3D in Godot -- Creating 3D Levels (An Informal Tutorial)

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hello ladies and gentleman is my carrot game from scratch - today we've got a bit of an informal Godot tutorial going on today what we're gonna look at is creating 3d scenes in Godot now this is gonna bring together a number of different subjects we've learned about and we're gonna just kind of do a top level we're gonna look at how to bring in models how to create camera how to set up an environment how to set up the lighting and so on and the reason why I did this was actually I was playing around on the weekend I created this really simple level you can see in front of you nothing really graphically beautiful I'll go ahead and run it you can see the end results of what I created again this isn't something I spent a huge amount of time on but it was just sort of playing around and the reason why I did this it's because the assets that you see being used in it were released for free and I wanted to play with them so everything you see here this was all part of the best of polygon game dev bundle and I actually covered this earlier last week and it wasn't that useful for Godot developers because frankly it was unreal and unity only formatted well since then they've actually released it so you get the source files as well and that makes it a hell of a lot more useful for Godot developers so let's we're gonna do we're gonna look at creating not necessarily this exact scene that you see here but at least all the parts of it so we'll see things like how to set up lights how to set up the depth of field so that when you go off into the horizon it gets blurrier or less precise and we've got the lighting in the scene here we're gonna look at how to bring in models how to instance them what that actually means and so on so everything you need to create something like this you will know by the end of this video now obviously in this particular case I'm gonna go ahead and use that asset pack specifically I am using the models from the polygon sci-fi city pack so again if you've already purchased it you can now go to the download section and you will find there is now a sources file but in this particular case you can use whatever 3d models you want to make this work so let's head on over at look at what you get when you download so now you've got this zip file you can bring down and it's got the source files in it specifically the FBX and the textures collection the FBX one this is where we're gonna get all of our models from the FBX importer in Godot is brand-new though and I'm just gonna go ahead and get rid of the characters model right here because there's something in it that causes a problem and quite frankly I don't need any characters for what I'm gonna show you anyways so that we're gonna get that and we're going to the textures now the cool thing about this pack is they actually reuse texture so you see here we have sci-fi of polygons sci-fi 0 1 a well we've also got B C D and if you look in the folder there's actually alternate so we've got a ton more different options and they're only slightly different but the cool thing is you swap out one of these things and you get a completely different look in your scene so that's how they've set this up almost all of the models share a single texture source so I'm gonna show you how to set that up as well but the first thing we obviously need to do is set up a good do project so let's fire up trusty copy of Godot where did you go Godot obviously it's in my downloads folder everything is either in downloads or temp on my machine IRA go so let's fire up Godot like so alright so we got a new project we're gonna go ahead and create a new one we will call this game 3d demo of course as I mentioned either goes in downloads or it goes in town so create our folder we're gonna create this as an OpenGL ES 3 project go ahead create and edit and boom ok welcome to our world now the first thing we need to do is actually import all of our assets and this can be a little time-consuming so we'll start with that so go to your filesystem section go to the resources right click and say open and File Manager that will open up a new Windows Explorer window for your project and then all you need to do is head on back over to your assets folder so go back to the source files we want the FBX objects and we want the texture objects now I'm bringing in literally everything so if you wanted to bring in one by one you perfectly well can do that but I just find this is a little bit easier just drag it over you'll notice this is saying move so I'm gonna hold down control so instead it's copy and this will copy all of the files over that we need and now Udo is going to detect that and it's gonna start importing all of the assets now this actually could take a little bit of time because it needs to import everything now another thing that I can actually point out while we're here as we go back over to the assets file you'll notice there's also obj files of everything we are dealing with so you do not need to use the FBX versions now the reason why I am using the FBX version instead of the obj foreign is the obj for all a hundred times too it's not a really big deal you can actually once you've imported them all in you just go to the import settings and apply a scale modifier and do a reinstall that so we're just gonna go with the FBX version let it finish doing its import this is going to take some time so I'm just gonna go ahead and pause the video right now by the way if you are on Windows and the performance is absolutely garbage go take a look at your Windows Explorer or your task manager and look for Windows Defender it's probably Windows Defender whenever you're copying a bunch of small files it gets really stupid and it gets really irritating so sometimes just turn that off while you're doing this work and you're gonna find the performance is lots better okay so here you can see here we've got all of our assets are imported in we are good to go now what we need to do is actually create a 3d scene to work with so we're gonna start that off over here on the scene viewer just go ahead and create a 3d scene and we'll just straight out save our scene so we'll go ahead and save that called I don't know what I just did I think I just hit my trackpad save scene as and we'll call it my scene so there you go so we've got our scene the one thing I like to commonly do you don't need to do this but you've always got a root node I like just calling it roof so that's where all the world is going to be relative to now we can start bringing things into our world so we're gonna do is start this off with a simple building now I'm gonna try and match up with what I did in the other scene just so we've got consistent assets but you can use whatever buildings you particularly want so let's go ahead and we'll bring in the bank so we could come in here we'll just search for Bank as you can see there are an absolute ton of assets in this particular pack what we want to do is bring in SM building Bank like this guy and just drop it into the scene so there you see our model is now in the scenes but the problem is when you import a model into the Google game engine you're kind of getting a read-only version of it so if it doesn't look exactly like you what you want it to do that's probably not gonna work for you so all these FBX files are ready to use if you'd like exactly how they are but you see no texture on this guy we might want to add some logic to it at some point in time so obviously that's not gonna work for us to what we instead have to do is select it and then go here just click this guy right here and say we want to create a new inherited version what this does is a scene out of that FBX file so you see here it's actually a hierarchy of different things that were used together and then we can now go ahead and work with this guy so it's the top level one that we want to work with this guy has so this is for dealing with it in general and this is the model and material and so on now the interesting thing with this guy here and and in general with this package as I mentioned they all share a single texture file or a set of file so what we need to do now is set up those textures and we can do this two ways we can do this as a single material that we share between all of them and as long as we're not doing any dynamic changes or ever that'll make life so much faster or quicker so I'll show you both ways so later on we can show you customizing a single individual material if we want to do some tweaks or changes to it all right so first thing to know is we're even coming here we're going to create a new spatial material so this is all the textures and all that stuff that go with it so we're gonna just double click now that we've created and what we want to do first is set up albedo elbow is your color channel you can to traditional II think of this as diffuse and now we want to go ahead and load a texture map for that so go down here to load and go into your textures and now as I mentioned earlier on all of the sci-fi stuff is together under the same set we can also grab something from the alternate set but we'll go with the default here so let's go back up a path and we'll grab polygon sci-fi zero one now you'll notice also here polygon sci-fi also has a normal map has a metallic map and we're gonna bring those in in just a second so we're gonna go ahead we'll bring in the sci-fi zero one right here so there you see we now have textures on our model now as I mentioned earlier on there are all kinds of alternates with this pack so what we could do is go ahead we could have switched it out to one of the alternates so let me just scroll this down see so there is the current coloration we switch that out and we get a completely different color set so you can tweak it around and get the texture set that looks good in your particular scene also keep in mind if you want to use different textures you're going to have to use different materials on different objects so let's go back to what we had there so let's go back to the default one so load that back to textures pick one and then we're good to go now as I mentioned earlier on we also have a metallic map so we can go down here we know textures load and then we bring in the sci-fi metallic map right here it doesn't make a ton of detail difference what you can actually set the metallic Ness with this slider right here again there probably is no map being used in this particular case and then finally Celeste see we got albedo defined we got metallic defined and there is a normal map in here normal maps allow you to provide more detail without actually having to have that detail there and what's go ahead will load that in so we've got a sci-fi dadada normal where did you go where did you go maybe this one right here alright so sci-fi texture normal alright so you add that in let it import all right so we got a normal map again you can set the amount of normal here and you can see the immediate results on it again we're dealing with some low polygon assets and generally we're the lower polygon assets you don't get a ton of influence by normal map and then finally we have something called emission maps that are set up here and we can bring those in as well so these are a way of casting light sources into the scene from a texture map so we'll go ahead and once again we'll load that in you'll notice again it's under textures and we've got a four set of emission maps as well so we're gonna go ahead bring that in as well we're not going to see much effect as of yet but we'll come back to that a little bit later you can add the strength of it right here you can also set the emission color right there all right so we got that guy we're good got a little bit of energy coming out mission colors set all right so we're good alright so there we go all set now we're gonna do two things here first off like I said earlier on as long as you're going to keep with the same set you're gonna use the same elbow to map the same normal map the same specular maps and so on since to reshare between all of the buildings your easiest thing to do is actually go ahead and save this map so we'll call this sy by buildings so that's a set of textures that could be easily applied to other models after the fact so we got that done now we just need to go ahead and save this guy so our scene is done so we'll go ahead and do a save the scene it's gonna default to the name of it and we're good with that so now we have our bank ready to go you'll notice over here so we have all of our FBX but now we've just created a new scene here that we could go up we could move that into a subfolder or whatever and now we can close this guy down so we're gonna just go ahead so this right now is the FBX version and we don't want that again because it doesn't have the textures or all the other stuff set up so we're going to just delete that get rid of it and instead will do is instance in our scene so there you go we now have an object in the scene we are good to go and when you start working from here so first off what we're gonna probably want to do is make sure that this guy is you know above ground and in a way that makes sense we're gonna build everything relative to it so there is our first guy in the world and we now have also that material we can work from and that's good so now what we could do is easily bring in another item so one sec all right I believe it was called food hole so let me just search here food yeah building food hole okay so we gonna bring this guy in and it's basically the same particular process this is a small shack for food another building we can use in our mix but setting this guy has up is going to be a lot easier so we're gonna go into this guy oops I accidentally parented him to the bank make sure that you select root when you bring a new guy in cuz that's how it's gonna set up but this guy is actually only temporary because we're actually going to create a scene for it as well so let's get rid of that mask down there so we're back to the root alright so what we're gonna do is create a TSN at ESPN file for this food shack now but like I mentioned earlier on it will be much easier this time so open it up create an inherited version of it like so select the guy the the mesh instance down here and then we just want to go ahead and materials and instead of having to go through all that work we basically just load in the other asset and boom we're good to go so now we have our building we'll go ahead and make a save of that guy shut that guy down come back here we'll get the rid of that guy in from the scene and now we can start placing food holes in our world so where'd it food hole go food hall boom there we go so now we can go ahead once again make sure that these values make sense I'm good with that we'll set this guy up relative to this guy over here by the way orbit or the middle mouse button you can use the transform of manipulators you can also toggle between them up here so let's just slide that guy back all right good so there we go we have two buildings in our scene and really the rest is just kind of a matter of adding more and more and more of them now we're gonna do let's go ahead and bring in a road piece and once again if we go into FBI she's gonna find that there is a ton of stuff in there so we're gonna just search for road and what I want is called SM Road two yellow lines all right this guy right here so we just bring that guy in and now we're going to have to set it up as well now this guy isn't a building it uses a different set of textures but otherwise exact same process going on here edit it new inherited select the material go ahead sorry select the mesh instance go back to material we're gonna create any one here so once again so a new spatial material double-click it and then under the elbow channel for this guy we're just gonna go ahead and set low textures and since this is a road we want to get the road version so there's the normal map and there is the road texture not a lot going on with this guy but boom there we go so now we have our texture on our road and we'll go ahead and set up the normal map for it as well and that's about it so we're gonna head normal turns on and set up the normal map so here textures Road normal done so there is our road ready to be used once again we'll go ahead save this guy out now we can either I'm not gonna use anymore Road tiles so I'm just gonna take this guy as it is I'm not gonna save the material out because this is the only road tile we're gonna use it in our particular game and so we'll go ahead and save that scene there we go yep we're fine with Road we'll exit this out and once again delete the F the FBX file so now what we're gonna find is we're gonna creating a lot of road segments here well not a ton but if you were what you'd probably want to do is actually go up here to your root node and add another node underneath this is just a folder of sort so it doesn't actually do anything it's just a parent for everything we're gonna use and it's gonna come up here and rename it to roads and now with Road selected like so when then we just bring in our newly created scene file so I mean just close minimize the FBX is oh I still have this on by the way don't keep that on it gets confusing fast all right so turn a filter off let's go back to our thing we've got our other scene here so now we're just gonna bring our road and drop it into the scene the other big thing we want to do once again it's make sure we were at zero so everything is kind of at the same particular height and there is a road for us to work with and obviously you would use multiple roads so there is your middle line you could create two of these to have them back-to-back create a more elaborate road oops wrong axis but now we've got that in the world it is created in our roads folder and now let's just structure that like so so now we that's lined up let's bring it to the front of our building give it a look around make sure that we're looking good all right good so we have our road and we are good to go now because I mentioned earlier on we need to have a ton of roads so what we're gonna do is just basically clone this guy again and again and again so with a selected hit control D which will create a duplicate you'll notice it's automatically created in our roads folder and then just kind of move it so that is lined up and looks good and then we just basically want to keep doing that so oh did not want to do that all right so we've got first one done and then let's pan over a bit so that was just shift middle mouse button by the way do a control D let you go and then control D and then you notice I'm using the arrows to constrain it to a given axis that makes things a lot easier when doing this kind of work control D and then you could also do it obviously in the other direction control D and have your road going on that way obviously you would use multiple road pieces set up intersections and so on and as I mentioned earlier on you may want to do this on the opposite side so we could do something like this create our double lanes so here I'll do a transform so what is that so mine is 90 I want to do a 180 degrees from that so I want to go to positive 90 so so there we could set up an opposite Road in the opposite direction like that and then just basically keep going so then control D and then off we go and you can have your road set up that way create more of a realistic Road obviously I'm not gonna create everything because it'll get really boring to watch but you get the idea of what we are dealing with here so that is how you basically start instancing a bunch of the same asset so now what we need to get into our world is a camera and this is really important when you're dealing with 3d scenes it's the camera is pretty much the heart blood so we're gonna back to the route here I'm just going to go ahead and add a new node search for camera like so and then create a camera and then tada there is our camera in the scene now what you can actually do is click at any time and see a preview of what the camera sees now this obviously isn't the most convenient things at time because you've got you know this one window to work with so what we're gonna do is go here to view and we set it up to double work view so we've got our camera selected in the top one and what we do is turn on previewing the bottom so now what we're seeing what our camera sees down here and we can actually control it up here obviously you saw up here we had a number of different options we could do a quad View if we so wish I'm gonna go back to two that's really all I need and then we just position our camera in a way that makes things look good by the way if you want to move things relative to themselves as opposed to the world so now that I've rotated if I want to have the movement go that way you just toggle that little guy right there alright so once you've got things set up how you like and one do maybe a little bit of a rotate down so we look down on our scene boom there you go so we've got a bit of a building and seen an environment coming together we've got our main camera in the world which is a good thing to have you can configure the settings for it up here so you can change the way that it projects the field of view you can see the field of view effect down here immediately so field of view near clipping plane so this is how far it see like that it's basically the far off the fall-off distance for this camera but the key thing that you're probably going to want to do right now is set up up world environment and there's a ton of stuff in the environment so this is basically your rendering setting so with your camera created going here and go drop down new environment and we're gonna probably just straight away we're gonna edit our environment and I'm just gonna do a save so let's save this guy and we'll call it world environment by the way you could have multiple so if you want to switch between them you different settings and so on you can easily do so now you notice the minute we created this guy our world looks kind of terrible so what the hell happened well there's all kinds of settings going on here so you can set the clear background settings so if you wait that things work in the background you have a clear color you can have it have a skybox custom sky canvas and so on this particular case will keep a little clearer because we're gonna change things out after the fact but what you probably want to do is get some light in the world so here's your ambient light sitting so let's add a natural light and then you can see the strength of that light so this is just the light that bounces around the world this is when there is no light at all this is the light that will light the scene so we'll start with a very low ish and since dewpoint - alright so we have a light source of the scene by the way if you want to go for a bit of a noir or sci-fi look maybe you want to have a blue light or you know bluish tint you can change the effect of that light right there easily enough but we're actually going to get in and set up lights in just a second it's bothering me that that isn't flush to the road alright so there we go back to our environment so world environment click that guy so that is ambient light that's being set up and there's a ton of stuff that's here that's important if you want to have fog in your world you can see immediately the results of it a whole bunch of configuration settings for how fog is set up you know auto exposure on and off and then you can change the amount the maximums the speed of the exposure I'm going to turn that off that's simulating camera effects I always forget exactly what this algorithm stands for screen space ambient occlusion it's a way of calculating light in the scene we can go ahead and enable that one yeah so you really you kind of want to go ahead and play around with these things you can find out what they do almost by just turning them on and off and then just playing around the settings to get the rendering settings that you like you want a little bit more tone mapping you can do so and it really kind of is you're going to be trying to get the look of your world now remember earlier on when I had it where my once my guy drove away a certain distance that the blurred out well that is depth of field far view so you can turn that on you can see immediately it's kicking in so that that distance is is way too close so we can play around with that but we need to have a few things in the background so what we're gonna do now is come back here we're gonna create another object so what are they actually call building background so we got large and medium buildings for the back row so we'll just go ahead and create a large background building so the textures on that are very wrong but so that instance in the States very simple and straightforward I accidentally created that in the wrong spot here so we've got our background building going on right there what we want to do is once again edit it new inherited all right one sec okay fresh drinking water all right so here we go we got it in the background now we want to select the material once again and then this time it's a different polygon set so we're gonna come here once again spatial the albedo setting we come down here we just want to go ahead and load in and gonna find that there is a texture set for the background so that one is sci-fi background buildings and I believe there is another one to go with it for a mission but maybe not okay no maybe it's just this one alright so we just set that guy up and there you see we now have textures for it you know we can go ahead we'll save that guy out I think we're gonna bring in another background so we'll say this will call this background texture all right so we got our scene done go ahead and save that guy so sure that's a background image we're gonna take the FBX that came in that is all fouled up we'll delete that guy out and then once again its collapse this guy down grab our background building and just drop it into the scene all right there you into the background and then you just basically start populating the skyline in your world I'm really low polygon images going on there and we could just create a couple of them as you saw there was big building small buildings various different ones I'm just gonna go ahead and create a few instances of this guy to make it just look like we got the things going on in the background and once again I'm just doing this using ctrl D and then moving things around there you go so we now have things in our background that we can look at makes it seem like our world is a bit more alive so this is the stuff that would be just off on the horizon it's really low polygon your character is never going to interact with it but it does give you a sense of depth in the world so now that we've got those guys there we can actually start looking back too so here let's go back to our game background and now you'll notice oh no not the game background sorry my environment so I won't open up my environment it's a world environment so now this is where that depth of field far comes in so if you want to have it so that when things start getting far away they see the blur effect is being applied and you can also pick the amount of blur that is being applied in the background so if you kind of want things to get a little hazy in the background kind of give you that again definite lower effect that is how it's done alright so we've covered the environment setting up the camera we've got background stuff going on we've got we created some roads we created some buildings now let's look at creating some lights so start it off first off we can actually bring in a light model so say starts for light so street light of some kind all right so I want SM prop Street light where did you go oh there it is alright bring this guy in and you know the deal by now so you can see it it's not actually huge just way off in the front so let's bring this guy into the world we'll move it back towards zero alright so there we go let's move this so that's actually part of route well you probably want to do now if you're doing a bunch of lights to it probably makes sense to create another node off of the route called so it's a node this and we'll call that lights in this case I'm probably only going to make that one light but we actually haven't set it up now right we're still dealing with the FBX at this point in time so just select that guy in will bring him forward so there is our streetlight we want to do once again open this guy up like so new inherited there is it looking good look good I don't know why it's not looking good over here so let's bring that guy in there we go all right so there is our streetlight once again we need to set up the maps on it you know the drill by now basically just come on in here and go to materials and in this particular case it's localized so I'm gonna create a new space material open that up elbow channel load textures and there's one here somewhere for lights lights lights nope I lied will still be part of this one all right there you go so you see we got our texturing going on we're using our standard builder tech building texture and we are pretty good to go now the reality here though is our light is just a model at this point that's obviously not what we want so let's go and as I mentioned early on when you create your own PSTN files you can start adding or changing them so as we're gonna do right now we're gonna go ahead and come in here and we're gonna add in a light so we got a bunch of different options we've got spotlight Omni light which is a light that goes in all direction a direction of light which is something like your son so we want a spotlight in this case we've got your spotlight in our world I just want to go ahead set that guy up so I want to all right so I want to rotate it 90 degrees on the x-axis think nope 270 degrees on the x-axis so it is now pointing down we will bring this guy up right very hard to see with the two views by the way so what we want to do basically is set our light so that it is in our light like so all right so our light source is going to come out of our light so this means every instance of the streetlight that we make will come with its own light source now what you're probably noticing here is our little cone coming down well this is the fall-off of the light we probably want a light to it at least get to the ground underneath it so we've got a couple things we can set here we got the range so this is how far down it will go we got the a to nation you can see the effect of it in action on the base of the light down there we got the angle so this is how how to how dispersed your light is you can see the cone being updated as I change that and then we've got fine-tuned control over the angle o to nation and we've got also other options here so we could set the light color so if we wanted for some reason this to be a red night a neon light or so on we can set that here we've got it does it have shadowing or not we will keep it as it is right now so we're good to go we now have a light with a light source in it I'm just going to go ahead and save that guy so we got yep it's prop street light we're good all right so now we'll come back to our scene once again grab our existing light where did you go light there it is delete it all right select our lights folder and now we can just start adding them to our world so first things first let's bring a light in all right here drop it into the scene like so there boom we have light so we can start now you know we probably want to actually position it so that it makes sense but we can start putting lights in our world and there immediately in the preview you can actually see the effects of our light as we're moving around you can also see it right here the other cool thing that we've actually got as an option is we can come up here to perspective and we can actually say cinematic preview so then you kind of get a shot of how it's going to look when you're done now you can't move this guy around you got to stop that in order to get back to work but you can actually see a nice shot of how the lighting and the environment and all that stuff will affect each other so there is the simple process of controlling the light so now let's go ahead and we'll just do a control D bring that light back here to this other end like so and now we have some more lighting in our world it's a very nice thing and at this point in time once you've actually got some light sources you may want to go back to your world environment and so let's just filter that one down so back to your world environment that you defined earlier on and now you might want to play around with the the ambient lighting in your scene so now you may not even need it and you just kind of want to configure it so it's at the lighting level that you want yeah now one of the cool things that's going on with the light and this might not necessarily work for having all of the lights sharing a common setting but let's say we want to add a little bit of fun to this guy so let's just open that scene back up so where is our light scene so improv streetlights are so we open our light back up and now what we're gonna do is actually add a little bit of an animation to this guy nothing really that special we can animate how the light is handling so I'm gonna show you how you can basically extend the scenes once you've got them so it's come up here we'll go ahead and we'll add an animation player into the scene so all right we're good to go now with the animation select it to go ahead and create a new one and we'll call this light animation all right so boom we got it in now we can go ahead and start key framing out properties that we want to go so see over here with the light so spotlight is set you'll getting to notice there's a little little Keys beside everybody so now what we can do is go ahead and set let's let's key on the I don't know what energy maybe yeah let's let's key on the energy so we're gonna just go ahead don't hit the key here and we'll create a new animation here so see we've got one second so far we can go down here let's create this over four seconds and we're going to automatically loop and then we're gonna set this guy right here which means it will play this animation as soon as we start so there we go so our key is fine so we want to set our default key so our light is at one point two seven when we start I'm gonna do is move to the two second mark I'm gonna hit this guy so I'm gonna right click here say insert a new key so we have a new key here when you select it it'll automatically take the key value and then you can go ahead and play with it so we can set up we could turn it off for example and then right over here come back here you can set a new key and then turn it back to one point two seven one point two seven zero one point two seven now if you want it to be more abrupt what you're gonna probably want to do is actually create like a key here and in the key frame here so set that guy to basically fulbright so one point two seven and then that guy to one point two seven and then you got this guy in the middle which is off so what you're gonna have is light light off light on so what we do go ahead and save that guy out so once again important settings automatically turn it on and have it loop automatically when you're going so we just defined that into our scene so now when you come and look at your theme sorry one sec I keep having to pause my throat let's go ahead and do a play so we haven't set our scene up yet so we're gonna have to set scenes so my scene is the scene go ahead and load it and you'll notice there is now flickering lights so that is one of the the neat easy effects you can do and but you'll notice here again they're being done at the global level so that means that every single streetlight is going to flick at the same time which may not be the performance you wanted to have so what you may want to do instead is have it done on the instance level so you could come back here you can take all of those values out of here and instead have done them here in the scene and then only the so I would add an animation player to this guy and only that animation will occur to that light and not all of the lights in the scene so you're gonna have to decide between doing things at an instance level or doing things more globally yeah my is that about it we've covered quite a bit of ground here the only other thing I think I'll actually go ahead and show you so let's set up an emissive light so this actually gives you a lot of that Bladerunner feel going on so we're gonna come here back to the FBX files FBX I'm gonna search for neon so we can bring in a neon sign I'm gonna bring in the seventh one I got no idea what that actually is let's drop one of those in the scene so there it is what are you oh you're a martini alright good use the exact same one I did before all right so now we're gonna do set this guy up again once again since it's an FBX file we're gonna want to hit create an inherited version of it set up the materials on it so boom and then we're here go materials let's set up a new one so a new spatial material click that guy Alva no Channel let's come down here load it up textures this is a neon sign so a neon sign right there should let me just check while I was in there I don't know if there's any other things for me no I think that's what we want okay good so we got our texture set up for this guy and dot now what we're gonna do with this so you can see here we've got this cool little effect going on what we're gonna do is add some emission to it so this actually makes this guy into a light source so we're gonna come here we're purple-ish so let's go with a purple light like that it's a boom now we're giving off light and then the amount that it gives off can be determined by the emissive value and the cool thing here is once again this can be animated so we want to come up here and go ahead and say add an image that was actually already on animation player wasn't it animation player Adam an animation player - this guy create a new animation neon sign Excel will make it one and a half long that will start it automatically will loop it and then with that set we'll just go ahead and select our guy again go back into the material settings for it and with the emission set there we can go ahead energy create a key and see duplicate that key n oops beginning why did you not actually duplicate all right so now we're gonna do it drop in here somewhere in the middle yeah we'll insert a key there and then we'll insert key there and we'll grab this key and we're gonna weigh the jnanis alright so there we go and we will save that guy like so neon sign is ready go back over here to the world will drop the FBX version out of the world so and we'll create a new version of our neon sign so neon sign drop that in the world there we go so our food place is now I'm a Turk martini shop drag that oh that's not what I want all right here we go drag that up like that over like that and our animation should be in effect and there you see the lights are strobing in and out well we have our street lights or flickering yeah and one final thing to cover before I call it wraps on this one we have our emissive light but it's not actually doing anything yet we need to add one more thing to our world or just come up here and we're gonna add a GI probe or global illumination so this allows us to have real-time global illumination in our scene to set that up you'll notice it sets up this volume of what is affected and we're pretty good with the Street area as it is so just have it surround the area that you want it to by the way if you want the gizmo to show or hide you can turn the gizmos off this way so if you want I probe to not actually be shown you can easily turn it off that way you in the View menu but you'll notice here now with the GI probe selective we have another option up here called bake the GI probe so GI probe selected you've also got some options for it the range the energy level bias and so on are you inside or outside we're outside in this particular case and so on again just play around with it until you get a setting you like but once you've got that GI probe selected go ahead and bake your lighting and then now we are done it's not the greatest thing you have ever seen in the entire universe but it is it's interesting it's a little ugly because it's one of those things in order to get something to look good you're going to have to spend time playing around with the settings to play around with the lighting in the scene to play around with the ambient lighting you're actually going to probably get your most bang for the buck playing around in seer changing out the lighting in the world the strength of the lighting in the world you bring that down and it's gonna immediately have a huge impact on your world did alfred playing around having fog if you so want it having a set in your tone mapping you can change out and really get a different look so now we change to a filmic tone map it's gonna look a little bit more Bladerunner ii again trying to balance low polygon and you know Bladerunner realistic look is going to be a challenge but as you see with just a few small tweaks we got a massively different looking world here and the way that you really make something look good ultimately is in lighting if you want to rely a little bit less on the ambient light and more on having actual lights in your world you probably get a better end result to be honest getting rid of the ambient light and creating an indirect light for your Sun and positioning your correctly but again those are things just sort of play around with it until you get it how you want it to look and yeah that's kind of essentially it we covered a whole lot here but in a very informal manner if you have any big questions here do let me know I will try my best to handle them I'm gonna probably cover a couple of these topics and a whole lot more detail individual videos because we covered a broad swath of stuff today but hopefully what you saw was at least somewhat interesting and once again all the assets I used in this guy we used like one percent of one pack this is all from the Humble Bundle that is currently still running so if you're interested check that out I will throw the link down below there's still like 13 days left and the cool thing is once again they added it so that now if you go ahead to your your purchases directory instead of just having the zip file there's also the sources version which is what we worked with today makes it really easy to work with you know the Godot engine in addition to other game engines and having these assets to work with does make throwing together this kind of stuff a whole lot easier or you know what if you've got a bit more time a bit more polish you end up with this kind of stuff which does look a little bit better and the lighting was set up a little bit stronger so you can actually see some of the influences in action it's it's a cool prototyping tool even if you don't use these assets for the games just having assets all the time to learn how to do this kind of stuff makes learning this stuff so much easier so again I will link that down below but if there's a specific topic I kind of glossed over on you today or you have any questions about something I did please let me know in the comments down below I'll try to answer them there or perhaps in another video but it was that was basic 3d in the Godot game engine I hope you found that useful and I will talk to you later good bye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 61,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, 3D, Scene, Level, Tutorial, Game Engine, GameDev, Game Development, GIProbe, Lighting, FBX, Models, Import, Step by Step, Godot 3.2, 3.2
Id: 49awsu1VJbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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