3A Body Armor vs. Pistol Caliber Carbines.

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[Music] [Music] hi I'm hoping that today is going to be our last presentation on soft body armor this is a subject that's becoming tired and to be blunt I'm running out of three a body armor I'm also running out of colorful metaphors to describe some of the main questions people have about what if it's hit with this or that type of projectile but with all those inane questions also come some very legitimate questions and I want to address two of those today now before I get into the specifics of that let me give you a little bit of background of this type of body armor generally speaking this soft body armor gives you greater protection from large diameter projectiles than it does from small also generally speaking it gives you greater protection from low-velocity round than it does from high velocity and also it gives you greater protection from blunt nosed projectiles like a wad cutter more so than spear point projectiles like Full Metal Jacket spear point or even a ballistic tip is still pointing now with those things in mind that's why this type of body armor performs very well against typical handgun calibers like 9 by 1940 Smith & Wesson 45 ACP when they're fired from handguns a typical barrel length but this type of body armor fails when it's hit by things like 5.7 by 2080 5.56 nato or 716 by 39 those type of cartridges have the right combination of relatively small caliber high velocity and quite often a spear point tie projector now with that kind of thing in mind there's this concept that keeps coming up all the time what about a 22 long rifle that's not particularly high velocity but your typical 40 grain projectile out of a 22 long rifle is round nose it is kind of a little bit pointy I guess and it's certainly small caliber and the rumors that this type of body armor can be penetrated by 20 rifle go back as far as I started hearing that kind of thing when I was in the second grade I heard people say this will stop a 44 Magnum but it won't stop a 22 yeah that ranks right up there with questions like can it stop a bullet that's fired from the horn on a unicorns head but we'll put it to the test anyway but on the heels of that also comes a very legitimate concern when people ask about what about a 22 Winchester Magnum rimfire now that's certainly small diameter and it has a lot higher velocity than 22 long-rifle and I think that's a very legitimate question another question that's come up recently is although we know that this will stop the projectiles from 9-millimeter and 45 ACP what happens if we up the velocity of those by putting your men in pistol caliber carbine well we then give those cartridges enough velocity to penetrate this body or now that's a good question and we'll put that to the test today too now here's our 3a body armor and here's you I've got my Ruger single six with a nine inch barrel 22 long rifle loaded with CCI mini mags and we'll shoot from 7 yards now this comes with a disclaimer sometimes even when a projectile does not penetrate this body armor it has enough concussion to crack the soda bottle behind it so if you see any soda leaking reserve judgment until we do the neck rod now you saw some red soda spewing but there is no bullet hole in this jug the concussion just cracked it a little bit right there and all four of those projectiles were stopped by this 3a body armor now let's reset this up and try this with a 22 Magnum now I've got the same revolver but I've changed cylinders this is now loaded with CCI maxi mag 22 Winchester Magnum rimfire for those of you who are not familiar with this cartridge let me show you a close-up of the cartridge on your right is a 22 long rifle the one on your left is a 22 Winchester Magnum rimfire commonly referred to as a 22 Magnum and you can see it's a lot bigger and it's a lot more powerful now in a previous presentation I cronograph 22 long rifle and 22 Magnum through district vulvar so I'm not going to rehash that here today it's price it to say that 22 Magnum is a lot more powerful so I'm going to go back seven yards shoot a body armor and we'll see what happened now again you saw the soda spewing but in the case of this one that's where the concussion put a little crack on it but in the case of this bottle here one of the five rounds I fired most certainly did go through so it stopped four out of five rounds that's pretty good but certainly not perfect and that tells us a lot about three a body armor and it also tells us do not underestimate a 22 Magnum now as far as the question of whether or not a pistol caliber carbine can penetrate the three a body armor the first thing I want to know is just how much more velocity is the carbine giving you over the pistol well I've got the chronograph set up at 7 yards and we'll start with the beretta 92fs I've got it loaded with Remington green and white box 9 by 19 115 grain metal case Remington calls it metal case we'll see what kind of velocities were getting then I'll repeat this with the carbine and see just how much if any velocity would gain 1065 1084 1066 1054 1056 now let's try that with carbine and see if there's any difference now for a carbine I'm going to use my beretta cx4 storm rifle it has a 16 and 1/2 inch barrel and it's loaded with the same Remington green and white box 9 by 19 am 1265 1277 12:55 1243 12 54 that seems like quite a bit more now let's see what kind of differences there are between rifle and pistol when we're talking about 45 acp I've got my Colt government model loaded with Remington green and white box 230 grain metal capes 803 813 803 805 803 again now let's see how that compares to a rifle now this is my pair ordnance common gun the closed bolt semi-auto version it has a 16 and 1/2 inch barrel and it's loaded with the same Remington green and white box 45 ACP 956 919 929 and 915 now let's go crunch the numbers so how did we do well of course there's the caveat that coronagraphs don't always agree with each other in certain environmental factors can affect chronograph results but the numbers we got were with a nine-millimeter a mean velocity of 1065 and when we switch the carbine that becomes 1258 a mean gain of 193 feet per second that's significant now at the 45 we get a mean velocity of 805 and when we go to the carbine that becomes 929 so a mean gain of 124 feet per second which is also significant and when you take into account that we're talking about a 230 grain bullet the net gain and velocity is a lot but the real question is is it enough gain in velocity to penetrate our 3a body armor let's find out so once again we've got our body armor tape this white barrel it has some Gibbs you'd have some give if you were wearing it I'll go back seven yards shoot it with the cx4 storm rifle let's see what happened how'd we do well I fired four shots the two that hit center mass went through the two that hit on the edges where the body armor is wrapped around the barrel a little bit so they're really more of a glancing blow they did not go through but they came very close to going through and you got to remember the ammunition I'm using is not particularly powerful 9-millimeter ammo so your 3a body armor so far doesn't look like it's standing up with pistol caliber carbine all that well but let's try the 45 well the first shot did not go through when it tore our vest off so I've got some new tape up let's go back and shoot another shot well we shot the three a body armor three rounds 45 acp and it stopped all of them it would appear that the 45 having significantly greater diameter than the nine-millimeter and a lot less velocity it doesn't stack up real well against three a body member even in a carbine but as I said that wasn't particularly powerful nine-millimeter ammo well that also was not particularly powerful 45 mm so let's try something that is now I'm loaded with Hornady custom 45 ACP + p 200 grain jacketed hollow-point and I've got enough duct tape on my 3a body armor that it should stay on the barrel so let's shoot this from 7 yards and see what happens well I was wrong about the duct tape but it did stop that bullet so I've got some new tape on here now let's shoot another round and see what happened well with the plus P hollow points we shot this body armor twice and it stopped both bullets let me show you a close-up up and there they are and you can see that they mushroomed a great deal so what can we take away from all this well we showed that 22 long-rifle will not penetrate this type of body armor I'm sure somewhere there was a case with defective body armor or something like that where 22 did but for the most part no it's not going to 22 magnum on the other hand that is something to be concerned about but at the risk of sounding redundant this type of body armor is intended to stop conventional projectiles like Full Metal Jacket or hollow points fired from conventional handgun calibers such as 9 by 1940 Smith & Wesson 45 ACP in guns with conventional handgun lengths barrels 2 inches 4 inches 6 inches and it will do really well against those kind of things but when you get outside of those parameters is where it starts to fail and we see that for some pistol caliber carbines they'll go through it now it seemed to do really well against the 45 but the nine-millimeter not so much and about now is when someone asks about a 357 Magnum well we didn't test that but we can take it for granted that if a nine-millimeter penetrate then a 357 with shooting a bullet with a diameter that's virtually identical but which is heavier and going a lot faster we'll go through this type of body armor pretty easily we also put to rest the question about projectiles fired from a unicorn's horn yes three a body armor will give you sufficient protection against that however you remember a cartoon called the Herculoids where they had a character called tundra the tremendous he looked like a cross between a Styracosaurus and a corgi and there must have been several animals in there because he was a deck of pet but he had a hollow horn that he fired these exploding rocks out of yeah three a body armor will not protect you against those so as always don't try this at home I'm what you call a professional and thanks for watching the pistol caliber carbine vs 3a body armor video [Music]
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 196,876
Rating: 4.9761248 out of 5
Id: ia1k1Zg4l2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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