Bambu Lab P1S 3D Printer - $500 Less Than X1 But Is It Worth It ?

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today is my review of the bamboo lab p1s now about a month ago I put out an overview of the printer when I first got it however now I'm ready to share with you my review having spent some time with it just to be clear bamboo lab though did send me this printer for free I have not though been paid to make this video they have not seen this video before it's been published and as always my thoughts are entirely my own hopefully by the end of this video you'll have an overview of what I think of the printer and hopefully I'll share with you enough info that you can make up your mind if this printer is the one for you anyway let's get on with it and let's take a look at what the p1s is all about the p1s is the latest printer from bamboo Labs it has a fully enclosed cabinet meaning that you can use this model with the likes of ABS it has a maximum build volume of 256x256x256 and comes with a removable Pei sheet it has Auto bed leveling an extruder capable of temperatures of up to 300 degrees C and is one of the fastest printers available on the market today printing up to 500 millimeters a second it is fully compatible with bamboo Lab Studio software which offers wireless printing it has a built-in camera and led bar allowing you to view time lapse and live footage of your print progress and is also compatible with the bamboo lab AMS module allowing you to have multi-material multi-color prints when you get it it will come in this nice big box and if you get the version with the AMS module you'll find that that's actually located inside the center of the printer the first thing you need to do is remove a couple of screws to withdraw this from the top then that will leave the plastic plate at the bottom which you undo and remove and then there are three screws located around each of the axises that hold the bed in place for Transit once that's done you can then continue to fit the rest of the parts such as the screen Mount the filament holder on the back and then start the setup process the software will guide you to to what you need to do you'll need to register the printer with the bamboo app as well once done it'll update the firmware and you're ready then to start your first print at the start of a print you'll notice it will go through a series of calibrations as I mentioned it has Auto bed leveling but it also has a type of input shaping as well to ensure that the printer is able to deliver great results at high speed you can see just how fast these printers are here this is in its standard mode with the pre-sliced file that comes on the printer when you get it this is a good way of just testing the printer is working correctly and give you an indication of what it's capable of however I tend to then slice my own files later to be able to compare that to how it performs against other printers you can see just how fast these printers are even in their standard mode here I'm printing a test benchy this isn't actually the pre-sliced one this is my own sliced one and you can see how fast it is however this isn't the limit this printer actually has a Mode called ludicrous which allows it to go even faster up to 166 percent of the original speed again allowing you to get your print out even quicker although this will come at the cost of some quality now a number of times I've mentioned the word AMS and I should probably explain what this is I'm not going to go into too much detail in this video but it is an additional module that you can get for the bamboo printers that allows it to self feed filaments it allows you to put up to four filaments on board and the printer then will automatically select the filament you choose it will allow you to do things such as multi-color or even potentially multi-material prints depending on what you're doing and whilst it isn't going to allow you to do four at once it will allow you to print in one color swap it print to another color to allow you to be able to do things like this little growku here one of the real nice features about all of the bamboo printers is its slicer now this is based on prusa slicer however it is a customized version but it has some real nice functionality specifically for the bamboo printers now whilst some of it may be familiar there are a number of changes around how you control the printer and especially around the AMS but what's really nice is not only can you slice prints control them like you would expect to be able to do there's a devices section we were able to go in and view information about the printer for instance here you can see we're looking at my p1s my camera currently isn't running but I can enable it and we're then able to have a live view of the inside of the printer and then over here we have all of the controls of the printer we can do things like turn the lamp on and off we can move the axis but also see the status of the AMS if you have it fitted there's also a really nice feature as part of the bamboo Labs filament and AMS module that it has a built-in NFC tag that will allow it to automatically identify the filament that you've put in the AMS and here you can see that we've got a PLA and a pet G and that's been automatically picked up by the bamboo Studio itself but don't worry that isn't compulsory or mandatory you can use any filaments on the bamboo Labs printers if you want you can simply manually label them if you wanted to and there's no restrictions on the kind of filaments you can use about the only thing you do need to be aware of with regards to the AMS is the limitations on the actual spool size one of my favorite features in all of this is the fact that you can print wirelessly once you've sliced your model you can simply go up to print plate select your printer from the list you can see I've got two and then click Send and that will then automatically start on the printer without me having to do any more one of the nice features about the bamboo printers is also their handy app this allows you to remotely view the printer's progress control the printer and it'll even send you a notification when your print is complete this even works off Network as well in the sense of it will work on your local area Wi-Fi or whilst you're out and about via the bamboo servers now before we talk about the p1s specifically I want to try and explain what the differences are between the P series which is the p1p and p1s and the X1 now all three printers are based off the same external platform they're the same shape and size they all have the same build volume which is 256 by 256x256 they can all print filaments up to 300 degrees C e and they all print at the same speed up to 500 millimeters a second all three can use the bamboo lab AMS module and they all have wireless connectivity the real difference is though between them come down to some of the internal components and features for instance the X1 comes with a five inch color touch display allowing you to quickly and easily control the printer the AMS and all of its functions from the front the printer is based on a 32-bit Rock Chip CPU that also has four gigs of onboard memory allowing you to save prints on board even without an SD card the X1 also has a lidar sensor this using that CPU allows it to detect errors with the first layer of your print but also calibrate your filament flow rates automatically there's also an improved extruder on the X1 it has a hardened steel gear set as well as a hardened steel hot end allowing it to print polymers and there are a number of other changes on the X12 for instance it has a 1080p High frame rate web webcam door sensor and a couple of other changes that just make it a more premium printer now there are a couple of other things that I haven't mentioned that were originally on the X1 that weren't on the P series at launch this was the internal auxiliary cooling fan it was the cavity fan the cavity filter as well as the camera and led bar however bamboo have changed this a little bit over time and the major differences are the ones I've already spoke about and when we start looking at the p1s these other differences are no longer there anyways now whilst the P series may not have all the bells and whistles none of this may makes it any less of a good printer because the reality is with regards to speed and output the P series is just as capable as the X1 most of the differences on this are around the extra features so for instance the P1 series doesn't have the rock chip CPU and instead is based off an esp32 the color touchscreen is gone and instead it has a 2.7 inch mono display with buttons to control the features there's no lidar sensor on this printer so you don't get that first layer print detection or the calibration features and whilst it does have a webcam it is lower resolution and frame rate the X1 is 1080p this is 720p there are also changes internally on the extruder as well the X1 has that hardened gear set and nozzle whereas this has a steel gear set and stainless steel nozzle which means it's not going to be able to print polymers but you can upgrade that gear set and nozzle if you wanted to what's really good to see that even though it's cheaper the p1p and the p1s still has all of the same main running gear that we find on the X1 so you still have the carbon fiber rods at the top the same worm gear and the overall main Hardware in the printer is the same now with regards to the differences between the p1p and the p1s the first thing to understand is it is the same base printer there are no changes to the display the processing the additional features like lidar it is the same base printer as the p1p apart from it is now coming Factory enclosed it comes with a glass front door and glass top panel like on the X1 but rather than having aluminum side panels like on the X1 this one is plastic they also include the auxiliary Parts cooling fan the carbon filter and the cavity temperature fan as well allowing it to regulate its internal temperature and more than anything what you're getting with the p1s is a printer that is able to do those temperature sensitive filaments like abs without you having to print those parts yourself elf you could originally buy a p1p and actually print the side panels however now they are giving you one ready to go out the door for just 99 more over the last few weeks I've been doing testing between the p1s and the X1 comparing the results testing it with the AMS module seeing what it's like between the two and overall trying to get an understanding of how the printer behaves with pla pet G ABS as well as TPU I have to say the results I've had from this printer are exactly what I would have expected I've come across zero issues in fact in any prints that I've had and I have to say it's really interesting to see just how good this printer is compared to the X1 considering there are some differences between the hardware okay now just to show you the result of some of the prints now this is just a small selection I do have a lot more of them that I've done now the first one is a pla test this is a vars mode test this is a rose and actually this has come out really really nice you can see the overall quality of the print is really good very small amount of ring invisible you can't see around here a little bit of a shiny area that is simply as a result of the cooling fan kicking in I'd need to just adjust it to make sure that that cooling fan kicked in at the first layer rather than at that point down there that's just the laws of physics that one but overall I have to say it's come out really really nice zero complaints at all we then have some benches we have two we have a super fast benchy which is this one here I will try and zoom in to show you it a bit better you see there is a little bit of artifacts down here on the lines mostly around the deck there you can see P1 that's one of the early ones and then we've got that speed benchy as well in ludicrest mode again overall they've come out really really nice very little complaints at all other than just the effect of the Fast Printing moving on we have another Banshee in pla this one was a slower print just to get a quality print out of it and overall again just absolutely fine no complaints at all quite hard to show you the black ones but really you can see there if I shine it between the light it looks really tidy no complaints no stringing did exactly what I expected it to do I did these couple of small Goku's in pla just as a test I have done a big one as well but it has been stolen by my child but it's absolutely fine just again some small ones to do a quick test these are both bamboo filaments these aren't third parties that is actually a third party filament that's a reality one but the rest of these were bamboo actually the black isn't bamboo that's something else as well but again just to show you the kind of detail not particularly done anything special on these just printed them as they come there was supports on these you can see a little bit around there with the support didn't come off cleanly and it's the same on that one but for a small print it's come out really nice we then have abs this is one ABS print I did a number of others some tools actually for building a vol run and this is absolutely fine this is a test Carabiner print in ABS in white this was actually done in the bamboo filament and it's come out really perfect just just zero complaints at all bottom layer looks great and again this printer just delivers results every time I use it and the final ones a TPU I wanted to make sure that it did do TPU as expected I've done a number of brackets this is a GoPro Mount overall actually come out really well no complaints at all not really much stringing my TPU was saying smart and is a little bit wet this one's got a bit more bobbling on it that is the filament not the printer this had support in place again this is a DJI bracket for the action 2 but overall it's come out really nice you can see again that Pei texture on the front too and I do like that actually the Pei leaves a nice texture on the prints it's not a great selection to show you but I just wanted to demo that this printer will do exactly what you expect it to do and at to this point I genuinely haven't had a problem I've not even had a failure I've just put it on told it to go come back when it's done and it's all good okay so to start we're going to talk about ease of use functionality compared to the X1 now the big difference is between between these two printers is obviously that display the five inch touchscreen is really nice on the X1 however it is not a deal breaker for me and I'll be honest it's very rare I find myself using those controls because most of what I do is on the slicer which is bamboo Studio you've got full control over this printer via the studio and as a result I'm only using that display if I need to change filament when not using the AMS there is no question that when you do have the AMS it is a little easier to use with the five inch display but again everything you need is in the studio so there isn't a large reason to worry about not having the display unless you're going to be not using a PC with this what I will say is bamboo have really set these printers up well to use their Studio software and if you use that you're really not missing much between that display and the X1 where you do notice some differences though is with regards to that onboard storage and the control for the time lapse video because on the X1 as I mentioned it does have that four gigs of onboard memory it will store time lapses onto the SD card but you can also then access all of that via the display on the front the app or via the bamboo Studio software the P1 series though is a bit different you've always got to have an SD card in because it won't print without one and it does store the time lapses onto that SD card but you don't have the remote file management on this printer like you do the X1 so if you do want to get those files off you actually have to take the SD card out the printer and put it directly in your PC what you can't do is directly download those time lapses via the app or The Studio software like you can on the X1 that in itself is a little Annoying compared to the X1 but again it's certainly not a deal breaker next moving on to the lidar sensor and what effect it has not having it now this is rather interesting because I haven't been able to tell a difference genuinely the prints from this are so good I have not seen anything that suggests for one minute that I'm missing that sensor now I'm not saying the sensor on the X1 doesn't do anything and in fact we know bamboo are still working on the functionality of that improving it and the latest fumi for the X1 has done that but genuinely I don't believe it's a night and day feature and the results from this printer are that good I would not say you absolutely have to have it about the only thing I would say is it helps having the lidar sensor with regards to just saying print and run and then it gives you a warning if there's a problem this obviously doesn't have that functionality but as long as you're around to keep an eye on the first layer and make sure everything started okay for me the print results are pretty much the same again the quality is so close is close to non-distinguishable you can still do all of the manual calibrations on this printer that unless you have a specific reason to need the lidar sensor you should go and go model you're certainly not losing out by not having it on this one next moving on to print quality now I'm not going to spend a lot of time showing you loads of prints I will put a little bit of b-roll up to show you but overall I'm going to give you opinion and that opinion is the print quality on this printer is fantastic it is 99 as good as the X1 if not the same I have tested pet G ABS pla carbon fiber and TPU and nothing has failed nothing has been a problem it has just worked I am genuinely shocked at just how good this printer is even compared to the X1 and how close it is in performance and it's really hard for me to say now the difference between this and the X1 is worth it with regards to cost with regards to everything else I think this printer is genuinely as good as the X1 all day long with regards to its print output and really the differences between them come down again to those extra bells and whistles as I've already said and maybe a little bit around longevity with that hardened gear set but you can upgrade that on this printer if you wanted to now one thing I do want to mention on these printers is with regards to the bamboo Studio as well as the bamboo handy apps now the bamboo printers have really good Wireless functionality they have Wi-Fi they connect on your network and you can send your prints to these printers wirelessly quickly and easily it allows you to control the printer control the AMS and there's some really great functionality the handy app is even better because not only can you view your printer in real time you'll get updates on what's going on you'll get statuses as well as notifications when prints complete and you can even view the webcam remotely too whilst this all sounds great there is a little bit of a downside to this feature and that is every print you send wirelessly to your printers don't actually go straight to the printer even if you're on the same network they go via the bamboo servers as a result of this some people will not be happy with their prints going remotely and then back to the printer and whilst it does give some nice functionality it obviously opens up some risk for people who are doing say commercial work there is a free feature on these printers though called land mode and land mode basically disconnects it from the bamboo cloud and allows you to print directly wirelessly to the printer whilst it's on the same network you can enable this in the printers and in the bamboo studio app and then you're no longer sending your data to the bamboo servers however if you do this you do lose some functionality for instance in Lan mode the bamboo handy app does not work at all even if you're on the same network you have no app control whatsoever via your smartphone bamboo studio will allow you to still control the printer remotely upload prints wirelessly on the same network however you did lose access to the webcam in a recent update for the X1 they did bring back the functionality of the webcam for the X1 but you still don't have that on the p1p or the p1s now I do have a dedicated video coming on this in the near future if you're interested in seeing it but it is a bit of a shame that by turning off this Wireless function personality to the cloud you're losing some features in my opinion creality actually have a much better way of doing this on the K1 when you print on that you actually have the option of sending it wirelessly to the printer direct via the creality cloud or via the SD card you can always send prints to these printers via the SD card but it's a real shame that by putting it in Lan mode you lose the functionality of the bamboo handy app even when you're on the same network and I'd like to see bamboo really take steps to improve this in the future it's not a downside to the printer but what should be highlighted is you only get all of this great functionality if you use the bamboo Cloud servers it's a free service you don't pay for it but if you didn't want your data going through that then you're gonna have to lose a little bit of functionality as a result so my final thoughts I am genuinely blown away by this printer I said the X1 was the best printer I've ever used and actually I think this is the best print driver ever used it's as good it's that simple for the same money as a standard X1 you can get the p1s with the AMS module as well which is a fantastic deal and really I think bamboo here are delivering a product that simply sets itself apart from many of the other printers on the market today it's a tune key solution it just works and I have never had a printer like the X1 or this that just works as easy as it does there are people who have had problems with these I haven't I can only share with you my experience there are so few things that I have a problem with on this printer it's crazy about the only things I would like to see improved is around some of the online stuff as I mentioned earlier but other than that I think what bamboo are doing here is incredible they're delivering a product that just wipes the floor with everyone else so that is my thoughts on the p1s now the big question everyone will have is which printer should you buy should you buy the X1 or should you buy the p1s or even the p1p well the p1s comes in at 699 on its own or 999 with the AMS module the p1p Standalone is a hundred dollars less but I'll be honest I would just get the p1s however the X1 is 1199 or 1449 with the AMS module I genuinely can't recommend the X1 over the p1s right now because I just don't see the benefits for most people yes if you want hardened gears hardened hot end and some of the bling features like the lidar then it's going to be worth it but just for the display alone it is not worth spending an extra five hundred dollars they are all phenomenal printers but genuinely I think the p1s is really competing in this price point and I think bamboo Labs have really delivered a printer here that is perfect for most people and it's only a small subset of pro users that are probably gonna have to go all the way to the X1 now I have really struggled in my review of these printers to find bad things to say there are some bits I don't particularly like about the way bamboo Studio behaves with regard to that wireless connectivity as I highlighted earlier but overall I can only share with you my thoughts and they genuinely have been really good now there is a link to these printers in the description but just to be crystal clear that is an affiliate link if you use it I will receive a commission those affiliate links though have had no impact on my opinion of these printers if there was a problem I promise you I can tell you for everyone who watches my channel who knows I will say it the biggest problem I have for me with these printers is they are just as good as they seem and whilst no product is perfect if you're someone with a bill a 3D printing experience it is just a real nice TurnKey solution that basically works out the box and I haven't had a single issue with either my X1 or the p1s up until this point and it is without doubt a glowing review and I will continue to share my thoughts with you as time goes on but I just wanted to explain that a bit more because there's always this talk around affiliate links there's always this talk around reviews I can only tell you how it is yes there's an affiliate link there but you don't have to use it but if you do want to support the channel it is there for you now I'm really interested in knowing your thoughts on this printer please do put any comments and questions below and I will try and answer them furthermore if you'd like to support the channel there are also links to patreon as well as buy me a coffee in the description as well I want to say a thank you to Bamboo labs for sending these ones over they genuinely have been a real great supporter of the channel and if you're interested in get one as I've said there's a link below you can use too anyway that's it from me on this one stay safe I'll speak to you soon
Channel: Mads Tech
Views: 180,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bambu Lab P1S, Bambulab, Bambu Lab, Bambu Lab 3d Printer, 3d Printer, Bambu Lab P1P, Bambu Lab X1, Bambu Lab X1 Carbon, Bambu Lab AMS, Bambu vs Prusa, Bambu Vs Creality, B1 vs P1P, K1 vs P1S, Creality K1 Vs Bambu P1S, Best 3d Printer Todat, Best PLA 3d Printer, Best ABS 3d Printer, Bambu Lab SLicer, Prusa Slicer, Creality, Best 3d Printer Today, P1S 3D Printer, P1P 3D Printer, Filiment, 3d Printer Review, Best Filiment, Bambu Lab vs Prusa, Prusa Mk4, K1 Max
Id: a760_zlkqc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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