Realistic Car Animation Tutorial | Blender 2.8

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hey i'm finally back i had a lot of work the last week so it took a while to create a new video but finally i'm back uh so i'm gonna make a video about this and i'm actually gonna show you how to recreate this animation in really ten minutes like you're gonna take 10 minutes of your time to recreate this animation assuming you already have a car and it's already shaded so we're just going to hop in right into blender i thought i'll use different car for once this is actually really nice model this is an official ford model from ford so i didn't model this model so this is like top level so super nice so i'm using this for this video so yeah if you just start rendering of course it's very dark so the way you would probably do it to recreate a similar scene is using an hdr image so i'm just going to import one real quick um so it looks pretty cool but yeah as you can notice like it's like where's the environment so first we're just going to add a shadow plane real quick so just a normal plane scale it up under the car then go to the object settings visibility turn on shadow catcher turn everything off except camera visibility that's very important otherwise the white plane starts reflecting in the car turn on the background again i have it off on default so don't be confused about that so now you can see it looks pretty good uh you could do a nice render this way like a still image but you see like the floor slips under the car you probably already know and also not just that it's hard to place the car so it's there's just limited spots you could put this car you can't really move the camera you can only move the car so also in this scene um yeah it's just hard to put the car onto the road you know um so if you noticed um on the side bar i've got a new new tool it's called hdr maker i actually got this from the blender market store so we're just going to hop right into it oh also one thing to note the three hdrs you just saw i actually took them so i actually started taking photos or creating my own hdrs just so i've got more control about my renderings and you can download five of them for free actually so i just put a link down in the description so yeah just check it out if you want um and get five free hdrs they're not perfect but i think they're pretty cool so yeah uh so we're just gonna go along so i opened up the tool we're just gonna clean up the scene real quick delete the hdr delete the shadow plane um now like this tool is pretty like self-explanatory so we're just gonna open up hdr we're just gonna go to roads you could use any hdr you could use my hdrs you could use these hdrs but we're going to use the one i used in the video so now we're just going to add it now i added a 1k hdr so for render it looks just like it looked before nothing too special yes but now the magic there is a button called hdr projected so what it does is creating a half dome mesh it's called you could model these but they're super annoying to model and also just the model won't be enough here there's a lot of sliders a lot of tools which is super cool um you can just instantly create a pretty good looking environment just based on an hdr so if you play around with the tool you're you're gonna quickly realize how quickly you can create these cool environments um so now i'm just going to place the car real quick in the center on the road on the left side since i don't know it just looks better we're just going to assume we're in great britain or something i'm going to add a camera just a gz one uh rz180 so looks good i'm gonna add a constrain real quick for the lookout or track two so just add any part of the car go into z i'm just checking real quick no i always forget which one it is it's why so now uh the track two component works perfect uh so now we're just gonna move the car back or forward so you see this is already half of the animation done that's pretty much almost everything i've done in this video so yeah [Music] also if you notice i switched to ev so the workflow is a bit easier because in cycles would be a little bit annoying so i'm just going to move the car over so it looks good so now we're just going to keyframe the location so go to the start keyframe the location go to the back of the animation i'm just going to do 100 frames for now um so move the car forward yep add some more keyframes also don't forget to sharpen the curve with vector so we want a constant driving car because it's like driving by you know like a drive-by also if you notice that to see all your keyframes i just press 0 on the number pad just a little tip so yeah now the car drives by now it's doing a crazy drift though uh because the wheels aren't spinning so we're just gonna make the wheel spin real quick um i'm gonna hop into the dope sheet editor add action open up the action editor add an or create an action so we don't have to animate all four wheels separately we're just going to create one action so i'm just going to keyframe the wheel rotation jump to the back i'm just doing a random number so if you're not as lazy as i am you should be calculating the speed of the car and measuring the diameter of the wheel and calculating how far the wheel should be rotating per meter but i definitely don't feel like doing that right now so i'm just doing it by eye real quick um so i'm just making it faster no looks okay just call it wheel so now we're just gonna add it to all the other wheels so they all spin nice so now the car drives wheels spin it's not perfect it's good enough um so yeah now i'm just gonna hop into the camera i'm just gonna change the focal lengths bit far away still i'm gonna tilt shift a little bit so the car is a little bit more centered i think 100 is even better so i'm going to add depth of field just to add any object of the car doesn't really matter so now i'm going to hop into cycles do a quick render looks good to me nope not too bad so now i'm just going to go over to 8k then we're also going to add a object id since i want the fog look on the car and when it's far away so i'm just gonna select the hdri background or the half dome i'm gonna add a pass index of one so i'm just going to hop into my render view do a quick render i'm just checking my settings real quick look okay um so looks good you know okay i'm just doing another test real quick i also realized there is no motion blur uh we definitely need motion blur motion blur is a great way of hiding stuff that don't look good motion blur is the magic solution for good looking renders so definitely turn that on doesn't look too bad i'm just going to open up the compositor so now real quick uh i'm gonna add the object id mask i don't know if you like really understood why i did it but now you will so i'm just gonna show you real quick what it looks like so it's really just the white car on a black background as expected and what i'm going to do is use this and i'm going to mix it onto the car and that's how i'm going to create a fog only on the car and not on the background just to match up the colors a little bit better and also you could use this mask to match up the colors in general so not just add fog but also just match up the image with the car since they're a little bit off um so now we're just going to turn down the factor yep so in the beginning of the video we're gonna have a lot of fog so or not a lot 0.5 factor fog we're going to keyframe that then we're also going to have 0.1 and in the middle we're going to have zero fog that's pretty much what i did here so here you see the curve a lot of fog in the beginning no fog at the end in the middle and a lot of fog at the end so i'm just gonna do a quick render and now when the compositor smacks in it gives a good fog slap on top looks good so in the front there shouldn't be any fog also looks good so yeah so this doesn't look as good as what i've made before because i did a lot of tweaking before but this looks almost as good and compared to the time invested really this took 10 minutes um so this is what it looks like this is the final render i also noticed when rendering i should have added a mask on the shadow as well but whatever so yeah i hope that helped so this went pretty quick um of course using this tool but this tool is just really good so i actually talked to the developer he was also super nice and i told him that i want to make a video about it he was like oh that's pretty cool so yeah here i am making a video about this tool uh the link is below you can check it out it costs some money so you have to decide for yourself it was worth it for you i definitely bought it um i love it uh so yeah just check it out or don't check it out whatever otherwise i got the free hdrs ready on my web page so yeah that's it for today have fun and see you hopefully not too much later so i'll try to not make such big breaks anymore but i i'm just working a lot at the moment since i got to pay rent somehow so that's it for today goodbye
Channel: Damian Mathew
Views: 121,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, car, render, realistic, photorealism, photorealistic, tutorial, animation, tracking, rendering, 2.8, advert, lighting, materials, modeling, hdri
Id: -JdhfVPy91M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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