3ABN Today - Around the Piano with Yvonne Lewis & Tim Parton (TDY017012)

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I want to spend my life mending broken people I wanna spend [Music] moving Lord let my word he loved heart I wanna spend my life and the world came Oh I wanna stand by mending broken people I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene and wonder how he could love me a sinner condemned unclean I think how marvelous how wonderful and my soul shall ever be how marvelous how wonderful is my saviors love for me do you know that chorus sing with me I sing how marvelous how wonderful and my soul shall never be how marvelous oh how wonderful is my saviors love warm [Music] it's a privilege to be with you thanks for tuning in it's time to sing some songs these are some love songs that we have for our Savior and some him some great went a whole hodgepodge a potpourri of tunes that we're going to lift up to the Lord it's all in pray that it's a sweet-smelling savour to him and I have my dear precious friend that I keep looking at if you're wondering this is if on this he is a sweet she's she's just sweet she's precious precious precious she is she's real and I love her I really do and so as well she usually calls her called me um Timmy Timmy and I know same I know I do appreciate that but I don't let too many people call me to me but anyway if I had my dog lassie remember Timmy where's Maya anyway that's from a blast from the past on this ledge so today is today and I'm glad that you're here we're going to sing about love this is a tune that I remember singing in church it was in the hymnal it's called such love and it's kind of a fun tune I don't know if you've ever heard it before but you're fixing to okay if you know it at home this is going to be fun [Music] that God should love a sinner such as I should yearn to change my sorrow into bliss nor rest till he had planned to bring me knife how wonderful this love like this such love such one Grissom such love such a wondrous love that God should love a sinner such as I how wonderful this love like this that Christ should join so freely in the scheme although it missed his death on Calvary did ever human tongue find nobler theme then love divine it ransom me such love God's wondrous love + love the wondrous love that God should love a bitter such as I how wonderful his love like this and now he takes me to his heart a son he asked me not to fill a servant's place the far-off country wanderings all are done wide open are his arms of grain such love such wondrous love such love such wondrous love that God should love a sinner such a time how wonderful is love like this I'm gonna sing that course again let's love that's wondrous love God's love that's wondrous love that God should love a sitter such as I how wonderful how wonderful how wonderful is love like [Music] he correct we didn't do it quite like that in church but I love the Lord and I love that he loves me yeah and in fact first John chapter 3 the first part of it says behold what manner of love the father has for us praise God for His love for his capital you know there's a few there free verses I want to read as you were singing oh this would fit beautifully as you were saying I was thinking this would fit beautifully and it's Ephesians three verses starts with verse 14 and then I'll skip down to 17 and 18 for this cause I bound my knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ but he woke to 16 that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth the length and depth and height and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God how can we know the love of course it passes all knowledge it's beyond what we could know beautiful this is beautiful I love it when they go measuring you know we that's the really only way we know how to you know size things up is by measuring you know but we can't even measure begin to measure the heights and width and breadth you know what this is totally there's a song and I one of these days I'm going to do it it's called National Geographic magazine it's a it was it was so it was talking about this church where there was a man in the church and in the audience in the congregation that he was just always excited about the love of God which we should be but he there was a choir coming to the church and so the people in the church thought that they'd put brother so-and-so in the back in an office to where he wouldn't you know it wouldn't would not embarrass the church because you know they didn't want him to get out of hand when the choir started singing and he you know go to shouten and so he's back in the in the office and the choir gets to sing it and all of a sudden they hear shouting back in the office and they go back to find out that he has found he said he looks for a Bible but he didn't find a Bible and when he said he found an old Geographic magazine a tional Geographic magazine and he said he got to reading about out in the middle of the ocean how so many miles seven eight miles deep that they hadn't even began to be able to measure how deep it is yeah and he knew that his sins had been buried below come on ocean come on and he got excited I just love the fact that we can find God anywhere we look you know if we've got our heart and mind on God we can see that he is immeasurable and I just that just makes me so excited I know and so I bet he casts our sins into the depths of the sea right what I got for us so why don't we sing about how we love Jesus okay right love it we want to take it first oh he'll be overseas who died just let me freshen [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh God deeper [Music] begone [Music] hey man is there I bet there's a to fund him this is another one right now oh yeah [Music] from the peacefully birthday what happened in - right [Music] my [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] are they nothing good I'm gonna take yeah yeah oh all to him my heart I'm gonna give ever to him I'll sleep in his blasted presence live never his hey the sea love so mighty and so true married my soul song faithful loving way [Music] with nothing I win nothing [Music] [Music] love that is sweet the power of love the power of love is right as I continue to see where I am a consensus there's a great spiritual again a wonderful song that I am not hugely familiar with it's one that's in the in the hymnal it's been around forever in fact I think they just call it a traditional melody no nobody even knows who wrote the lyrics oh I I don't I think that's the Contras but I am going to attempt to play this right here on on TV in front of God and everybody but it's such a beautiful tune and you know it and just so just because I don't know it doesn't mean that you don't get to sing it I'm going to play it on a there's a great little instrument that I brought along today my mother would say to sound like a sick sick cow and a hailstorm but question I'm really kind of not setting up the tune very well but it's a beautiful song it's called what wondrous love is this and I'm just going to play and then I want you to sing and I'm just discuss this is really a beautiful tune so I'm here goes okay [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I will [Music] ah [Music] beautiful there's a great scripture in Colossians chapter 2 verse 6 and 7 as you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk in him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as you have been taught abounding in it with Thanksgiving as you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord when we receive a gift something you weren't expecting something that you didn't couldn't imagine the back to the measurements you know how valuable health how impacting it was going to be think about that gift and consider Christ being that gift and this verse we talked about so I'm just going to be really honest with the viewers we have truth and honesty or whatever truth in advertising but the we are filming this on Valentine's Day and we'd often don't like to date our programs but so I thought it would be appropriate not because it's Valentine's Day but because every day is appropriate to show our love for God but that's just the idea the theme that was on my mind and we talk about when we talk about love one of the things we interesting like especially with each other we talk about falling in love now I've heard people say that you don't fall in love you fall in a ditch right but so falling in love is it's not that's but that's just kind of the phrase that we use well if you can fall in love some people say you could fall out of love but the idea of living a life in love with Christ is staying in love and that is one of the principles the to a happy life is just maintaining that love by reading his word by praying by singing songs of praise to him and just by fellow by fellowship with with one another in church so this verse reminds me as you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk in him mmm rooted no build deep roots fight through the word through through prayer through fellowship all those things that the disciplines of fell of a relationship you know that's the key isn't it no relationship right like we can tend to get hung up on rules and if you don't have relationship and you just have rules what is that that's legalism but if you have a relationship you want to do what makes your loved one happy exactly now that's how it works in a our relationship that is doing things that make you happy and so it's and not you specifically although your friendship is a lot like that you know I know if you're not happy nobody's happy no I'm joking I'm totally joking no truthfully though no that's you know life is what they say life is too short our earthly life especially is too short to to not love each other and to care about what the other person is feeling and so it is important to walk in that yeah but when we know that I know that my father's love for me is just beyond anything I can grasp it's that gift that he has given me that I can't I can't even get my head around why he would send his son to die for me why he would love me so and this is a beautiful song it's called how deep the Father's love for us and it's a it's a kind of a newer song but I'm going to display it because it's such a pretty melody and then I'm going to read the lyrics and you'll see what a what great lyrics they are it's kind of a modern him and if you want to just listen along why this would be a good time to do good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] you [Music] since how deep the Father's love for us how fast beyond all measure that he should give his only son to make a wretch his treasure how great the pain of searing loss the father turns his face away as wounds which Mar the chosen one bring many sons to glory let's report healed it's a really great end the day of last believer I am [Music] why should I gain from his reward I cannot give an answer but I know with all my heart his wounds have paid my wrath [Music] why should I gain from his reward that precious gift that he gave me that was a reward for took like a ransom reward for exactly and I cannot give an answer as to why I should gain why I should be why would he love me so mm-hmm but this I know with all my heart his wounds what he did on Calvary paid my ransom that's a precious precious beautiful you know there's another precious beautiful song that I'd like for you to sing I love the Lord yes yes I love it sure let me switch keys [Music] you know attend before I start I think I need to let the audience know that there have been many times that I've cried out to the Lord and and I knew that he would hear me because I know that he has never let me down and I can remember some years ago I was really I was crying out before the Lord about one of my children and I said lord please please don't let him die in a sentence please save him and the Lord I was crying I was booing I mean I was just just me and the Lord and I remember him speaking to me so clearly my spirit and he quoted that verse that as I say I will contend with them they contend with me and I will save my children and I thought all right thank you I stopped crying because why am i crying you just told me you're gonna save my children and so many parents are dealing with their children being wayward or a spouse that's not walking with the Lord or whatever or whatever it is you can be dealing with anything financial issues relationship issues career issues whatever it is God's got you there's a verse I want to share and song here that said the Lord is near to them that are of a broken heart and save such as be of a contrite spirit many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivered them he delivers him out of them all so he hears our crime and when we talk to him when we cry out to him we don't have a god that can't hear us we don't have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but one who was tempted in all ways yet without sin so we can come boldly to the throne of grace and we can cry out to him and say lord please please hear me and please instantly and I know the Lord has answered my prayer with one and he's working on the other one and I just claim that and you can claim the promises of the Lord as well so this song has specific particular meaning to me because he's heard my cry Donita [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] my clock [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] ah [Laughter] amen praise the Lord that is awesome God is so good so revered okay it makes you doesn't want to cry you know when you think about I know anything and yeah that and that's the thing you when I when I look back over the years I mean I sing that song God's been good yeah and and it's it's those things you know in a relationship it's the things that you the little things that you have do you see the faithfulness in a relationship that makes you that endears you to each other yeah and makes you love that person so much more since I started for the kingdom since my life he control I gave my heart to Jesus the longer I serve him the sweeter he grows that's all we're talking about right the longer I serve him the sweeter he grows before that I love him more the he bestowed he stays like heaven my heart overflow the long I serve him the sweeter he grows Oh every need he is supplying plenteous great Steve histo and every day my way is brighter the longer I serve Him [Music] sweeter he grow the longer I serve him the sweeter he grows the more that I trust him more love he bestowed each day is like heaven my heart overflows the longer I live the sweet earthy grow the longer that I serve him a sweeter negro and there's a we have a great friend mutual friend and lani wolf who wrote a great song it kind of goes along with that and this song talks about the idea of falling in love and the but the best way is to keep falling in love every day falling in love with the Lord through his word and so this fun song I remember singing this is a kid I keep falling in love and I just keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over when I first fell in love with Jesus I gave him all my heart and I thought I could not love him more than I did right at the start but now I look back over the mountain and the valley where I've been and it makes me know I love him so much more than I didn't so I keep falling I keep falling over I just keep popping it up with it over and over there's a head that I hold on to make every week Valley and each trial there's a solder that I lean upon as I face another mile there's a love that I can depend on its present do each day and it makes me know I held in sold much more than I did then so I keep falling in love again I guess we never suite a residue buy or what I love between my Lord and I just keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over and that is truly the key that's just keep falling in love with him over and over that's right amen every day you wake up say good morning Lord it's me again yeah that's right I heard this song it's kind of a story but it keeps you focused and it's as though when you wake up imagine that Jesus is sitting at the foot of your bed and so of course you're not going to just get up and not say something he's sitting there I had to put it foot of your bed and you just say good morning just connect with him the first thing yeah it's a good thing yeah speaking of sitting at the foot of your bed mm-hmm there's a great worship song you're getting at the feet of Jesus yeah and I'm look we've got a neat little medley precious time I think we still have time to sing that okay but I want you to share a little bit before we go into that you know worship time needs to be a very intimate time and it's it's not just praise it's not talking about him it's talking to him it's saying you know somebody said this once if if someone you love gets right here and just says I love you I love you I love you that's so intimate it's like yes that's what we should be doing to the Lord I love your and sitting at your feet is where my life is complete because I'm sitting at your feet I'm connecting with you you're right there so this song is this song is something that you could sing during your worship time and just let the Lord know that you just love you just want to be in his presence you don't even have to ask him for anything just want to sense him being there with you and love that he does he does [Music] [Music] where my life is complete you'll see us again [Music] that is where my life is complete your see oh my [Music] ah you [Music] Oh [Music] ah [Music] Chang using blood you'll see me Oh [Music] my life is complete [Music] that was beautiful let's do another beautiful song it's a great hymn a lot of people will know this [Music] oh my [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that's great I just want to say thank you again for being a part of this program and for listening and worshiping singing along I hope you were hope you enjoyed some of these songs and hope you were drawn closer to the Lord I encourage you to continue to develop that love relationship with Christ he loves you so much and he wants you to live a life full of love and listen to this song this is a great tune we're going to close out with I'm forgiven because you were forsaken and I've accepted you work then I am alive and well your spirit is within me because you died and rose again that's amazing love amazing love Wow [Music] that you Mikey would die [Music] amazing all my oh it's true and it's my joy to our amazing love [Music] that you Mikey without me baby true and it's my choice wrong in all I do [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 13,320
Rating: 4.8870058 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Danny Shelton, yt:quality=high, Yvonne Lewis, D2D Network, Tim Parton
Id: YFmBevcXhfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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