3D Car Modeling Tutorial pt.19 | Autodesk Maya | Modeling a Lamborghini Huracan

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hello there guys and welcome back to our karma loom tutorial and today what we are going to do is work on the realized 16 out in the last episode we worked on the headlights and as we see in here what I did was I merged the two sections together no three sixes were together I separated the front faces here and that allowed me to change them to and slightly discussed and then I just applied a material to all these 16 years we open the blend converged into teacher the super lose the wireframe you notice - and will share their to client section now what we're going to be doing with the real-life is exactly the same as what we did before much now the recording for the front light did fail so if you found it a bit tricky to set up the appropriate container for the same idea we'll be following the exact same message to the realizes platoon from ice so you can go back to that sheet youtube so i am i'm going to need to do them to get this kickstarter is me are going you need to mostly have some reference images and here we will see exactly what it is that we're needed to cut together so we can see that just like the front the line here are kind of attached to the case i'm gonna be building just like me from their individual units like to talk about people we've got this section here that's gonna run all the way along the back which is kinda going to run on the bottom these lights and the honeycomb mesh that will fit in creating and very soon so what we'll need to do here then is get started straightaway on our case so in the first episode i also the last episode i use and deplane to get started on this place you going to make we have the Euro subdivisions on both sides PMO wants movie but idea and then what we're going to do is simply rotate this around the adjacent degrees of cost is not negative and you then polish roughly use combination of the side and we're just a so once you load it in we are going to need to line me up roughly with what we have you can actually make the whole ship first so just like I did with the headlight I'm actually laid out in the shape of the headlights first and then extruded it so what we do is we can deliver this view to Calima really neat idea and we will start two sections of we're lighting here snap to the sections of urea here just get the basic shape and then we can add subdivision well should we need just to help [Music] I'll just do this roughing out Sun landed customers all the way I guess we've got kind of the basic shape there's no need to pay you I will reusing you so you see that it's actually the 10s section of snaps be open up to our inspection [Music] to go a little bit higher just let me get a look of the first two batches and we'll just check the side view here make sure it's got that rough shape just like that so what we're going to do here is we're going to now extrude in once you've executed it you can then edit these sections here so that you may control either world options the straighten up see does give us these black faces that's not the problem is now I'm going to do exactly the same as what I did before just been straight in this right off just going to bring it in - its purpose section that'll make it a little bit larger than we need to but we're going to be creating interior section which is going to me or finance there anyway because let these front of this to get please now we've got the actual page itself that we're acquiring here so inside here as well what we're going to do is we are going to insert some edgy I'm going to put test again weathers already geometry on the body here and we're going to do this because we want this to be sitting nicely across the mall section and then we're slapping these vertices double something to the front section who wants to set them to the supporting manner we added up engines so it's just that slightly behind actual body panel itself [Music] snap that one here is now but well one yes ma'am [Music] now the only problem that I came across with the fun section is that is our body here actually is the shape that we created which we done one so what we'll need to do it will affect all of these so let me now obesity education side and I want to affected the actual model itself you've just done what I did suspected extra vertices that we don't want what we'll do here as well as we'll just check three of you again and I view here just make sure that were following - don't love it more help psyche now [Music] yeah probably nothing to see okay cop I've got a cage can instead of just back and what we also want to do is just exactly the same as a minimum front we are going to want to insert some edges and what we're going to want to do here is we're going to want to create this Ridge that we have here and we want to create this again so that we can attach the glass to it giving you a little more formation so we can see here I've got a little em'ly gap and then we have so come back here just going to check out side views just with your loving looking good where around there which we almost are but just to make sure we're properly lined up first because the more geometry in the water polish that we add to this section the more awkward it's going to be in terms of moving around and adding in good [Music] we are going to insert edgeloop in just a little bit example take select all these faces or select all settings around Oh edge we are actually to do that make sure here some oval extra the step and we are going to push up man just kick in taking quite a bit also what did was took it back just [Music] just check that in because it looks like now what we'll need to do because ii need to go in and edit these points just a little bit take these to city and I play them I'm just going to make sure that we maintain and the manager will probably be only really around this concept [Music] rest of that looky what will do is will instant to get this smooth gas so you will insert some more edges what we're going to do is we just want to define the edges get sixy now I've got Valley nice Ridge going tall around the edge there when you can attach the glass tube just good what we're going to want to do here is we're going to want to match our topology the best we can just make sure that when we painted the actual shape that we want to use again from you are at you over one another back just to help it maintain structural perfection we're going to add when you let me keep also add one here and you used to keep that box actual sharp corners around the edge there because you know I've got a nice section there which is making in the correct curvature of the car all the way around it's just going to give us a mess or any likes a little bit of depth when we've had add the actual glass to this what's that's pretty good we got the overall shape damage is perfect we're looking good that now what we want to do is we want to think about the animal definition inside this section so we could be here we have a main kind of light that we have here we have one additional one to the side and we have these at the top which Canada be divided into sections so we're going to use the same technique as we did with the side lights the daytime running lights here where we created the actual polygon primitives we extruded along we created all the information so probably images look inaccurate to power one light we can do that slightly get set you can also see that as part of actually made frames I'm going to make this shape first and then we can then extrude a square these edges here and we can extrude up this large scale get strangers that be recognized so what we'll need is cliff lit and again to be very similar to will be missed [Music] after one is all the way around [Music] can I leave you here hopefully these people which they did perfect what I'm going to do this is we are going to crudely mix the outline and we can hang in any details of your class from that you should see that doesn't go all the way to the edge then we're done here you now a my blueprint it appears to be somewhat straight is concealed I bent almost follows the curvature marks section of it I will do here is we will extrude up they took down the world now what it looks like edge if you're kind of like a little prism in there what if the kids like you down on this edge again will do on the world option we get it all [Music] [Music] punch it down the reason we have the master curve just yet because what will one community you to classic you haven't got a slide shake Indians my presence lay down here [Music] the edges have recipes of interception gone all in good to me so what we're going to want to do with this is we have them take all of these wet season arms are this centerline you fold them in sixteen now about that Chris thank you an angle there which will add some nice reflections to the actual headlights up and we can see that over here that's really in the correct spot [Music] must be mama dear now with the section is for [Music] [Music] [Music] think what will want to choose maybe work takes knowledge of these subjects [Music] volume has begun to ignore what we can see and so far down the stupid we are gonna call connections of higher and of this race I am beginning to roll these up to the side here again now with this bomb section that's looking pretty good just there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now do is me well don't get the shakes yes sometime assassinated we need to catch it in a back view here what we're going to do is we're going to insert initially we're going to add one every time we have geometry to the cage just gonna just slide the same [Music] beside - you what can I do here is we are dying here we are going to duplicate this fish and before we move it we are going to go to edit and we are going to modify and we will freeze transformations we are going to send to the pivot just one of these what we're going to do is now we can see that qualify here on the right hand side are set to zero we're going to pull this down here so we want when we want this to go back into the exact position we can change this back to zero here has the Rings I don't want it so now we're going to move this down just in case we so here we're going to make it [Music] of this we are going to extreme now doesn't look like it helper to me here on the component option so this now is going to extrude again this time we will use the lookup just going to go in this will be here right now what we'll do is we will be left at this edge on this side evil then with all the bumps edges are flexible we're going to go all the lips it's going to be kind of like the additional so this is where they might both touch themselves and what would you use me look so got like an extra little section inside then what we'll do is go to the exact same so via the past [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys so I thought that all the way around here look up all these faces around these edges now these are going to be home to the various other sections of our headline now real light now what we need to do is I can't see them still there believe split three seconds so what we want to do here is divide the sub-national tree so if use our mesh tools one looks pretty good there pretty good so got one two three what this should allow us to here now [Music] what we want to do here is we will select these faces my lower section here and delete them and we'll select these fists here okey so we can execute these good analogy presidencies so come on rich Dixon got those doubled up section snack time eclectic do anything of the nice looking pretty good now I believe what we'll actually need to do as well is to that edge to a horizontal line [Music] [Music] what we'll do here just an inside them again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just lets me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's bring the bathroom and gun now all of the main areas laid out for this section now looking at this and thinking if we want to keep it either way happy enough with that so what we'll want to do that is you can see we will now want to create an edge which is going to allow us to pretty good minutes from the glass the order then now is will create another polygon plane you make sure that this has zero idea [Music] now what we'll do with this is people just bring it up be here you know I'm going to an online of events easier to our edge [Music] yeah what real rough real quick try to thing we need to sew the edges are actually want to align this too is the bridge section u6 what we'll do is we'll stuff it to that second on the ridge in you [Music] [Music] and then second as well I want to do here is you're gonna want to now just add the same information that we have on the lower section and you're going to put one line we know these I'm going to just have again make sure [Music] Hey [Music] against look pretty good just that what we'll do now is we will just remove the central edging you just make easier which made it easier for us to add in our subdivisions going up and down the way and in our mesh tools here we're going to add an edge loop which runs custom one that runs across the bum one to either corner or just make sure that's going to maintain the records for us and now with our fingers crushed we can get three victory I'm going to see that that's going to follow that curvature need an axis for us [Music] it's pretty good okay guess so that will come up this episode here what I'm going to do just in between is I might just have a little bit idea beside their applies the materials see how it looks if it needs materials and then potentially smooth it off should and eat you and whatever I do I'll keep you in the next episode think in the next episode what we'll do is run some of the mesh details and we may look in to click together they're gonna come mesh the front go onto the trim around the side and again conical mesh in the backing a long trip meant any extra bits for the diffusers before we sponsor immerse and the alloy wheels soft copper Ajay the episode guests like subscribe or my distress [Music]
Channel: 8fifty2torials
Views: 15,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Modeling, Tutorial, Autodesk, Maya, 3DS, Max, Adobe, Photoshop, Photo, Shop, Learn, animation, beginner, intermediate, advanced, car, lamborghini, huracan, rigging, 8fifty2, 8fifty2torials
Id: cPEaGpBAlOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2017
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