SLS 3D Printing AT HOME?

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welcome to 3D printing nerd Studios of course proudly powered by PCB way Link in the description 8% off it's like free money finally I get to tell you about the micronics I'm sorry mini Joel the micronic SLS 3D printer this is the one that's launching on Kickstarter and I think it's going to be around three grand us which means we finally finally have ourselves a consumer-based SLS 3D printer it's about time for those that may not know SLS or selective laser centering is a printing process where a laser centers or melts material over and over and over again within a powder bed to build a part and it's a really cool technology but it's always been at the professional and the Industrial Level because a lot of times you had to maintain a clean room in order to operate these machines and the machines themselves cost tens if not hundreds if not millions of dollars in order to acquire it was well out of the reach of most everyone I know my chronics is looking to change that with this right here their SLS 3D printer and I'm going to talk about the machine but also within this within this is a finished print put it through the slicer but I don't know if it was a success it said it was a success so what you and I are going to do is find out together what it looks like I do have my laptop here because there's a few things that I do want to mention the build volume on this is 160x 160x 203 however the largest part size 145 by 145 by 200 and supported materials right now rpa2 or you know nylon and a TPU 90A within this right now the prints I've been doing are pa2 but they're looking to add pa12 glass fiber pa12 carbon fiber pa1 and PP or polypropylene when they sent this originally I did get a lot of parts with it and one of them was of course a mini Jewel by wexter and I love the heck out of it it looks great and again printed with their machine these are the example Parts they sent they did also send a few makers Muse makers coins because I don't know why not they sent this which is which is just fantastic this is all a print in place mechanism right here but printed on their machine in the SLS way it it can print all at once like being able to print this on an FFF style printer you're looking for a bunch of headaches and then also a bunch of these these uh they have like a little Veron ball within a within a a cube there and they and they sent a bunch of those so I will probably give these to my coffee shop my local coffee shop where they sell some 3D prints and then I'll have them give them out to customers who just might have some fun with them I did do my own prints with the machine and when they came out they looked like this they they look just like that and they they look a little rough around the edges they they don't have that that SLS look to him and that's because I just brushed off the excess powder and I didn't have a media Blaster kit yet but thanks to Jeff a friend of mine from Twitter he had a spare media Blaster cabinet so I got that and so of the prints that I did myself I then media blasted them and look at those like they look great they look absolutely great and I was really thankful that those prints all worked out we got the Hulk right there we got the the thing so then again that's on on the on the outskirts there are the are the non media blasted ones and then the two in the center have been media blasted and my media Blaster is just a cheap Harbor Freight cabinet and I got 80 grit uh uh glass beads these look good and I know you really really want to see prints from this machine the whole the whole internet is a buzz of just wanting to know if it can work because that's the dream of having that consumer level or consumer accessible SLS 3D printing like can it be true so far it's true one more print before we dive in and that's well I'm going to show you something really cool my buddy Jeff who goes by Craft Computing he's made this cool little thing it's a temperature and humidity sensor for Server racks and he calls it the Axe effect and I've been printing some of these cases for him in FFF and eligo material it actually looks cool he likes green but no one's perfect it's true and here I've got one where I've taken it apart the top comes off like that and there it is it's just a custom circuit board right so I thought what if I was able to print these in SLS nylon Jeff thought it was a good idea and so I put it to work so I printed them on this machine I got them out I media blasted them they look great great they look better than great like they they look fantastic and they have a really good feel to them this also demonstrates that you can get really good dimensionally accurate Parts with SLS because it just it just goes together just like that you can pop it right out so let's put that in there and let's put that right on top being FFF the screws bit into the material and it should work as well with SLS and it does okay there we go the Axe effect but SLS 3D printed oh that's cool all right well Jeff I'll get these to you and I'll put a link down to you know your video about it that's that's really cool I'm glad that you let me do that with this machine I think what we do is we now open this up and take a look on the inside and I can show you the build chamber and what that looks like you open it like that and there's your build chamber and to get it out you have to put a hand under here and grab here and just pull look at that that is the build chamber this thing in the corner uh it almost I like I want to ask it to open the podbay doors I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that this is the build chamber and this is where powder is loaded this is where the recoder is to bring over fresh powder per layer and this glass top is where the laser shines through to Center the material layer by layer by layer I kind of move some stuff around because I want you to be able to see in the top when we get What's called the cake out when you have SLS 3D printing everything prints within the powder itself and so there's no support material because the uncentered powder is the support and once you're done Printing and once the centered and uncentered material comes out that that hole of it is called the cake and so I want you to see what happens when we take the cake out so we can take this glass piece off set it aside now this has batteries in it to be able to manipulate the build plate and so what I'm going to do is hit the up button for the elevator and it will then make the build plate go up 12 seconds later all right that buzz it does mean that we are at the top and what you're looking at is a nylon cake now here watch this watch this it has the consistency of really really fine sand I don't like sand and because it's really really fine the danger now is inhaling a bunch of it with resin printing getting it on your um on your skin can cause dermatitis or you can become kind of allergic to it but with this if you breathe this in as far as I know we only get two sets of lungs so I mean that's not a good thing so it's at this point I'm going to put on gloves and a mask and I'm going to take off my sweet hoodie because I don't want to get nylon powder on it and I just I can't I can't stress enough that getting one of these machines does mean investing in a quantity of these because it's not a good idea at all to play with this stuff without the proper PPE and so I've got my my gloves to get this out what they have done is 3D printed a tool and this is really indicative of this Kickstarter and this company their their their prototyping I'm I'm very well aware that this is a beta handbuilt machine and they're prototyping with plastic parts that they've printed shipping is not kind to them and so seeing this is kind of really cool to get this off you set this down and then you put this in at an angle then you scoop it up and you put it in here and this contains there's a screen right there so you take the cake you put it on top of that screen the uncentered powder falls to the bottom and can be reused they do include this and this is a dust filter or a particular filter or a filter of some type and you can just set it right there scooping it isn't really that much of a harm but dumping into here is once I turn this on it's going to get a bit loud [Applause] I can turn it off for now so I can tell you about the next step but we we have this this cake we have a cake in there and I you can manipulate with your fingers or you can use tools but the idea is to break it off and get all of your pieces that are inside out this is a part I found a part here and because it's some parts for SLS can be delicate you have to be careful during this phase or you spill nylon powder on your [Music] desk another option within one of these is just listening to Taylor Swift and shaking it off put that top back on and then just give it some shakes but again if you're dealing with very delicate or small parts this might not be the best idea and just taking your time to get it done might be what you need to do it's a delicate balance I don't know if you can see that right there but that's a little jot hand you can use tools for this as well to get the majority of powder off [Music] you can see how tedious brushing [Music] is one of the arms for the geomancer Joel just want to make sure I get everything out it's okay there's a whole bunch of powder in there that I am going to shake down just get it to go through the SI what the heck Houston we have a problem okay it's got a new hole yay it's not my fault okay again that's one of the dangers that you run into when dealing with SLS powder you you run into spills uh it arrived with pieces broken and I was just advised that I use duct tape to kind of cover it up so that I could actually use it and and it's worked for a few prints I I guess a new hole just sprung up that's unfortunate they did send the model out and I and the parts list for McMaster car so I I might be able to like print myself a new one this was petg on a noname machine uh again this is a Kickstarter this is a beta machine handbuilt and these are probably hopefully not going to look like this if you if you uh back the kickstarter and get this machine but hey look at we're all finding out things for the very first time together aren't we let's take a look at the parts how they came out with the brushing and and hopefully editor Tucker can tell you just how much time was spent brushing and and and how much time I spent to get them to look like this because then once I media blast these we'll take another look and compare them and just show you how much time savings there are so this is going to be chainsaw man and there's the stand okay so that's what they look like the geomancer Joel not going to lie looks pretty freaking cool let's see if he can stand on his own here's one of the hands for him or arms or something I think I think it gets held like that yeah and then here is the the high five hand spell that geomancer Joel casts there's a Joel bot pay attention to the detail that you can and cannot see here is the that is going to be the manta ray from St FX I don't have High Hopes on it being articulated but it'll look cool nonetheless now that you've seen what they look like with just a bit of brushing let's go to the media Blaster blast them with the glass Beed media and then take a look at what a finished model that's been SLS printed can look like one thing about Media Blasting uh it can get really loud you have to use an air compressor in order to do the stuff so when the air compressor kicks in it's going to get really loud and you're not going to be able to hear me here we [Music] [Music] go Media Blasting is done and I'm not an expert at media blasting by any stretch of the imagination but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it and it's kind of fun and I want to find other things to Media blast what's also fun is having these finished models now that I can show you let's just start with the jel bot why not look at the look at the texture on the surface there it's so much better it's cleaner it's crisper and we've gotten all of that all of that loose powder off of the jel bot and next up is uh is chainsaw man and there's a slot right there you know what happened I 2x scaled the blade but I did not 2x scale the the figure which is why it doesn't fit up there oh well that's that's rad all right here's the stand stand does not fit I don't want to say dimensional accuracy failed here because it could be that these are 2x scale and this is not I don't remember what I did I can't help but feel partially responsible I don't want to take that as a failure because the other stuff worked just fine so I'll try this again at a later date and we'll get a proper chainsaw man bust but they look good all right Joel the geomancer with the hand look at that huh I summon the high five when I was Media Blasting this one you could see powder kind of coming off and that's that caked on uncentered Powder that exists that really kind of obscures the the quality underneath finally let's talk about this that is the STL flick manta ray scaled 50% oh oh I got some I'm getting some flexi no is it working look at look at that look at that oh but wow this is oh nope nope flew too close to the Sun the manta ray is now broken well that takes care of that I cannot end this without telling you how much Kickstarter absolutely sucks Kickstarter itself all issues I have aside with that my chronics is using it the correct way it's a handbuilt machine it's analog components it's 3D printed Parts just to see if it works these are the kind of things that a company looking for the type of funding that Kickstarter is meant for this is what they do and it's it's great to see now this wasn't without problems obviously shipping damage here I did have a board blowout because a metal standoff was too large and it was causing common to short to ground and I plugged it in where I may have had some voltage leaking to ground which fried the board they overnighted me one and I replaced it and I took care of the problem but it found an issue for them and and in them referring to this as a beta unit that makes sense and so I I like what they're trying to do here I think the team at micronics has something really special and I think it could it could break open the SLS Market on the consumer side much like how bamboo broke open the speed and quality markets with their X1 Carbon it feels very similar in what they're trying to do and bamboo as you know massively successful my chronics I certainly hope so Henry who I deal with at my chronics I don't know if he sleeps like we joke around that I don't sleep like I legit don't think he sleeps I he is he is smart and he doesn't sleep but remember it is Kickstarter it's 100% Kickstarter there are no protections only invest money into Kickstarter that you can afford to set on fire I'm serious here don't go putting money into a Kickstarter if you cannot afford to set that money on fire 100% that being the case if you do have the funds to cover this and it's not going to put you into a dire situation by backing it and this is something you're interested it's here and it's cool and if they can follow through with what they've delivered and the promises of of upgrading and making it streamlined and mass-producing things we could have ourselves a really bright consumer SLS 3D printing future on our hands and that's exciting well there we go we did that we absolutely flipp and did that we talked about the micronics SLS 3D printer I showed you the build chamber we we made the cake go up we took it out we found an extra hole in the sift container we utilized the uh the partic filter the air cleaner the smoke the whatever it's called I showed you models I showed you the machine it's up to you I am not going to tell you to go forward with this Kickstarter but it exists these are the examples and the 's a link in the description where you can go find out more information and pledge if you want to well if you made this far you're awesome don't forget to hug each other more fight for CA you believe in SLS print all the things because it's possible now and as always high five
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 136,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing nerd, joel telling, joeltelling, 3d printing, 3dpn, micronics, micron 3d printer, sls 3d printing, sls 3d printer, desktop sls 3d printer, home sls 3d printer, micronics 3d, micronics micron 3d printer, powder bed 3d printer
Id: SpMDtjQLSws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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