3D Cube of Cubes in Adobe Illustrator

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and we're back this time I'm going to show you how to get a three-dimensional cube of cubes in Adobe Illustrator if you don't know how to create the basic cube I've already done a tutorial out this you'll find that in my Adobe Illustrator beginner tutorials playlist it should be tutorial number 207 and this is tutorial number 208 if you know how it's done just simply create the basic you just like I do here I'm going to speed this for you up up until the point where we can work on a three-dimensional cube or cubes alright and here we are let me slice that down holding shift and alt and it's aligned innocent make sure that it's selected and we already know that we've got 30 degrees angles between the horizontal line and the cube so to one direction it's 30 and to the other one 180 minus 30 make sure your selection tool is activated and press ENTER and you've got the whole tool popping up click on preview now we need the anger of 150 to the left side and now we need to find a good distance it's it's a little bit of trial and error depending on the size of your basic cube unit I'll choose 85 pixels and then I copy/paste the horizontal value and I try to memorize the vertical I go to effect and transform I'll pay stories on to move value and type in the vertical one which was 42.5 we don't need an angle all we need to get rid of reflect to x and y and we need to create more copies just use the arrow keys [Music] I guess four copies should be now so we've got five cubes in total in a single row I'll click OK and now we need to move that to the right set upwards again make sure your selection is activated press Enter you've got to move to again now we need an angle thirty degrees and the distance once again 85 Texas once again we copy the horizontal value and a vertical is to say go to effect transform apply an effect a stove is on to move value vertical one stays the same click on preview and we need four copies again but okay [Music] now we need one final transformation downwards and again I have to move to activate it enter and we know we need an angle of 90 degrees minus 90 degrees to be specific and a distance of 85 and you can already see that with such an angle the horizontal value is zero and the vertical is equal to the distance so again affect transform we need a horizontal value of zero and a vertical one was 85 which was the distance the preview and we'll add four copies and that's it there's our cube of cubes PD if we now excited you can see what's happening you can even make it a whole cube [Music] all these fractured you [Music] if you want to further work with it simply make sure it's selected then go to object and expand appearance you can now side it downside it up completely without the relation between the individual partial cubes changing if you want to get rid of parts of this cube of cubes simply ungroup everything until it comes in group further and you can get rid of single element and this we can create is three dimensional cube of cubes in Adobe Illustrator I thank you for watching and I see you next time [Music]
Channel: Michael Brig
Views: 1,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D objects Illustrator, Illustrator transofrmation, Illustrator tricks, Illustrator tipps, Beginner tips illustrator, beginner tricks illustrator, Michael brig, Geometry Adobe Illustrator
Id: zjbO4f3pgnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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