Godot's Hidden Level/Map Editor

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alright in this video we're going to be learning about godot's built-in level editor prototyping tool that you might not have known about start with a blank 3d scene right-click on the main node and add a csg combiner node as a child next let's start building up a level by right-clicking on csg combiner and adding a csg box node as a child of it this is pretty much like any other box in godot but you can adjust its dimensions by dragging out these red dots on each side a lot of other game engines have level editors that procedurally generate a grid pattern to help with scale and measurements and you can do that in godot as well in the inspector next to material click on empty and add a new spatial material click on the preview window and under albedo click and drag a grid texture into the texture box if you don't have a grid texture there should be a link in the description to a grid texture that you can download for free once the texture is applied it's gonna look a little weird but to fix it all we have to do is go to the flags tab turn world tripliner on and then go to the uv1 tab and turn tripliner on as well and just like that the grid texture is perfectly applied even when you adjust the dimensions of the box we're going to be using this grid pattern a lot and so to avoid having to enable world tripliner for every single object in the level we're going to click on the small arrow next to the texture preview press save and save it as whatever that way we'll have a pre-made texture that we can drag onto any object we want and it'll automatically have triplaner enabled okay so what else can we do one thing we can do is add another csg box and use it to change the shape of the first box i'm going to move it up a little change its dimensions a bit and then in the inspector i'm going to change its operation from union to subtraction and just like that the volume of the box has been subtracted from the other box and what we're left with is this swimming pool looking situation you'll notice that there's no texture on the inside and to fix that all you have to do is drag the grid texture we saved into the material slot on the subtracting box and boom you've got a complete grid again now let's add another csg box and i'm going to move it over to this corner here i'm going to change the operation to intersection and now the only thing you can see is the section of the swimming pool that is intersecting with a new box pretty interesting but maybe not too useful so i'm just going to undo this by deleting the box we can also make shapes that are not boxes right click on csg combiner and add a csg polygon node as a child you can change the shape of this box by pulling on any one of the red dots in the corner we can also change its width by adjusting the depth slider in the inspector on the right now you have a ramp that you can place anywhere you want next let's right-click on csg combiner and add a csg cylinder as a child just like the other shapes you can adjust its dimensions by pulling on the red dots i'm going to move it up to the ramp elongated so that it goes through the platform and then change the operation to subtraction so that it creates a hole in the platform this kind of thing is pretty great for stuff like windows and doorways that you would otherwise have to create in a separate modeling program anyways feel free to experiment with creating a level godot has other shapes like donuts and spheres so you can mess around with that and now when it comes time to test the level in game there's one last thing you need to do click on the csg combiner node and make sure to turn on use collision in the inspector otherwise your character will just fall through the floor run the game and now you have a prototype level that you can run around in and it only took you a few minutes to create unfortunately this tool is really only good for prototyping anyways thanks for watching like subscribe and bell links to my discord and twitter down below and as always have a nice day
Channel: Garbaj
Views: 38,607
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Id: BUjCtwLO0S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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