3D Cosmetics Mockup -- Full Process in Blender #3d #blender3d #packaging

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to windy studio and welcome to another brand new tutorial and today we'll be creating a simple product render design using blender and in this tutorial we'll cover everything from modeling uh lightning texturing and rendering and i'll also show you a little bit of compositing technique on photoshop too so it's uh there is a lot to cover so without any further ado let's dive right into the video so first let's uh start a new blender file i'll just don't save it and let's delete those uh default cube light and camera for now let's delete this and let's start with a circle so shift a and let's add a circle so you can add this from here to click on add and click on circle and now let's select the circle press on tab to go to the edit mode and let's press s to scale let's make it a little smaller we have something like that now let's select all and press e to extrude and let's extrude it on g axis yep maybe i think that height is pretty good it's always better to get a reference and do the real world measurement but for me i already model it like two three times so i'll just eyeball it for now and now let's select all vertices and let's press e and s let's extrude inward maybe let's make it a little smaller all right and again e and let's move it a little bit up just keep it right that for now and let's uh go to this a selection tab and let's alt and click to do the loop selection and control p to me let's add a bevel and let's increase the pebble segments uh i think five looks good to me and let's do the same thing on the bottom and again using the edge select mode alt and click to make a ring selection e and let's press s to scale inward and press f to fill the hole let's do the same thing alt and click and let's add a bevel ctrl b i think this is pretty good and now let's add a modifier so go over here add a solidify modifier let's add a little more i think this is looking pretty yep i think that's that's pretty good size now let's apply this solidify modifier and let's go back to the setting view and i want more thickness on the bottom so let's go to the edit mode press tab for that and let's go for face selection mode select that one and control plus to increase the selection let's move this a little up and and just to give like more thickness on the bottom and now let's model the inside liquid part so for that again let's uh select the face control plus and shift d to make a duplicate and right click and separate it by selection now we have two different object one is the whole cylinder like whole object and the duplicated one is for the inner liquid uh you can rename it from here so let's rename it okay the lotion part and then it's a bottom now let's uh select this object and let's press tab to go to the edit mode and let's go to the vertices mode let's select these all vertices and let's move it maybe right over here yep and again e and s let's extrude inward and let's move it a little down s and press f to fill the hole and then again let's turn that bottle off and then let's go to the edge mode and then alt and click to make a ring selection and ctrl b let's bevel this and let's add some bevel on edges i think let's decrease this by okay let's keep it for all right another right click let's click on save smooth and let's go to the go to the object data property and let's click on normal and let's turn that auto smooth on and same thing select the bottle right click save smooth and let's turn that auto smooth on all right uh i think this is pretty good for now now let's model a cap so for that let's add a circle again so shift a add a circle tab let's scale it let it make it smaller let's move it right over here maybe a little more smaller and again tap tap let's go to the vertices more select all vertices and e to extrude and let's move it on g axis let's skip it maybe like this tall and let's select those four vertices and press g let's move it a little down yep maybe something like that and again same thing let's add a solidify modifier now let's click on apply and again right click say it is smooth and let's go to the object data property let's turn that auto smooth on all right now again let's add a cylinder shift a press tab to go to the edit mode and press s to scale let's move it right over here maybe scale make it a little smaller and let's just make it more smaller let's scale it again all right i think i'll just keep it right here and again let's go to the edge is more alt click let's make the rim selection ctrl b let's bevel this all right right over here and again same thing right click so it is smooth and let's turn that auto smooth on and i think as a model like we're done with the modeling part let's uh add a subsurface so select the layer and let's go to the modifier and let's add a sub division surface just to give like extra smoothness let's hide this one for now so once you add subdivision surface then we need to add some supporting edge loop so press tab and ctrl r let's add a is loop right over here and one more on right over here and the same thing ctrl r let's add one right over here let me add a one on the inner side to ctrl r let's add right over here too all right let's go to the wireframe mode you know what like let's add one inside too so ctrl r and let's move it right over here now let's add a subdivision for this part so select this object and let's add a subdivision modifier and again we need a supporting ace loop so tab control r let's add a slope one right over here let's add one right over here too let's add one on the bottom ctrl r let's add right over here maybe one and inside to ctrl r let's add one maybe let's add one over here to ctrl r so yes it's smooth and now let's turn that on uh we don't i don't think we need a subdivision for this one just keep it like that and now let's start uh our next phase that is setter so let's uh split this screen and let's change it to the shader editor and let's drag and split this screen too and on the very first let's select the our bottle object and let's add a new material and for this one i would like to make it a transparent like glass like object so for that let's increase the transmission all the way up and let's drop down the roughness uh let's click on that viewport setting and yeah just keep it like that for now and then we're gonna tweak later and now select this part and let's click on new material and i would like to make it like more metallic so increase the metallic and then let's drop down the roughness yep something like that and for the base color we're gonna tweak it later so first this top cap i would like to just keep it as a white but i want to increase a little bit of metallic part and let's drop down the roughness too so this is what we have and then let's turn that visibility off so let's work on this part let's click on new material and from here let's uh increase the subsurface to all the way to the one and let's change the subsurface color to a kind of yellowish tone maybe a little lighter maybe something like that and let's turn that visibility on and let's go to the render properties and let's change from ev to cycle and let's uh add a plane shift a and let's add a plane and press tab s let's scale it let's scale it some more and let's select this h e to extrude and let's exclude it on g axis and control b let's bubble this let's increase the pebble to 19 i think and yeah let's click on set it smooth now let's add a camera so for that press shift a and let's click on camera so here we have the camera right over here let's move it and once you press zero it goes on the camera view and from here let's uh change it to zero oh let's make it 90 and let's change it to zero let's change the rotation to zero let's keep it right over here and let's click on adaptive sampling and let's go to the vapor setting this shows the render uh rendered view and now let's uh add a light so shift a again press a light i'll just add a area light so let's move that area light right over here press s let's scale it let's give a basic material for this plane so select this plane add a new material and from the base color let's go for a kind of darker i think this looks fine from that base color let's keep the brace color too kind of this one let's keep it like that now before doing anything let's add a level first i almost forgot about that one so press shift a let's go over here let's add a let's import as image plane and i created a simple label using photoshop so go over here let's see so this is the one so select this one click on import as a plane so here we have let's let's move this a little up ctrl a let's apply all transformation and right click now set origin to the geometry so here we have now let's create a curve so shift a add a curve so this is the circle so press tab and let's scale it a little smaller and for this level we want to wrap this wrap around this uh bottle so let's add a subdivision for that so let's add a subsurface modifier and press on simple and let's increase the render to three and level three ports to two and now let's let's apply this one and let's add uh a curve modifier and let's select the major curve that we created earlier so here we have now let's uh select this curve tap s let's scale it and let's see let's change it to g-axis let's change the rotation to 90 and we want that on this side so let's change it to 90 and let's select this curve let's this curve and this one let's move it a little up so that we can see so here we have now let's select this curve press tab and let's uh make it a little smaller so that it's perfectly fits right over here let's see how it looks yep maybe something like that i think this is looking pretty good now let's uh select this layer and let's increase the metallicness let's make it more metallic so that we can see in this in the viewport so and maybe let's move them a little down maybe right over here all right and what i can do is let's connect it to the roughness too and let's add a bump and safety let's duplicate it and let's connect this color to height and this normal to the normal and let's change it to the non-color data so here we have i think the bump is too is too strong so let's crank that strength down maybe i think maybe around here looks good to me so here we have now let's apply this curve and let's set the origin to 3d cursor and let's make some rotation just to make sure that it's just in front of our camera maybe right over here and let's delete this curve we don't need it anymore okay now add some extra lighting so let's uh shift a let's add a plane and i would like to use that plane as a light so let's increase this one oh sorry let's select that plane let's move it a little up let's add a new material and let's delete that principle pfds and let's add a emission texture emission setter sorry so select this one click on surface and let's crank that strength to six and let's rotate this by 90 degree and let's move it right over here and let's make it a little smaller and i'll just make it a little taller and let's keep it right on the edge so it just falls on that edge only and let's move it a little back maybe more back right i'll just keep it right over here and i think this is looking pretty good now let's uh duplicate this plane control shift d let's make it a copy and let's keep it on other side and the same thing just keep it right over here let's change that base color to a little darker maybe something like that all right now let's add a one more light so shift a let's add a area light and let's move that right over here let's add a rotation 90 degree and let's move it a little up let's make it a little bigger let's add a little rotation maybe something like that and let's keep it let's give a little light right from here and let's increase the strength to maybe like 300 what i think all right and now let's add some object on the back so shift a let's create a cube and let's apply the same material that we applied on our background material five and let's see what we can do so select this one let's move it right over here scale it and let's move it maybe on this side and 50 let's make a copy let's keep it right over here and again shifty let's make a duplicate scale it and same thing shifty let's make a copy let's move it right over here and let's make another copy safety and safety let's make a one more copy let's scale it but i don't want to block this light so make sure that i'm not blocking this light so let's keep it right over here and let's add this cube on the background too safety let's move it and let's ah just to give some variations on that background let's move it a little back safety let's keep it all the way to the back and let's add some small detail on the side too shift d let's add one more right over here 50 so it's just a same process i'm just repeating again and again just to create a kind of abstract and background so yep so this is what we got and let's do our test render so let's go over here let's uh increase the render samples to 300 and go to the denoising let's turn on that denoising and let's do our test render so before that let's increase the resolution to 200 percent and let's click on that render reason and crop to the render reason and let's do a test render so click go over here click on render image so while rendering so this is the kind of same technique that applied for for this image and from here you can just import it on photoshop and so this is the render that i got and it's you can do some adjustment on using curves and let's just add a color balance just a little touch and that's the final and i hope you guys learned something new from this tutorial and see you guys the next video
Views: 2,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, b3d tutorial, blender 3d, 3d tutorial, easy blender tutorial, beginner blender tutorial, derek elliott, derrk, blender animation, easy animation, blender 2.8, b3d, blender 2.8 tutorials, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender tutorials, blender materials, 3d animation, learn3d, asmr voice, blender packaging, blender cosmetics, 3d rendering, 3d mockup, 3d beauty, 3d mockup cosmetics, cosmetics, cosmetic, packaging, windystudio, 3d modeling, speed art
Id: _NsrzS5bmmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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