UV-Mapping ✂️ in Cinema 4D R23 | A practical example

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hello my name is daniel and in this tutorial i want to show you everything about yuri un wrapping in cinema 40 r23 and i thought we could ue unwrap this lego minifigure together and as you can see this lego minifigure consists of many meshes and we want to uv unwrap them to one uniform uv layout so the arm legs hands torso and heads have all the same uv space all the same uv scaling okay let's disable subdivision surface for uv unwrapping and first i want to focus on the head of my character here so let's disable all the other meshes and then we jump into the bodybane's uv edit okay wonderful and now you can see the new uv layout here in cinema 4d and if we want to uv unwrap something we have to select the object and then we have to think about our edges how do we cut the edges to get some nice uv islands some nice distortion-free uv islands and if we talk about distortion we want to jump into the modes uv settings here and i always want to work with shading distortion on wonderful okay let's select our first edges so i jump into the edge mode here and with my move tool selected i can simply select some edges with double click you can get a nice loop selection so you don't have to work with loop selection tool you simply double click your edges and you have a nice loop selection okay let's double click this one here and now we can uv unwrap our first island and as you can see this object has no uv attack so we want to work with uv unwrap settings here and of course first we want to take a look at the settings of this tool and we make sure everything is selected then we hit okay and you can see we have the first eye lens and you will see this distortion here and we want to focus on the right color white color means perfect distortion free urease blue color means it's too big and red color means it's too small so we want to focus on white color and here we have the head outer cylinder island and we need one more cut to get this distortion free so let's enable our leg so we can see which is the front which is the back so i want to select the back edge here to create another cut and we can simply select this edge and then we can select the other edge but hit the command and shift key and then select this edge and so you can select an edge path so you don't have to work with the path selection for this you simply select your first edge and then the other edge with command shift and cinema 4d creates a path selection for you and then we can hit the uv unwrap button again and now we have a nice uv island but it's to bandy and we want to focus on the uv rectangularization later but first let's uv unwrap everything and then clean it up so let's focus on the euler eye lens and i will create an new loop card here just double click another one here just double click another one here and then inner one something like here and let's focus on this one here okay other one here and another one here nice let's hit the uv unwrap button again and you can see we have an almost distortion free uv unwrapping but we have to cut our cylinders further so let's create an another cut here oops okay and then another cut here and of course i want to have another cut for this cylinder here and another cut for this one here and then i hit the uv unwrap button again and now we have some new uv islands but some parts of the uv islands or some uv islands are too bendy and we want to paint a nice texture on it and it's very difficult to paint a nice texture on this bandy island so we have to focus on the uv rectangular station let's select an uv island so i simply jump into the pod against mode double click the uv island so i have a new island selected and here we have a new tool which is called uv transform and now you can work with uv island you can move it along the uv space here v space and u space and of course you can rotate this island with the uv transform tool and of course you can scale this island scale it uniformly or with command you can simply scale it like this only the points so you can menu ali get its distortion free but we want to focus on automatically distortion-free uv islands okay and the first thing you can do you can select your island and then you have to relax uv tools and here you have a relax method which is called lscm and unrelaxed methods method which is called abf abf is more for organic parts and lsem is more for some hard surface mechanical parts and if i hit the apply button you will see it straightens the uv it gets it more to an rectangular shape but we have an better tool for this and this is called a uv rectangularization button just hit the button and you will see we have a very clean rectangular uv island but it's too big of course and we have to focus on the uv packing but we want to um pack everything together as we said we want to have an uniform uv layout for all our meshes so i will focus on uv packing uh later if we uv unwrapped everything okay that's the head let's focus on the torso okay let's disable the head and enable the torso and of course i disable the leg and let's select the torso and the torso looks like a cubic shape but it has some beveled polygon lines here and we have also some uh triangle polygons so i think we have to uv unwrap every part or every side for itself so we have um six eye lens here one from top back for the sides and front and back okay uh let's jump into the edge mode here and then simply create and uh another loop selection maybe something like this okay and then another loop selection here something like this okay wonderful and then with our path selection as we know we want to select with shift this polygon and then with command shift display and then we have a nice path selection wonderful i think yes that's okay then this polygon and this one here and of course i want to select this one here and this one here and this one and this one and i think that's it we hit the uv unwrap button and as you can see we have nice distortion free polygons and as you can see we have an island which is not perfectly aligned to the um u and re coordinates and if we want to align this polygon you can simply select an edge something like this and then you can hit the align uv island button and the uv island gets aligned to uv space okay let's hurry unwrap the hip so i disable the torso enable the hip again and as you can see the hip is a more complex mesh to uv unwrap and it's always good to split this meshes into some different parts and as you can see we have this top part which is more in cubic shape then we have the middle part which is cylinder and the outer parts also some cylinders so let's split the parts apart so i create some new selections something like this okay wonderful okay let's hit the uv unwrap button and as you can see now we splitted this top part apart from the cylinders and let's split the outer cylinders and double click doesn't work here because of this polygon here so i have to create some more double clicks to select all the edges here okay double click okay let's split them wonderful and now let's focus on the top part here we can create a loop selection something like this here on the full head uv unwrap button and you will see it's almost distortion free but we want to you we unwrap this part here further so let's create another loop selection for this one you re-unwrap it and then we have to you we unwrap the outer shell and let's enable the lag again so i see which is the front which is the back and for the back i will create some cuts here maybe something like this and of course some cut here let's hit the uv unwrap button and as you can see it's almost distortion free but we have to focus on the rectangularization of this part here so let's select it and hit the uv rectangularization button as you can see this doesn't work because we have this curved shape here so let's undo this one and let's focus on the relax uv methods and here we have the lscm method and i think this should work perfectly for this part so let's hit the button and as you can see it's nice and clean nice rectangular shape with the curves in it wonderful okay let's disable the leg again and focus on the cylinder and i think we can cut the cylinder here around this edge and of course on the other side around this edge so let's create some new edge selections here okay wonderful and we don't have to select this edge here we can simply mirror the selection with our new mirror selection tool let's take a look at the settings by hitting this cockpit here and there we have a mirror plane we have to focus on the mirror plane let's cancel this so i can uh show you the world's coordinates uh axis and let's jump into the settings and here we have the mirror plan why that's the right plane and we want to add the selection so we have selected the left side and we want to add the selection to the left side selection wonderful everything is perfectly so we hit the okay button and as you can see now we have selected um also the other other side and of course this will always work if your object is symmetrical of course okay let's hit the uv unwrap button again and now you can see we have nice uv unwrapped cylinders wonderful nice and distortion-free everything is right wonderful nice okay let's you re-unwrap this one here so let's create an loop path for this one hit our mirror selection so i select the other side hit the uv unwrap button wonderful and let's cut the cylinders here hit the mirror selection so we select the other side you re-unwrap wonderful nice and clean and now we have to focus on this thing this is more complex okay and for this complex part i want to create first the cap shell out and if i zoom in you will see we have this clipping here so i simply jump into the project mode and view clipping is tiny now okay now i can zoom in further and to cut this out i simply create a loop around this one here maybe something like this okay okay it's looking nice let's jump into the mesh as you can see it's not modeled perfectly so we have to figure out which edge we have to select okay nice wonderful okay now uh i want to create some cuts here and some conceit okay and we can mirror the selection so we don't have to do it on the other side so let's hit the mirror selection nice and then we hit the uri unwrap button again okay and now we have this cylinder here and the cylinder here and for the cylinder we have to create some cuts maybe something like this okay i think this should work let's set the uv unred button okay it's nice and distortion free so let's undo this mirror the selection and then hit the uv unread button and i think that's it we've you re-unwrapped the hip and of course later we have to focus on the uh on cleaning up the parts a little bit better if we you we unwrapped everything so let's disable the hip and enable the leg and first of all i want to cut out the outer parts of the leg so i want to create a loop selection for the holes here something like this and then maybe something like this and then we have this hole here so we can cut it out and maybe this is a cylinder so we can select this one here and for this one i want to enable my loop selection tool so i can select this inner loop and then i want to cut out the side here something like this and i want to select the lower part here and then we want to create another loop selection for this one here and maybe we want to cut out this one here something like this okay it's nice and let's you re-unwrap this okay we have some nice shells but this outer shell has some problems because we need to create another cut here for this one so i create a path selection [Music] okay it's nice you re-unwrap it wonderful it's nice and clean and maybe this shell is a little bit too big so i want to create some cuts here this one and maybe this one okay nice select it and now we have two shells okay wonderful we have this side shell this lower shell and then this outer shell okay waterfall and let's take a look at the inner shells so maybe we can select this cylinder here okay we unwrap it nice and then we want to create and cut here for this one [Music] okay nice and clean and then we have this inner shell here so maybe i cut this one out oops maybe something like this and then oops something like this okay it's looking nice okay wonderful and then we need to create some cuts for this shell here and maybe this one here and this one here okay it's looking nice nice and clean only white collar no distortion wonderful so now we have the outer parts and this inner part let's focus on this here i think this could become a little bit more difficult but let's focus on the cylinder here easy let's create a cut here okay we unwrap it nice okay and for this one here maybe i want to select this outer part [Music] maybe i cut this out okay oops okay let's see we unwrap it okay nice and let's focus on this inner part here so maybe we can create a selection like this okay here we unwrap it nice and maybe we have to cut it and of course you can also select your edges here in the texture uv editor also no problem okay and maybe i create another cut here okay nice now we have to cut this inner shell here so let's take a look maybe we create some cuts here and maybe something's here okay let's take a look if we select a shell and hit the lscm button okay maybe we have to cut the edges something like this okay oops okay i think it's okay for the inner part wonderful and we want to align this one here as our airline uv eye lens tool okay wonderful and let's select this shell here hit the lcm uh relax method and then this one here lsem relax method and so on so we have nice uv eye lens uh for this one we can try the yuri rectangularizer okay wonderful it's nice and clean and of course for this one also oh no for this one we want to enable our relaxed uv lcm method again and then this one needs to be aligned a little bit more okay wonderful nice and clean and we will clean it up later if we you re unwrapped everything but i think for the leg now it's nice and clean maybe we have to take a look at this shell here maybe this needs a cut here so okay okay this doesn't work so let's undo everything and let's take a closer look okay it's something inside so ah okay now something here so let's cut here okay nice wonderful okay let's disable the leg and enable the arm and take a closer look to the arm and here i want to have one big shell for the outer side and i want to cut all the cylinders and the sphere and maybe this part here okay let's select the arm and jump into the edge mode and then we create some loop selections maybe some here and maybe one here maybe one here okay wonderful and then for this one here jump into my loop selection tool and maybe i select this one here okay unless you re-unwrap the arm and as you can see we have some nice uv eye lens and maybe i've create i want to create and cut here for this one here okay wonderful and as you can see we have the sphere here and it has some distortion but it's inside and doesn't need some crazy texture so i think it's fine for this one but you can also cut it maybe something like this and then it's almost distortion free i think it's i think that's okay wonderful and then we can cut out this side here so let's create some path selections for this one nice okay let's cut it out okay and as you can see now we have some nice uv eye lens for our arm but here we have some distortion for this shell so i think we need another cut here okay i think that's okay maybe we can create and cut here or we don't need this cut so you can simply stitch this together by selecting the edges and then we have a tool which is called uv relt so select the edges and then hit the uv red button and it welds this together okay hit the uv unread button again and i think it's nice some distortion is okay for the arm yeah so that's the arm okay let's select the hand and take a closer look we chop it to the x mode and then we want to cut out the cylinder here and i think we cut out the upper shell and then maybe the lower shell and then inner shells and outer shells okay let's create a loop selection for this one here okay it's nice maybe we can hit a uv unwrap button okay wonderful and then i want to create an loop selection for this cylinder here hit the uv unwrap button and then of course we need some cuts for the cylinder something like this and something like this we unwrap and maybe we have some distortion here so we can create some cuts like this and this one here and we unwrap it and now it's almost distortion free wonderful let's cut out this shell here this upper shell part we unwrap it and then maybe i want to cut out this lower shell here okay maybe i want this one here okay it's wrong okay nice and then we want to create a cut here okay nice and now we have this one here and maybe we can create and cut here and another cut here and i think that's it now we you re-unwrapped the hand it's almost distortion-free i think a little bit of distortion is okay for this one and now we are finished with uv unwrapping okay let's enable all the meshes again and as you can see now here is our character and as you can see we have some parts without an uv tag and that's our mirrored path so we can simply select the mirrored lag here the uv tag of the mirrored leg left and copy it to the leg right and as you can see see if i select a leg right that's the same uv unwrapping and i will do that also with the arm left and also with the hand right okay nice and let's select all the yuri tags and then we can pack everything together to a uniform uv lay out so let's jump into the uv packing tab here and here we have the geometric method i want to work with this one uh we want to enable texture space and here we have the target resolution for your textures if you have 2k texture or 4k texture in this case you will put in your um resolution size then we have the gap size this is the gap between the different islands we want to preserve the orientation of our islands we don't want to stretch them to fit and we want to have equal equalized island size so we have the same scaling for all our different islands and we have the option to overlap identical islands so if you have 100 cylinders in one object or in one uv layout and you know all the cylinders have the same texture ring and you don't want to texture them [Music] all by itself you can create some overlap overlapping islands for the 100 cylinders maybe then we have to overlap mirrored islands this is maybe here in this case interesting for the leg the arms and the hands so if you know okay this arm gets the same texture like this arm you can also create some overlapping mirrored islands but in this case i don't want to have overlapping islands i think um [Music] for good uv layouts you don't want to have overlapping items so you can texture everything by itself and differently from the other side okay let's hit the apply button and cinema 4d does its uv packing thing and as you can see now we laid out everything uniformly and we have some uniform uv layout here but we can optimize this map a little bit so let's jump into the uv settings mode and here we have filled polygons so if you select an island in this case we don't have an flipped island but if you select an island maybe your torso island and mirror this island so mirror you you will see this island has a blue collar and you don't want to have this blue collar this means this island is flipped so it's the wrong side so you want to make sure you don't have blue colored islands in your uv layout so let's jump into the head layout and take a closer look to the different islands and maybe we want to rectangularize the different islands i think this is okay for this one and this one is also clean and we make sure everything is aligned properly so let's select this one here and hit a line button okay wonderful then let's take a closer look to the hip islands and as you can see now we have this one here and we said we want to relax it with the lcm method wonderful maybe we can try it with this one here okay maybe the rectangular riser is better for this one and maybe we can try it for this one okay nice and i want to align this one here and i want to align this one here okay i think it's okay for this one then we have the lag so you can select this one here and hit the lcm method for the different islands and we have this part here and i think we align this one like this and we take a closer look to this one maybe i think we could select this edge here and then select this edge here and you re-unwrap it again yeah nice okay uh hit the ncm button and then align this one and maybe i'll move it to the side then we want to align this one here okay nice that's select left let's delete the uv attack for the leg right and copy the leg left uv take to the left right and we have to say you re-unwrapping so we don't have to optimize the leg right again then we have the arm let's take a closer look to this one and maybe we can try the lcm method for this or the uri rectangular riser okay yes just looking nice nice nice nice wonderful and maybe we align this one a little bit something like this okay and we want to annoy this one also okay let's delete it for the arm left and copy the arm right to the arm left and take a closer look to the head right and i think yes it's okay maybe we can try to uv rectangularizer for this one okay it doesn't work try the lcm nothing it's okay and now we align this a little bit better okay nice let's delete the hand left and copy the hand right uv tag to the hand left and select the oil and perform a uv packing again so same settings hit apply wonderful and maybe we can align this one here i think it's the head yes so let's align this one something like this okay that's our final uv layout for our character you have one nice uniform layout with equalized scaling for the islands and let's jump into our startup layout and here i have created a new material with an uv texture and we can simply apply this uv texture to our lego mini figure and as you can see now we have some nice uv mapping and of course you can maybe scale this texture to five by five as you can see it's very nice make sure your subdivision surface has an at the right edge interpolation or the the right subdivide uv interpolation and here for this one i choose edge but you can also try boundary maybe you disable the selected wireframes here in cinema 4d r23 we want to jump into the preferences and then viewport display disable selected wireframes so now if you select the difference subdivide uv modes you can see what happens i think the edge mode is in this case better for this one okay that's uv unwrapping in cinema 4d r23 thanks for watching this tutorial see you soon and goodbye
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Id: TUezcP2ir08
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Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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