess I'll just leave it up to you to figure out which one of these people you are and make the choice that best suits your situation happy 3D printing and I'll see you next time on hoos
Channel: Hoocho
Views: 17,872
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Id: MVzWyqphtoM
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Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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