3d Cube in Inkscape new

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all right in this video what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you guys how to make this 3d cube in inkscape [Music] so the first thing you want to do once you open up the program is to go ahead and open up a new document okay once you get it open go over here to file and then look for document properties the reason i'm going to open up document properties is i want to get rid of this page border here um i don't want to see that page border it just kind of gets in my way so i'm just going to go ahead and turn border show page border and click that off so that's no longer there okay so then close that document properties out and then we're going to get started uh building this thing so the first thing you're going to do is you're going to go to the create a star in polygon so you go ahead and click on that and then up on top you're going to see you have choices of a regular polygon a star and a number of corners that you want so you want to make sure you click on the regular polygon and then go to uh change the number of corners to six then you can go ahead and drag this shape out and we want to make sure that this point right here where my uh cursor is is pointing straight up uh now you might be able to eyeball it but the best way to do it to make sure that it is pointing straight up is hold control the control button on your keyboard then you'll notice that it kind of snaps the different location you want to snap to that up location then you can kind of let go and then you're all set with that all right so now then the next thing we're going to do is i want to change the opacity of this i want this to be about 50 so to do that we're going to go over here to object then uh up here on top you have fill and stroke second one down so we're gonna go ahead and click that and we'll open up this menu over here to the right um we wanna make sure then or turn our opacity down which is down here about fifty 50 it doesn't have to be exact uh get it close you know as close as you want if 49 is it's fine all right so then the next thing we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and right click on this shape and i want to duplicate it um go ahead and click on the select tool over here the arrow and we're going to change the color of the shape to red this way you have a blue one and a red one now we want to move this shape and we want this top corner to match up exactly with this corner over here now to do that you have to make sure you see mine snapping to cuss node you might not have that turned on there's a couple buttons over here that you need to make sure is on first one is this one here says snap node path if that was not clicked make sure you go ahead and click on that and then if this one here the snap to custom nodes uh make sure that one is also selected if it's not go ahead and select that so this way it will snap right there to that corner okay so now we're going to go ahead and right click on that shape one more time we're going to duplicate it again and this one i'm going to make green i'm going to take this bottom corner and i'm going to snap it to this corner over here so i'm going to drag it up and we're going to make sure it snaps right there to that corner and then we're all set with that okay so if you want to zoom in and out of your shape any time just hold control on your button or your on your keypad and then you can scroll in and out with your mouse all right so now we're going to go ahead and click on this blue shape i'm going to right click on it i'm going to duplicate it again i'm going to hold shift on my keyboard and then click on this green shape go up to path and we're going to choose intersection all right and go back click on that blue shape again we're going to right click on it and we're going to duplicate it again hold shift click on this red shape so again we have the blue shape and the red shape now selected and we're going to go ahead and select path intersection okay so now we have this red shape selected right now we're going to go ahead and hold shift and click on this green shape we have the green and the red selected we're going to right click on them and duplicate them then we're going to go up here to path and we want to go to union now we're going to hold shift and click on the blue shape and we're going to go to path difference so then you should be able to break this apart and you should have three separate pieces we want to make sure we keep it together right now so i'm going to snap it right back together and we're going to go ahead and click on the rectangular shape and i'm going to draw a shape down here through this red section like so we want it about that size right there you want to make it about one-third of the size of each of this panel all right so then we're gonna go ahead and then i'm gonna make it a little bit smaller i think then i want to make sure that it's centered on this red shape so to do that we're going to need to open up another thing so i'm going to click select go to object and we want to click on align and distribute this will open up another menu over here on the right and then we're going to hold and i have this green shape that's going down through i'm going to turn that green shape black so it kind of shows the difference there i'm going to hold shift on my keyboard and click on the red shape and then i'm going to click on this button right here which will center it okay so now it's perfectly in the center of that red shape so now i'm going to go ahead and um click off for a second and then click back on the red shape i want to right click and duplicate it and i'm going to hold control on my keyboard i want to slide this shape up to about right there so then you can hold shift on your keyboard click on the black shape again and i'm going to go to path intersection all right so now i have this shape here i want to duplicate this shape so i'm going to right click on it and duplicate it i'm going to move this one i duplicate it over to this side but i need to flip it i need to be in the other direction so i'm going to go up here and this arrow will allow me to flip it horizontally okay so again i want to center it on this blue shape between the two sides so i'm going to go ahead and hold shift click on the blue and then click on the center button again all right so now with both of these selected i'm going to go ahead and go up to path and we want to go path difference then go ahead and do the same thing the other side i'm going to click on this black black one here and then click on the red and go to path difference all right so then now i'm going to click on this red green shape and i'm going to go ahead and right click on it and duplicate it i'm going to turn that one uh i think we'll turn it we'll make it uh yellow i think for now i just want something a little bit different than that top one i'm gonna go ahead and right click on i'm gonna duplicate it again now i'm gonna take this corner on that one i duplicated it and going to slide it over and snap it to that corner right there so then i'm going to go ahead and hold shift and click on that other yellow one so i have both the other ones selected there all right so then i'm going to go up to path and i think it's difference yes okay so a path difference there and so i have this shape right there and i'm going to go ahead and right click on that and duplicate it again and i'm going to take this shape that i duplicated i'm going to move it over to this side so it should snap right to that corner and be perfectly matched up there okay so you can see our corners it should be pretty much matched up in the corner there yep all right so now we're going to take this green shape i want to drag it down and i want to take this corner and snap it to this corner so go ahead and do that then i'm going to take my bezier pen which is this pen right here and i'm going to go in this corner right here i'm going to snap it on there and i'm going to drag up here click there actually i'm not really dragging i'm just going to connect these corners like so and then i'm going to close the shape off there like so all right so now i'm going to go ahead and turn that blue all right so now the next thing i want to do is i want to there's a black line on the outline the one that we drew i want to get rid of that black line that we drew so i'm going to go ahead and hold shift on my keyboard well first i got to select the shape so i want to make sure i click that blue shape if you don't have it selected hold shift on your keyboard then there's an x down here in the bottom left hand corner right next to the black colors click on that and that'll get rid of that black line if i scroll you can see that okay so now we're going to go ahead and i want to move this shape down to the bottom layer so um i have my layers up here but you might not see them there if you don't see them there you can also go on to objects and they're right here as well so i'm going to move that one to the bottom all right so now we're going to take the bezier pen again i'm going to click right about right here and i want to go straight up it doesn't have to be perfect i'm going to click there and then i'm gonna kind of click around like so and reconnect it basically i wanted a shape like that around this green corner piece right here i want to keep this green corner piece and the rest of it i'm gonna get rid of so i'm going to go ahead and click on this select arrow then i'm going to click uh hold shift and click on this green part over here so now i have that shape that i drew and the green one selected and then i'm going to go up to path intersection and again i want to make sure that this is on the bottom layer so i'm going to drop that to the bottom then i'm going to take the bezier pen again and i want to snap or click on this corner right here then i want to hold ctrl this time because this one i do want to make sure it's perfectly straight up up like so so if i hold ctrl it will snap to that up position and then i can go ahead and draw my shape around here like so now before i do anything though i forgot there is one more thing i have to do i have to duplicate this blue shape right here so i'm going to go ahead and right click on that right click and duplicate it and we'll make that that one red then hold shift and click on that line that we drew around there and we can go path intersection we should have well it kind of worked but i have this shape here this is the shape i wanted it's part of the reason why that didn't work was because i didn't duplicate it first let me go back and do this the right way here so basically what you're going to do is you're going to go ahead and click on the shape we're going to right click on it and we're going to duplicate it then we're going to take our bezier pen i want to change that shape to red scroll in i'm going to go ahead and click on this again hold to control and drag my draw my shape around here like so then i'll hold take the selector hold shift click on this area right here then we're going to go ahead path intersection all right so now i have uh this piece here and it's colored in that's what i wanted so i'm going to take this shape i want to go ahead and flip it horizontally i'm going to match this corner right here with this corner so i'm going to drag this over here like so snap it right there and then again i want to make sure that i drop this to the bottom layer so then what i can do is i can go ahead and select the entire shape by drawing a box around it with my select arrow and we're going to go ahead and close the alignment out and we want to find the um opacity again and i'm going to go ahead and turn my opacity all the way up to 100. and you can kind of see now that the shape is pretty much done and now it's a matter of us coloring it so to color it what we're going to do is we're going to make a color palette so i'm going to use some dots or some circles here and draw out a circle and i'm going to go ahead and choose a color that i want to do i'm going to do this one a nice deep purple i think and then we're going to go ahead and click on that and right click and duplicate it drag another that one over right click on it again we'll duplicate it again so now i have uh oops three of them over here so there we go so i'm going to go ahead and click on this shape right here and i'm going to click this button over here on my filling uh fill in the stroke this is the linear gradient so i'm going to go ahead and click on that creates kind of a gradient fill over there but we're going to edit that a little bit so we're going to go down here where it says edit gradient we're going to click on that then you get these two little dots i'm going to click on this right dot and then first thing i'm going to do down here by letter a i want to turn the opacity of that all the way up to 100. all right so then what i want to do is i'm going to make this side white even though it was looked white before it really wasn't it was actually clear so that's what i need to do i need to try to make that white so i'm going to drag this one over a little bit see if i can get this to get a nice white color so drag both of these over and you can see over here now i got a nice white edge so i'm going to make that a little bit more white like so and this side what i want to do is i want to make this one um a little bit light lighter color um purple so actually let's try to play around with these until i get a nice light purple color let's try and move that back a little bit okay so there we go a nice light purple on that side okay so then i'm going to go ahead and click on this shape here and i want this one to be in the middle zone so this one i'll go ahead back here to gradient fill click on the edit gradient i'm going to click on this side and then i'm going to go ahead and make this oh first thing this first thing got to go ahead and change the opacity back up to 100 and i move these back over to the right i think i should be able to get that purple that i want i want a nice uh light purple on the side almost a pink but i do like the purples you got to kind of play around with these until you get the color you want sometimes it's easier to get them rather than other than others there we go and this one i'm gonna leave a little bit darker so all right so then we go back to this one and i can play around with this one a little bit organic edit gradients click on that right dot turn the opacity all the way up to 100 and let's see if i can get this one where i want it to be you just kind of play around with the colors to where you get them to where you like them i do want them to kind of blend from one to from light to darker and then this one i'm going to make uh actually more bluish there we go i want to make this one a little bit lighter like so okay so now i got those three gradients ready to go so you can see them over here on the linear gradients so all i got to do now is go ahead and click on the side that i want to color them so i'm going to click this side right here go back to my gradient fill and i want this one to be my light one so i'm going to go ahead and just click on the light one do the same thing for this back to gradient click on the light go back to this i want that green one down here selected go ahead and click on the light one again then this one is going to be the dark one so back here go to the dark this one is also going to be dark and then these will be the medium and then basically that's it you're pretty much done um hope that helps you guys out and um make sure you watch the sec the next one which is i will be on the train a 3d triangle
Channel: TechTeacherBacko
Views: 9
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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