3D logo animation tutorial After Effect CC 2019 - After Effect Template.

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[Music] hello everybody this is moody happy today in our tutorial we are gonna create a 3d logo animation with adobe after effects cc 2019 and we are gonna create a template as well so that it will be an easy job for us in the future to just replace our logo to any other new logo and we still get the same animation effect in a blink of an eye so let's start i'm gonna start here with opening my adb after effects cc 2019 of course um create a new composition let's name it mean composition i'm gonna customize the preset here um i'm gonna set it up to the hd size 1280 by 720 here we have um 30 frames per second i'm gonna set the duration for 10 seconds and hit okay and i might as well gonna create another composition for my from my logo composition new composition i will name it logo i will set the presets here for the size um let's say 500 pixels by 500 and i will leave the rest as it is next thing i'm gonna do is of course import my logo it's an ai file it comes in as a composition but later on we can delete this extra composition as we don't need it i just need the logo i need the file it says composition layer size okay here it is here is my logo i can delete this composition i don't need it you can import your logo as a png file or however you saved it i'm gonna hold and drag this layer or this logo into the logo composition i'm gonna scale it down a little bit so it fits my size if you hit just s from the keyboard you can just find the scale button here that looks good okay and i'm gonna have to save it let's say i will save it to the desktop let's name it like 3d logo tutorial now i'm going to go to the main composition and hold and drag the logo composition into the main composition i'm gonna remove this black background and might as well add another one white sorry background that's why drag it to the bottom so you can see the logo and here i'm gonna look for a gradient effect um you can type gradient ram there it is you just hold it and drag it on the background just like that i'm gonna swap colors or switch colors you can name it as you want and give it here a radio ram hold it drag it to the middle and from the bottom side just drag it outside the frame i'm going to change this black color to the lighter color yes let's move it a little bit until you reach out to the color combination that you want next thing we have to do is to create um an expression for our logo composition just hold the p from the keyboard and hold alt and click and you can just copy and paste this expression you will find upload the video in the description just make sure you write it exactly the same way as it is now and next thing we have to do is to make our logo composition as a 3d from this icon right here just clicking this icon here i'm gonna scale down just my logo just just a little bit all right in order for us to um to create the 3d we have to duplicate our main composition our main logo composition for like 20-25 times here i'm gonna look for an effect called exposure i'm gonna apply this exposure effect on the top layer of my logo just give it um like minus one or minus two just something simple and then i'm gonna go to the last layer the last layer of my logo and i'm gonna apply a drop shadow effect just hold it and drag it on the layer i'm just gonna play a little bit with the presets here like the softness just increase it a little bit maybe eight or nine you can see the effect here of the drop shadow okay next we have to do is to create a new camera so we can actually start our animation if you go to layer new camera i always set it at like 50 millimeter go to camera again and just hold the um the camera button and just try to move our logo so you can actually see the thickness of the logo so you can see if you're just happy with this thickness of your logo of your 3d or not now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna create um the animation for this logo we can just hit the p button from the from the keyboard it appears the position i'm gonna create two keyframes the first one i will just take like three four seconds away and that will be the final position and the first one i will try to make it with the camera so i can just move and scale my my logo i want to come from the back to the front so that's that's it now you see how it works i'm going to select those two keyframes and easy ease them i go to the graph editor and i try to smooth the movement a little bit more you just keep going around those points in the graph editor until you reach out to the speed of the animation logo that you that you like i'm gonna here apply another effect on my logo you can just go to the effect and presets and look for cc light sweep just hold it and drag it on the first layer on the top layer of your logo you can see the shiny now in the logo i'm gonna change my parameters here a little bit sharp i just here trying to increase the the sharpness and the thickness of this of this light for us to create the animation for the slide just hit the center icon here just move it like two or three seconds and then you have to move the light to the end of the composition if you go to the logon just press u you can control those keyframes easy is them you can also go to the graph editor control how they how they move the speed either fast or slow as you like let's see how it works i think it's a little fast i'm gonna go to the graph editor again i'm gonna move it out a little bit so it's kind of slow at the end and it's not so fast at the beginning let's see how it works again okay that looks better go again to the graph editor for my logo it's kinda going down fast i'm gonna slow it down a little bit i'm gonna slow it down even more now it's going down just fine and so that's how the logo animation and the 3d with the light effect looks like finally and now what we are going to do is try to replace our logo to another logo and we will see just that we get the effect and just just by changing the logo in a blink of an eye let's see how it works here is my logo i'm gonna import a different logo let's say i'm gonna take this letter m i'm just gonna hold it and drag it in the logo composition just remove the eye from the main logo and now we have the new logo if you go to the main composition you will just find that change happens just like magic now we can just get the same effect just by changing the logo and in this case if you had any changes in the main logo composition like if you give it like a scale let's say we're gonna create a keyframe here the first one move it after a second and the first one let's say we'll give it like a zero percent so it comes from nothing to 100 percent in a in a second i'm gonna i'm gonna ease ease them if you go to the main composition you will find the new logo animation already applied and that was it i hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial and i hope you find it easy to create your template in adobe after effect and thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Moody Alshehaby
Views: 711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effect, adobe after effect, after effect tutorial, free tutorials, animation, logo animation, animation tutorial, 3D, 3D animation, 3D tutorial, adobe, photoshop, design your dream, graphi design, illustrator, moody alshehaby, لوجو, أنيميشن, تحريك لوجو, أفتر افكت, ثري دي, دروس اون لاين, دروس ادوبي افتر افكت
Id: 3E4dRocfpQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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