Forest Level Design Follow Along Tutorial | Godot 3.3

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This video is essentially a follow along tutorial to level design in Godot 3.3. I tried to use only free assets, so it should be accessible for everyone.
It's on the longer side, but I tried to show everything you need to know step by step. I hope you like it!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/wojtekpil 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

This isn't level design FYI, it's environment art.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/BowlSludge 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

You did it! Nice. :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MemeNoob2019 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Amazing! Thank you for sharing this -- perhaps we can finally start killing the lie that Godot can't do 3D.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Hengist 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks. Ive been waiting for some godot 3d tutorials. Great video keep up the great work

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Impossible_Resolve89 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone waketech here and for this video i will be doing a follow along tutorial i will be making a level design of the scene you can currently see in the background in goddard 3.3 i tried to put links to all the assets and tools you need in the video description i'm not sure how much interest there is in this topic but i hope you'll learn something useful so let's start so the first thing i will do is change some settings in the project settings menu in a quality tab in the rendering and first thing i would recommend is increasing this atlas size and that subdiv reflections it will give us a better looking result of course if your computer can handle it and i will increase anisotropic filter level to 16 and later on probably we will also use fxia anti-aliasing it's a really blurry one but this is the best we can use for a lot of alpha blended billboards in goddard and we also be using a lot of plugins so first of all a godrey plugin so the effects will add godrey to our scene it's really nice looking effect for especially for a forest environment time of the day will allow us to easier set up our environment with clouds with a proper colors with a fog and so on it also enables us to use a time of the day notes and we could animate our scene as you can see or so in the video beginning waterways by casper is a plugin which we'll use to generate a reverie in our scene hate map terrain by xylen is probably known by every goddess user and scatter tool also by zion is a just a simple tool to place your assets faster on your terrain and other meshes with collision and the last thing before we start all the textures used with alpha channel for the vacation are exported in a dds format in a so you need to do this because by default godot generates mid maps so the smaller version of the texture which loses details when you get further away so when you're exporting in a game for a dds format use these settings you select generate mid maps and you go to the advanced options you change your filter for the favorite one and the most important part is to select this preserve alpha test coverage and set up it as high as you want i'm usually using 0.91 99 or 0.5 it depends on the texture and i just usually check it in the engine later so yeah i think that's all and we can start to create our new scene so first let's create a new 3d scene note and let's add few things before we start adding terrain let's add a directional light so that we can see it better yeah let's position it so we can see details on the tutorial a little bit better and let's add the terrain terrain yeah and you note as always at the beginning you can see anything so you need to create new data directory and we'll use a data terrain and create our new folder here let's name it a tutorial scene and let's click okay select current folder yeah and there is our terrain uh first thing i would recommend doing is actually changing the scale make it smaller so we can fit more details so let's set up with 0.5 yeah and what i like to do is just moving it to the center so let's transform it minus 128 on an x and minus 28 on the z yeah and that's basically our terrain let's save our scene in the scenes folder so let's forest tutorial yeah it sounds good and maybe let's add some textures so don't click edit click import and let's add new texture set select load and let's go to assets textures and let's select this ground 48 and i actually changed a little bit this texture i just saturated it in the so it fit better but we can also use this original color so let's use original one okay and this textures uh is actually in the directix format so we need to flip it and let's set up a resolution a little bit higher and we need to change import directory otherwise those file will be imported along your scene file so let's go to the data turn textures and let's create a folder forest tutorial okay let's click on photo and import to textures sometimes there's this error so let's click just again okay close it's it's looking pretty nice okay so what i will do now i will disable a grid and origin so we can save it better and i will add a mesh instance so yeah with uh cube or cube mesh i will change its size to two meters by one meter and this thing will represent our player so yeah we can know if our textures are up to scale or we need to change something i'll actually move this slider higher okay and we can enable shadows so we it will be looking a little bit more realistic already okay so as you can see this texture is a little bit too large so we go to the terrain shader and we change some parameters oh so first thing we select the classic 4 shader and we change uh uv ground scale per texture this is first texture so we decrease it let's see maybe more like eight seven okay that's that's looking good we can also build a tie reduction setting so as you can see this is uh less repetitive looking and i think that looking pretty good for the beginning also i will include under this video description my shader for the tearing so this is this one and you can see the difference right now it gives you a little bit more control over your textures like normal map strength so you can increase it and you can change roughness uh yeah and think like that okay but what we now need to do is to create a little bit um of variance in this our terrain so i will be using a tablet graphic tablet for that but you can also use a mouse first thing you need to select your brush so i like this one and it's actually a built-in one in the terrain plugin so let's open it let's increase the size i it could be 200 let's hide our mesh for now let's rename it to player scale okay let's go to the tearing and and decrease the brush opacity it's really important to set it pretty low like you know nine or something like that and using your tablet just tapping on the scene or maybe i lose my mouse because my talent is not configured so as you can see we have those a little bit of small details that's our base and we then will create some mountains and river but for now let's focus on this more natural looking terrain okay so let's select a different brush let's use this one and just tapping in the different places and it's already looking a little bit more natural and usable okay so i think it's looking pretty cash for the flat terrain so we can go select different brush and maybe create some mountain on the edges of our scene yeah you can tap and just by keeping your mouse and or circling around can create those shapes which in my opinion looking a lot more natural than just you know drawing your mouse with left left button clicked all the time and the brush opacity set a lot higher than 9 or 10 percent so yeah let's change the brush again let's select this vegetation [Music] and i don't have really any plan for this so i'm doing it live so i'm not really sure what to end up with okay so yeah okay let's go to the player and by clicking f you can focus on this object okay so it's went under ground yeah okay so it's looking pretty nice maybe here we can increase a little bit [Music] the height of our terrain so yeah maybe a bigger mountain here let's change our brush again this one there's also an erosion brush so this is this thing right here and basically what it creates it's the illusion of this nature process of erosion so the water draining down the hills and creating a little bit more natural look i'm not really sure how well this works so i'll switch back to classic uh rice brush okay so yeah i think that's looking pretty nice we don't have a texture yet so yeah yeah okay okay and maybe we should start by adding a river or just a place for our river so yeah i will change my brush to maybe acrylic one also a bit one and let's decrease our brush [Music] something like 30 yeah it's looking pretty nice so we'll create a river right here we use lower height mode so just drag and click maybe increase our brush opacity for this thing and let's let's drag drag and drag until we see our reliever taking place okay so it's actually there maybe a little bit more so again let's drag um it's best if those edges of the river would be a little bit uneven it will look a lot more natural so i will try to imitate it let's change the brush or something like that maybe let's increase a little bit and increase the strength and just by clicking it will add this natural distortions and things like that yeah so the river will start here and it will follow somewhere there okay i think yeah i can smooth it out maybe this this brush will be better okay not like that not like that like that okay and i think it's looking pretty nice so let's move into more of the texturing so this texture is pretty boring so let's add another textures so not edit import yeah so the texture one well we will load well we had a 48 grams so let's select 36 we have the color fix and the standard color i will use a standard color again and flip y and import to textures okay important it's done so how this texture look okay so let's decrease change maybe acrylic let's see it looks a little bit too light for my liking so i would choose my darker version and put the texture it will be a lot faster yeah okay close and how does it look it looking like that blue so yeah it's looking i think a lot better so now we'll color our river so we have this darker colors details and actually if you don't like this sharp edges of the textures you can disable a blend depth setting so this will be a lot softer of course it's not free it it will look a lot less sharp in this landing areas but that's actually the thing we want for this thing at least okay so [Music] also i think that the scales texture isn't really the best either so we'll go to the texture and set the tan maybe yeah and i think we should actually give it a little bit more yeah something like this yeah it's free so we can use it as much as you want okay and actually if the texture is still too light we can always change its color by using this color paint setting and increasing decreasing the the color to grace and yeah we can increase the brush size and just by doing something like that you can see [Music] it's looking a lot more natural okay and i think the thing i will do also i will select this brush and also tap it a little bit on this word map terrain so that we have a lot a little bit more variation because ground isn't always static one color so yeah okay and i think i'm actually bind it a little bit more here so yeah okay okay so that's this for the river can increase the roughness a little bit but the display with roughness yet we'll use a reflection probe for that and we'll see how it look and if we need we can also enable a tyre reduction but it's not needed for this case okay and now let's move to the mountains and let's actually import another texture okay so first of all we will load a snow texture for the top of our rocks of our mountains so well snow yeah and the reason we are doing this first instead of already selecting rock texture as the fact that the fourth texture so the last one for this shader is using something called a triplanar mapping so it will look a little bit more on this stiff uh on this perpendicular angles to the camera okay so yeah this is a snow and let's load another one and actually the rock texture and this is the rock color also flip let's select the flip yeah everything is looking alright so let's import it okay and everything is imported we can close and we can find paint some crack texture so select rock texture this is the last one and we enable this three planner setting and we'll limit the slopes only to the steeper ones so it won't paint on the flat terrain it will paint only on the steeper angles okay and if we want we can decrease a little bit and paint it maybe that's a little bit too much painted and some places in this lower terrain some kind of rocky settings here there yeah i think it's looking pretty cool okay so the last picture we have is the snow so they're doing um almost the same that's in the opposite direction so we're painting it maybe not here on this this most uh the highest mountains we can enable maybe it's a bit more okay so and the thing about this depth blending is that it will look much much nicer on the mountains so we'll lose that if we disable it okay so i think i think it's looking pretty acceptable right now okay so if we disable if you enable this the blending again as you can see it looks much nicer yeah i think i will add it a little bit more here yeah in my opinion it looks maybe not that long i need to decrease the brush yeah and that's the end result for now okay so now let's move on to the lightning car scene so first thing we need to do is to add the environment node so let's add it and let's create a new environment and the scene went black but don't worry we select our background we actually will use a color blue sky option so let's find our texture okay so this is the one i need to create a panorama sky first and place it here yeah and let's change our color to something bluish doesn't really matter it will be changed later but yeah for now it will do and the way don't we want to enable right now we'll enable it a little bit later uh we can change our turn map if you like uh already to aces but i like to work in linear first so i have a better understanding of the colors in this thing so yeah um and we can enable screen space and occlusion um i actually like to reduce the size of this thing and add the second radius it's a little bit higher also i'm setting a light effect really often for the better effect and let's select the high quality and the sharpest edge okay and we can able blur for like 100 or maybe even 150 but for editing this thing is actually more irritating so yeah that's our world environment let's set up our time of day plug-in with our background clouds so let's add a child and let's search for a skydome yeah here it is create it and it's already looking a lot better let's open the sound tab and let's assign our directional light well we can able to sun and again in the sun yeah okay so that's it uh actually i don't really like this red tint so i usually go to white and a little bit whiter yeah and i like to increase the strength but no not much change right now okay we can also increase it to mapping level and stuff like that done radius 20 for example okay so that's how it's looking right now and we need to add another node it's called time of day and it's a target we need to set the skydum and right now we can change an hour of our scene so let's set up something like like for example 12 let's see how it will affect oh does it really affect let's reassign our sun because something okay that's much better so yeah that's a six seven okay yeah everything should be fine except or a bit occlusion so let's go again there are settings and let's decrease it a little bit more 25 here and 0.1 here and it sets up a strength one and a half well that's the best we can have right now and maybe that sharpness was too high okay something like 12 12 looks acceptable for me okay so the thing we need right now i think it will actually be everywhere so let's add a river node to our scene so at the child let's search for river let's create it and it will be added somewhere in the center here so let's move it again press f to focus on it and you can scroll of course you can move with the right close click and wasd case rotate it something like that and you can place it in the origin of our river so let's move it up somewhere here i think seems to be right okay and you can edit our mesh so yeah we increase and by dragging this handle here you can pretty much create a wall river yeah so this segment will move down let's change the angle a little bit let's move it down something like that let's increase with the width of our river yeah and by selecting a snap to collider and selecting uh adding new handles mode we can just click okay so first thing we need to go to terrain node and select terrain update reader collider and go back to the river and now if we click in our terrain it should create a river it's a little bit low but we can raise it later on now we just place our handles in correct places so yeah that's it i think and the thing we are doing now let's select um no select a handle click y on the keyboard axis and by clicking y you're locking only in the y direction so yeah you can see it's moving oh it's not to colliders again why okay and we'll increase each of these handles to the level we are satisfied with any of this vertical handle we can increase the weight if so we can see a bit better maybe a little bit higher even yeah again rise it to the level you're satisfied with and let's move to the next handle somewhere like here more white some more like here and more white same here okay more white more white okay and i think it's looking pretty much um okay for now maybe we'll return to it later uh and there is this red uh warning so we'll follow the instructions so go to the river and generate flow flow map okay and this is our flow flow map generated it's looking a little bit much more but we can further improve by increasing it transparency for example even even higher and also we can make it a little bit darker as i like for these things roughness is good high for my liking and we can increase edge fades so it will be fading a little bit better in our terrain yeah it's looking pretty pretty decent uh also you can decrease the speed if it's too fast and i like to decrease the normal map a little bit much more flatter and as for the phone well you can play with this but i think a little bit it's not a bad idea you can make it darker lighter something like that and i think we can also increase the depth like 30 i think 20 15 even works pretty nice clarity yeah add a bit more clarity for this thing like this okay and i think we're done with the river okay so the next thing we'll add is some assets like trees and batches because right now our scene is looking a little bit empty so we'll be using a scatter note for that so let's add the child nodes let's search for a scatter and create a scatter note and we'll add our assets so let's go to the assets models trace fear and confirm macedonia if you can't see the preview you can open this scene and another tab and it will later show up here okay so the thing you need to remember before using a scatter you can you need also to build the terrain and updates with your collider if it doesn't work properly so yeah okay so let's select our tree and let's place it here here here as you can see it's a little bit offset to my mouse cursor but i can live with that okay okay okay so yeah so left mouse is adding new assets to the scene and right is removing you need to remember it you can't use this free look and this add-on which annoys me a little bit but yeah with shift and middle mouse button you can work around it okay so as you can see added a bunch of trees maybe there was a bad idea somewhere here here is empty i think here here right here slap it like here here more like here yeah yeah it could be here and here okay and the the thing of this three is that this plugin is that they look a lot repetitive right now so just select another note and with shift select few of those trees yeah and we'll just change some settings maybe not this one okay okay and let's go to the transform let's change scale to 0.5 and let's you know change not this one like this one okay let's see how does it look pretty decent yeah it's a little bit empty here so let's add three maybe maybe here okay okay see with this bigger trees in place and we can move to another asset and it will have bh3 and let's place select the ph3 first and if you move closer to the scene to hit it in the with a better precision so yeah let's focus again on the origin so the shift movement will work a lot better again and basically just spam a lot of this trees and be aware that scatter plugin can sometimes place multiple assets in the same place and that's not really what we really want yeah okay and very often those small trees are around those bigger trees so we are trying to emulate this in our thing let's let's take a look how it's looking maybe here here okay i think it's quite a lot of those trees so we can move to another asset and we will be placing some bashes so let's go to bash different one zero one looks like it's a green again so yeah as i said uh those small details tends to be close to the bigger ones yeah so i will be trying to place them like that okay this side is done okay let's place it along a river to make it a little bit much more natural okay and close to the trees especially those big trees it will feel a lot more proper okay i think you can tell a lot of these small bushes so let's another let's add another one to fixed okay so this is this red big one so we don't want to spam it everywhere like that a matter of fact uh the thing and this one the thing i want to say about those bashes and that sometimes it's better to use scissors half a scissors with transparency and some cases like those trees it's better to just use a standard standard alpha blended material with depth free pass enable of course [Music] it won't always work as i said before so when it doesn't work you need to use those alpha stitchers and the thing with this ds mipmaps format is that you won't be seeing this disappearing of the bush with the skybox so the classic one you'll be seeing some weird graphical artifacts yeah okay okay so i think this batch is done we can move to the last one but this one okay so this one is a little bit more colorful okay we can increase probably something like that doesn't really work i don't really know how to use it but yeah replacing a lot of acid in our thing well it would be better if get it could use lod but right now it can't so we just counting on uh frustum cooling right now only but the good news is that in good.4 will have an automatic lod generation so it will be much more performant hopefully yeah and i think we're done with those batches okay so next assets let's go to the rocks smashes and i think rock one e is the thing we want this is the smaller rock yeah so you can again spam it as much as you want you just need to be aware it's a lot of manual work but i think it's actually pretty much worth it because the effects will be a lot better than some kind of automatic placement okay so we can add the last one for a maybe let's start for a foray it's okay so it's either work bit bigger so let's spun it here let's just like crazy okay so place it here free okay yeah i think we're done with this rocks so we can move um to the next stage okay so we are done with scattering our elements but what we want is that some manual details again so we create you know spatial node and call its big rocks okay and we have a big rocks not selected let's go to the modules rocks meshes and i think rock 1a it's a kind of big one rock let's place it somehow in the river so that maybe you can rotate it a little bit yeah i need now to be doing so also big crack so let's move it to the crack rotate it uh this assets are empty inside let's move it a little bit higher let's maybe rotate it i think like this okay and maybe 5b and let's move it position and probably i will create some first forward right now because the whole the things will be just placing those [Music] trucks [Music] so [Music] okay so now we are done with assets placement big asset placement let's add something more interesting let's hide this thing and that's a lot of notes so yeah let's hide those things and let's add a reflection probe so yeah the reflection probe is placed here and then let's extend it to our wall thing like 50 up and i think it should be okay and as for the origin yeah we can move it if we focus on it there is this this handles and you can basically move it around and the thing about those reflection probes is if you look from some weird angles it will create some problematic reflections and as for example it's maybe not so much visible right now but if we change time of day sometimes it creates weird effects so what we can do okay so okay so we are using i once baked light probe and if we create the right probe somewhere above above the water it will give a blue tint to everything so i would recommend placing it somewhere a little bit in a darker place uh maybe not in the total shaders but placing it in the bash sometimes help so just remember this thing yeah and as you can see it's a lot less reflective yeah so let's place it here for now and with a reflection probe on the scene we can change some settings of this reflection so i advise adding this enable shadow options it usually gives a lot more details in the scene and you can see intensity without reflection probe and with reflection probe if you really want you can go also to work environment and enable screen space reflections [Music] and you can see you can increase the tolerance something more interesting but you need to be aware of this weird roughness issues everything looks a little bit shiny what you can do you can increase the roughness of this ground and this terrain here by the river but i to be honest prefer using only one reflection probe and yeah let's actually go back to one one for the roughness and as for the normal map strength yeah so we can increase this something we like more like two for free and actually there is not much details in this big one okay and as for the rocks textures well it's too much but i think it looks pretty nice this much more visible normal map yeah okay and now the thing we need to add some grass and small plants okay so actually for the grass we'll be using again our terrain plugin so basically you just select your terrain and you create uh add in this detail sections and it will create a little layer for you okay so just go to this detail layer and place your textures so we'll be using not models we'll be using textures and i think we'll be using dress so let's for example use this dds grass texture it will looks like this we have some distance parameters here but i'll just skip it for now and just tap and drag to draw smaller yeah it's a little bit dense right now but we'll decrease later so yeah that's the thing you can basically use two modes you can move with a shift here and you can move by right mouse clicking and using wssd yeah okay so this side is i think it's done so um the thing i like and i think i lack in this plugin is ability to set up a maximum height for those details so i can't really stop it from growing on this mountain as you can see so it would be cool if it could be added let's add it here smaller brush yeah okay let's increase our brush again let's place a lot of this small okay let's again decrease it okay so we are done with the first dress it's looking like that and we can move the second one okay let's first maybe decrease the density let's add a second graph and we'll use this regressor too okay so we need to select our new layer and just add it here i will dislike the first one so it will see better select this one and maybe change yeah something like that okay so the more diverse your grass is the more natural will look so we actually will be adding a lot of variation to our scene yeah let's control here just too much okay here we're done here let's decrease our brush 28 and remove and add it to much more quick size oh we edit it here can select density to zero and just draw here to remove it from the places we don't want our grass to be growing on yeah so let's press again in this places actually i think yeah we need our grass land brushes otherwise it will look a little bit strange okay so from this side also word origin on the f yeah that's not what i was expecting okay so yeah again just decrease the the layer density let's name our first layer so you can see how it looks so that's how it's looking right now i think it's getting a little bit more natural but we are yet another grass so let's add a new layer let's select our third texture so we'll use this one yeah let's increase our brush and select third map okay so let's select this too so we will see where we paint this brush yeah okay the thing is we don't really need to paint everywhere or where we painted the previous grasses but this the best to do to do so it will uh create a variation abraegen region on your thing yeah and that's what i think okay so let's actually decrease and let's see how it looks other grass assets okay so we're getting here to be dance and maybe change the city of each of the grass to one yeah okay and that's another one and this time we will use some plants so that it's plant maybe third one second one which one we would like okay so a little bit of color variation okay so we have on the tga but maybe it will work let's see so that's how it's supposed to look and let's disable other layers maybe even oh okay so the thing of this tga as you can see um it's kind of hard to see from the fur away but i'll see it's almost invisible from the top so yeah uh this is the thing i was talking about with this dds format it will be visible a lot better maybe for the small details it will be right i'll see okay so i think that should be much less enough let's enable other layers yeah and let's play a little bit with density so 10 maybe two here and the first layer okay so it's looking something like that right now um but we can further improve this using a few things first of all we can use uh another mesh if we don't relate this simple one we could replace it with different and we can use a custom shader so i will present it here for the first layer let's go to shader and hand shader okay so this enhanced shader uh okay this what i can select again has a lot of other options like it gives us a roughness option so everything will look a little bit different yeah you can see there in the in the background uh yeah yeah and we have a transmission so we can change it we can also change the alpha scissors value so i think actually pretty like maybe 0.4 and the options which is another option which is pretty nice it says this bending parameter so a grass will bend as you can see this one selected is bending the other are just planes foreign i think it's actually a good idea to add it everywhere or almost everywhere this one doesn't really need it this one this one is okay okay and if you want to further improve realism or grass we can as you can see there are still some artifacts this is bash so i'm not sure if i will keep it in this state i will maybe i will change to fast scissors okay but back to the dress to further improve it we can use these two sliders uh they're named global mapped in bottom i can see doesn't work right now and the thing is for it to work we need to go to the terrain node click terrain bake global map and as you can see our grass is back to normal and actually we can add a tint so our grass will be the same color as our ground we don't really want it too strong but a little bit won't hurt us so yeah the bottom could be a lot stronger there should be something like that okay and i think i will actually have again custom shaders because of lack of roughness so our grass is looking like that right now and the thing we can add now is some changes to the environments so yeah i'll be back in a minute okay so as i said before now okay so first thing is to realize that well we need to find our player player scale let's focus on it let's see how it will look okay so that's the kink turn from the gamer perspective i think it's actually pretty nice but of course we can further improve it okay so first of all we can set our reflection probe and we can play with it a little bit more with the grass so we can see it's a lot more reflective here let's move away from [Music] our river let's move it from to the bash the inside of the brush now don't make it too light it will look unrealistic okay so that's one thing uh another thing is if we look at our lights um okay so it's directly um controlled by a sky plugin uh but we can change some things there so we can actually go to fog and decrease it to like 100 or even 50. yeah we can enable fog in our world environment so we're still linear but we can enable fog right now it doesn't look really too too convincing because there's a pack we need to click it look properly so 100 is actually quite close 200 looks okay so let's select something closer and let's set up a color which i think and which will fit we can sample our background and we can change to hsv and decrease the saturation a little bit yeah and let's change it to something deeper so that's how it's looking right now and the thing is we can play with a ton map and we can see how this scale reflection is doing i think actually the fog we can go even further away so it will look like this and we can enable a transmit so it will look a little bit different in the sound direction um yep another thing we can do is we can add um go drink from our plugin so go tray yeah so now if you look directly in the sun direction it should create a circuit but i can't find really sun okay so it's a bit hard because it's a 12 hour so yeah we can change the hour to something much more uh easier to spot so here we go so this is our go three plugin in the work oh that's not really a very intense effect from the scene we can increase exposure so this is the thing okay okay what else and of course let's go to the word environment uh this color is actually not that important bug transmit curve we can enable hate enabled but well it's actually not easy to control from my experience and usually okay so like minus five to like one and height curve could be something like that but so you can see this reverse looking very strangely so i will disable that i have the exposure from my experience um not really more from the scene of this kyber and far blue i am actually quite convinced that we should use it in one point maybe 150 100 was okay it's a little bit of you know maybe 80 yeah 80 sounds good so yeah we have this let's actually change an hour to something lighter and the last thing i think for now is to change uh okay so we can enable glow actually yeah so it will look a little much more lower yeah and now i think it's a good time to trade aces asus is uh hard to tweak based so yeah if you don't want exposure actually like a bit more exposure you can just try to tweak white you can also use some adjustments like increasing saturation and contrast that's not really what you usually want i wouldn't recommend using this adjustment tab actually at all but if tongue mapping colors are not satisfactionary for you you could so i will stay with asus for now um and i will try to tweak it a bit more this game it's actually pretty bright so you can go to the sky down and if you want to increase a little bit colors we can change it to our liking okay so that's the colors right now and that's the thing as you can see okay and the last thing i would like to mention is [Music] some anti-aliasing so let's go to general 180 and enable and fxei so yeah i would recommend using fxaa for this kind of scenes because with msaa you can't really empty alias any kind of texture based and billboards and that's what we're using a lot in this thing i think i will add another tree here just it's kind of empty from this side of this terrain yeah and that's pretty much it you can tweak it to your liking and but that's actually the workflow i like with tools that i showed and the results are pretty much acceptable of course not on the level of some higher and 3d engines and especially for vegetation but i think for zero will getting closer to it and so we'll see okay so we can disable gizmos and we can check our fps and our information as the last okay so i think that's actually too strong for my liking okay so last thing i want to add this thing is an animation so let's add animation uh player note and let's create a new animation let's call it day night cycle and let's increase time to 10 and yeah let's select our time of the plugin let's go to something a little bit darker like you know four and create and let's go to the end of our animation and let's set up it like 21. let's key it okay and let's see let's play our animation yeah i think that's looking pretty good [Music] i hope you like this walkthrough and i learned something useful uh and i hope i will see you on the next one and as you can see i made few adjustments to the scene so firstly i just changed a little bit of transmission and capacitors and played a little bit of roughness so you can see actually maybe didn't change it so yeah i can change roughness a little bit so it's um a little bit more vibrant and i played with the sizers i actually disabled a bit of version a few and you can tweak it further that's what i decided to stay at and as for the lighting is different because i change actually hours 13 uh first pm yeah that's why i actually decrease a little bit of the exposure the right cast i disable fxaa actually in the end for this scene i think it looks better and i enable an ambient wind so that the grass is moving as you can see you can it's a lot stronger and it's actually looking pretty nice yeah and that's mostly it uh and i faked those strange red uh bashes and the problem was actually uh the fact that this bash was using a tga format and not the proper dds texture so i just exported it from the and it's looking a lot better no more transparency from the river yeah and i think that's mostly it you can always tweak it further uh maybe you prefer without depth landing as you can see here are the details but that's how i will left it and yeah that's all
Channel: Wojtek Pe
Views: 13,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0bgw7crtOcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 46sec (5266 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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