3ABN Today - Live Music with Tim Parton and Danny Shelton (TDY017026)

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I want to spend my love Mandy before I wanna spend my [Music] moving Lord let my word he loved heart I wanna spend my and lingo I wanna dance and they will gain people [Music] hello and welcome to another 3abn today program thank you for joining us as always and I'm so happy today that I have is my co-host here brother Tim Parton Tim it's so great to have you here it's always a privilege to be with you I love your smile I like your attitude you're ready to go oh I like I think you need a raise but we're to know to give anything so now friends I don't need a raise truly I mean I appreciate and love you and we love you at home thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support of 3abn as we endeavor to take this great gospel to Kingdom and to all the world and one of the ways we can do that is through music now everybody is not a Tim Parton but you can do something and then God has gifted every one of us and really people say well I can't do this and I can't do that but we can we can communicate we can let people know how much we care about them we can show them by our actions if we're too bashful to talk people getting justice you know that's what Daniel you remember and the Hebrew children back down you he went and prayed he left the doors open even though they said you can't pray any more to your God he did it his actions showed that he was a Christian who he really served he served the great God of the universe but music is a something that's a universal language as they say and so I'm always glad to be here with Tim now we did a program a few weeks ago and we got a lot of requests to do some more so one of my friend said well I've got some requests but I'm going to sing anyway so but when Tim Parton's on so if you like these types of programs right into 3abn email call and say hey we like it doesn't necessarily have to be me here but somebody with Tim and we got a lot of other folk and we're going to be doing more of that but a few weeks ago Tim we started out and we mentioned now our programs aren't planned as you're going to be able to tell here in a little bit but we just sit down and say how about do you know this old song or that one and then we set out and try to do them but we talked about when we were young and and our folks are raising the child the Bible says in the way should go and when he's old and not depart from it and Tim Parton family depart and family my sisters would love that yeah that's what my older sister thought it was yeah that's right so the part and family you actually had a group together and you made a record yeah now a lot of the folks young folks don't know what records are by their vinyl you know the figs there is be looking thick ones and eyes last you have one and I asked you to bring it today and show it to somebody show and tell it's showing hell absolutely hold that up right this was this is a thing we did an album we did back in 76 I believed yeah 1976 my family of course I was from Kansas City and so we've traveled down to Springfield Missouri at a studio down there called American artists I think is yeah American artist and it was we had all studio musician and all that up higher I want to say who that little guy oh yeah this little fella down here can get a good look will see his feet yeah mom thought that was so cute she said look at him standing there yeah some people would say all poor little fellow wonder what's wrong with it no no but I was I'm I was six years old there and I didn't know any better I was just proud to be on the path early notice to the red end of the film in my mom and my dad and my older sister and then a friend of ours Diane she played the piano back okay so that was like I say 76 my mom made our clothes and we traveled okaying probably four or five times a week actually we were very busy back then and singing and that's where I learned how to play now I started playing actually a couple of years after that I didn't play on this album I only sang one song in fact on this album they didn't want me to steal the show that's an early age get a big head but yeah just good good memories and that's that is that's what I love about being raised in a Christian family and then having having an opportunity to raise your children in a god-honoring atmosphere and in church that's that's what a privilege but I thought it would really be good today maybe have you do couple those songs then actually play us the real thing right because we want to hear Tim I think you're going to be singing a song with your sister right right you exact backed you know what why not just do it we're talking about it we got it here tell us what song you're going to be sitting song it's called this let my light shine and it's me and my older sister I keep on saying that older sister yet anyway so sure she is inviting and melody singing melody I'm singing harmony at six years old here singing harmony right now did you take read music no music for that no no no I just heard it it's just I heard it like I mentioned last time yeah I was singing harmony before I was actually speaking words I was humming car mats that's amazing so yeah why don't we listen to Liam Martin and the Parton's yeah this is good [Music] by [Music] like The Partridge Family number Hardison Parker circa oh yeah that's good that's good you know that's incredible yeah and of course you know we were we were kids and nowadays we would try to tune that you know they have editing software where you can add all the glitches out but I probably did that in one take and it was done you know we put yeah sweet musicians too because it's not really in the 70s they were starting to do some editing but basically like what we did I think with Tommy and Kay we did album and first one that we did and we actually did it our own church and then had a company in Cincinnati press it but there was no editing any musicians singers you had to do it right or a stayed on or you just had to keep redoing yeah so but no that sounds great and you got great pitch I mean you know six years old it was fun and we sister to bow how old was she she would have been six years older okay so show well yeah I think I think one thanks for doing the math all right and you did some others right yeah there were some other great songs on this album when I wake up to Sleep No More and here's a song that we did farther along or I know that one I know that from a long time ago well but we can try it if you're going to do it and what key will they do Andy yeah that's right well do something what we look at a little bit of it okay and I'll start out an intro and we'll say okay and I'll do the melody yeah you do okay [Music] Tim dead and dry we all made why Oh while there are [Music] livvie wha [Music] father [Music] we [Music] farther along we understand why cheer up my brother live in the fog [Music] we'll understand Oh bye-bye when we okay with we call me we sing at home when he comes [Music] let's go then we shall me and in that ride man we'll understand Oh bye [Music] No Oh harder oh we understand why cheer up my brother Oh we'll understand all bye [Music] you wanna play a little bit I don't know let's look at me I'll try to play it like my dad would've played okay ready [Music] and you get little yeah [Music] and I I love it God takes his way back that does and so your dad play the guitar right yeah he played the rhythm and played a little bit of lead he played a little bit that were you learned to play some I learned because I wanted to you know kids want to be like their dads and so my mother played to get the piano my dad played guitar and my brother Ronnie ended up when he's real young trying to play a bass and end up playing bass and my brother Kenny played the guitar and right of course tommy was really good on the he's only one that's a real musician and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do I tried to do a little bit everything and ended up not being good at any one thing but at least you know doing a lot of different things enjoying things in life I know and I love that style at that totally takes me back yeah it does and yeah and that but it's just it's clean and I like that I love that guitar that's nice no it's an old classical it's about a 1965 Martin and exactly a classical guitar they didn't make too many Martin guitars and it's got the wider neck and it's more space maybe for little Spanish sounds and all that I play it once in a while and we put a little pickup in it so you can plug it in play it you know with electric but it's fun it's yeah and I've written several songs on this guitar too you just sit around and evening it at night but I have something that it's not professionally done like yours say but my dad we had a little reel-to-reel some of you are old enough you remember the little reel-to-reel recorders that laid flat and my uncle Olin they had 12 kids and we had five monk about had eight and a lot of times on Sabbath or Sabbath afternoon we'd get to each other's house and usually go over to Uncle öhlins or my folks house and then just turn on recorders and different kids they'd say hey you sing this song you sing that one and why don't we sing some kind of like we're doing here today right why don't we just try something together and so I found a CD it wasn't the CD of course reel-to-reel but my brother put it on a CD and sent it to me said this is you singing have faith hope and charity now think the last program you and I did yeah I kind of have faith hope and charity and I think Dale Evans and Roy Rogers sing it I'm not sure who wrote it I think of mr. Conrad wrote it but anyway that's the song and of all songs that I hadn't realized it but so it's actually on tape now my mother back in the 40s and early 50s and my dad they slur though when you sing so I hadn't realized it at seven years old I heard myself and I said what am i doing kind of slurring the word imitating them yeah yeah you just hear you just you become what you behold nice but this is just a little clip recorded right at the house I think my dad's just playing a little rhythm guitar and I'm singing have faith hope and charity great let's hear it this is my little cousin Danny age 7 he's going to sing have faith hope and charity [Music] over cookie that's what it is this is bowling how do I know Bible tells me so we give the blessing Lord will surely pi-1 oh the Bible tells me so don't worry oh holy that is great oh that reminds me of the Little Rascals oh yeah I can just see oh my goodness that is such a great absolutely another one about almost 20 years before yours because you weren't even thought of in 1958 right right you know you are just waste way down the road on the net but you know this impacts young people because you're raised in a house and never buddy doesn't have to be good musicians or great singers but the idea that you're doing something together is family right and then the songs that you do are praising the Lord now a couple years ago two or three years ago you were with the Brady trio and and you you did a CD and it's beautiful and I love the arrangement of says you may ask me how I know my god is real well I grew up hearing I think the first song I ever remember my mom and dad doing is it duet and they didn't travel a lot of churches but actually when before they were Christians my dad had a radio program with the country band and I think for almost five years in West Frankford area in it southern Illinois but they did country music but after he became a Christian he would my mother in 1951 and my father in 1954 they didn't really travel around in churches or be like the Parton's and do an album or anything but you know at our own church or somebody to a come and sing somewhere they would but they sang gospel music and I found a little clip of them that's on a whole reel-to-reel and they're doing that that song and the title actual title of it is what he said in his hand in mind yeah okay we'll cheer maybe just a verse in court oh yeah yeah yeah yeah good [Music] the way [Music] Oh you just turn the tape recorder on and whatever happened just happen because there's no editing there's no going back and recording it so I'm sure today if we could go back and pick some of those things we would say right but it's really neat like my father died in 1974 so just to hear his his boy like that and my mother and 99 to hear them singing it takes me back and really that's the foundation that I have here I'm right at 66 years old and that foundation is still there for me today I still look back at my parents and my dad especially had so much wisdom and common sense and today which seems to be a something of the disappearing yeah the commodity for sure but I think of things that I do and decisions I make in ministry and even in business though he didn't really have a big business at all we were very poor he was disabled at 36 years old with a heart attack and couldn't really work much after that these principles and these foundations or what I really live on here today and I think back to these songs it was so neat I just heard this the other night hadn't heard it in years but you may ask me how I know it's beautiful and why don't you think just a little bit of that certified I know I'll play it here okay [Music] I will never walk alone' he holds my head and we will guide each step I take and if I fall I know he'll understand till the day he tells me why he loves me so I think I can feel his hand in mine that's all I need to know [Music] the second verse is pretty I'm not sure know all the words but it says something like other friends may never know the pain I bear other friends may never see or something the heartache is and I forget to worsen do you know it no I don't it's beautiful other friends it's basically may never see the pain they'll never see the teardrops in my eyes but they'll God does you know God sees it so no matter what happens I reach out his hand is there and his hand is in mind I may falter but I'll never fail mm-hmm because Jesus holds my hands you may ask me how I know my God is real you may doubt the things I say he poured out the way my fee what I know he's real today you'll always be I can feel his hand in mine and that's enough for me yeah well some those sound wonderful you know there's another song that I love never grow old oh yeah available in the air those are songs again growing up I'm not sure even who wrote it but I'm you never grow old we'll look it up for another program or maybe some of you can email us and say I looked it up but the song never grow old is one of my grandpa's favorite songs and the church I remember this dear old Saint named jewel vineyard and she was in her 80s and she was just not as all of us we get older not what we used to be but she would get up and sing never grow old and she was not a singer but I was always so ministered to I was probably my 20s but I loved hearing her sing much as you I have her oval and on afar always trend it's a beautiful home ah no soul it's built by Jesus on high where we never shall die tis a land where we'll never will never grow you know a thing it never never in a land where we'll never grow [Music] we're will never grow in land where we'll never grow and there's another one I like a song soon we'll come to the end of life's journey and perhaps we'll never meet anymore till we gather in heaven bright city far away on that beautiful straw we will never meet again if we never meet again this side of heaven as we struggle through this world hand its try there's another meeting place somewhere in him but inside all the river of love for the charming rollin where the charming roses bloom forever and we're separation come No [Music] if we never meet again this side of heaven I will meet you on that beautiful Shore Wow absolutely beautiful you know just in the last few weeks that I've lost several people that are friends and people that have been dear to me and I've had a couple people call and I'm actually going to call them back just recently someone just lost their mother and someone lost lost their wife and and I think a promise maybe we should all is Christian say you know what if we don't see each other when we're parting we're maybe just going over the family you're going to church somewhere you say hey we don't meet on this side of heaven I'll meet you on that beautiful Shore yeah and that's a promise that's a promise for for the kids and their parents and recently I heard of a parent who said they knew they were dying and they said all I want to know is that I can meet you in heaven they will meet you basically on that beautiful Shore and so you know that means so much to us think about it Jesus is coming soon one way or the other right many of us as today could be me it could be you maybe some of the viewers we may not have tomorrow we may think we have the help right now we may think we got the world in her hands a world by the tail as they say the old song but anything can happen so life is but a fleeting moment the Bible says in jovis is man that is born of woman as few days and full of trouble he cometh forth like a flower and has cut low and fliest also a shadow and continuous not to the heavens be no more I mean you talk about a humbling summary of life man is born a woman is two days and full of trouble and we get so caught up in the things around us maybe we think we're good at what we do or that we have this or we have that or we're smarter than the guy next to us or we know something hey we're all in the same boat without Jesus there is no hope for tomorrow nothing I can't imagine what it would be like it would be so depressing especially getting up my age to think about that when you die that's all there was whatever you did on this earth that's gone it's there but to think that soon and very soon when Jesus comes back in the clouds of glory says every eye shall see him those appears them first everybody will see him come back into those which are alive and remain those are followers of Christ shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord yeah and you know a lot of us are worried about getting our life insurance making sure we have our trucks and all that taken care of but what a group no greater gift than then that we can give to our family and our loved ones our friends and saying I'll meet you on that other other side it will be there together so we want to what we want to do they we're singing we're having fun but we want this to be a time of fellowship a time of Prayer time of singing time of ministering and maybe a song that we could do and I think that's the name of your album I saw a while ago I will serve thee because that's the most important decision you can make we can make on earth today is to say that we will serve the Lord you want me to do the melody and use you right here okay I will serve thee because I [Music] me you happy and lie to me [Music] I was not me for you found me [Music] you have here life too [Music] heart broken [Music] are why you died on God for me your tongue was what I long for you happy [Music] to [Music] you have lied to me play Lopez that would you Tim [Music] our day broken pieces ruin ryu died on Calvary your touch was what I long for you have to [Music] amen Thank You Danny what a wonderful privilege to share those songs with you and you are my wonderful musical friend and a dear brother I love you so much thanks I'll of you and I preach in fact I love you so much that I'm going to let you do the rest of the program because I'm doing too much and I love to hear and when I'm traveling and it got my phone even if it's on weekends and Tim Parton is on or doing it today program we always get it ivana me and will will tune in and to hearing you because we're so blessed by your music and and the anointing of the Holy Spirit there's a lot of great musicians I mean Liberace was a great piano player you know you have all of these people who are great artists but what's missing is an anointing of the Holy Spirit and God has blessed you with such an anointing so what we're going to do today because I can't wait to hear what you're going to do the rest of the program but we're going to today we're going to instead of waiting towards the end we're going to go to a news break then right after the news break you're going to come back and be blessed my brother Tim Parton we sing a lot of songs especially of old songs like farther along we'll know all about it understanding and we'll understand it by and by songs that try to they convey what the writer was trying to write in wanting to know what what life is about and why we have to go through things that we go through but when you've been following the Lord walking with him you begin to trust him and know that he's got it all worked out it doesn't always have to make sense that's why I love this song that says that I've been through enough to know that he'll be enough for me when I first began to walk with the Lord I didn't really trust him how he longed for me to understand that I could sew through the valley he gently led me afraid as I could be till I felt his loving arms embracing me now I've been through enough to know he'll be enough for me he's come through too many times and that puts my mind at ease for good and I'll stake my very life that he's gonna take care of me cuz I've been through enough - no he'll be enough for me how could I ever doubt a god whose hands hold the universe and why would I ever question his ability [Music] there's nowhere that I could go that he doesn't know the things the trouble me he's always aware of where I am and all that I need so I believe him now after all these years he's been so faithful he's proven to be true never more will I doubt or question why cuz I've seen him work before and I know what God can do [Music] for I've been through enough - no he'll be enough for me [Music] he's come through too many times and that puts my mind at me for good and I'll stake my very life that he's gonna take care of me cuz I've been through enough to know you'll be enough for me yes I've been through enough to no she'll be enough for me [Music] and he'll be more than enough for you one of the things I encourage you to do when you're going through trouble times or when you're going through good times it's easier to do it when you're going through the good times is to sing to the king all right here we go sing to the king who is coming to reign glory to Jesus the Lamb that was slain life and salvation his empire shall bring and joy to the nation when Jesus is key so come let us sing a song a song declaring we belong to Jesus he is all we need lift up a heart I'll praise seeing now with voices raise to Jesus sing to the key [Music] for his returning we watch and we pray we will be ready the dawn of that day will join in singing with all the redeemed to Satan is vanquished and Jesus is key come let us sing a song a song declaring we belong to Jesus he is all we need lift up a heart of praise sing now with voices raise to Jesus sing to the key it makes me think of this song la da da da da da da da da [Music] I learned this on Sesame Street be sing a song sing out loud sing out strong all singing of good things not bad [Music] singing of happy not sad [Applause] senior song make it simple to last your whole life long don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else but God to hear so sing just sing a song all seem let us sing a song a song declaring we belong to Jesus he is all we need lift up a heart of praise seeing now with voices raised to Jesus sing to the king sing to the key hey man it's always a good time to see always a good time and we have so much to sing about namely the love of oh the deep deep love of Jesus fast unmeasured boundless free rolling us up mighty ocean in its fullness over me underneath me all around me is the current of your love leading onward leaving home word to your glorious rest of ah [Music] you [Applause] oh the deep deep love of Jesus spread his praise from shore to shore how he came to pay our ransom through the saving cross he bore how he watches or his loved ones those he died to make his own how for them he's interceding feeding now be for the throw Oh [Music] and [Music] versus promises of our Lord he's with us he will never leave us never desert us I know it's it seems trite to say those things because when you're going through things you find that it's it's difficult it's the bottom line it's just difficult to go through things and wondering if he is there but let these words encourage you he is a wonderful Savior and he wants you to know that you can trust in you Lord you are my strength when all my strength has ended you are my hope when all my hope is gone you are my joy when my world is filled with sorrow you're the peace in my tomorrow for I know that you'll be there you are my song when my melody has ended a light in the storm when I can't find my way you are the one who gives my life a reason someone I can believe in you help me carry on on Jesus what a savior you are a savior you are Jesus what a save your you are you are my rock when I need a place of refuge a hand reaching out when I stumble and I fall you are my all in every time and season you are all I've ever needed every time I call Jesus what a savior you are saved or you are Jesus what a save your you are oh jesus what a savior you are a savior you are jesus what a say you're you [Music] you heard my cry you answered my plea you gave up your life you gave me everything now forevermore I'll give glory to you and that's why I sing my praise to you [Music] Jesus what a savior you are a savior you are oh Jesus what is save your you are [Music] Oh [Music] no one ever cared for me like Jesus there's no other friend so kind as he no one else can take the sin and darkness from me oh how much he cares for me [Music] whatever you're going through don't forget you have a savior that loves you and cares for you just right there just as close as the mention of his name oh how much he cares for you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 12,458
Rating: 4.7935486 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Danny Shelton, yt:quality=high, Tim Parton, Piano, Worship music
Id: TbDcJUThW-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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