3D Car Modeling Tutorial pt.1 | Autodesk Maya | Modeling a Lamborghini Huracan

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ok guys welcome back to the caramel in tutorial and what we're going to be doing today is actually getting cracking with the modeling itself now what we've been up to the last few episode is firstly making our blueprints putting all that information together and then in the last episode what we did was we ran into Maya into our orthographic news here so now what we have is all of our images setting in Iceland we're going to start with our polygon them is together and making our way through the actual modeling of this card itself so and more than a car or anything is fairly subjective and depending on who's showing you what you're doing depends on where they will start their models now where I like to start mine what else is around the wheel arch here in the front now usually I like to do that is because of you can see here that this section is practically and searching here now the problem with this if we were to start anywhere else we would have to make this circular ship so what we would do here is when you start with pachoo and we will run around this area and then essentially extrude out from there far away along the different angles so in order to get started here what we're going to do is we're going to use our polygon section here and making sure that we've got our modeling section selective at the top all we're going to bring it in here is the basics tube where PC they'll put that intercept for us and what I want to do with this tube is actually what we'll do firstly is we will hide our chemical impious we're going to see inside the model order to do here is we want to essentially position this tube I'm Afra notch and what to edit the different subdivisions that we have along here in order to match the model that we've got before we actually start using any surface from this especially first here is where we can rotate this so that we can use the actual edge and it doesn't matter if it's negative 90 degrees or degrees either way we're going to add in Isis in there little girl now in our side view here what we can do is we can drag this element using the move tool here over into roughly the area that we want it to be now what we want to do here is we want to edit the shape we want to make sure that our shape here has the correct subdivisions and everything before we actually start so first it looks like a thick message fairly I think is much the size what we want to do is bring our thickness in edit our subdivisions here just to make sure like manageable amount of polish I'm not jumping straight in with more than we need we take a thickness here down to zero actually look at zero for long a little bit too much too strange zero point zero seven zero point zero cells look good here for me might be a little bit different to you so what you're going to want to do is play with the thickness values here until you get it looking roughly the same size as you with a large enough generally what you'd want to do is maybe make it slightly larger because what we're going to be doing here is we're going to making a high poly model because our model is going to be very high point what's going to happen when we eventually smooth this is these sections make it rightly smaller but if yours is slightly thicker than the section there that's perfectly fine but only slightly thicker and what we're going to want to do here is we're going to want to have a look at some of the lines of our car here to see where were actually going to be added from about the apology which is going to basically inside how much of this circle theater actually going to want to keep you can see here that we have a line for the actual front bumper here and we've got a line going straight down crash from the side indicator here which we're going to want to make sure that we have but we also want to make sure that we've got that line indicator which we can take them and use this part of our parking sensors here so a nice flat section there so maybe we could have one division that runs straight down the middle and then we'll have a division that rooms up so it needs to be sections so we're basically looking at one two three four five sections rather than down here and so what we'll do is we'll keep what we've got just here it's looking pretty good and we want it to roughly emulate the same amount on this side on the keep back publishing method even as we go and then we've got our sections at the top the next well and to go crystal bundle absolutely that's looking good to me the one will do here is we are going to now and get rid of some of the section that we don't actually need so first things first seriously right-click on this model calm down and we could split the faces and we're going to select all the backing faces here don't need any of those and on the side of our model here we don't need any of these lower faces here in the mixture that we have basically our faces here finishing then our model - finishes stuff looking good now what we're going to do here is we're going to drag this roughly into position we're going to need to use our alpha graphically as here as you can see on the front view is nowhere near lining up with the actual visa itself so I'm going to do is going to drag that out and place it roughly where it should be now before we do anything else we're going to hold ctrl and we're going to press D here so we're going to duplicate this element and we're going to drag it away and we are going to place this over there rear of the car as well now the reason we're going to do that just now is just so we have roughly the same location and we've also got roughly similar polish which we can add and to this later on to match after inspection and what we're actually going to be doing is we are going to be modeling the front area first so we're going to be modeling the front section of this car here then we're going to be one in the back section of the car and then we're going to meet in the middle and we'll merge anything together so the way that I like to model cars is essentially have a complete base mesh near down the hot of the project here and then add in all the details after and extracting the panels on the different panels and Dixie and the door the rear quarter here and going down onto the wings and the bumpers at the front so our first things first here is what we'll do is we'll get our wireframe show so we can see our element section and what we're going to do now is actually going to start your student so what we need to do is in our side view here we need to firstly match up our edges to these sections here in the side view and then we're going to match these sections up in our front view so we're going to try and get that curvature of the arch because and look at the other front view here the arch didn't completely bolt straight so what we want to do is you want to kind of emulate the ship to the arch as we go down to see that actually comes down here in front of the tire so on the side view here what we're going to do is we will edit the position of some of these elements like you can right click on this and select convert X's here now it's important when we're selecting these vertexes vegetation is that we want to make sure that we're selecting all the ones that we want to move together so I want to make sure that the ones I've been moving here I'm selected but we don't want to be edited and this arch in anywhere that is the main shape of the arch instead but what we want to do is once then match these sections all of the areas here now what we wanted to do is wanted to move these points up and down a little bit so you can see that we have a point here now we're going to split up in two directions you want to make sure that we have adversity sitting nicely inside that position but then going to have one of actually set here in the middle which is going to spread straight down there this vertices is going to become the bottom of our signal here this one looks good for halfway down the line so if we could move that here but again what to follow the curvature will be large and we're going to do is maybe if we have this one start here this one can be secondary Division going down there and it can actually cut a section here for the bumpers but we're not disturbing we commit too much down and this side wheel arch isn't too much of a problem because the detail on this side is fanox fast until we get down to our side so here we're going to pull that into position there and then this lon you will drag and drop there from now as all the detail so that will be added in a future episode so we've got roughly on a position to set up nationally for side views now what we want to do is we want to do the same for the surface so as you can see our bumper here is curving underneath so if you select the very bottom section here we drag that to the section right there we'll do the same with this vertices here so essentially what we wanted to do here is if you're unfamiliar with Yugi button is you wanted to make sure that your points are looking exactly where they should be on all three bottles if that individual point is exactly where it should be on all three angles here and or three and different cameras then you know in your perspective view that that's exactly where this section is possibly you can see that our primitive here is starting to curve along this axis for us now again you want to match this in side views now this is why we need an incredibly detailed blueprint so we can actually see where our model starts and where certain sections of it in so because he he and I will start to get fairly flat but what's up and maybe what we could do here is drag all these elements at once just problem slightly and then you can get this one so let's again so much left okay and then what we can see is on the other side that oxide skirt I can't really see because the wind is on the way so this is where we can use fresh wrap professional judgment secondly our references images here in order to achieve what it is that we wanted to keep and to me it looks like these sections here just come in and stop slightly okay again when we come to this section we could edit it further okay so have the curvature of the arch there we can see on the line beginning here that it's not too strong some cars it could be that and this arch section is curved path deeper glass looking good to note so I'm going to do here is we're now going to extrude down the side of the car itself before we do that we're going to insert a new cut here so that we can pick this whole section together now in order to do that we have two options we can use our mesh tool here and we can insert image loop we can also use our polygon multi cut tool here as well what we're going to do is this time is we are going to use insert edgeloop tool' look see that cursor has not changed this is going to allow us to drag on this section here and it's going to allow us to trace a brand new line inside our model so in doing so let's give a now is a highlighted edge which we can then move around the references like anything you can make sure that that's a line up nicely and even if it is line and laughing is still want to get a little bit curvature in here because what what happens is when is this to me because it's got more subdivisions in this section it may make this section slightly strip you want to make sure that we get that been still inside here right-click and now this will allow us to slightly drag just make sure that little bit yes looking good so what we're going to do here is we are going to drag this section out and in order to do that we need to use the extrude tool and in order to excuse easily want to do that on the edges we're going to select our edge right-click and select the edge and we're going to select all the edges that we want to exchange right now so what we're going to want to do is we're essentially going to want to extrude out so that we have a line at the edge of this signal entrance then we're going to want to have a line halfway through here just to give us the next strip and probably goes to work with and then we're going to have a line that runs all the way down this edge here now the way that I like to do it is I like to take the extrusion in one go so we can hit control E which is going to bring up this option or we can simply hit the extreme button here or we can head into the mesh tools from that as well now what this has given us here is it's given us a rotation so you can see that honest extrude here you can appear should we want to but it's also gave us our two points of meeting here to go out to the world view will actually have three now the initial points that index tree will give you is the object and orientation sensor so it's going to move extrude these faces from relative to the orientation of the edges that are actually use it you can see that we've got this little dot here if you was to click this it will bring us the world orientation which in this case we want the world orientation most of the time we'll be using the world sometimes you'll be using and the object orientation so now these edges selective here what we're going to do is we're going to extrude all the way out so going to focus around here so after hitting ctrl e that means it straight a new section for us and now we can position it and the reason I'm taking it all the way out to the edge here is because we want to get our exclusion down this edge here and then we can cook polygons into the middle section here now the reason we're going to do that is because we only we only need to position these first elements and then when we add the actions is this exclusion the cut insert and it means that we'll only have to slightly need points rather than move them quite large if it was to extrude through the points extra blue the points and so on so we're going to do here is we're going to drag these roughly into position and then we're going to finalize that after so what we'll do is we'll zoom in nicely here we want this edge to follow this cook all the way down that means that we're going to bring this versus here all the way to the point we want this edge here to follow as well now we want this edge to be fairly close here because when we add our section then we're going to make this line part of the signal in it we're going to bring this down into the corner again this is exactly why you want nice high-quality visuals you don't have high-quality blueprints it may not be a differentiate between this edge and this edge in size and we can bring this one down here now we want to make sure that there's certain nicely in the middle gear so we can get a nice even spread will pop that just there and then finally this section here again it's going to fall at the bottom of this line but we want to make sure that this line is running perfectly done the crease here now we can see that we have our new faces coming down this section here could you see that they have just make sure that we have our sections following the curvature of the meal arch as well now what we want to do is we want to bring those sections into the front view and we want to make sure that they're in the correct position here to make sure that in a perspective view we're going to have the actual shape of the car around just our extrusions here so again using both views here you can see that we want this point now sit all the way over here to get the correct angle from Carrefour you can do writing and make sure that we're exactly in the point now when you're in the side view you're already positioned your element in the front view so it's best to use the hour of the consumer's you start click on the dresses here we can see that on this side is some starting point so make sure you click on the arrow so that you're not disturbing and why does that leave I on the net access that we've already positions now we can use select the second one here and we can bring that in again want to make sure that we're following the curvature of this line Third Point here bring this down all the way over to the edge there so let's find in this section to bring this down here so now looking at math perspective you can see that the actual shape of the car and start generating there so it looks like good and as soon as we start to add more polygons to this edge here we can maybe check it out just a little bit now what we're going to do is we're going to essentially follow the whole curvature of this front end and then we can extrude up yep so that means what we'll do next is we will bring in this section down here so we're going to do the exact same again so the right click into our edge you we're going to click on the actual edge that we are looking to use hit ctrl e again we're going to select the world option and we're going to bring this right out here now we're going to ignore this section can go Bridge that in just a second and what to bring our vertices back in here and what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to position those nicely along this edge yeah so see this bottom section doesn't have an edge so what we're going to want to do is because we're going to want to follow this around again just keep this nice and straight and that will allow us then to exit this section around this edge here to make sure these are nice and straight we can use the scale tool here with both points selected we can just scale in just to make sure that it's nice and straight there keep our mesh national and it succeeds that we brought us all the way out to this point here we've followed this along in this section there now again I want to keep these nice and straight and relative to each other so in the front view here we'll bring both points at once drag them all the way out and then we can straighten them out this time we don't want them to be completely straight we want to keep our meshes tidy as possible here but we kind of want to do is emulate this edge all the way down and we can see here that our front section is right there highlighted here so that allows us to bring that into position a little bit there and maybe you can adjust this just like that they're going back into the side view we can check that let me see that Delino is actually falling here isn't part of this section the high quality front section then is shown as it's exactly where we make it grab under there so we can see now that we've got that section sitting less inches here and then what we can do is we can now fill this gap now generally what you want is all your problems to be for edges but what we're going to do here just for now we can clean this up later is we're going to have it on a three inches so we've executed down and now with our vertices selected what we can do is we are going to merge these sections here basically hold V as a shortcut you can see that the center of our Moon's here has changed from a square to a circle that's going to allow us here to snap to add vertices so hold and see the pulling on this center here is going to allow us to snap to the thrift sees what we can do is in mouse over and drag so that we select both the vertices that are in the same place and we can use any mesh and merge so that's going to mean that those two vertices and down vehicle month that means that if we click on here once the Chatham intersection just I'm going to do the same here and we're going to hold V move that over and we are going to racial sexual now we can see that we've got that nice your section in there and see that all of our person sitting there just now said so you now have the curvature over there so what we can do in this section here is we can now potentially add more of our divisions down this session but what we're going to do first is we're going to run all the way down this edge and make sure of which of the model particulars so you can govern others edge here and we are going to extrude again and what we want to do essentially is do exactly the same as we just interviewed we're going to extrude all the way out to this point here and right-click vertices should we need to adjust the for me to jump it all the way up there maybe focus on back slightly then but then if your case here of pulling this section all the way out until there again so in our front view here you can see that maybe we should have just stopped slightly and what we kinda want here is we want to keep this angle again because we're going to need to exclude topless mixes so we want to have our edge then that slight angle here to allow that our protection you know that we're going to create after and again you can just adjust the all this here to fit roughly where you want okay let's looking good there so again we're going to get this edge selected not instrument to work and on this edge here press ctrl e again again we're going to orient hit this English into the world and we are then drag this up here okay and then we and just leave vertices here to fit roughly where they should okay and then the user side view here you know to just be slightly forwards that we should be that looks fee now that we've got a general shape of the bumpers up but obviously because we very few polygons that we've got working here it's looking fairly and flat now we can check our top view here and we can see that the section that we've just been working on actually has quite a curve to it actually has quite a character so what we're going to do here again is going to use the mesh tools I'm going to insert some as unique IDs with an insert a few more subdivision and I think three would be a good shout to get one just here one bang in the center and one under there so if you try take the center first I'll do must work for us can click and add the line in there and then you can use the Move tool here call it now and then again to our edge loop here hopping between two allies selected down with its bouncing ideas off and then finally halfway between the two again up here okay so now we've got a slightly nicer edge and going along there it's nice and curved to it but also going to do here is we are going to add one subdivision going straight down this middle section it's awesome them in certain as you begin this time within a girl straight down the middle here [Music] that's going to allow us here just to and the zoom in you can see that line of this section runs funny further out source and allows us to drag that now here just to give it again a little bit of curvature just to get some shape so that's actually good so far so good the next section here we can see that we actually need to create a forward-facing edge which is going to align the top section of this bumper here we're going to use the exact same techniques before we're going to right-click here let's select that edge what we're going to do is we will bring in the edges of our side with sections and then we can do the bottom so splits all these edges here you can control II again and this time we're going to mean in just you're going to use the X right here x-axis here again on the world option syncope now this section is looking quite good I'm going to go into the side view with that section selected we're going to pull out on this dead access here as well just to rough you meet where the section should be before we starts with just the actual post and stops now because we want into extrude down this section with the same lip we're going to want to have a nice diagonal edge here so our section here that I want to pull down to meet this one in there this section here will pull down just to help it kind of make that as well following that line there for this one this one here looks pretty good you know it's slightly do the same here the cottage then what we'll do is we'll make sure that the line match down the curve as well so by extruded out it should be like that in less then bring that section in okay looking good then we'll take this little here okay so we can see I'm not from view now we've kind of got that edge there and United Future section instance okay looking good and now what we'll do is we will extrude along this line here and again just like before ctrl e selecting world section what we're going to do is we're going to drag all the way down to the next just to go angle and then we'll be adding cuts in between in order to achieve the curvature required that's looking good there make sure the user selected here and then in our side view that's going to allow us to pull these out okay so helps our front section of the bumper there and then we can go in our top view here just to make sure that it's looking good so you can see you need to be a little bit more there which see where we need to add RPG cleanup when it comes to add in that curvature I always feel that it's important to match e and section that was only mirroring essentially the section that seen earth here is going to be this line there since if you don't go up three subdivisions with a flock of it and goes there and you want to make sure that we get roughly the same amount in there as well but again doesn't have to be done instantly we can add that in a th check looking good and finally what we're going to do here is we're going to extrude this edge so then I highlight this edge again ctrl e along the wheels here I'm going to go all the way up to the middle of the grid here and what we can do when we get to the center we get to the actual image plate aside here we can hold X and this is going to allow us to strap this to the grid so another bang in the center there I'm going to do the same on the next point down so if you see here we're going to I bought these points together and just lower it slightly so like Bachelor there and the lines in a new print and then what we're going to do is we've there for these sections out so that's going to align exactly to society as well so you can see they're traveled up it makes an idea approaches it as one optional business and again you can see where we need to add this literature good thinking good so what we're going to do now is we're going to match the extrusion to down this edge here so new law at the edge of all these sections here I'm going to control e on the world again and this time what we're going to do is we're just going to go up a little bit and we're just going to pull aside because we know that that's roughly the direction that we're going to be aiming for here we're using the size section you can bring this section in it's a little smaller and the only real chance I would do for now we'll have a look at the reference images for this section in a bit what we want to do here is I want to drag the vertices for the direction that I've just selected they're going to hit V again because we want to snap this to another vertices and I'm gonna merge Edit rich ok now we have a rough outline for the bumper here looking pretty good so far and the section that we're going to do inside here we'll do a little bit later because it's obviously quite handy detail section what we're going to do just now is you can add a little bit of curvature to these sections here and we're going to extrude the book to the actual bottom line okay so the procedure that we've got some details in here that we need to pay attention to as we extrude we can see that burn edge down here but we've also got the actual edge for the planet section there which we have to factor in we've also got this shape here and then the potential for creating the cook for the badge this mark we've got a few sections here to have a think about now before we do any of the actual cutting of these sections to make our model this highly detail we're going to extrude these sections up so we're going to click on the edge here then select the edges that we want to extreme what we're going to do first is going to do the front face and edges first and then we can have our side edges match so I'm going to hit ctrl e again to extrude on these lines and we're going to pull this section up then what we're going to do is we're going to pull it off as far as the detail around the headlight here so again what we can do now is move into a side view here and we can pull this excuse and roughly into position before we actually sew in a front view here leads are going to direct it so let me let me I'm going to pull these points now to follow the tree so this point here is going to follow this crease it runs up to the headlight but we're also going to put it down a little bit so let's follow this line around here and what's important to remember at this stage is we'll just main down the base which so what we want here is we want to be able to facilitate a detail but we're going to add a little bit you want to make sure that everything in the space match here if it's in quite nicely and ready to be and adding detail to a little bit will pull those into position now what we want to do here is want to make sure that they're in position here as well so you can drag them on this axis here just to make sure that the sin from thus increases for and it's going to be one of those cases that you constantly going to be pulling points it's constantly going to be changing sections you're not constantly going to be moving bits around now it's going to be constant edits on the fly as you go so don't worry about that if you're going to be put in point and continuously again it's going to depend on the actual quality of your blueprints simply here that our edge here already we have a subdivision inflation which is going to match this section here we can select this edge again being mindful of these cuts that we'll need to add in in future this section looks very fat and we're going to hit ctrl key here and again we're going to extrude that but for this section and now what we want to do with this plan is not just follow the curvature of this so we can see that this line here is halfway through that this section there so what we want to do is make sure that this line is talk with you all the way up and so the fusible Prince tablet so editing the vertices here we know that this point is already in the correct position so we're going to snap this one holding ctrl V over there - meshed edit mesh' and we are going to rational section and we're going to do the same here we know that our real last year is in roughly the correct position what we're going to do is we're going to hold down V snap to that section and edit mesh' image again and then at this point here we're just going to make sure that it's at mashed in the middle we're just going to pull it over a little bit I'm going to try and maintain a little bit curvature as well or Pierce dragging a little bit higher and it should be the only point that we need to edit here so again you want it to be in the middle I'm going to form that out slightly okay so we know that if it's in the middle of our side section here we need it to be in the world s or making sure that this point isn't too close to this edge and appear to be in the middle there because then that means that this section of the panel is gonna be slightly off now we can see that we have our brother and section of our wheel arch here what were actually going to do is we'll pull this down slightly on this side I'm going to add a cut in here so I'm going to do the mesh tools again installation so I'm going to add to this section here again being mindful of the curvature of the wheel arch such that allows us to edit this point here which I get across there trying to make sure that we maintain the curvature we put a little then we can adjust this line here to match the section that will be cutting at a later date in two extremes we extract the bunker angle so see here now that we have two lines to match that's going to give us one halfway down the headlight here and then one roughly at the top of the headlight what we can do now is I'm going to extrude these edges what we'll do here using the world option again we're going to take it all the way up to the top so I'm going to take it to the end point we know that we want a subdivision to be added inside here but what we're going to do is then pick it all the way up so again we can get it positioned nicely and then it means we don't apps position some of these vertices that we need so again we're going to make sure this is sitting back in the middle and let me get some sections like this which I see where areas I need an adjustment summated so again we're going to snap this to this section here and then it's going to allow us to merge we're going to bring this edge all the way to the center again then this edge here could you all the way okay now this is going to allow us here to add our subdivision in this section so what we're going to do instead of using the insert edgeloop this time what we can do is we'll look at a new tool here in the multi cut tool and this is going to allow it to you to draw individual points along a line so enjoy it on the wrist sees itself or we could join the central Alliance if you hold ctrl you can have a whole line in there if you hold shift it will snap it back into the center now the floor is there so we're going to do is going to hold ctrl and we are going to bring this part roughly into the middle and then click it's going to add a whole new life bar is there this is going to allow us now to pull these with C's slightly just to make sure that we maintain Internet you are section here and then this is going to allow us to snap who are we like and then converge that you so again because we exuded all the way up to the next midpoint and then it's allowing us to add section in the middle here there's not too many movements that we're going to need to make so that's pretty good so what we want to do is well just want to make sure that our lines are straight and true as possible and if we're not working with the curve section we always want to make a line straight as possible just to make sure that our mesh is going to be is absolutely as tidy as possible so in doing that what we need to do now is we need to add another subdivision aside here so to see that we've got a small extrusion within the headlight here we want to maintain this section of the headlight detail so what we're actually going to do is going to make a little triangle here and to go to the corner of this light and this line will continue to follow up here and then we can have this section move up here as well so first things first is we will add in a new a an edge loop here so what we're going to do is we're going to bring that roughly into place and see that that's going to run straight up there nicely for us and don't think need to actually edit the position of that because that's going to sit nicely more on your custom views you can good just check it out top just to make sure that we don't need to have any curvature in that region so you can see here that we kind of do so we see that this line is actually going to down here so what we're going to do is we're going to pull this down a little bit we're going to pull the whole line that we've added in and then we're going to pull the others keys that we need to afterwards sure so this is now going to allow us to extrude out to make a line down here now the easiest way to do that the easiest side to do that on looks to me like it will be this edge here because it means that we don't have to extrude watch this line if you were to anchor this edge here with me to go up to this s so do his will highlight these edges here ctrl e hit the world and then we're gonna bring this out on this axis here and the x axis and then that's going to allow us to go into our side view here and just pull it on their axis as well you can see I want this to align nicely with the edge of the headlight which is just one go so what we're going to do now is we are going to merge some of these points so on our extrusion here we can hold down the merge these two parts together and edit mesh' and merge number we can do with these points is we can pull them a little bit here just to make sure that they are roughly following the edge that we want and again you can add their main details in after that and again we can see here that these points slightly out in terms of this cup section so can leave them in and then like I said before we can double check just to make sure that we haven't affected them too much in the front and side views good so again details like this will add in after that very good so what we're going to need to do here is we're going to need to add another cut and this trip is going to need to go down this edge here then we know that this edge is already sitting roughly where we need to be but we need this edge in order to follow down this headlight here so before we do anything we're just going to check that just to make sure that we're not affecting anything else but we can actually do is spread out these curves again just a little bit here to make sure that was not going to straighten up too much and then we can pull these parts points apart a little bit just an intention that temperature as well now as you can see that's looking pretty good condition there so looking now inside that perspective you can see that the shape of this guy here is really start to take some different so but we're now going to do is we're going to extrude up on this section so that's going to allow us to take all of this edge at once so the control E and we're going to extrude up just under the head right there and I'm going to go just under on one side but what we're actually going to do here is we're going to take this point all the way up here and I'm going to take this point all the way up yes okay I'm just going to check on our side view strike those in condition just to make sure that they're working then we need them to be just now science exactly so what we're hoping to do here because we have some detail on the headlight is we actually want to use our multicultural view I'm going to click on this vertices and instead of clicking on any other versatran controller and like that we're going to actually click on this line we're going to pull it roughly into position that we want it to admit okay enter to compute that so we're going to move these methodically now so first of all we know that dish vertex here is roughly sitting there correct if we're going to hold B and we're gonna snap that to there and emerge and then this point inside here we are going to pull down into the corner of the light there so we know that we're going to follow that little detail that we have for this point right up into the corner there okay looking good and what we can do is the best view to have a look at this to make sure fitting well is the top view so to see all this up then you need to roll this as well and then this section for the cone of light musical get so now we can see that we've got the outline of this light like actually the only thing we need to do here now is we need to add a little bit more of a curvature to this line and then we also need to add in the points here as well so what we'll do first is will add the courage to this line yes we'll use our mesh tools then insert edgeloop and we're going to bring one in here and one here I'm going to use these vertex points here to make sure if you can see recently that there's a line here which is going to have detailer and the headlights which can pull down a match and the family from zoom in actually we can see that we've got this section here that moves a lot yep cool and then we can check our other views just to make sure that that's fitted nicely you can see that this section needs lowering again very faint line there and then you can bring these down a little bit just around the headlight cool yes and then what we want to do is add some of the details here at the front for our bonnet section there so what we're going to do again is mesh tools is there as you I'm going to put one on this point we're going to put one on this point as well and then what we'll do is we'll put one halfway in between and just for that extra bit of detail and we will drag these into the correct section here in the front view so that we're following that line nicely and what we're going to do is we're going to go just under that line because we'll be putting that line out in few episodes time yeah perfect and then again I said top view is the best angle to make sure that all this is sitting nicely so again I'm going to sit just under the line here so pull these points down yeah we're also going to pull all of these points forward as well we're going to get a nice and a little chill good straighten these two again a little bit okay and now we can see that we can follow the curvature of this section awesome okay now we can see that our front section here is really kicking and check it in the side view just to make sure now we're looking good you can see that looking pretty good run across there NESH is looking quite measure and there I'm going to do just for now to finish off the set hood and with a channel box selected if we select this element here and they hit control D and control G that's going to duplicate and then greet the element and then under yxs you can add the x-axis here you can make that one and the x-axis here we can have negative one kind of flip it to the other side for now just so we can see the bumper itself taking shape there okay guys so join me in the next episode we'll be continuing working on the bumper here other sections at the bottom and then we're going to work our way up the bonnet pop the top of the car and then we're going to be looking in the back area cool
Channel: 8fifty2torials
Views: 324,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Modelling, Tutorial, Autodesk, Maya, 3DS, Max, Adobe, Photoshop, Photo, Shop, Learn, animation, beginner, intermediate, advanced, car, lamborghini, huracan, rigging, 8fifty2, 8fifty2torials
Id: J64qYhdmP54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 14sec (2834 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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