How to turn your dieline into 3D Mockup in Blender 2.9x

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[Music] hey what's up guys so today i want to show you how i make this 3d box markup from this okay let's say your client give you a ai file or pdf of a deadline of their design so how you want how to transfer from this die cut or die line design into the 3d workout box in blender okay so let's get started so first of all what you need to do you need to export this file into a png file you can really you can use either ai or i mean adobe illustrator or affinity designer so let me i'm using infinity designer or any other software that you want to use so first of all export it spng so let's put this and replace because i already saved it before okay so let's start with new file and first just delete everything before that let me turn on this one so everything that i that i that i press will come out over here see okay so first of all what you need to do you need to you need to turn on the add-ons the image import images explains add-on after you turn this on then you can import the image that you already exported just now search for the image so like so the easiest way just copy this link i mean this location and put it here and select the image make sure you are in the in the material preview because if you are in the solid solid view then you can't see any of your design so if you make sure you're in the material preview so you can see your your design and then what you need to do first of all change the units from meters to centimeters because usually this type of blocks are in pretty small so that's why i'm using centimeters okay so save it okay so the next thing you need to do is you need to cut to make card for all of the lines so let's let's start with this one so start with the bottom one so let's say you already add a card with ctrl r and you place it here okay and when you see it doesn't really match it doesn't really fit the line over here so what you need to do you can't just move it with g and y because if you move it like this the texture will be ruined so what you need to do is whether you you press double g see if you press wg the texture will maintain the but the line will move and all what you can do is press triple g so if you press triple g you can move freely but if you press double g you can only move the vertex you can only slide the vertex through the edges that they are in okay so i would prefer for like this one i just press the vg and move it to the correct place like that okay and do it for all of the lines that we have here so i'll put it in time-lapse and you can see what i did [Music] [Music] okay [Music] okay so i already put the lines to the correct place for all the line that is existed in this design but like this one i just ignore it first because later we add a cut to it and also like this one also ignore it first because after this i will show you how i did how i will do how how i will tackle for this type of shapes okay so after you do the cards the next thing that you have to do is you need to select all the lines that that is in blue color or which is the blue color means that the lines will be the line is created so that you can fold this uh this box or paper or anything that that is uh yeah so just select all the lines that that is blue uh i prefer for you to use alternate left click so that you can when you click one line you will select all of the line that is connected to it i mean like this is this is called a loop select if i'm not mistaken yeah select loops it loops okay so uh hold alternate and left click so to add selection hold shift and alternate and press left click okay so do it for all the blue lines so this blue lines is actually a foldable part for this box okay if you see a box that is uh nearby you you can see that there are some part that is quite thick for it for for so that you can fold the box easier so just select all the blue lines okay if you then select everything all the blue lights what you need to do is press ctrl b to bevel it and make a make a bevel so that it have double line on it okay so why do you need to do this is because that is so that you can fold this fold the box easily yeah easier so just don't make it too big and then make it too small maybe point zero five four point zero four it depends on your designer so i think point zero four is enough okay after you do this what you need to do is you need to delete all the faces that is transparent that is not needed so just select all the faces that is not needed and press delete on press delete so see i i forgot to add line here so what i need to do is just add here like then one line here and ctrl r right here and add one line here so wg and yeah so back to the selection and select everything that is not needed like this one so i need to select here because the line is over here so this one is it's not you know it's actually not being used it should not be useful i don't know sorry my for my english i'm not really good at english but yeah i try my best to explain it to you guys okay then after you do that just press x and delete faces okay if you go to wireframe you'll see that there are some faces that is left like this part and all of these edges need to be deleted so the easiest way to do is you select like this select all the edges so that you make sure that there is no extra faces is there so after you select everything all the extra faces press x and delete faces okay so you need to remember that the double line will only be needed at the folding part so let's say so this part is basically not needed this part is not needed so this part also needed um yeah this part also not needed so did everything that is not that shouldn't be there so x faces okay so after you delete all that what you need to do next is you need to make uh you need to fix the shape of the boxes i mean like this part right the the shape is should be slanted a bit but our cuts is like straight so we need to fix this part so to fix it easier you can select both 11 right so press triple g and then press y okay and align it to where it should be okay so do the same for the bottom part level g and sorry triple g and why why do i press y because it's in the y axis it's on the y exit so that's why i press y so that it just moves towards the y axis okay after you align it nicely we do do it for the next one so like this one okay so this one cannot be them together so we just do it individually press the full g and press x triple g x and move it to the x like this okay so do the same for this one triple g x triple g x left click to apply okay so for this one it's a little bit tricky so before we start to do that we need first we first need to delete all the unnecessary edges like for this one it's there's definitely need to be here it doesn't have to be here so just press x and dissolve edges oh what you can press is ctrl x ctrl x is these of edges so select all the lines that is unnecessary or it's not needed then press ctrl x to dissolve it okay but remember not to cut not to remove this line because this line is needed later i will show you how why does it need it okay so after you delete all the unnecessary line you can check it in solid view okay everything is clean so the next thing you have to do is you have to fix this this one first so to fix this one first of all what you can do there are many many ways to do it but this is my way so you can follow if you want if you don't want you can find out your own solution for it okay so then for what i would do is i would select this this vertex then i press wg move it along the edges and uh place it here okay so for this one also i i will place it over here because later i will bevel it so that it will have a curve curve edge so you see there's a we need another line here i mean we need another vertex here and vertex so that we there will be two vertex vertices so the easiest way to do is just press ctrl r place it over here and now i will show you the magic of the triple g okay so press select this vertex press triple g and then you can move it freely and just place it where it should be same do the same for this part okay now you have a correct shape of this flap but wait i forgot to bevel this but later we'll be able to get with this one so for this part also do the same press ctrl r to add lines or add cards and press triple g move it here press triple g and move it here okay so now it's time to bevel this part so select this both and press ctrl b and you will notice that there will no bevel appear because we are selecting two vertices not edges so we need to change the setting from edges to vertices let's say you don't see this menu this one is actually over here so just click here and change it to vertices so usually i will add 11 segments then resize it accordingly okay that's enough so now we can we get a very nice curve for these flaps okay so this one is done that one is done so the next part is this part so for this part i will teach you how to use knife tool so first for this one you need to add two card here here and here so the easiest way to do is press k for knife tool hold ctrl left click here and left click here sorry okay control left click here and left click over here so if you want to apply it press spacebar because but let's say you you mistaken or you put it put the vertex in the wrong place and you want to to cancel it there are two ways first either you press escape or you press right click so uh see it decide so press click to cancel the operation so hold press k again hold ctrl left click over here and here then what you need to do press select this edge press ctrl b for level but make sure you bevel it into only two two edges so okay like this then you can delete these faces okay so the next thing that you need to do is you need to cut from here to here okay do the same for this part now you can delete these faces actually this part doesn't really need to be that accurate because it's uh it's not really visible from the render so you can make it like uh just estimate it the shape the shape of it doesn't really need to be that precise so what you can do is select one eight one the text press double g move it inside inwards and do it the same for this part double g move it inwards then you can select you need to select the in the edge here press ctrl b bevel it and add some subdivision to it so i add eight subdivisions and voila got this card over here so the next thing that you want to do is you have to bevel this part so select both of them then press ctrl d select vertices then the width so that it matched the design so you can add segment to maybe 13 or 15 because it's a quite large curve but yeah so whatever number that you want to put that suits you just put it okay so now our card is finished but you have you what you need you need to do next is you need to cut this hole over here because why do i say that we need to cut here because when you add solidify modifier and you assign the material to number one and you add one material for the inside part you see this this part will be will be will not be transparent anymore so this one i will show you later why do we need to do this okay so for now just make a cut to it so the easiest way to do is by using the knife tool press k hold ctrl uh okay first of all before you you press k you need to select this face and press shift h to isolate everything besides this one okay then you can press k to use next to hold ctrl and do this okay so press k again go like this okay so the next part is press k to the center part from here to here and done okay so now what you need to do you you need to cut this part also so what we need we will do is we add a bevel over here for this line ctrl b and i will add three lines like this so one in the middle and two for this part okay so this part yeah you can leave it like this and then select the middle line again press ctrl b and bevel it so that it match this this sides okay so this one press double g and move it to the correct place same same as this one move it to the correct place so after you finish this these steps what you need to do for us is we need to we need to do this part first then we will do this part okay so press ctrl r okay sorry press use the knife tool hold ctrl cut here press spacebar to apply then select these two edges press wg and move it downwards okay then you can delete these faces okay now i will bevel this vertex and press press ctrl d select these two vertex press ctrl v okay now when you select these two vertex uh why does it become like this because it's connected to this line these edges so what you can do is um [Music] you just level it first and make it to the maximum value climb overlap well i the segment we set it to 15 okay so now we cannot click over that just leave it like this see so it match the design so make sure you don't deselect everything you just hold ctrl and deselect hold shift and control and deselect this part and this part then you can press ctrl x to dissolve all the messy vertex vertices sorry okay so now you get a nice cut over here so the next thing that you want to do is you remove this the lines that is unnecessary they are unnecessary these two lines and these lines and these middle lines so press ctrl x to dissolve it so what you need to do next is set this face in the middle delete the faces so they delete the face and select the all the vertex around it the corner make sure you if for this one you want to dissolve it also again just press ctrl x so select this forward vertices press ctrl v and select vertices okay so for this one you need to watch carefully whether you over cut it or not okay see now i i over overdo it so just reduce it a bit and voila so it's the same step as just now make sure you don't deselect anything just select this one so hold shift and alternate select all the inside vertex vertices sorry and then press ctrl x to resolve it okay so these off designs and this vertex the vertices sorry so then connect it back to the middle to the corner over here why do you need to do this so that you can you will get a better topology for it so the topology will not be that messy so this one okay so if you want to connect the middles okay and did the same for this part so how i connect this uh how i add this line is not by pressing f but by pressing j j is connect but if you see here it doesn't say j because i already mapped my hotkeys to my mouse button five so that's why it shows button five when i whenever i connect the vertex vertices like this but if you press right click sorry if you press ctrl v you'll find a connect vector path uh this one should be j if you doesn't change any haven't changed any hotkeys okay so connect everything that is necessary that need to be connected need to be connect then after you finish this you can continue with the folding okay so everything is good and hide everything and don't forget to cut this part [Music] okay then so we are ready to fold we're ready to go so the next step that we have to do is folding the boxes so first of all you need to add one material name it as inside part or anything that you want to name it just leave it at white color and go to the modify panel add one modifier called solidify what solu is what solidify the waste is it will uh make our flat faces into a face that have that have uh weight on it i mean right because like this if you go to the solid will become like this see it adds some some mess to i don't know how to say it in english but when you see you i think you will understand what is i'm meaning to say okay so after you first you need to fix the thickness to point one maybe okay this should be good then go to the material preview and make sure the offset is one okay unhide everything okay now to limit for the material material offset put one and this the ring also put one and now you get the correct color for your foil box okay i forgot to do is select this gift box uh material change from then the blend mode from alphabet to alpha click then object to alphabet okay then turn on and bring occlusion and screen space reflections and yeah we're good to go so first that we need to fold is which part maybe this part we start folding the side part first so select everything like this okay okay so this one you need to connect it here make sure there is one line over here so that the yeah the line the lens should be like this so that the the shading will not be weird okay so select this one this part go to vertex selection mode select this vertex then press shift s cursor to active how do you know which one is active the active vertices the active vertex is white in color while the other selected vertex is original okay same as faces and edges so make sure your view is 0.1 cm the clip start is roping on cm because if not it's it will be pretty hard for you to view your your object okay so after you place your 3d cursor here you need to change from the transform pivot point to the 3d cursor then now you can rotate your foldable part um here okay so just press r and y you can rotate it like a real box okay so first you rotate it to r 45 degree negative 45 degree and then you press ctrl plus make sure the plus the control plus is from the numpad key or if you have if you don't have any numpad what you can do is you select increase select select more or less select more okay then you will add this part then go to vertex selection mode again select this vertex which i mean double click this vertex so that the vertex become white then press shift s consider active and then rotate everything r y negative 45 okay now our box is rotated like this okay so do the same to all the foldable part um yeah just do the same until you you face this problem that i face okay [Music] so this part you need to rotate it again so that it will not overlap with this this part okay so for this one you need to rotate this outside flat first so select this one press ctrl plus then press rx 45 then press ctrl plus again change the pivot point here i mean the 3d question here then press r or rx 45 so you get this effect you see if i remove the die cut line or the guideline then it will look nicer so after you do this the next thing that you need to fold is this part so select this edge and mark put the 3d cursor here and select everything and rotate it so r x 45 okay then press control plus make sure you change the pivot point i mean the credit cursor here shift s consecutive then r rx 45 45 okay so and you will face this problem which is it will overlap with this face okay so what you can do you can do a little bit of trick i mean you can cheat a bit so the way to cheat this cheat out of this is by pressing triple g press y and move it a little bit out but make sure just make sure you select the this part also so let me see i already selected i already selected it so yes double triple g and y and move it outside a bit like this and you will get a nice result it will not be overlapped anymore see so now just do the same same method to all of this box and we'll meet again after i finish folding it [Music] so you will face this problem again so just press triple g y and moving outward a bit like that okay so this is fine let's continue [Music] um [Music] and you're almost finished you almost finished the process let's see do we got any overlap yeah i think so here you see so press triple g exactly move it outside of like it okay so if this is done then we almost finished this is yeah we finish our box so for extra touch should it change it to sheet smooth make sure you turn on the auto smooth and change it to 60 and then for extra extra looks for extra step what you can do is add this weighted normal modifier press cube sharp and weight is 100 so you can compare this one is with weighted normal this is without weight at all see weighted normal have a much nicer normal okay so next thing you need to do is you need to make the top part and the bottom part a bit curve so add a subdivision add a cut over here and press triple g press y move it a little bit up then press ctrl b to bevel it and move it for 11 subdivision all right looks good so the bottom part shouldn't be that large so press triple g okay just make it a little bit like this and press ctrl v and smooth it out smooth it up okay so yeah we are done with our box so [Music] make sure these are all selected press shift s and cursor to selected and then go to object mode you can do right click set origin origin to geometry sorry origin to 3d cursor then you're originally at the center of the bottom part of your box and what you can do is press ctrl alternate g and rx sorry change the median point rx90 rx90 then select the object press ctrl a for fair rotation so if if you rotate let's say you accidentally rotate this you can just press alternate r and it will be rotate to the correct to the correct rotation okay so now we have we have finished our box so the next thing that you want to do is to remove the dye line so to remove the dye line just close the design layer and serious png i will export it just now so select your box select the material change the material the base color texture to the one that have no guide so you will get this result you see no die cut anymore okay so i think that's it for me from me i hope you enjoy my video don't forget to like and subscribe and share it with your friends if you think that this would help them okay if you have any question just ask me in the comment section below so see ya
Channel: Bapak Studio
Views: 71,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: b3d, blender3d, blender, tutorial, diecut, dieline, mockup, box, graphic, designers, product, visualization, yellow, red, food, drinks, cycles, eevee, 3ds max, maya
Id: zT2dXD2kBKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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