Cinema 4D- Cereal Box UV Unwrapping

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uh you being a cereal box but please uh i wanna ask you questions all through this okay um so we have a cube right here i'll click on the cube i'll go to the size it's saying it's 19. centimeters by 28 by 7. so apparently this is uh s the size of a cereal box so now let's uh split it up let's press the c button to make it editable poly now let's take it into uv editing mode so i will um oh no no first we want to make our checkered material so we're going to double click left click in this bottom area we're going to double click on our material we're going to go to this texture area right here so if you don't see it we're going to click on the word color go to the texture area click on the down arrow arrow go to surfaces checkerboard we're going to close this now we're going to put this on our object we're going to select it and just drag it on there now we see the uvs you see those are squares i mean rectangles and those are rectangles so it means that the uvs are stretched because this is supposed to be a checker board so let's take it into our uv editing area or workplace or layout um i'm going to click on layout over here and go to bp uv edit now i'm in my uv editing section now what i'm going to do is is i'm going to lay out my uvs over here so i'm going to click i can double i can click on one face and then i'm going to do control a to get all of them over here and now i'm going to automatically uv these so i'm going to go over here to area automatic uv click one time click on cubic because it's in a cube shape and press apply now the uv tiles are split up on this uv grid now to get a better uv grid to check out to look at to help us uh guide us through this process we're going to click on textures and empty i mean uv map it's weird it's not letting me select the object's faces the what it's not letting me like select the object's faces for some reason what do you mean with object spaces like um like when i went into uv mode it's just like it showed me both parts like the like the uv part and then like the the the part where it shows like the actual 3d model but it's not allowing me to select the faces in the 3d part alright did you click did you make it editable did you press c oh no i impressed you okay yes you got to press c to make it editable and then you can choose the faces so now that you've made it editable and then you go to automatic uv click on cubic and apply you should have it looking something like this and now every face so this one right here will the ones with b in it well i guess it's this one if i press e so all the controls work if you press e you just don't see them you can move it so see it's in the blue area so it's moving everywhere it is but check this out this has been mapped perfectly as you can see they're squares but if i was to press uh t for scale let's say and i was to scale well this is uniform scale but if i didn't want to uniformly scale if i wanted to stretch it i would just go over here and click non-uniform scale now when i click on this i can stretch it and you see what stretching does once you stretch this and it's not squares anymore then it starts to get distorted yeah but it's not even splitting up to like those rectangles it's just still one square after i click cube did you uh click click for one square and click ctrl a or did you click all your tiles i did i used the rectangle selection tool and i just selected all the faces on the cube and then um i clicked cubic so i'm just gonna select all my faces then i'm gonna click cubic and apply mine does it oh i can click on the apply button ah okay yeah you gotta select all those faces or you can press ctrl a and that will select all the faces then click on apply and now that it's split up what you can do is you can press nine again you know for your selection key you can say all right uh we can do it like this because this is facing in z we can say all right this is our front so we know the middle face is our front or for like we didn't if we wanted to we could press e and then take it down here or put it right here or anywhere we want it so i could say you know what that's my front i can have it over here just just uh just so i know it's there and then we can say what's the top i click on this one this is supposed to be the top face you know what i'll put the top face right here and this is obviously the bottom so i'll put the bottom face you know right here or wherever i want but as long as they're not overlapping now if that's too bright for you to see you can just go to view configure click on the word back and then we can like make it a little bit more dimmer dim i believe if this one's messing with you we can just delete that if you know if the view of it is bothering you and then just you know deal with it in this area that was just more for me to explain to you what's going on okay so now that we have our uh uvs laid out is everybody clear on this or okay um did are we at the section you were talking about yet no yeah you answered my question that i had oh okay what exactly was it i'm curious i'm so curious i couldn't figure out how first of all i couldn't figure out how you were getting like i couldn't figure out how to do the when you double click with the left mouse button to get the texture option to show up and then once you did that how to put the different textures onto the box oh okay like you put the check box onto the thing i tried to explain it now but i got it okay cool cool now i was like you know i was like wait i had to figure out the issue that's just my fault a fault of mine i should say um okay so this is top this bottom we already know this is the front so we already have this whole thing split up so now it's time to take it so like how how are you able to move those individual faces on the uv side oh i'm just clicking so i'm left clicking like any other uh thing and then i'm pressing e to move i'm pressing r to rotate and see how it like rotates to the whatever point you're like close to and then i've i want to scale i'm pressing t and i'm clicking and i'm just dragging but if i wanted to scale um like that was it's only uniform scale it's set up to only be uniform scale but if i want to scale in in like one dimension i just go to non-uniform scale and i just i can click and drag like this or up or down so now i'm like can manipulate it is there a button that you click to like separate all the faces because right now it's like showing them all combined on my screen did you select all the faces and then press ctrl a or um you know select them all or press ctrl a and then click on automatic cubic and then apply select all and cubicles okay i think i got now what did you not do so it's like when i select all the faces and i hit cubic and apply it only show like it showed like like two faces like sort of like combined and like like a side face like one like the top or bottom and then once i did it again then it split them all up yeah you just have to make sure you're selecting them all and i think control a is the best way to do it so i think selecting this control a and then going to automatic cubic and then apply would be the best bet i guess so ctrl a all right i just want to make sure which one of these is my top so i click on this so yeah same as before this is going to be my top i'll press e to move click and move e can move and that's going to be my bottom one okay and this will be i'm just gonna do whichever one's facing z is my uh front so yeah all right i'll use this one now it's time to take the uvs oh is everyone clear from this point okay all right so now it's time to take it into photoshop so we're going to need to create a uh a picture so to do that we're going to click on only not file whoo wrong one file oh nothing's glitchy file new texture i'm going to name it whatever i'm just gonna name it um will you uv oh three two o two right o two all right uh with five thousand height 5000 resolution 300 okay it's a weird green color now i want my uvs to go on top of this so i'm going to go to uv mesh i mean not uv mesh um layer create uv mesh layer so that was kind of right click on this now we have our uv mesh layer right so now i want to save this and take it in photoshop so i'm going to file um [Music] save texture as it comes in as a tiff fine uv will evo2 okay so now it's on you will uvo2 um now i'm going to open up photoshop so first i'm going to find my file i saved on my desktop no i didn't save this uv mesh i lost my savior um save texture as to it's on my desktop will you neo2 i don't know why i'm not seeing it on my desktop i just saw it okay i see it now all right right click um open with adobe photoshop so i right click on my image i open it in photoshop i go to my photoshop now my image is in here i'm showing my uvs on and off um okay um i'm sorry i got a strange text message um now i need to open uh bring my picture in so i'll go to my downloads and let me find that coco puffs okay so i'm bringing it in now cool and i'm holding down shift and dragging to uniformly scale this cool you know i'll just keep it like this right now double click on this it's in there now i'm going to select a section so i want this front area i'm going to click on this hold this down now i'm going to right click and i'm going to go to layer via copy now i'm going to hide the original keep this one take this put it over my area do a ctrl t hold down shift drag this down shift that's not perfect but we're just gonna fake it for this one double click now it's there hide this one bring back the original select marquee tool cover the section right click uh wrong one gonna get on the original right click there via copy hide the old keep the new this isn't bad right this will take like ctrl t few minutes to box all right down there i'm covering it nicely this here i'm gonna grab this tool click on object right click label copy i'm gonna hide this ctrl t uh this one um yeah we'll just stretch it it's okay for this assignment as long as you um you're doing it correctly i mean even though this is like stretching but as long as you have the concept down i won't trip taking this one keep forgetting to be on that layer there via copy hide this take this now all right which one the old one was where right here ctrl t hold down shift the corners now i'm just going to stretch it over hide this one double click now we're almost to the finish line um take this right here right click in here copy like this yes ctrl t now hire this last one right click live your copy all right so we're here ctrl t so all you're doing is it's like a coloring book you're just filling in the the colors you can put whatever you want here this could be like a cookie box or it doesn't matter to me so now i'm going to highlight all the layers except for like this messed up one but actually this one wouldn't matter because it's all about what we see right here so even if i included this it wouldn't matter because every one of these tiles is covered up what matters is what's inside of the lines anyway so we're going to go to file save as click on this go to you will uvo2 uh coco right just to give it something um okay now it's time to go back into cinema okay so now we're back in cinema 4d let's go back into our uh startup um layout click on startup now i'm back in here right so now it's time to apply that uh texture onto this object and do that we're gonna do it kind of how we started with this other texture so we're going to double click we can go to create new default material or we can just double click so now we have this one in here it says material i'll double click on this we'll click on the word color and then we'll go over here to the three dots on the texture tab right to get our file will you vo2 coco okay open i'm just going to press no for that online so now we have our texture here now we click on this and drag it and let it go now this looks pretty rough right because of the resolution the only reason that is is it controls the resolution um you can control the resolution through this material so if i click on viewport the word viewport go to texture preview size click on this and go to 2048 now we have a crisp image of our uh well crisp cereal box yeah that's a little bit stretched but i did it right and that's uh the point of this so that is how you uv any questions no no questions seriously i did all right it made sense for them yes all right i got jordan's approval i feel good i'm just gonna watch the video yeah hey okay can i clear up anything right now though um how did you get the the uv thing to go green and then you're able to put into photoshop okay so that is just this i'm gonna go back to my uv you know what i'll do i'll just do this click so i make my other cube i'll just take this one you know i just delete them all so i already did it all right so you know you made the cube you made it editable and then you go over here and we go to bp uv edit now the reason it's green is because it came well i made a material that looked like that but let's i can't delete that right now it's a rainbow for me and it's showing the features okay so this is what it is right if your thing is showing uh you mean rainbow like this yeah okay so what this is is this is just like a test uv map so you can see what it looks like in 2d and then you can see what it looks like over here so if you if you want to uh to take your texture to put it into photoshop what you do is mine is already editable so just to make everything easy for everybody we'll just select one face no we'll select uh okay you want the right one i'm on this i'm gonna select the face okay well select uh i was trying to select all my faces i'll go to uh why can't i do this see click on this something what happened oh i know what happened i um tags i removed something called a uv tag so i'm gonna bring one back i'm gonna go to material tags i'm gonna set uvw from project from projection so um when you press c to create an object uh it gives you this uv tag and when i deleted all those materials i deleted this tag so um yeah i did that so i had to make up my own why to add on another one but when i added on that tag because this is what holds all your uvs it gave me these options again so saying that if i put it on face and i select one face let's just do control a to select them all so that'll be the rule ctrl a select all the faces and then we go to cubic and then we go to apply and now it's split up now you're saying that you see still see this uh this checker uh i mean this texture right here which is fine to see look just like that on my screen yeah it's it's fine to see it but if you want to see it uh if you if it's time to write your uvs to go to photoshop you just go to file new texture now mine was green before but let's say i wanted to make it like orange right orange orange orange right so i'll go like this i'll name it um steve steve uv right so it's width of 500 i mean 5 000 height of five thousand resolution of three hundred you press okay you say a height of five five thousand five thousand three hundred five thousand five thousand three hundred yep so now that's five thousand five thousand three hundred um yes so now that this is now my background color now if i wanted the uvs to go into photoshop i need to make a uv mesh layer so i go to layer create uv mesh layer so now down here you see how this one's orange and i click off of it so this is like a photoshop layer and this is my uv mesh layer so if this isn't on then you can't see those uh uvs wait so after you click uv mesh layer what happens because do you see this right here does this come up on yours uv mesh layer and background [Music] um no i'm not seeing that right now okay look i'm gonna stop this recording and then i'll uh send out another zoom so but for everybody else i'm gonna make this say oh wait i guess if you did get it i'm gonna put this on youtube but i'm also gonna uh go over it some more uh in a moment so if you all wanna tune into that that's fine but i'm gonna put this on youtube now so i'll send out another link for that and uh answer all your questions another um another zoom call well i guess you know whoever else wants to join in learn some more if you feel like you haven't learned enough here okay um so i'm gonna do that and watch out for the link it might take like a few minutes to convert so look out for the link gotcha all right thank you you're welcome
Channel: Will P 3D
Views: 3,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #cinema4d, #3d, #cerealbox
Id: OoL3zJpM17A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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