Bambu Lab P1S vs X1C Differences - Which is Better Choice?

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hey there guys 3D print dude here in today's video we're going to do a cross comparison between two printers the bamboo lab p1s and the bamboo lab x1c these are both extremely popular printers and it's a hard decision right today I'm going to talk about the top five features that you need to know when deciding on which printer to get when it comes to choosing between the bamboo lab p1s and x1c 3D printers the decision largely depends on your specific needs and budget both printers are impressive in their own way but there are distinct differences that might sway you towards one over the other let's dive into a detailed comparison featuring insights from an expert no I'm kidding I'm not an expert I'm just a normal guy that's played with both of these printers but I'm extremely passionate about 3D printing first let's talk about build quality and features the x1c is marketed as a pro model air quotes Pro this designation is reflected in its build quality and additional features it boasts a touchscreen interace face a superior camera and an aluminum enclosure these enhancements contribute to a more premium feel and offer conveniences that well nice to have are not essential to the printer's core functionality the touchcreen makes navigation and adjustments more intuitive and the better camera can be beneficial for monitoring prints remotely the aluminum enclosure not only looks sleek but also adds to the durability of the machine making it a solid choice for heavyduty use let's talk about the second main distinguishing factor between the p1s and the x1c air detection and calibration one of the standout features of the x1c is its Advanced self-checking capabilities the printer can scan the first layer of a print for airs detect spaghetti prints which is where extruded filament becomes Tangled and verify the presence of a build plate these Aid driven calibrations are designed to increase reliability ensuring that your prints have a higher success rate on the X see that first layer scanning helps in detecting adhesion issues early on and this can potentially save you from a failed print and the AI spaghetti detection is another useful feature that can stop prints from going bad before they waste too much material however in practice the P series printers including the p1s offer comparable reliability without these Advanced features they may not have the same level of automated air checking but they are still Dependable machines capable of delivering consistent results all right now let's talk about material compatibility between the p1s versus the x1c a significant functional advantage of the x1c is its factory installed hardened nozzle which allows it to print with exotic materials such as carbon or glass fiber reinforced polymers these materials are highly abrasive would quickly wear out a standard nozzle the hardened extruder Gears of the x1c also promise greater longevity compared to the steel gears found in the p series printers so that is a big difference between the bamboo lab p1s versus x1c printers this makes the x1c a fantastic choice for users who need to print with more demanding materials whether for prototyping functional parts or artistic Creations that require specific material properties the ability to handle a wider range of filaments Out of the Box gives the x1c a distinct advantage over the p1s for advanced users all right now let's talk about usability and the intended audience differences between these two printers the p1s on the other hand is tailored for users who primarily work with common materials like PLA and abs the enclosed design of the p1s makes it suitable for printing ABS which requires a controlled environment to prevent warping for the vast majority of users who need a printer for everyday materials the p1s provides everything necessary to achieve high quality prints the p1s is an excellent choice for H hobbyists Educators and anyone new to the 3D printing world its simpler feature set and focused on standard materials make it userfriendly and more than capable of handling most projects you'll encounter now let's talk about practical considerations and the cost between these two printers while the x1c is undeniably the superior model with its Advanced features and build quality improvements the p1s is not far behind it offers a robust and reliable printing experience particularly for those focused on using standard 3D printing materials if your projects involve printing with specialized materials and you appreciate the added convenience of air detection and a touchscreen interface the x1c is probably worth the investment however if you are looking for a cost effective option that still delivers excellent performance for most common applications the p1s is also an excellent choice in conclusion both the p1s and x1c are capable machines that cater to different needs within the 3D printing community your decision should be guided by the types of materials you plan to use and the specific features you value in a 3D printer if Advanced features higher durability and the ability to print with exotic materials are important to you the x1c is the way to go however if you need a reliable straightforward machine for everyday printing tasks the p1s will serve you well without breaking the bank both printers embody the quality and Innovation bamboo lab is known for ensuring that whichever model you choose you'll be equipped with a powerful tool for your 3D printing adventures and hit me up in the comments are you having a hard time choosing hope this helped you learn the differences between the bamboo lab p1s and x1c please consider subscribing to the channel I'm just an Enthusiast obsessed with 3D printing sure do you want um big one or small one small small one all right let's [Laughter] battle oh no it broke we put it back together how did that break you win [Music] [Music]
Channel: 3D Print Dood
Views: 3,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CHKT0tlGa7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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