3A Body Armor vs.12ga. Buckshot and Slugs.

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[Music] [Music] hi we're out on the ranch then you'll have to deal with gunfire in the background and the wind now we've done some presentations with soft body armor just recently we did one with how three a body armor was stacked up against five five six NATO and 7.62 by 39 and that told us what it told us but it prompted a lot of questions about what kind of projectiles this body armor will stop now some of those questions were things like how will it fare against projectiles from an imodium peu thirty-six explosive space modulator or if that space modulator were wielded by a fox wearing socks we also got some legitimate questions such as how does 3 a body armor stack up against shotgun projectiles okay that we can test now I've got my Mossberg 500 we've got a billeted with Remington green yellow box 12-gauge 2 and 3/4 inch double lot but 9 pellet and I'll shoot this from 15 yards now if you were wearing this body armor your body has some give so we've got it on a target frame that has some given that should make it a legitimate test so let's see what happens you want that cheeseburger to go it's gone now I said that the target frame had to have a little give to make it a legitimate test that might have been a little too much good however it did stop all 9 pellet so let's put this up on something that maybe has a little more resistance and try that again now we've got two logs and our vest on the top one so now there's some give but maybe a little more resistance than the target frame hat so again I'll try this from 15 yards with our double lock buff and now let's see what happened now remember this vest has already been shot with nine pellets so it was compromised before we ever taped it to this log but it got hit with the second nine pellets and stopped every one of them but I know what you're thinking what about a 12 gauge slug well let's give it a try now we've got a new piece of tree a body armor and here's you now the thing is with this soft body armor that it works well against and gun projectiles relatively low velocity but it is not very effective projectiles that are pointy even if that point is just a ballistic tip or that are small in diameter or that are really high velocity that's why we saw it performed so poorly against five five six and seven 62 by 39 by contrast though a 12-gauge slug has a very big diameter the usually flat nose they're going pretty slow and they're made of soft lead most of the time I can scratch the part of this one which is my thumbnail so I'm confident that this will stop the 12 gates look the real question though is what kind of condition are you going to be in even if it does stop that slow well let's go back 15 yards shoot this and find out well there's the back of the best but that slug did not go through it's still stuck in there was just concussion that first this soda bottle so even though it stops the slug you're still getting hit pretty hard now let's try something else now see if I can illustrate just how hard you're getting hit now we've got our three a body found in two $2.00 concrete block so even though I expect the body armor to stop the slug let's see what kind of damage the concussion done and there you go the results speak for themselves now although this 3a body armor did stop the slug when the soda jugs were behind it it did not actually stop the slug when the concrete block was nice because that provided just enough resistance but the slug did stop on the front of concrete block and I recovered it at least what's left of it so I've got both of these and let me show you a close-up up and the slow gun your left is the one who's stopped by the vest and the one on your right is what's left of the one that went through and hit the concrete block so what's the takeaway from all of this well we see that the three a body armor will stop double lot but projectiles although you would not want to be on the receiving end against these one ounce rifled slugs marginal at best now we did not test the Sabo slugs because I don't have a shotgun with the rifle barrel but those slugs really like and because it's actually a mattock that they'll go through the three a body on so as always don't try this at home on what you call a professional and thanks for watching the body armor versus shotgun projectiles video [Music]
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 119,541
Rating: 4.9759192 out of 5
Id: 4qSVOZfp3R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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