Bambu P1S Unboxing and Comparison to Prusa MK3s - with REAL WORLD prints

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foreign hey guys and welcome to Summer of 2023 where you can buy the bamboo p1s made by the sharpest kids in China or the prusa mark 3s made by a bunch of guys in the Czech Republic who'd like beer which one do you buy that's a good question and honestly probably not one we're going to answer in this video you guys can fight it out down in the comments but I did want to give you my thoughts on each one of these printers I have a bamboo X1 Carbon when the p1s came out I thought I'd pick one of these up as well I am very happy with my X1 Carbon I don't know what to expect with this guy I'm also really happy with this prusa Mark 3s this printer has served me incredibly well I picked this up in kit form four years ago probably around four years ago prior to this I had an anet A8 that I did pretty extensive modifications to but was largely the same printer it was an I3 clone so I've been in 3D printing for about seven years I've learned a lot along the way I want to share some of that with you guys with regards to these two printer choices and just like what's kind of going on in the industry right now it honestly boggles my mind that we can get a pre-assembled printer at the level of what I believe this P1 has to be for 700 bucks and one of these assembled costs 900. I know there's a big difference in how these machines are made China has manufacturing down to a science a lot of people will you know kind of complain about the quality of things that come out of China I don't think that's fair I'm not here to tell you about how Great China is but I think they get a bad rap from a manufacturing perspective if you go to a manufacturer in the United States or elsewhere in the world and you say you want a product made they're probably willing to produce that product for you at some price point from a quality level of say I don't know five to ten where five is it's not so hot but it works and it's pretty cheap to 10 where everything is top-notch your Market is going to be really limited but it is a top quality product you can go to China and you can get something produced on those same quality levels from five to ten they will also produce products for you on quality levels like one to four and when I say one to four I'm going to Define one as being a product that looks like what the thing was supposed to be but it doesn't even work it's like a brick in a box but is kind of looks like the thing you bought I I believe that they would make you make that for you to you know under a five a four where they cut Corners they darn well know they shouldn't have cut and there's a good chance it might not even work out of the box and even if it does work out of the box it's probably not going to work for very long and I think part of the problem really is us as consumers you know we want everything to cost what the one would cost to make that is like a two or a three but we want the quality of a seven or an eight so I'm just saying you know ease up a little bit on you know bashing Manufacturing in China they're just giving uh you know vendors in the U.S vendors elsewhere in the world more options to choose from and those vendors are sometimes choosing levels of production quality that we wouldn't really want that's not the case with bamboo Labs from what I've seen so far the quality of my X1 Carbon I would say I'd put up probably around a seven or an eight on that scale of one to ten and I'm not going to go into it in too deep on this video or this channel but uh I don't like the idea of my data going out to a company that is based in China I'll admit that it's not it's not the best thing it's not that I don't necessarily trust companies in China it's just that if you're based in China and the government says hey we'd like your data they're going to say here's our data that's not going to happen with prusa that's not going to happen with other companies that are based you know uh in most other you know non-third World manufacturing countries if you're Manufacturing in the United States or um you know somewhere in the UK or in the European Union you can probably expect some higher standards of quality for your data again it's not necessarily a reflection on bamboo it's just they're a Chinese company and I wouldn't trust that anything I give them is not going to end up in the hands of the government does that make it a non-starter to buy this printer I don't know for some of you it it might but I think the the value proposition that's offered on uh this printer or the p1p you gotta at least look at it yeah that's enough we might say some more about that as we start digging into this but you guys have already listened to me drone on for a couple minutes I'm sure already now let's uh let's get a box cutter and open this thing up all right I'm going to move my lovely Mark 3s out of the way all right I feel like I should mention uh this printer was not provided to me if you don't believe me just take a look at the subscriber count on this channel bamboo Labs is not sending me a free printer to review uh I paid for this printer with my own money uh I mentioned I own an X1 Carbon I also paid for that printer with my own money I have not received any of the things you're going to be looking at in this video today uh for for free I'm not saying I turned it down if somebody wanted to send me something for free but this printer was not free nor was that prusa Mark 3s nor was my X1 Carbon that you might hear me talk about in this video as well so just wanted to get that out there all right probably also worth mentioning this is not the type of video I normally do on this channel uh normally I do functional print every Friday so if you're just watching this video to see me open up this p1s and check it out hey awesome uh welcome to the channel but if you're into functional prints and when I say functional prints I mean prints that actually do something uh not like you know 15 colors of benches and whatever the newest trinket on the front page of thingiverses I mean like actual like engineering parts that that do stuff whether they fix something around the house or my shop here that's broken or brand new designs from scratch so if you're into that you know I'm not going to say hit the Subscribe button you probably want to go look at some of my other stuff but check out some of my other videos and if you're interested in that hit the Subscribe button I also don't normally stand in front of the camera I'm more of a behind the camera person I'm not afraid to be in front of the camera I just normally don't and I often do a number of takes in my regular videos before I'm happy with them I'm not going to do that because uh yeah I don't want to take this printer out of the box and then like put it back in the box to get a better shot so if I run on a little bit too long in places or I talk myself into a corner you guys are just gonna have to deal with it uh worth mentioning um bamboo does this thing where they know the camera I don't have like a way to get the camera up real high for you guys but they do this thing where they put the printer in a bag and then tape the sides of the bag to the Box uh it was a little bit perplexing when I got the X1 Carbon how the heck do you get it out but now that I've done it once before and I see they did the same thing here I do get it it actually does make it easy to get the printer out of the box you just have to touch to you have to trust the plastic because we're actually going to lift the printer out of the box with the plastic so let me get these off the side here [Applause] uh I'm going to get this down on the floor I think to lift this out I think if I lift it out from here I'd have to be two feet taller so what I mean about trusting the plastic normally I wouldn't lift something out of a box like this this thing's not light uh if you're in the market for a lightweight printer this is probably not the printer you want to buy this thing does have some some gravity to it I bet you it weighs twice as much as my my prison Mark 3s nothing in the box because you don't get any extra goodies with this when I bought my X1 Carbon I did buy it with an AMS and I think it came with three like small rolls of filament so if you buy just a p1s with no AMS I guess you don't get any stuff with it unless you know I guess it could be in the printer uh let's see stuff out of the way for you guys and if I remember correctly now we got to cut the top of the bag or peel it apart there we go so it does look like it arrived in one piece this printer these sides I noticed on other reviews they actually look metal on on camera they're not they're plastic but it's a nice plastic uh I haven't done a ton of research on bamboo lab but I was kind of curious just you know where these these guys kind of came out of nowhere I wasn't even paying attention I was very happy with my prusa mark 3s that I've been using for quite a while and then all of a sudden these guys were getting tons of press on everyone's channels so I thought I'd check it out and I did a little bit of reading come on get off there a little bit of reading and apparently most of their Engineers are xdji guys and if you're not into the drones you might not know who that is but DJI is a Chinese based company that produces consumer level drones the things we fly around with cameras on them that they take pictures up in the sky Fly around for sport I do own a couple of them they're they're nice machines that there's a similar parallel there in that you know there's a community that only wants to do like open source I've built everything on my own you know wrote my own firmware for the Drone controller and then people that just want like a turnkey drone all right we got a quick start guide on the top looks like it's just giving us the uh the basics here uh let's see tool head unlock remove the cardboard from the tool head I guess really the first thing we got to do is just get the rest of the plastic off of here all right I grab you guys out of the tripod so you could get a better look at the at the machine it's really hard to kind of get you know a feel for you know texture and stuff over over a video but the quality of the materials is very nice and it looks like it has arrived in one piece I'm not seeing any immediate damage to it I believe the top of this is glass I believe the door is glass but like I mentioned everything else is plastic on this guy all right I'll probably speed this up for you guys getting the plastic off because I am really nitpicky about getting the plastic off in a way that doesn't leave any tape residue or that I don't accidentally make any Cuts anywhere and it's going to take me a while so we'll speed this up okay all right it looks like we did get something with it I don't know if that is a roll of filament or if there's just accessories in there there is there is a box uh when I bought the X1 Carbon the AMS unit was actually inside the printer and came out through the top I'm just guessing it's probably the same deal with this we should probably take the top off and take out whatever that stuff is through the top all right we got some foam here in the top and [Music] okay that comes right out and comes right out you guys thought I was kidding about being like super particular about opening stuff up like this didn't you yeah I wasn't I hate I'm not I'm definitely not the type to to rush through unboxing something or uh checking something out for the first time and potentially damaging it what's in the box what's in the box oh we do get filament and they shipped it on one of their reusable full-size spools which is really nice even though it's only a tiny bit of filament these spools that they give you I'm at least I'm assuming it's the same thing I got I think three spools with the AMS unit on my X1 Carbon they are reusable the spools actually unlock and you can buy just the the refill filament that goes in the center and then twist the uh the spool back together now these have RFID tags on them so I guess uh unless you want to rip a tag off you can really only use and it even says yeah see this is an RFID tag up here and it says pla basic on it so you could rip that RFID tag off and put whatever filament you want on here and just uh tell the printer what you're using and I guess now that I'm saying that this is a p1s I don't have an AMS so the printer does not know uh what filament I'm using at least I don't think so I I don't think there's any way for the printer to read this RFID tag I think this only automates the process if you have an AMS correct me if I'm wrong down in the comments but I don't think there's any way for the printer to read the spool without an AMS unit so I guess you could put whatever you want on the spool and I should mention if you're not already familiar with bamboo lab products you're not locked into their filament you can use whatever filament you want it's just that if you are loading it into an AMS and you buy their filament it automatically sets the filament type and sets the the correct settings if you're using your own filament and you can use whatever you want you just need to make sure you tell their software what type of filament you're using there's generic profiles for all of the major types of filament I've run hatchbox and Sun loo and sane smart and probably some other brand I'm already forgetting in my X1 Carbon and just used the uh the basic profiles that I tweaked a little bit uh just to bring the speeds down and had no issues all right also in the box we have a piece of PTFE tubing a power cord a disclaimer and safety guidelines that's going to be a fun read later I'm sure the screen and I think this is the the filament spool holder and oh we got a I don't think there's anything in that uh what do we have in this box in this box we have oh they do give you some nice spares so we have looks like a spare 0.4 um nozzle and heat block uh some miscellaneous hardware for scraper oh these are the um there's a little piece in the printer that cleans the nozzle off the nozzle moves back and forth across this to clean it before prints I think these are spares for that or screws very fancy looking these are Grease fancy packets lubricant Grease all right so I think that is all we get so let me set this aside and I'll bring you out of the tripod again all right so inside the printer it looks like we have one of their gold colored textured Pei sheets I think this guy's brand new I think they were shipping an older version of a textured sheet before I have a third party textured Pei sheet of my X1 Carbon that I really like been meaning to talk about it on the channel I'll probably do that soon um but I think this one is supposed to be better than the the textured Pei sheet that they were shipping with their name on it uh before I guess we'll find out I did mention before this video ends we are gonna we're gonna get this guy all the way up and running and we're going to run a functional print on this guy and then run the same print on my prison Mark 3s we'll we'll compare print times we'll compare the quality of the print and we'll even take a brief look at the software for each but looks like the next thing we've got to do is get this styrofoam out of the bottom and probably unlock some stuff I know there was like a whole base in the bottom of my X1 Carbon that I had to take out with some screws I don't know if that's the same case here or not let me get you back on the tripod and uh we'll we'll see what the next steps are here what I don't want to do is pull too hard on anything that looks like it might be attached in some other fashion um okay well that side comes right out oh there we go okay that one comes out too and is this just loose in here no it is actually attached to the the uh our heated bed very shiny the texture doesn't look as pronounced on this sheet as the the third party one that I have I'd be really curious to see how this guy works all right uh let's see we've got there's foam underneath there's foam underneath in the back I don't want to go ripping stuff apart I think we have yeah you know what there is uh there's three orange arrows in here pointing at machine screws it looks like I have to take out let me show you all right let's see if we can get it to focus down there we've got one here we've got one over here and we've got one in the back here basically where the lead screws are in the machine so let me see if they included a tool and we'll get those machine screws out it's not like I don't have the appropriate tool for this but I do want to tell you guys if we got the right stuff and we got two different ones in here I'm gonna guess it's the bigger one yep it's the bigger of the two that you get in the Box and taking it out it feels like it's probably a self-tapping screw into plastic it doesn't feel like I'm loosening something that is in metal all right so initial thoughts looking inside the printer while I'm taking these screws out a lot of similarities to the X1 Carbon I see we have uh the same part cooling fan the same LED light the camera looks the same but I know it's not that's one of the things that I was a little disappointed in looking at the at the specs on this printer I wish they had done the same camera that's in the X1 Carbon that's a really nice camera all right so that's the three screws that were down here I'm not going to rip this stuff out of here my assumption is that we just need to remove those so that the printer can lift the bed up I don't think we should go prying at anything there's a piece of foam back here at the entrance to the Poop Shoot grab you guys out of the tripod again looks like what we've got to do next is just cut the the zip ties that are tying the tool head here to the back frame of the printer as well as around these uh these carbon fiber rods just quick glance up here at the at the tool head it looks like we have the same cable chain and cable setup is in the X1 Carbon I'm surprised how many features of the X1 Carbon they were able to take and include at this price point versus what the p1p costs especially when you consider that you're getting the the the door and the you know the enclosure and lid and everything as as well I don't see any reason to purchase a p1p at this point I I imagine they'll continue offering it just because it is at a lower price point uh but I just I can't see purchasing a p1p uh when you can get a p1s for not that not that much money more and while I've got you out of the tripod it looks like we have the same sort of like rubber feed through here in the back of the printer that we have on the X1 Carbon as well there is the exit to our poop shoot and this would be where the buffer tube was if we had gotten this printer with an AMS our power cord goes down there for some reason this zip tie has a big Orange tag with nothing on it I don't I don't know what that means all right what's left uh let's see we've got a piece of tape here Ah that's where the SD card goes I think there's an SD card in there there is and it looks like we get the finest in no name No Label SD cards with this all right we've got a piece of what looks like that tape that you'd find in a first aid kit holding down the cable for our screen and presumably we put the screen on and here's our screen and this is probably the biggest downside of this printer is the screen on this it's not that it's that bad well I don't know I'm sure it's probably sufficient it's just the the screen on the x1c is really nice uh whereas I think this is just sufficient but you know what I really hardly ever use the screen on my X1 Carbon I guess I do tap it often to see what the status of the print is like at what percentage we are and I do sometimes set the filament in the AMS with it but you can do all that stuff in their app and it's probably easier to do it in the app it's just I did it on the screen the first time because I didn't even have the app and then I kept doing that because that's what I did the first time so I have a feeling I'm probably going to be using the app for just about everything because the real estate on the screen doesn't look too good and I've not heard good things about the the UI but I'll let you know this looks pretty self-explanatory how this goes in looks like it's there's only one way I can plug this guy in looks like we are facing the right way this guy also doesn't pivot the screen on the X1 Carbon pivots back and forth so you can either view it like if the printer was at eye height at eye level like up on a shelf you could see it or if it's down lower than you you can tilt it up looks like we get one angle with this and if you don't like it too bad all right I think we're in we've got some sort of sticker on the tool head that doesn't appear to be doing anything at all I don't know why that was on there we're getting really close to plugging this in but you know what before we do that oh yeah I know we got one more piece of tape that I see inside I think there is actually a filter behind a door in here I don't know if you guys are going to see it on camera or not there's another piece of that first aid kit tape in here and I've never actually opened this up on my X1 Carbon but I think there is a filter behind door number one yes and it is heavy I think that is actually uh it's activated charcoal in there so nice to see they didn't skimp out on that all right I think I got that back on there properly and I think we're ready to plug this in I don't see anything left uh to take off part of me feels like I should probably check the instruction manual but nah let's plug it in all right we're plugged in I'm going to flip the switch just doing one last Quick cursory glance I'm going to leave the top off all right I was about to flip this guy on and I see we have like this piece of tape up here in the front it's kind of loose on this end and on the other side it says output 5 volts 1.5 amps looks like it's typical USB connector I don't know if that's the port where maybe the camera or the lights plugged in or if there's some other accessory option up here in the front let me know down in the comments below if you know what's going on there it's like a piece of black cloth sticky tape it's definitely stuck down on this side loose on this side yeah let me know if you know what that is all right I know turn it on already here we go screen's coming on before use please make sure that you have read the user manual carefully yeah we're not going to do that before use please make sure that you have removed the screw fix to the hotbed I think we did that select your region North America all right I skipped a couple Pages there in the setup because there's a QR code on the screen for setting up the printer and I think even once I set it up and register in the app you guys can still use that QR code to access it so yeah didn't really want that in the video okay now we are at self test finally let's run the self-test routine to check the status of your printer and I'm going to click Start and it's probably going to go through I guess a self-test I have this sitting on a workbench that is not level and the surface of it is not even so I'm not sure how that's going to go this thing isn't rocking back and forth so let's see what happens self-testing oh do I dare try and take the other one out all right it's doing its bed vibrating routine all right while it's doing this one thing I will mention since it's printed right on the front of the uh our heated bed here the volume of this printer is 256 by 256 by 256 which is the same as the p1p and the X1 Carbon the volume on the prusa Mark Mark 3s I believe is 220 by 250 by 250 I think sure if I'm wrong somebody will crack me down in the comments uh long story short it's smaller than the volume on this guy not by a tremendous amount 256 by 256 by 256 is about 10 inches cubed so um you know 10 inches in the X and Y and 10 inches in the Z I'll say that actually has come in handy for a number of prints that I've done on the X1 Carbon that I was not able to do on my prusa mark 3s in fact there's a couple things that I had designed uh not realizing that I was past the the size limit and then couldn't run those jobs and I knocked those out when I got the X1 Carbon it's actually shaking the whole table now it's going through I think resonant frequencies started at a really low frequency that was actually shaking this whole workbench and is now but a much higher frequency that's not shaking the workbench but it's vibrating the printer I'm not 100 certain but I think what's going on when it does this like resonant frequency test thing is uh learning about the platform that it is sitting on how tight its own belts are and also any unique resonance in this specific printer like this this actual p1s versus potentially another p1s I'm not 100 sure but I think that's what it's doing it's just taking a while I probably could have gone and made a coffee while we're waiting for this it's still saying self-testing and this is at least the second time that it's gone through like a frequency sweep all right I had a coffee and cleaned up the workbench and the self-test is finally done it says self-test complete your printer is ready enjoy printing smiley face finish all right and now we have a very basic status screen that looks like it's giving us the temperature of uh the hot end and the bed and it says 100 100 what I don't know or to grab the camera because there's a high-pitched wine coming from somewhere and I don't I don't know where sounds like it could be a fan but I don't see any fans turning that one is not running Maybe it does sound like it's coming from over here on this side of the printer and they take my microphone off down here so that's kind of annoying uh you know you're not going to hear it if there's any other noise in the room but if the printer is the only thing in the room making noise you are going to hear that all right so this thing is saying it's ready to go let's see we're missing the build plate and let's get the lid on this guy you know the sound coming from the printer I would say is comparable to the sound I would expect to come from a laptop or a desktop computer it's not so loud that it's like what the heck is that noise it's just there's definitely on some there's definitely something on that's making noise that's how I would describe it oh you know what we have one more thing we have to do on this one before we're ready to print we have to put the uh the filament spool holder on the back all right guys looks like I've already lost the filament roll holder I'm sure it's here somewhere but if I can't find it maybe one of you guys could set your phone down and come stick your finger out to hold the roll of filament when we get to the test portion ah there it is so it looks like let's see it says spool holder assembly holes and it looks like one of them already has a screw in it I guess we removed that screw and it looks like we need to add a screw here as well this bag says for extruder so I'm guessing that's not it I don't see any other screws in here I don't know what screws we're supposed to use this tool fits this one it's actually in there really tight what I want to do is take this one out and see if it fits in the other side and then at least we'll know what we're looking for all right and that does fit it looks like it's the same machine screw so yeah I don't know where it is let me check the other package quick ah here we go I found it so it looks like actually we don't reuse that screw these this looks longer yeah these screws are longer and that makes sense that way we get the same amount of thread engagement that you get without the thickness of the the spool holder on there all right now that we've got this guy all unpacked and set to go I've got the prusa backup on the workbench let's take a minute and just talk about the the key design differences between these printers I'm not going to go into my opinion on each at least not yet but just the key design differences obviously the p1s has an enclosure the Mark III series and the mark IV series does not you can get an enclosure for the mark IV that probably fits the Mark III too but there's an extra charge for it you don't it doesn't come with it the other huge difference between these printers is the way that they operate the bamboo lab p1s and I think all of their printers that are released are core XY printers and in a core XY printer the tool head moves in the X and the Y so it's probably easier to show you on the prusa this is your x-axis that I'm moving the tool head back and forth in now this is the y-axis here and the z-axis is the tool head going up and down in the prusa the tool head moves in the X and the Z axis but not the y in the y-axis the bed goes back and forth we'll talk about why that really is a difference in a second but in the bamboo lab the tool head moves in the XY so the tool head can position itself albeit at the same height but anywhere in this two-dimensional space up here any at any point up here and the heated bed moves up and down in the the Z axis why does that matter well the big difference is in acceleration speed so with our bed moving back and forth anything that we're printing as well as the weight of the whole bed itself is going back and forth so there's a limit to how fast we can move this guy which is one of the big differences in speed between a classic I3 style printer and the core XY printer and this is not unique to Bamboo lab any core XY printer out there from any manufacturer is going to have that as an advantage where you're only moving the weight of the tool head around for your X Y moves and your Z moves are never going to be that fast right I mean that's you know we're really only moving the bed when we're making a layer change or if we are Z hopping you know from one part of a print to another so the you know we don't move that much in the z-axis but we're moving in the X and the y-axis constantly so this guy is constantly going back and forth not a big deal on the x-axis we're only moving the tool head but that y-axis yeah every time we move that axis we're star and stopping all of the weight of this bed nothing wrong with that it's just we got to go slower to get the same result uh what are the big differences uh I guess the screen on this one is down here on the bottom and the screen on this one is up here at the top this guy is definitely a lot more portable I can pick this I mean it's not light but I can pick this guy up by the top of the frame uh carry it around would be no problem this one uh you know it is heavier for sure but the big difference is it's awkward I gotta bear hug the thing uh to lift it and move it around and the glass top isn't attached so yeah I mean if part of your use case is picking the printer up and moving it from room to room or table to table I'd definitely rather be moving the prusa around um otherwise yeah I don't I guess there's not really any huge design differences between the two yes I know there's a huge difference in the feature set and how lots of other stuff on the printer works but I'm talking like broad Strokes key design differences I think that's all of them all right let's actually make something I said at the beginning of the video that we were going to do a functional print with each one of these printers and we are we're not making any benches that's not what this channel is about this is a functional printing channel on a typical video here on this channel I take a look at the need for something or something that needs to be repaired we cover the design and we do the actual print and then demonstrate it we're going to do the same thing and I have an idea for a real quick one that shouldn't take long to do so let me make some room here on the bench and grab some stuff all right this is my ancient Hoover vacuum cleaner and for as long as I can remember it has been missing the accessory brush I picked one up but I didn't buy one from Hoover because I didn't want a crappy plastic one I wanted a nice natural bristle brush I think it's probably hoarse here if I had to guess but I don't know and of course you know not being from Hoover it doesn't fit I didn't expect it to I thought hey you know maybe there's a chance I'll get lucky but uh if I'm not lucky I know exactly what I can do and that's what we're going to do we're going to design an adapter and print it on both of these machines that connects these two together and based on the OD of each of these I think we'll probably design the adapter to go into the inside of this one as well as the inside of this one so we get some measurements all right and both of these guys are tapered so that is going to make the design for this a little bit more complicated but not too bad so uh let's go design foreign and here is the design that I came up with for this and I'll just touch on a couple key points in here I designed this to print in this orientation so this would be the face down on the print bed and the reason for that is we have this bevel here that I have into the design for our sort of connecting ring that sticks out so it's easy to pull this guy off if we do want to get it out of either the hose or the brush and the bevel on the top is really more decorative than anything else it comes into the specific diameter because this distance here is the thickness of the the piping on the the brush attachment so this sends the hose to send us the brush so if it seats all the way down basically this space will mate with the face you know on the bottom of the the like the pipe piece for the the brush I doubt it's going to go all the way down on but if it does they are actually the same uh the same size uh both ends of this are tapered as well so it's a little bit hard to see here just in our our view window but the the OD here is smaller than the OD up at the top and same thing for the top section and I know there are several open source tools for generating things like this automatically the last time I used one it didn't account for the tapers which is why I generally designed my own I don't know if there are ones out there now that do but I still like having complete control over all the different features of the the part so I just I generally design my own and I also put a bevel on the ends here just to make it easy to start into either the vacuum hose or the brush and if this is your first time on my channel I do all functional prints I do a new one every single Friday and I give away all the stls for free this one is no different I will make sure that there is a link to this STL down in the description of the video and uh I'll link to my site also as well it's probably the easiest way to see a list of all the designs that I have done and they will take you to the respective YouTube videos as well but please check out the videos list on my YouTube channel see if there's anything that interests you I do everything from stuff in the shop stuff outside stuff around the house from scratch designs um yeah hope to hope to see you back on the channel if this is your first time here all right now that we've got the design done I think we'll run the the bamboo p1s right here on the workbench but the proof set I'm going to take back down to the usual spot that this guy sits because I have a Raspberry Pi that plugs into this guy and makes the actual printing experience of this one a lot better in fact you can print right from prusa slicer you can send the job right from prusa slicer if you have a Raspberry Pi connected to your printer so I'm going to run this guy back down to my basement where my 3D printing lab is and we'll get this guy plugged in and for this guy I just got to figure out how to add it to my bamboo Lab Studio or bamboo studio app so that we can send it to this printer all right and here we are in bamboo studio and I paired the printer with that QR code with the bamboo handy app on my phone so it is now set up on my Wi-Fi and shows up in my printer list in bamboo studio and say what you want about the possibility of some of your data disappearing off the cloud into someone else's hands I'll tell you what it is really convenient that things just work uh you know I spent probably a couple hours setting up octoprint on the Raspberry Pi to get similar functionality on my preset printer and it does work pretty well but you have the additional cost of the Raspberry Pi and those things have really gotten pricey as well as the setup time to get things working this just worked out of the box so for someone that's new to the Hobby or someone that's just tired of messing with things or that has to set up a whole Farm of printers that is worth something all right let's uh you know what let's see how the camera looks loading all right kind of trust that it is act up there we go okay you know it definitely does not look as good as the camera on my X1 Carbon but it still looks pretty good I mean this is a certainly high resolution enough to see if we have a problem with the print at least I think so I'll let you know or I'll bring you guys back when we start the print and you can kind of see what's going on here but let's get down to business see prepare or bring in our STL and let's see we want to get this on this face because we have our bevel is in the wrong direction we'd have an overhang here if we printed it like this so we'll we'll flip this guy around that looks good let's see I want to make sure we're using the same settings on each printer so this is this is fair so we're on point two millimeter layer height that's fine we'll leave that alone uh let's see wall loops we'll do six sounds like a lot let's do three but the shell layers actually doesn't sound like enough to me we're gonna go five on those and they're infill 25 that sounds fine and I don't think there's anything else that's unusual in here you can see I haven't changed any of the other settings Let's uh let's slice it and see what it looks like all right see remember this number we're going to use 22.94 grams of filament for this print sliced in bamboo studio and our total time looks like 54 minutes and 24 seconds and I think all we have to do is hit print plate sending print job through cloud service it's important to note you can actually print to this printer without using any of this stuff you can either put your sdls right on the SD card and print from there or there's a lan only mode so your stuff doesn't actually go out to the cloud uh like I said earlier in the video I'm not printing I mean this is a vacuum adapter I don't care if the Chinese government uh prints out my vacuum adapter and hangs it on the wall in the presidential suite or whatever the head guy's title is I just don't care I'm you know and I don't think most hobbyists will but I know other people are going to have different opinions there and I'm sure they'll let me know down in the comments all right while we're waiting for this to heat up let's go over to process slicer and get that job set up all right so here we are in prusa slicer and let's get the same STL brought in and yep we're gonna have to do the same thing it's not oriented properly place on face okay and let's go to print settings um let's see would we do we did three perimeters we did five solid layers top and bottom and we did 25 percent infill oh we got a different fill pattern here let's see we want to change this to I think we were grid just check prepare see where is that strength yep 25 and grid 25 and grid that should be that should be it let's uh let's slice it all right looks like prusa slicer has also decided that we don't need a brim although it has put a small skirt on it and used filament 23.9 grams all right I found the difference it's actually in the filament settings here I changed one of them already I'll change it back so the density is 1.24 in bamboo studio uh this is really just for statistical purposes it's just going to calculate the the weight of the print based on the the density since it's going by you know the rate of speed at which it's pushing through the filament at a known diameter so we can change this to 1.24 that's not really going to do anything to our print but the Extrusion multiplier improves the slicer defaults to one and it defaults to 0.98 in bamboo studio so it's going to give us a two percent difference and just to prove it I'll make this 0.98 and we'll go to slice it then there we are within I think 0.1 of a gram now so question is do we change it and prusa I don't think we do I think we leave this at the default and we run the job at the default setting obviously I want to make sure our you know our outer walls and you know our infill all that stuff matches but I don't think I'm gonna tweak this there could be other things going on in the firmware of the printer that means that an extrusion multiplier of one here is not the same as an extrusion multiplier of one on the bamboo printer and vice versa so I'm going to leave it at its default setting but otherwise we are all set to go all right and I can send this job right to the printer as well because I have a physical device set up that targets the the Raspberry Pi running octoprint here so I can actually just hit one button and it is going to upload and use the API in octoprint to start this front so we'll uh we'll do that and I'll bring you back once we got things going all right checking on the bamboo lab printer here it looks like we are going uh the video feed is pretty bad I don't think we can blame the printer for that though I think that is I'm going to blame the software for that because the printer is on a Wi-Fi network and my desktop is on a wired Network they're both on the same router but they're different vlans or different subnets and the bamboo Studio software is just not smart enough to know that it has a route to the printer so it just sees they're on separate separate subnets and it I think it's sending the video feed out to the cloud probably AWS and then the app is reading that that feed back across the internet so yeah total waste of bandwidth but at least we can see what's going on I mean even like this I can see that we are on the way to having a successful print we don't have a bed full of spaghetti all right while we're printing is probably a good time to mention this machine is definitely louder than the prusa it's not crazy loud like it doesn't sound like we're running a table saw in here but it's louder than the prusa for sure something to consider if you're going to run this in your bedroom or you know someplace in your house where normally you'd expect to sit and have quiet time you're not gonna have quiet time it sounds you know what it sounds about like a laser printer while it's printing it's like it's that volume level it's not like holy crap what's that sound but you definitely notice it you know standing here checking out this print I noticed there's a hole in the top of the printer it's actually a hole that goes down inside the the printer I have no idea what that's for comment below if you know why there is a hole the top of the printer is that for maybe cable routing like for some reason would you have a cable coming out of the top of the printer why is that there yeah there's no hole in that position on my X1 Carbon [Music] foreign all right they're both done and I was worried I might have to mark them to tell them apart but it's pretty easy actually to tell which is which the one off the bamboo p1s does look noticeably better I didn't actually expect to see that much of a difference in the prints this is the same filament but they do look they do look different the again the one off the p1s it just looks just looks a little better it's not it's not a huge difference I mean I'm happy with the quality of both of these Prints but the the quality of the p1s is just smoother just the surfaces are all smoother the layer lines are more pronounced in the part off of the uh the the prusa see how they fit all right so here's our brush so this is the one off the prusa there is a noticeable sort of line going up the the uh the print here from our uh you know where the where the uh the the outer line stopped and started and I know there's a difference in diameter slightly on the inside of this guy from measuring it so I want to make sure that we're giving this guy the best chance of fitting in there we'll line those up kind of fits pretty good it goes almost all the way in there I could probably force that all the way but I don't want to go I don't want it to be stuck try the one off the bamboo yeah this one has a noticeable line there as well about the same I would say it feels about the same to my thumb running across it so I'll do the same thing make sure it's lined up with where the diameter is a little bit wider inside this guy and it goes in it goes in smoother I can I can actually feel the ridges and the other one going in this one's smoother both going in and out and let me make sure I'm lined up again this one does go in a little bit further yeah a nice fit on both no complaints on either one Let's uh let's check the hose end so here's our hose and and bamboo one it's a good fit goes almost all the way on there nice smooth in and out and the prusa one slips in a little bit further not by much I guess actually it's about the same it's deceiving because the surface finish of this one off the bamboo is just a bit nicer but both of these are good and both of these would work just fine and I'm tempted to I want yeah that one actually goes in and out easier than this end which is good because I think what I'm probably going to do is press this all the way in to this brush fitting because I'm never I'm not going to use this brush fitting on anything else it's only going to get used on this vacuum so I might press the sky all the way in and then just hope that it stays in place on this and doesn't work its way loose so good result from both printers all right conclusion time both of these parts came out really nicely if I could only print Parts on a p1s or only print Parts on my preset I would be happy with the results yeah the one off the p1s looks a little bit better but they are both completely functional they both feel really strong I don't have any issues with either one of these parts but that's not the whole story right so let's talk about a couple different scenarios that you might find yourself in in shopping for a printer let's say first scenario you uh would like to get into the 3D printing hobby you either have no 3D printer or you've got an old junkie one that is you know you know you need to get something new where it's time to move up to a real printer which one to buy well first of all if you're watching this video and you've got either one of these as a gift uh stop thinking about it they're both great printers you're going to be happy with with uh with either one but if you were looking to open up your wallet and spend some dollars on one or the other I would say get the p1s I think you're getting a lot more printer for your money and you're actually spending less it's not like it's a few dollars more to get a bunch of additional features this one actually costs less than the prusa now I know that's because it's manufactured in China and you know doesn't have the same Heritage as a prusa yeah yeah I know I get it there are many just you know good faith reasons to buy the prusa versus the bamboo lab printer but at the end of the day it's your money um I would get the bamboo lab printer now one caveat I will say and this caveat applies to all the different scenarios I'm going to talk about don't buy this printer if you're not okay with your data going to China I'm not saying your data is going to China but whenever I make decisions like this I always assume the worst case scenario and I ask myself if I'm okay with that worst case scenario I'm just going to assume that when I designed this vacuum adapter that the Chinese government had access to it including when I printed it what material I printed it with what I just don't care I I know some people are going to care and they're going to care just on principle go ahead and tell me about how you feel feel about it down in the comments I'm not trying to trigger you I'm just saying everyone needs to make their own decision I for me it doesn't matter I don't I don't care I'm assuming the worst case scenario that they have my data and I just I just I just don't care uh it's I'm a hobbyist I'm making things like adapters for vacuum hoses and stuff around the shop I'm not I'm not concerned about someone having my data if I was working in a commercial lab and I was using this to prototype parts for something that my IP was important on like I didn't want anyone else to have my designs or know what I'm doing or if I was working on government contracts or something like that for the US or any country I would not be using this printer get something else it's just not a good idea I wouldn't even use this in the Lan only mode or with an SD card I just wouldn't trust it I I just wouldn't I'd use a prusa or I'd use some other machine all right scenario two you have a print form you're looking to add some printers or you know or you're looking to start a print Farm hands down get this printer don't buy the prusa this machine is going to pump out Parts at least twice as fast as any of the prusa printers and probably three to four times depending on the print job this one only came out twice as fast versus the the prusa but this is not a job that you know really challenges this printer because we're it's almost all circular paths the crazy acceleration time of this printer versus the uh a bed Slinger is not really shown off this printer if we even if we did just the same model but this happened to be a square instead this would have kicked this out at least three times as fast possibly four times as fast definitely four times as fast if we used their filament but that's just not a fair comparison all right third scenario you already own a prusa Mark III or a mark IV and this guy came out and everyone's talking about it do you need it no unless you want to go faster uh your prusa is just fine you don't don't feel uh like you need to go out and hang with all the cool kids that just got one of these unless you're in a hurry for your prints you don't need this I'm really interested to see where we go from here uh set aside all of the things about whether you want to buy a printer from China or a printer that sends your data to China aside um I think the the release of this printer as well as the other printers from bamboo Studio or bamboo lab sorry is really a wake-up call to everyone else in the industry I am really happy with my producer printer and it's not going anywhere I'll keep that thing just for printing TPU if nothing else does a great job with TPU and I've heard some challenges of printing TPU on these machines just because of the the way the PTFE tubes are routed and stuff like that you can't do TPU in the AMS unit so my produce is not going anywhere I love the machine prusa sat on their hands too long they had every opportunity to continue to lead the market and they took too long to iterate on their designs I don't know what those guys are doing over there I have no insight into how that company is run I'm not saying they put out a bad product but historically they take forever to launch a new printer they take forever to act actually get orders out I mean you know people have waited a year for printers in the past I think they've gotten better at that but it's still not great and their product development life cycle it's just it's painfully slow they haven't done anything cool in a long time I wish they would I like the company I don't have anything you know I don't have anything against them again I'm very happy with my producer printer but these guys are crushing it it's a bunch of EX DJI Engineers that were probably also into 3D printing or just into getting paid you know probably a mix of both and they came out with some great products and again it's a wake-up call to everyone else in the industry I'm excited to see the competition coming out there's a couple other options from creality there's another Channel I watch on Nathan builds robots I think is the name of the channel I'll link that down in the description below really enjoying his channel he's done a lot of reviews on the bamboo lab printers as well it's very open to sharing his thoughts on bamboo as a company as well as prusa check out his stuff if you haven't I really hope you enjoyed this video uh I'm running on at this point it's like 1 30 in the morning here I really wanted to finish the shoot before I went to bed and I'm on the verge of not making sense anymore so if I left you with any questions please leave me a comment below this is a small Channel at this point I'm answering every single comment I get if you look back at my past videos and somebody asked a question I answered it I'm going to do the same thing on this video unless it gets like crazy out of hand which again I've got like a handful of subscribers I don't think that is going to happen but any questions you have please put them down in the comments if you enjoyed this video at all if you if you like the stuff I'm talking about you're into functional prints please check out some of my other videos I think I've got about 80 functional print videos published at this point over the course the last year and a half there's probably something in there you'll like and uh if you enjoyed this you want to see more you want to hear more about this printer you want to hear more about functional 3D printing in general consider hitting that subscribe button guys if you do I'll see you next Friday [Music]
Channel: Functional Print Friday
Views: 6,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w3ywa3TKZWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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