3ABN Today - Personal Testimony (TDY017092)

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[Music] people Juanes man [Music] lord [Music] [Applause] hila hard [Music] people hello and welcome to 3abn today if you've tuned in before you know who I am but if this is your first time my name is John Loma King and I'd like to encourage you to stay tuned to this network which we believe is a call of God to prepare hearts and Jesus we know it's coming soon we can thank the Lord that he has used us and continues to do so as we go and grow getting ready for that glorious event today's program let me encourage you you don't want to miss it you want to stay tuned there may be somebody watching or listening to the program by radio in your car or wherever you may be or you might be home by yourself and you just sat back and did not know what the Lord had to say to you I believe that there's a special message in this program that you need to receive our guest today has come from a life of violence gangs prison going his own way making his own choices but the Lord came into his life found him and transformed him and always living for Jesus and he wants to share with you this transforming testimony and I'd know that something about his testimony is going to touch your life so stay tuned invite your family and friends to watch but if you're by yourself wonderful the Lord may have a message just for you if you in your car turn the radio up a little more now because God is going to speak to your heart but on behalf of 3abn I also want to thank you for your pledges your financial support and your prayer that keeps us doing the work that God has called us to do now as you might know we always have music before we begin our program before we introduce our guests and the Lanny wolf trio is going to bless us with a song entitled Jesus be the Lord of all and my heart Artie knows my [Music] by my in the past try to rule my world it just seemed to follow so please [Music] Jesus [Music] I guess I only fool mice for us but in a secret was a kingdom that did not fall but I [Music] for if you everything [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] gee [Music] you're not long [Music] thank you so much for that Ministry of music because if Jesus is not the Lord of all in our lives then we are not on the path to eternal life speaking of that low Tolui awawa is our guest today good to have you here my brother thank you brother wrong Samoan bro thank you I'm just a the Lord I know your stories gonna touch many that are watching this program and listening to this program because while your life is unique in some ways there are some may be listening now to the program and that could be listening to it from where you were and we'll talk about that in just a moment but for a brief introduction tell us where you're from and what you do right now well I'm a Native American Samoa the island of Tortola that's the name because there's many Samoan Islander islands but the particular one that I'm from is the territory of the United States American Sanwa okay all right and yes that's why I'm from and but you live now and I live now in California in Hollister California said the the the you know in California when I lived there we should say California has four seasons yes earthquakes fires floods and I forgot the fourth one but it's a it's a unique place but it's a beautiful state I believe it's the best thing because the reason why because you can get four seasons there that you want to snow you can go up in the maseeh eras if you want the beaches where you get Santa Cruz you get all the beaches there the hot weather and you got rain and and it's awesome being in Southern California in December and it was people with swimming at the beach and people were skiing in the mountains yes on the same day but it's good to have you here thank you you know your story fascinates me in the sense that I'm a New Yorker born and raised in New York I know California and there are two things that both of those major cities have it's gangs its violence not on not unusual though in major cities Miami Detroit you know Chicago a lot of the major cities have vices Texas you know all the different gangs and you find that just dispersed throughout America but just start with your transition you came over to America when you were a young boy talk about that just briefly how did you come to America well um I was nine years old I was nine years old when my dad pass I was I know that my siblings probably gonna kind of feel jealous but they know I have five brothers and five sisters I'm the youngest other brothers okay and so I was a favor of my dad and my dad I look up to him as god he was my god at the time and so when I you know when he passed when I was nine years old that's when my rebellion the in me begin because I start hating everything I hate the world I hate everything because he was taking something someone that was very special to me and so from then on I i've always even when my dad was alive i I love to fight I like fighting I was very good with my hands and from that transition that's where it began within me and that kind of attitude that leads to where you know end up in a not very well predicament were you fighting in school well they have a tradition where were little kids were older brothers will put up their little brothers to fight other little brothers hmm and that's the more tradition or it's something that I think every one of them they do in villages okay and in my situation I never lost hmm I always win you know and some some kids are bigger than me some kids are little but it was something that was embedded in me and and and and that's what the scripture says you know the Bible says that what you behold when you'll be holding we start familiar with these things it does something to your character and so at the time I was not aware that this is what was doing to me it was forming in me something that was not the image of Jesus Christ and but I enjoyed it you know sin can't be enjoyable right but at the end it's very bitter hmm you know so but uh anyway yes I a 9 years old and my dad passed and and about 11 years about 2 years about a year and a half that's when my mother decided to bring some of my siblings already here my older siblings and so my mom decided to bring us the little ones my other brother there was a little bit older than I and two sisters okay that was younger than I and to bring us over to the to the states yes and that was to California and to California yes and so you're about about 11 years old at what 11 years old yeah in 1976 okay all right and so you get now with this feeling of the love to fight you you are put in school how did that impact the way you behaved in school in school you know the tough guy yeah the funniest thing is that I love school I love learning it was something that I was I guess it has to do with the challenge because there was a challenge so who get the best grade grade and it was something that is in me that always delight to challenge something that competition that competition spirit which is something that God also revealed to me later on in my my walk with him when he came into my life that that competition spirit is not good hmm you know but um I'll go into that if if I mean yet but anyway in school I love school I love school I always wanted to do the best grade because my father my father was a was a man that he was a visionary he was a man that he was not a seventh Evans my parents I don't know five they were not seven day events but my mother was the one that became a seventh day of venison and I would like to meet one of these days I want like to meet the the missionary guy that was determined it was not afraid of my dad even though my dad was trying to shake him hmm but he kept coming it was my mother that opened the door for this man to come in and give her Bible studies in the message of the seventh day of in his church okay and she accepted it she accept that message going against every traditions that some mourn a culture as far as like the woman must follow her husband you know must follow her husband's lead she went against them not only her husband's family but her own family and to me today I look at my mother she was very courageous very courageous and she became now I know that she was the prayer warrior she was the prayer that kept me and kept our family see God was moving the family along through her own personal connection with God and you know there's something about it becomes fearless when you are in that situation yes and so the fear of the fear of the Lord the Bible says is the beginning of wisdom yeah so she feared and honored God more than she said okay I know that's your relationship to the husband or your family but my destiny is more important to me than just traditions yes but now take us to the place where in this childhood setting you're you're looking at your mother transition but then how did you get into gangs as a young boy I was first introduced into gangs when I was in in school in high school that is and because it's already natural for me just to like to fight and so I started out in a gang where there's a mixture of it was all asian-pacific it was Asian Pacific men a young boys in his fight if I may say and so there were you know Filipinos and Vietnamese and Samoans this was all Asian Pacific so I was involved in that and I do not want to say the name of the game because I don't want to glorify the same but I was involved in that and there were shootings and there were Fighting's there were beatings in them and they and I was enjoying this kind of lifestyle and so that what leads to to that kind of you know becaming gang sense things like that and so you're going through school through high school yes you get out of high school well here's the thing even when I was going through all this and doing the oldest guy that was in my gang because he has a car was 25 years old Oh only 1617 but uh when I graduated from high school it was amazing my mother was even shocked because I do my homework even though I go and do my homeworks and then sneak out and go and I graduated and have a two-year scholarship hmm in heels business college at the time because they had they didn't have the internet back then this is like in nineteen I graduate in 1980 okay 81 and what he caught it a the processes it was a and I was very good in typing my I would have fast hands and so that's what leads me you know they had a competition in high school and I won I was doing I got 60 61 words per minute hmm and so that I guess it raised the flag in one of these colleges that are coming in they gave me a two-year scholarship but I turned it down because I thought that was a girl's girl's thing I didn't want my friends to think I'm on I'm girly or something like that huh you're gangster gangster good doing typing so I decided after that to join the Navy instead of join the get away from the life that I was in Wow so you going through the Navy Navy in what branch of service I was in the United States Navy I served four years okay as a radio man had a top-secret clearance and I was always good in things like that I was I was very methodical I was very you know I like to study and know things what I'm getting myself into and so that even the military itself you know it taught me discipline and how to plan and yeah so all these things the good things right all these things that God was trying to embed it in my character so that way hopefully I would do something right in the prayers of my mother this time she was still praying but in the in but while I was doing these things I was actually taking things to myself it was for self glory okay so these things while you're learning you're you're saying I'm really good it's all about me it's so the focus was not on not on God it was about self right yeah you're good getting good at what you do rather than just becoming a good person to Christ but that right so how long were you in the military I was in the military for years okay for four years and after four years I got out okay so you go did you move back to California yes when I was released from them the military I went to deliver in California with these new skills but still the the history of fighting gangs as a young boy tell us how you got involved into the deeper aspects you know reveal what those were yes when I got out I went in look particularly because I always wanted to my dad was a was a police he was first he was in the military it was a Marine X Marine Corps fighting in the Korean War and after he finished with that he became a police in the island and then after that he became the director of the motor pool for the for the for the for the island for the government and so in my mind as his favorite I always want even though he was not alive I wanted to do and live up in certain things in order to please my dad hmm but you see God's hand was all in this you know it was all in this in a way that I saw it you know now I can understand that God was trying to lead me in a way that my heart was always trying to please my earthly dad mm-hmm but rather God was trying to okay if I get him here if I get lot o to this part to know me his real father he will also try to please me right and the same while you were trying to appear earthly dad so you know I when I got out when I got out of the Navy I wanted to be a police so I wouldn't get involved in security and in the same time I was taking classes that are in a way that will lead to become a police okay but all of that I was still having this violent this violent effect and while I was doing all this I got into fights and things like that and I heard somebody very bad heard someone very bad and that puts mean in the county for about a solid year in maximum Wow yeah got out of there and and continued to doing the things and then I started introducing to some friends that will start selling drugs that's why I was doing security and the same time selling drugs selling cocaine little little little portions of cocaine a little 8-ball here little ounce here but later on then I got introduced into greater things well like what for example well up I have colleagues friends that because I injured myself when I was a in security I got into a very bad car accident I had a mini truck and coming back after partying overnight was like a lowrider yes that's back in which is common for California's and coming back from San Francisco heading back to San Jose and I fell oh yeah I fell asleep and I flew off a flow of the my partner that was here with me a friend I flew off the freeway and hit a building why yeah I fell asleep look like now here's is the the funniest thing is that I always have put on the seat belt even before they have laws in California requiring you to wear seat belt okay it was always normal natural for me just to put the seat Bella my other friend that was unfortunate he didn't wear a seat belt he went through during the the windshield but I was saved by the this seatbelt I was just hanging hmm so anyway I got hurt there and so I was bedridden for about I say about good six months hmm but in after that I will start getting heal cuz I broke a hip and you know the one of the poem or the bone of my my hippie came up I can see it in the x-ray and so I was it was very painful but anyway some of some friends some colleagues you know call me and say hey man we'll pay your way to come up here in Washington know we got some some actions up here why don't you uh come up here now and we'll start moving some some drugs hmm you know and have some fun since soon so they offered to pay my way I said no no I'm just gonna come up there just to you know to get away from California and enjoy a different place I've never been in in there in Washington even though I was released there when I got of the Navy in Seattle house never lived there so I went up there and I got in there and they were doing the the same thing that you know I was doing but this time it was more big bigger on a larger scale larger scale I mean they were moving much weight they call it the weight and that introduced me into it and I was very good in what I was doing it's your medical already oh yes fearless and fearless and so I got there the name you know my name got very big there and you know the Cubans from Florida and were actually bloods Crips you know from South in California because we originated there's many today you know they said their bloods Crips but they're not these are original they were moving out because law enforcement down in in in Southern California LA in South Central were very well packing down on on crack and and cocaine there so they were actually moving they were moving going Northwest took of a new territory I'm moving foot in territory and the Northwest opened a a big market there's a lot of people that were using hmm so you know and I got there and it was the name was going big in the streets you know because I was about loto I was beating well my my nickname that I was going by in the streets was ice okay because I was a cold cold-hearted person I don't think you will even like me if you met me 20 years or 25 years ago I was a very mean I was even bigger than this hmm and bigger not in in weight but I was very big Utena as far as muscular anyway but nothing to glory about anyway which means you had the whole personna the attitude yes the ego don't mess with me I'm gonna do what I do I'm gonna handle my business or in your name started getting around and people started becoming aware Wow look out for this guy he's serious yes and that's usually what the persona is when you're involved because you know as you know now as I know growing up in New York City you either get involved and be good at what you do or don't get involved at all because life is short right you know if you're not really serious about where you're headed you could lose your life just like that yeah and and so but here you are and as I as we unfold this you're talking to me today because God had a plan even while you were in this dark amazing awesome God yeah in it I thought in the whole time I was I was all that you know it when you can get away from getting shot getting killed getting stabbed I was doing otherwise it was doing towards them but I was get away from all those things but I thought I was I was bulletproof hmm but I I know now it wasn't me it was by the mercy of God because my mother was praying hmm but anyway um I was getting good at it and the name was was out there just wanted to know that a lot of people don't know what's going on today in the drug trafficking world but I was I was involved very deep in it and you know in this part in California in the area where I was at the line of drugs that comes from there comes straight from through Tijuana hmm and so there are cartels there are groups there are families these are families these are not just like any individual that wants to be a drug dealer these are families that are particularly connected directly with the source of it and so these families are the ones that control that certain area that goes all the way from California going up in Oregon Washington all the way to Alaska mmm it's underworld yeah there's underworld and these are families these are family that runs the show so that's where you know when they heard and known because the drugs are coming from them and they know that I was moving a lot of weight on their behalf so whenever there's a conflict within their circle because this is the Mexican Mafia and so they that's when they call me they will call to come and take care of that situation mm-hm and I was very good at it I was very good and what I was doing and so they this particular if you want me to get into that I don't want to go in details of it because I don't want to glorify okay but I wanted to know how this is how God began his work of how to reach me because I believe God see that I was going deeper and deeper and deeper I was coming to the point where that there is no more conscience right life itself was meaningless to me and so I was getting to that point I don't believe that God was hearing the prayers and I will tell you how that that happens so I one point was moving a lot of weight and was moving keys we're talking about big keys that have certain I have certain customers these main ones I will get these keys and I will break him up and give it to these these short four kilos four kilos yeah kilo cocaine that kilo at the time / it is expensive if the families from the cartel will bring it up to you but if you go and get it yourself is cheaper so these families that are running over there in Washington Oregon and so and for this particular point is here in Washington where I was that these families therefore decided that they will go and stare saving some money and bring the load from from Mexico well what happened was is that the brothers went down there and this family the family is running the the situation now up in Washington and they got assassinated hmm the family down there not only took the money but killed him so instead of like causing a war between them and the family up north so they decided okay let's just put our differences aside we will bring the load for free and you just have to provide a safe house where we can bring the load and it's free you know the payoff dear well that's when they call me they call me in ask me I guess they have plans the brothers that was lost and they set up a place for meeting and they asked me and said okay this so and so then you need to do this job so me I'm very methodical I don't just jump because of money I ask them a question you know I asked him a question I said sir I didn't say sorry that's all right but um I asked him I said okay why don't you do it yourself I thought these were your brothers because you don't want to be set up you know you want to be very clear you want to know we want to have a plan a and Plan B how to get there and how to escape so when I got there and I asked him and we met up and he came with this two brothers and her two brothers that met me and and I asked him I said why don't you want to do it yourself I thought that was your family if it was my family you handled all handed it myself but he said no no no no no no so that was the first red flag for me and and so I came up with another scenario I said well okay that's fine how about this what if I go get them and then put it in front of you and you will do the job so that will give you a satisfaction that it was your family that was I just want to get to the root of the play you know that right what's the situation what is the motive here I want you to know that because everything I was doing even in the wickedness and evil that I know now at the time those no I didn't know what was wicked I thought everything I was doing was right right in my mind but up as now knowing the Lord it was very that was terrible but anyway my mind so I asked him I said and he said no again I didn't do it yourself so I I found I knew in my mind now okay now I need to think what am I going to be doing because this smells all set up right so we met up and they wanted me to to do the job with their guns they're gonna provide me the guns you know the guns to do it and so okay I play along but in the same time is you know I'm not gonna do it the way they wanted to do it so to make a long story I want to go through the situation I handled the situation it was in a way that it will make sure that it was sent also a message right because that's what you always wanted to do you wanted to send the message that you know that if anything that you were trying to get back to me this is what's going to happen to you and your family so that's the kind of life I was you know I was getting hold of and all this it begins and I was a little that it becomes normal and natural competitive yeah competitive and and internet and felis I was let me add some today not so much adds something to that but a lot of people that are listening and watching the program yeah they're walking with you and I'm allowing you to do this but for a particular reason because sometimes sometimes you would say well that's a television program that doesn't really happen yeah well that's just you know this movie that movie but this is a real world where television glorifies it you know but there's a real side to this drug world this dark world this gang violence this hitman world taking alive senseless violence there's a real side to that yeah there's not something that's just dramatized on television but as lordose telling you this is the kind of life he lived so now tell me how you how did you get caught and sentenced I didn't get caught okay I didn't get caught out like I said you know in the same time I I'm not going to even prior to thinking like I was so sneaky or anything like that but I was very methodical in everything I do whenever I make a plan I planned and I think God wants us to plan you start it all the way through I thought it all the way through what I need to do but anyway this particular whenever we finished moving when I mean moving selling all the products that we have for moment then we take a break you know then I take a vacation you know to take off because that's what smart people and that's why there's a lot of people that are now filling up our jails and everything else these are the small guys you see in the corner selling and those are the ones that continue to continue so they're always their faces are out there and so the authority always find them but the real guys that are the ones that are supplying all these you know illegal drugs and everything else they will take vacations and go you know and have a much much easier life where they stand prosperous stay out of Israel yes they're not visual to the authorities anyway to make it quick so anyway I was with taking a break and the keys were locked in a Corvette and and so they all wanted to please you know want to please me to open the door but I was left all by myself in my colleagues apartment so I was in here so I was taking my lines I have a special vial that I'll make sure because I don't want it to somebody to taint with it so I can take a little sniff to keep me away and so while I was in the apartment all of a sudden I hear a loud voice inside this room this apartment two words come home hmm so remember this whole thing remember I have no experience with spiritual things I never believed in angels I never believed in demons I thought people that believed in that things weren't of nutcases hmm you know they always talked about this and that I didn't believe none of that but this time the first thing that came to my mind what was wrong with this line that I just made maybe somebody somebody somebody spiked that or something so I looked again you know I said there's nothing wrong with it anyway at that moment when I was when I was going through this experience I want to fast forward I wanted to my mother was up there in that particular time my mother was up with some in Washington and this time when I found out she was praying with them hmm she was praying because I remember one of our family together gathering my mother came to me Anna and asked me I said son wanted to put away your leave your sin I looked at my mother's face my beautiful mother and I said mom I love my sin hmm I'm happy with my sin but I'm looking at you guys you guys are saying that you're going to church he loved the Lord and everything else he seems like you guys are not happy it's just like many of you are always complaining you know this is what was going on in my mind because all I'm going by is what I see what I hear you know see the struggle of what a believer goes through anyway so I said to my mother you know I I love my sin so I didn't make sense to me so here now I'm caught up in this experience with with God and I believe with all my heart now there was Jesus in that calling place so in that particularly in in that experience I told everyone I said you know what I'm leaving this is this is a lot because at that moment all of a sudden I was like in a trance mm-hmm and when I was in a trance even though I can see you but I can't see you there's another picture that I'm seeing and what I saw when after has come home in my heart was now I'm going through this it seems like everything else was blanked around me and I saw a dark shadow from me going out all I see is this dark shadow leaving me and I don't see you it's like I'm looking at you right now but I don't see you but I see a dark shadow leaving me at the time I didn't understand what that means in that picture all I knew right after that happened I I kneel down and start crying and I mean just pouring crying for nothing I don't know why well you didn't know why but there was a cleansing taking place there was a glancing goal of going on right now but remember I told you that my mother was praying they were praying with with some of my relatives there was my praying and this is the prayer that she pray she told me later on after asked us he said she got fed up with my life start she was Cara Lee she was concerned about my there so she prayed this prayer she said father do not let low to my son enjoy the sin that he's doing and make him miserable hmm in his sin this is the press he told me she told me she prayed the particular prayer that's the parameter enough for my kid so the Lord so the Lord is now getting ahold of you but I want to transition now right he's getting a hold of you you're praying you're crying how did you end up in Walla Walla okay let's get because our time right I understand I know his world anyway I am after I gave my life I went to went home and I went to my house and I found out that there was particular they were having evangelistic meetings it was up a flyer that came to my house and there was a flyer that says there was a two-week no there was more than that it was already two weeks I missed and but I believe was a eight-week evangelistic meetings his name was Dick Palmer yes from California he was doing the evangelistic meetings anyway I gave my life I gave my life there I got baptized amen and after I got baptized is amazing this is something even today many will not we'll never understand this but a voice that same voice that says come home that same voice came to me and says turn yourself in mm-hmm yeah turn yourself in go turn yourself in I'm in that blank mind in that same time I'm black mind it I didn't even sink or saying to myself well man that's a lot you know you're gonna get in a lot of time you gonna get locked up for a long time but I went on within and obedient to this voice because I've never experienced I've never experienced spiritual or supernatural things before but I have learned in the evangelistic meetings concerning who this Jesus is and this Jesus I'm willing because you know in the story of Joseph you know when when a when Joseph was taken you know you know in captivity I read about it that Joseph spent a lot of time with his father Jacob and Jacob taught him and told him about the stories when he was running from from his brother and Joseph was only 17 years old and yet he trusted the God of his father Jacob hmm and that's the same thing with me I trusted my dad's got because now I'm experienced I no longer trust my father my earthly father's because I loved him now I'm trusting the God that he told me about hmm and I can trust my god that this God that now supernaturally reveal himself okay you're speaking to me to turn myself in just as he spoke to me to come home and did you do that yes I did I wouldn't turn myself in hmm and they didn't believe it because they didn't have no witness you know no witness nothing like that because there's a mark I'm the hit man and then there's a clean clean group it's called a cleanup guru you know both cannot see each other all they gotta do is do their job I do my job is done you don't connect no right anyway so I want to turn myself in to make a sword to go forward in that the judge could not believe because I know the time is short the judge could not believe that I will do that they keep on asking me when I got there when I got there when I turned myself in I have a lawyer the best lawyer in Washington and he was retaining he already met came down there and says loto you know I see you don't have to do this you know no matter what you told him there's no sub you know no life I can I can get you out of it I said no I'm guilty that's fine so over and over you know in this process where you got to go through the legal system where you got to have representation and everything else maybe there was something wrong with his head or something like that I made me mentally ill all these things the course the legal system were considered everything he flipped out correct but in my mind I'm in this zone with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit telling me he says okay lotto yourself in and now I understood why to turn myself because God has to take me away from all my family all my familiar friends because there will be the worst teachers influence to me in what God is trying to teach me and the only way that God can teach me his way is for me to be alone Wow in prison and I like Joseph yes and I tell you now you know past eleven can you know brother long weekend it was the most happiest time of my life in prison in prison in prison where I learned about him learn about his work I was pacing about my this cell on my knees you know in prayer and reading the word I started learning about God and I fell in love with him hmm I fell in love with this God and in my heart also in the same time where God will will share with my earthly dad then I said to myself this is what my dad was telling me in those short nine years that I have with him this is what he has experienced in his life now I'm experiencing it so here you are in prison reflecting back yacón what your dad had been showing you right what do you been teaching you and your dedication to him your earthly father now became your dedication to your heavenly father yes how much time did they give you that's a good thing of the judge was to see the first-degree murder two counts they only charged me one count that's another miracle that's if those two counts it would be much much more to the death penalty life without but they gave me first degree first degree and the the way the scale was is first degree is 27 years between 72 27 years and the least one is 20 hmm the lower end the high end is 27 the low end is 20 the judge say to me these are his very words he says mr. Elom if I have power if I have power to change I will make it less than 20 years but because the prosecutor the the prosecuting officer recommend the 20 years that's awesome I mean who will will ever think of that I mean you can think about that kind of crime it will never be it can never be that will give you his mother highest or even more an exceptional sentence is off the scale right at the time they will give you more but God saw just like with Jacob 20 years I compared to like Jacob's life 20 years he ran from his brother that's right God gave me 20 years of education 20 years to learn about him so 20 years I served 20 years but not all 20 years in there it was God released early and yet be on probation for I got out in 17 and a half years and and then you can say because I was on probation for two years when I got out the amazing thing about being in Walla Walla and you're learning about God but then that's where you heard about 3abn yes yeah about that 3abn was might actually with the I said I say the source the the menu that God uses to teach me hmm to teach me about truths about the sanctuary about sanctification glorification about justification all these things that I needed to learn to learn to be nourished of because I know the enemy is going to come to trying to discourage or trying to draw me back to the world I just want to give a note you know when I got I'm not going to say the name but when I got baptized saying first thing was trying to get me to discourage of my calling when God calls me to come home I sadly very regretfully but the pastor that not pastored you know events was dick Pollard but the very pastor that baptized me committed adultery you know the pastor so saying who's trying to use that to discourage me see your beliefs your your your calling was it's a lie a fake it's a fake so you know trying to get me to go back to the world but no this experience I have with God this is my challenge to everyone I don't care if whatever you're going through whatever it is ask the Lord to give you a personal encounter mmm once that encounter I believe with all the prophets that I read in the Bible right I believe that yes we are weak we are sinners and we will fail we will fall you know in in many occasions and God wants you to come back up but I believe that many just like David just like Moses and every is that personal encounter to try it that personal encounter will never depart from you to trust and love the one who called you Jesus Christ and that's what kept me no sane trying to make me doubt no I was one of those people that I don't just believe in something that you will tell me right because you can see that pattern I throw you everything you did you did it all the way yeah and that also spilled over into your spiritual walk with God if you're gonna do something do it all the way they don't go halfway that article yes look at your own growth look at your life then you did your time the Lord blessed you by allowing you to come out early correct how did you connect to a local church did you go back to the church that you were baptized oh no X matter of fact God calls me to come at this time I my wife that is now yeah we were not married we met in 1984 when I was in the Navy and she's an awesome woman the best woman I've ever I thank God for her but at this time she is a devout Catholic as you know all many many smashin Latinos are most of them are are Catholics but you know the Catholics are losing the whole on that many of them are now coming to the Protestant movement anyway mm-hmm but my wife was very devout our son raised our son as a Catholic God says lot oh I want you to go to California hmm because we're not married at the time we've been together since 1984 but we we always connected because of our son and I'm so glad I thankful to God that I was not in she was not involved in the kind of thing I knew that I was doing because I could have been something that would drastically changed her and so called me to go to California it was very impossible but was a miracle that God has another thing the story of itself of our God on a probation office because California system was filled the Pino was filled there's no way they can transfer an inmate from Washington to to California but this probation officer awesome thank God for him his name is Terrell awesome guy and after we finished my probation I can't find him wherever he is he opened my folder in and said to make it very quickly he opened a folder and then saw this whole record this bad person and he says you know what I'll watch him he opened the door for me though for me to transfer from Washington to California to come to California and it's amazing because he was very respectful and and I witnessed to him I gave him a copy of the great controversy we pray together you know many probation officer would just come into your house in order to come to your house they don't have to call you or anything they can write you surprise visits not him he will call me and says a lot of work can I come over and see what you don't know also I don't know what I hope I we're not gonna get him in trouble but he trusted me I don't know how you know what gave him gave him that kind of spirit correct of respect I remember you cannot leave your domain when I got out we go everywhere out of state everywhere but he says as long as you report on Monday we report when you get in call me as I'm listening to your story I'm look I'm listening to us since you're a part of it where not only did the Lord convict you to turn yourself in right because I mean what people want is not to be caught right so here all of a sudden all this crime you came out of and you're standing before the judge and you're saying Your Honor I know there's no record there's no trace but I'm guilty of all these things and let me tell you what I've done that is an amazing thing let me tell you why the person that doesn't confess what they've done will repeat it yeah the person that doesn't own up to what they are guilty of the Bible says he who covers his sin will not prosper but he who confesses and forsakes will have mercy and so I'm seeing the scripture that very Scripture in the Bible coming pass in your life class in your life you confessed it you forsook it you left it and the Lord gave you mercy not having to do 2227 but letting you out earlier and giving you a probation officer that was a part of your your spiritual growth but now tell me where you are now well God is amazing when I made a covenant with him like okay I'm gonna turn myself in and if you will supply all my needs I promise I will give you 10% when I was in there I was making twin start out with $25 a month you know scrubbing toilets and everything else but today God has opened the door and give me a job that I make eleven hundred week hmm and so I supplied and God has given me bought our new home you know hey man everything I mean who cannot who can who can see that only the hand of God will do that for such a person that's doing 20 years hmm and with a with a felony record hmm and yet God opened abundantly in everything I don't know what he has in store ahead but I know that this is just the beginning of the other work that he's doing in me and hopefully that will share with others and I know there's much much much much much more to share I want to make sure that there's a point we ask a question I asked you yeah and I like this you want to challenge people by saying God is looking for you to encounter him to have an experience with him yes 15 20 seconds well I believe with all my heart that uh many many men in prisons and women and maybe even out here there many of them are struggling about this God that they hear so much about that will solve their problems but I want you to know that God is a God that looks in the heart it is the heart that God is looking for and when you do something give it all to him even though you may look like it seems like it doesn't go anywhere God is willing to give you that experience in that encounter that will that will up change our will change your life well I tell you I want to make sure that those who watching the program will get the information they need because I know that somebody would want to invite you to come and we're going to come back after the news break but I'm going to make sure that they get the information the information you need to to contact law 2 is right here and after the news break we'll be back for a few closing thoughts as you know our time comes and goes so quickly but I want to thank dr. Lua awawa yes sir for coming to share his testimony today thank you for having me we covered quite a bit details in the life you lived and I allowed that in this program for a particular reason and I'm going to talk to our audience that is washer program you know many times we hear about things like this and we say oh that's the dramatization that's not really real it doesn't really happen but you live that life and the Lord touch your heart to encourage you to come out of that life what would what message would you leave to those who are watching this program or listening to the program today never give up hmm never give up no matter how dark it is sometimes if you're in the world of sin like I was sometimes you feel like there's nothing good there's no way you can come back God can bring you back I tried God can bring you back and I believe in the power of prayer in my case my mother was praying so don't stop praying for someone mmm pray that's right I want to thank you for being open to us today I know there's a lot of details you can only cover so much in this program and we don't want to glorify all the dark things but they're there as a reminder that where you are is no comparison to where God has placed you today and so I praise the Lord for that for your family you want to continue praying for them and even for the influence of the young people in your life and for your son we're gonna pray that he makes decisions that will impact his life for eternity well friends you know our time comes and goes so quickly here at 3abn but this program today was particularly ordained of God as the Lord touched low to low to lure life through 3abn we pray that today your life has been touched through his and through the medium of 3abn keep praying for us keep responding to the call of God and until we see you again may the Lord richly bless you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 11,186
Rating: 4.7517242 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Personal testimony, Lotolua IIaoa, rescued from gangs, saved from drug trafficking
Id: HrdAus0Nxno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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