3D Printer Klipper Install Tutorial | Anycubic Mega S with FluiddPi

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what's up everybody jj here well october's here thus it is sweater time that also explains all these skulls that i have over here i've been printing all of these on the any cubic mega s but the difference with these is that they were printed using the clipper firmware i've been so impressed with this firmware and in today's video i'm going to explain to you how to get it installed on your printer i ran into a ton of issues installing this took me a full weekend of work and with the fixes that i've found along the way hopefully it shouldn't take you more than a couple hours to get this working it really is a fairly quick process for those of you who clicked on this video not knowing what clipper firmware is let me explain clipper firmware is fundamentally different than other firmware for your 3d printer the most common printer firmware is based on marlin and it runs entirely on your printer's main board it's trying to do a lot of processing and controlling all these motors at the same time it's a lot going on there and is not a very powerful processor clipper takes all the computational processing moves it to a raspberry pi and uses your main board just to control the motors and physically control the printer while all the brains of the operation is moved to a raspberry pi i'm going to be using a pi 4 today but you can even use a pi 3. i've even heard of installations using a pi zero if you don't use a webcam apparently even a pi zero will work so you need a little bit of convincing why would this be so much better than your firmware that came on your printer there's two big reasons faster prints this is an example of me printing what i thought was ludicrously fast it can now handle and this is even my new normal speed this is double what i used to use this is 100 millimeters per second and 3 000 millimeters per second squared acceleration and the second reason beyond them being just faster i think they're also better there's some really advanced ways to tune your printer with clipper so i'm getting prints that are coming out faster than they used to but also way better than they used to come out so i've been super impressed with clipper now on to the installation the first step if you are already running octoprint on your printer through raspberry pi i would recommend pulling that sd card out and keeping it separate if you have a spare i usually just buy a pack of these and always keep some micro sd cards around so i just saved my octoprint sd card to the side that way if this installation doesn't work or if i get frustrated halfway through i could easily just put that old sd card right back in there and go back as if nothing ever changed but if you don't have a spare sd card around you can easily save your octoprint configuration file to your computer that way you can revert to that file later so we're going to be using fluid pi today to make this installation a little bit easier i tried out both fluid and mainsail and i found i liked fluids interface a little bit better but i've heard reasons online both ways and they're fairly similar options so i don't think either one is a bad choice i'll link the website urls that i use down in the description below first you're going to need to go to the fluid github and download the latest version of fluid pi next i would recommend using raspberry pi imager to flash your sd card but you could use balina etcher if you're more familiar with that software so choose your operating system go in and select that file you just downloaded choose your storage and make click yes and it will start writing to that sd card and now that it's completed it says you can remove the sd card so i'll have to remove it and put it back in because we need to put in your wi-fi settings open up the drive go down to the fluid dash wpa-supplicant.text edit it with a notepad plus plus remember don't use wordpad on this that can mess up some of the formatting if you haven't used notepad plus plus i would highly recommend it it's just a great text editor for any programming you ever do go down to this section for wpa slash wpa2 secured go through here remove all these pound signs or hashtags under ssid inside of the quotes put in your wi-fi name and your wi-fi password here then you can save and close that text file now you can eject your microsd card and put it in your raspberry pi don't don't connect your raspberry pi to the printer yet we're going to do some updates and work on here and now you can connect your raspberry pi to any power supply it doesn't need to be here where you're working it's just going to connect to your wi-fi i'm going to go plug it up in the closet now the first time you plug up a fresh image on there it will take a little while to get going so there's a solid led on there and a flashing led wait till the flashing led sort of turns off and turns back on initially it was it will stay fairly solid wait till it turns off and then you're ready to work while it's booting up you will need to find your ip address of that raspberry pi i would recommend connecting to your router if you know how to do that and get the ip off of there and you can just open up any web browser and type in that information and this will take you to a fresh installation of fluid the first thing to do is to update everything even if you get the latest image things immediately can become out of date so go to settings which is the gear on the left side scroll all the way to the bottom and here's software update first update your os packages and then you can update the other ones the os packages could take 10 to 20 minutes depending on how much it needs to update and how fast your wi-fi and raspberry pi is now that your raspberry pi and all the software on it is up to date we can now create the firmware that goes onto your 3d printer so we're going to need to ssh onto the raspberry pi i use putty but you can use any ssh software you want type in your host name which will be your ip address or whatever you use to log on to that website put it here click open your log your default login for any raspberry pi is the login is pi and password is raspberry now is a good time to change the password on your raspberry pi before you go and configure anything else type in sudo raspi config then you type in your password go to system options hit enter go to password hit enter now type in your new password your password is now changed now you can click finish to take you back to the terminal now to create the firmware type in these commands for the anycubic mega s you can leave these settings standard it's at mega avr is the microcontroller architecture and for processor model this is an atmega2560 so just hit escape to get out of that now type in make and we'll go through and build the firmware for you and this is the error that i got the first time going through here and i had the biggest difficulty figuring it out the solution type in make clean that clears it out type in make again and now it will build the firmware i'm not sure exactly why it was missing those files the first time but cleaning it clears it out correctly once it's completed it tells you where it put that file but that file is now on the sd card on the raspberry pi we're going to need to get that one off to do that i use the software winscp it's similar to putty but instead of opening a terminal on the raspberry pi it opens up the file manager on the raspberry pi we're going to use the same ip address as before change port in this case to 22 username type in your username and password if you change the raspberry pi password use the new password here if not it'll be raspberry log in it will give you another warning that if you know this server hit yes it connects now this is the location you need to go to it's home slash pi slash clipper slash out and it's the clipper.elf.hex file that we want off of here you can simply drag and drop this file onto your own file explorer or copy paste works as well i'm then going to rename it to clipper firmware just for me to remember which one this one is i think you can leave it default and it'll work fine so this is the hex file we now need to flash onto the 3d printer i use cura to flash it over there but there are several other ways you can flash firmware this is just what i normally use to update firmware anyways in cura go up to your printers click manage printers go to the one you want to update and connect your computer to the printer using a usb cable click update firmware if these options are grayed out like this make sure your printer is turned on make sure the cable really works and then click upload custom firmware select that dot hex file to get it uploaded to your printer before i uploaded the custom firmware i did unplug the front screen i've heard that can mess with installation and since the touch screen won't really work with clipper i just went ahead and unplugged it i also printed out this front cover to completely cover up the screen since the screen's not going to be on anyway now you can connect your raspberry pi up to the printer and then go back to the web page it will give you the warning up top that will let you know that there's no printer config file selected i posted mine on my github down below it works for the anycubic mega s with the tmc 2208 stepper motor drivers and the wire plugs have not been reversed it's not that big of a deal if your stepper motor configuration is backwards your motors will just move in the wrong direction and then you can go back into the config file and change it later it's super easy to do so you can just take the clipper config file drag it into your config file settings you'll need to rename it down to just printer.config save that file click firmware restart and now it's loaded on there ready to go so now it's time to connect the raspberry pi to the printer plug it up through usb and then now power on the raspberry pi it does need a good power supply i can't power it off of this laptop maybe if you have a better plug on your laptop it could work so i'm going to plug it up in the closet i've got a good power supply so i needed the good micro usb cable that was powering that so that's going to be off to get the raspberry pi some good power so now that things are connected we need to figure out the serial port that the pi is connected to the 3d printer through so we'll use putty to get back to the raspberry pi and input this command and on putty if you've copied something from somewhere else and need to paste it in there it's a right click press enter this is the response i got back it's pretty specific to the usb controller in the indie cubic mega s copy that entire line go to your printer.config file go to mcu and paste that line right here and up on the top you can hit save and restart and since this is the default serial connection you shouldn't need to change that serial connection id but if you need to that's where you do it so now if there's no errors or warnings on your screen you should be up and running you can also start to see that things are reading correctly for example the temperatures are reading at about room temperature around 25 degrees celsius so now you're really off to the races running with your first installation of a new configuration file i would recommend going through the clipper website it has a configuration checks web page and it goes through a huge list of basically you go through and check all the hardware is working correctly there's all these ways that things could go wrong here so it's good to make sure the hardware is working correctly so you run the heaters and make sure the measurements are going up as they should you move the x y z you touch the in stops make sure in stops are working correctly and now you're basically up and running for example i can move the x-axis i can home the y-axis and we're back the memory card was full last time so it didn't catch my outro that i recorded so here we are recording it again but luckily for you usually it's better the second time around because i've had more time with the system printed even more things i'm approaching a 30 minute benchy so stay tuned for that video in the future but that about wraps up the installation of clipper it should be running well on your printer now let me know in the comments down below if you're having any troubles and if anyone out there is more experienced with clipper and i missed something along this guide make sure to put it in the comments down below i'd love to hear from you and if you stuck through this far in the video and you found this video useful please hit that like button down below it lets other people know that this video is useful to them and if you like this type of content please consider hitting that subscribe button down below it really helps me out and i've got a lot more 3d printing videos planned for the future so you won't want to miss those now that your printer is running nice and fast go out there and create something amazing today [Music] you
Channel: JJ Shankles
Views: 3,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GoatToaster9, JJ Shankles, Installing Klipper, Klipper firmware, easy klipper install, klipper 3d printer, 3d printer, 3d printing, fluidd, fluiddpi, fluidd install, klipper fluidd install, klipper fluiddpi, how to, voron design, 3d printed, anycubic mega, anycubic mega s klipper install, anycubic mega s fluidd, klipper install, klipper install ender 3, klipper install guide, klipper install skr 1.4, klipper install fluid, klipper install mainsail, fast printing, raspberrypi
Id: cAxEIdThDiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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