360 LIVE: Photogrammetry with Fusion 360

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hello everyone and welcome to another episode of our fusion 360 tech Thursday my name is Brad talus from Autodesk and today's topic we're gonna be talking about photogrammetry it's kind of a hard word to say but I'll probably mess it up multiple times as we're going through but this is kind of a cool topic this is something I find really interesting but how technology is changing the way we design and what I mean by that is for example let's say I wanted to create a pretty cool rendering of this Makita grinder here and instead of just having it on a white background maybe I want to have it on like a big chunk of rock or something like that but how long would it have taken for me to model something like this big rock so there's actually technology called photogrammetry and what that is is it basically takes a whole bunch of pictures and you kind of like rotate around the object and you take a bunch of pictures and the software figures out where the camera angles are and actually builds the 3d object for you automatically and I'm going to show you some pretty neat examples this is becoming extremely popular especially in the last few years some neat things let me actually share this with you being a space junkie myself Autodesk was actually asked by the Smithsonian to scan the Apollo 11 and this was huge because they've had this you know in the Smithsonian and it's been you know basically hasn't been touched in years and all of this was asked to come in and scan so I'm gonna kind of scroll through this document but what it basically did is we were able to scan the whole inside of the Apollo 11 here you can actually see people from haba desk doing this 3d scan so we have a bunch of different kinds of laser scanners we scanned the inside and the outside and oops I'm sorry the wrong window let me let me scroll back up here apologize so here is that you can kind of see the scanner inside the Apollo 11 and I'll show you the results here in just a moment but you can kind of see here they are actually scanning at the inside and the outside so okay so just a second here it says I'm not okay there we go making sure everything's going okay so you can kind of see that they were able to scan the inside and the outside and what this did is it actually created a 3d representation and you can find this by just searching for Apollo 11 3d scan and you can go out to the Smithsonian webpage and they've actually like labeled everything you can kind of jump through and see a bunch of different areas of the scan and I don't know how well this is sharing through the live stream but you can kind of see it talks about the crew compartment it'll talk about some of the other areas like the seats and the windows etc and what was neat about this was that they the scanning was so precise that they actually found graffiti written by the astronauts next to the seats which weren't visible unless you you know stuck your head or whatever down into that area and even the people in the Smithsonian didn't know about this until we were able to scan that data and you can actually see that here the other cool thing about this is if you scroll down so this is actually I highly recommend watching this it talks about how autodesk scanned everything in the story but they also have some downloads so you can actually download these models for example the pilot seat or the control panel or even the exterior so for example if I jump over here here is that actual scan of the exterior of the Apollo 11 module so I 3d print this I could do whatever I want with this it's kind of kind of cool now I mentioned that I'm I'm really bad I apologize I keep it's not sharing the right window so here is a representation of the Apollo module so this is what I downloaded off that Smithsonian web page this was created using our let's see if make sure everything's working okay okay Aaron if you can let me know everything was going ok if you don't mind sending me a text message okay so this is was created using photogrammetry somebody didn't sit there and model this they actually just used a whole bunch of pictures and in this example here where I created this rock basically all we did it was walk around a rock so and took multiple pictures so I'm just going to bring this up so you can kind of see I'm just gonna kind of click through you just kind of walk around and take a bunch of different pictures and then the software will combine this figure it out and turn it into a 3d model so you'll notice different levels different you know kind of high up pictures kind of more horizontal pictures and it actually figures out how to make that rock and that's the exact same rock you see right here now I'm going to talk about how we edit these meshes how you bring them in how you create photogrammetry etc so let me just kind of walk through here really quick we have a couple different products so Autodesk has a product called recap photo and you can search for this on Google but it's called recap photo and what this allows you to do is to actually bring in pictures and then it figures out how to turn it into a 3d model and it does a wonderful job in fact here is rakh so you can kind of see there I'll go ahead and bring this open and here is the result that you get now you'll notice that there's some weird stuff going on kind of around and I'll talk about this here in a little bit but you can definitely see the rock and notice it's even textured in here so all I did was take those photos where we walked around the rock brought it in and it created this now I can come in here and change my visualization let's just look at it kind of as a solid with no texture and again I'm not teaching exactly a step-by-step how to do this but more just kind of the process of what you can do with it so here's what the end result is really happening it's actually creating all these little tiny triangles which is an STL file okay so but you'll also notice that there's a lot of garbage going on around around this now we have a couple different options for you here so I can clean it up right here in recap photo which actually works quite well so you'll see over here under edit we can do what's called slice and fill surface tools delete selection fill holes I mean there's a lot of really cool options in here but I'm just gonna go ahead and show you for example let's just select with a lasso I'm just gonna kind of draw around this region right here and then I can say delete the selection and you'll see that it actually removes all of this extra stuff and I personally highly recommend that you do this before you bring it over to fusion and the reason for that is you saw all those little tiny triangles right that's going to take up memory that's going to take up time in fusion so the cleaner we can get this looking and the less triangles the easier it'll be so I'm using the recap photo in this example and also some other tools that are out there you can use this one I think is subscription-based so but extremely extremely powerful okay so so basically what I've done here is I've deleted a majority of those faces I'm just gonna kind of rotate this around and we kind of see what this looks like okay so I got rid of a lot of the garbage the next thing I could do is I could come in here and do like slice and fill and this allows you to basically slice through so I'm going to kind of come up until I don't see any more of that ground area okay this looks like there's just a little bit right here so I'm going to go up just a little tiny bit more and you can see I can fill or no fill I'm gonna go ahead and say fill and it's gonna slice all that stuff away and basically fill that bottom area so I'm left with just the rock okay now we'll come back to this in just a moment okay there's other tools out there this one I've been using recently it's called mesh room sounds like mushroom but it's called mesh room and pretty much the same idea you bring in all of your images and so you can kind of see and this is just a sample data set I downloaded off of the web but it's basically just a bunch of different pictures of a statue and after you run the commands it goes through and it actually shows you where all of the cameras are where it thinks all the cameras are and I'm going to zoom out and you can actually see that it captured and it kind of rotates pretty substantially here it captured even the geometry of the buildings that are around and everything like that but notice how complex this mesh is I mean there's hundreds and thousands of of triangles and in fact as i zoom it's really touchy as i zoom in here it's going to go to the statue and you'll see that I mean it's it's a really high resolution mesh so for example if I come in here and turn on textured I can turn off some of these other gizmos and stuff like that it'll turn off all these dots or whatever and you'll see a very very fine mesh and then it exports it out as an obj but what's neat about this is it actually figured out from the pictures where these pictures were taken where the cameras were to generate this 3d model and so you can kind of see they did some high camera positions and they did some lower camera positions just walking around and I'm going to talk about how you actually capture the images here in just a little bit so I used in this case I used mesh room I exported it out and here is the result after cleaning all of that extra garbage out of there you can kind of see the result of this now it's not perfect right it's it's got some bumpy textures and stuff like that is it only gonna be as good as your pictures are but this is a great way to get shapes that you would not normally be able to model very easily in diffusion now here's a real world example I was hoping a customer they designed those cardboard display units that you see in like Home Depot's and 711s and stuff like that and they were asked to create one for chips you know four bags of chips and they were able to create that cardboard display in you know mere moments right there professionals of that they had no problems with that but then they wanted to create a realistic representation and they needed a model a bag of chips and they told me they spent you know days trying to create a bag of chips kind of like this right it's got it's got wrinkles it's got texture it's you know narrow at the top and wide in the middle etc and they had a really hard time modeling that so I showed them how to use photogrammetry and let me see if I thought I had it up here we go using photogrammetry you can create a bag of chips you know I just threw a decal on here in fact I did this about five minutes before the meeting started so I didn't do anything on the back yet but again think about how long it would take the model something like this where they just wanted to have something in there for a good rendering so here is that bag of chips so you can kind of see what it looks like okay and again think about how long it would take to model something like this so photogrammetry is extremely useful so let me kind of walk through here let's show about how I brought this rock into fusion so I did the the photogrammetry in recap photo so let me go back to my dashboard here so you know here is the rock this was the the solution that I came up with okay now in this example here I have not cleaned it up I just exported it out of recap photo and I brought it into fusion so okay so here in recap I'm going to click on this little icon here and say export oh I see that there's some lag going on give me just a second here bear with me okay it could be I apologize it looks like we're getting some lag it could be because I have so many things open on my screen right now hopefully it's not sucking all the memory out of here Wow okay says everything's working okay again I apologize for the delay I will keep going and hopefully it gets caught up so let me go ahead and I'm going to exit out of some of the products here just in case it's taking up too much memory okay okay let's see where we're at now okay so you can see that this needs to get cleaned up and not like I showed you can clean this up in the recap photo app so yeah just say Aaron just texted me said close some apps so let me go ahead I'm gonna go ahead and close this one also and hopefully that cleans things up a little bit okay and then I'll talk more about editing inside of fusion because that's the key thing I want to do right here so okay you can see we need to clean this up I showed that you can do it in recap photo which I recommend but let's just say you don't have that ability to do that so I'm gonna come in here and say export model now though here's some interesting stuff you'll notice that we can export as many different file formats so obj and then obj quads and we're gonna come back to this here at a moment but typically you can export as obj and then you'll notice that you have the ability to specify a target face count now what they mean by this is if I go to my wireframe you can see that there are a lot of triangles here now do we need this many triangles to create the representation that we're trying to get so you could actually come in here and change the target you know face count too let's just say you know fifty thousand or something like that okay I could also come in here and change the percentage so you can sees I'm dragging down it's decreasing the number so we're gonna try and decimate this by eighty percent for example so again depending on how perfect or how much detail you need you would want to change this okay okay so I'm gonna go ahead and continue on here me just a quick second okay so then I would hit export and it will go ahead and export out I'm not gonna do that right now cuz I don't want it to use up resources but that's what I did so I just exported it out and then I came into my data panel and I just said upload we'll select the file and I'll just go into my here's all the images something go into my downloads really quick and here is the obj file that was created okay so I just you can see it's a um you know almost like ten megabytes so I would upload that into fusion and so that's what we did again I'm saving time by not doing it but you this is the result that you get now I purposely didn't clean this up because I wanted to show that you can actually edit meshes inside of fusion I get this question a lot you know how can i edit STL's how can i edit scan data now there's a couple steps that we need to do before we start and the first one is to go into your preferences so I'm going to click on preferences and we need to turn on the preview so I'm gonna come over here to preview we need to turn on - workspace and you can see it's the very first one on the list so you'll need to activate that you'll need to turn that on otherwise you're not going to see some of the options I'm about to show okay now if I expand open my my bodies folder here let me uh open this up we'll see this little icon and you can see it's labeled rock this is my mesh if I right mouse click on it I can say edit ok and this is going to take me into my mesh workspace so now we can see I'm in my mesh workspace I've got a bunch of different mesh commands in here so you would not see this if we did not turn on the Preferences the mesh option in the Preferences okay I appreciate the feedback along in the chat window looks like things are going a little better I apologize I guess I need to ask for a more powerful computer but as you can see we're actually dealing with you know large number of triangles I have quite a few open right now so that's probably part of it now you'll notice as I'm moving around I get this cool little you know shadow but this is actually a paint selection so typically you're used to probably like windows selection but we also have freeform which is like a lasso and then we have this paint selection and what's neat about this is it allows you to basically paint on your geometry so I'm just kind of clicking and dragging and you can kind of see how it's selecting all of those phases and with something as complicated as a mesh you would definitely want something like this now I just selected this region here I could come in here and say for example delete faces and what that's going to do is it's going to delete the faces that we've selected okay and sure enough there you can kind of see the result okay so I'm gonna walk through these mesh commands real quick the very first one is remesh it basically just recreates a mesh and I don't use this one all that often the one I use the most is reduce now I showed that you could do this even before you bring it into fusion which I recommend but let's say you get it into fusion and you're like you know what I don't need this mini triangle so I could come in here and say reduce now let's kind of zoom up here a little bit and again it's asking for mesh faces now just for fun in fact you can see how look how detailed this is you can even see the brick down here next to the rock I think that's pretty cool I'm just going to come over here somewhere and let's just select a region over here and I can come in and reduce the density so take a look at what's going to happen here we're basically saying reduce it by you know three-quarters basically I'm going to turn on my preview and we're gonna see that the triangles in this little blue area there's less of them but we're still able to see the bumps on the on the ground like you can see over here so again I highly recommend reducing the density as much as you can before you start until you start seeing you know losing some detail or whatever okay so you can see how detailed it is over here and we've reduced quite a few triangles over there I'll go ahead and say okay so we can kind of see what this looks like now obviously I would do this to the whole model but I'm going to show you some other tips and tricks here in just a moment okay so there is the finished result now we still see some bumps going on but obviously it's not as detailed as what we see over here so again you have to decide how far can you reduce and we'll come back to that here in just a moment we also have you know create a closed mesh so it turns it into a watertight solid and typically you want to try and get into a watertight solid and we'll talk about that here in a moment now I'm going to skip a couple of these because I want to get to this plane cut okay and you'll go ahead and click on plane cut and then it's asking for a plane so I'm just going to go ahead and click actually I going to click on the mesh body first of all and then it's going to create a plane now it did it vertically but I can go ahead and rotate this horizontally so I'm just gonna kind of rotate this plane now again notice how long it's taking to do some of these actions and that's because of how many triangles that you can see it's thinking quite a bit it's you know it has a lot of little faces and edges that's trying to figure out so if you can clean it up before you bring it into fusion you'll probably be happier so I'm going to go ahead and drag this up a little bit you can see how it's removing some of those other triangles as its slicing up through this rock so you can kind of see how it got rid of a lot of that because it's basically creating a flat bottom like so okay and you'll notice it's trimming it and we have different fill types no fill uniform or minimal now you'll notice mine is set to minimal and if I kind of zoom up here you can see that it it's gonna basically create a flat face and it had to create some triangles to kind of fill that in if I say no fill it's going to be Hollow you're gonna see up inside of the okay so there you can kind of see with no fill and then if I say uniform it's going to basically try and create this flat surface using uniform size triangles so you kind of see the result you get there and again it really depends on what is your end result are you trying to 3d print this are you trying to manufactured out of foam you know is it a rendering or whatever so I personally I usually do the minimal fill I think it almost keeps it flatter than the other one does so I'm going to say minimal and it's going to use a lot less triangles so I'll say okay and now I have this flat rock so I just basically removed all of the sidewalk and the ground around the rock now I still have some some geometry over here that's kind of a pain so let's just come in and say delete and you'll notice again this little shadow here okay this is our paint selection now here's a couple tricks if I go under the Select menu I can turn on this mesh palette so I'm gonna go ahead and turn that on and now you see we have a brush size scroller so I'm going to drag that a little bit bigger and you can see how my paintbrush is bigger if I drag this smaller it becomes smaller now here's a tip if you don't want to use this drag you can use your left bracket and your right bracket on the keyboard so for example if I hit my left bracket a couple times you can see how the selection is getting smaller if I hit the right bracket you're gonna see the selection get bigger okay so that's how you can change the size using your keyboard instead of using the little dragger okay you also notice it says select back faces I highly recommend you have this turned on but again it depends on what you're trying to do if I'm only trying to select some stuff on the front here I want to turn that off if I'm trying to select this whole rock I want to turn this on because I basically just want to kind of brush over this rock and have it select everything including all the faces on the back that you can't really see so let me show you what I mean by this right now it says select back faces so I'm just going to kind of click here and then move my mouse off of the rock but if I rotate around you can see that it picked through and it grabbed faces all the way through okay if let me go ahead and exit out of this real quick if I had let's go ahead and do this again turn that off and I I click you'll notice it's gonna select those front faces but it's not gonna grab anything on the back you can't really see anything on the back so that's what those are for okay then we have expand to face group it connected I mean there's a lot of different you know selections here so you can grow or shrink it tells you how many faces so so you can kind of see here I've selected 19 or I'm sorry 17,000 faces if I just click on grow a little bit you're gonna see this number go up as it's just slightly grabbing more and more faces as I click on this so instead of having to keep painting over and over again to select more faces I can just say hey grow that selection a little bit so now we went to 21,000 okay okay so I want to talk about getting rid of this guy so I'm gonna exit out of there let's come in and say delete faces I personally recommend making the selection as big as possible but not too big so I'm just gonna go something like this I might turn on my mesh palette and I'm gonna make sure back faces is selected so let's just go ahead and maybe get this a little bit bigger and I don't want to do something like this because it's gonna select the rock right so I'm just gonna kind of rotate a little bit and just drag and kind of scrub over this whole region here so I'm just kind of dragging over it I'll do the same thing over here and we can see that it's selected all of those faces okay and I'll say okay and it's going to delete those faces so that paint brush is extremely useful and if I hit fit now we can see that there's no extra faces anywhere and I've cleaned up this little Rokit area okay now again I personally recommend cleaning it up in other tools there's another tool I will open it up here in a moment called mesh mixer it's an Autodesk product that's free it's extremely powerful in fact what you're seeing inside of Fusion is actually mesh mixer technology we ported that over into fusion so mesh mixer is its own separate product you can search for it like I mentioned it's free extremely powerful there's lots of videos out on YouTube on how to use mesh mixer especially if you're doing a lot of editing of STL's I highly recommend using that instead of fusion what I'm showing here in Fusion is okay I've got something in but I need to tweak with it a little bit I want to slice remove some stuff I need to delete some faces in fact I'll show you in this example here this is another scan that I did this is just a little knick-knack that we have sitting on our dining room table or something like that and you can see I used photogrammetry to basically walk around take some pictures of it however I didn't take enough pictures and there's some voids underneath so we can kind of see like this hole right here so again I'll come in here and here is an interesting thing I right-click on this mesh right here and you don't see edit okay now the reason for that is I want to come in here and capture the design history I'm going to right click and say capture design history now if I right-click on the bird you can see that we can edit it so if you don't see that command you might want to capture the design history so I go ahead and say edit and it puts me into my mesh tools ok so I skipped over a couple of these and one of them was erase and Phil this is actually a really useful command you can see it says fills a hole or erases a section so I'm gonna go ahead and say erase and Phil now in this example I want to make my selection much smaller so I'm going to hit my little left bracket a couple times to get the icon to be smaller or sometimes it's faster to turn on your mesh palette and just drag this to the left you can kind of see how as I click click my left bracket the selection window is getting a little bit smaller or my brush size I should say so I'm going to do something more like this and all I have to do is kind of just drag around that hole like so and watch what this does okay it's asking for the mesh faces so I grabbed a selection and then you can see that it actually filled that in so it's basically healing that that area there I can control the density of you know how many triangles there are so I increased it and you'll see it does take a little moment for this to update but you can see how I increased the density of that area or I could decrease or whatever and then I also have the ability to kind of change the weight and what this means is is it going like straight across and it's gonna be kind of hard to see here but let me just change the weight a little bit I'll crank this up pretty substantial and so you'll see that it's gonna be instead of kind of a straight across it's gonna kind of smooth things out in fact you'll see because I went so much it created like a little bump almost okay so you can control the weight of filling that hole so I use erase and fill quite a bit to fix geometry so once this finishes updating I'll click out of here and you can kind of see that it patched that hole okay there we go oops too far so there you can see you can't even really tell where the hole was anymore because it did such a great job now I could do the same thing over here I would just draw around this region to select that and it would fill that hole you can also use it to get rid of things so for example maybe I don't want this little wing right here so I'm just going to kind of draw something like so and let's do the erase and fill right now I'm just in my selection so let's come in here and say erase and fill and it's going to remove that geometry the best that it can is just gonna try and smooth this out I'll say okay and you'll see that we're able to basically remove that little wingtip so Fusion has some pretty powerful mesh editing tools okay not as full you know as many as like mesh mixer for example but it does have quite a bit okay let me go ahead and escape a house and kind of see what what we did there kind of fill that area in I left the weight a little bit too high so it looks like it kind of bold a little bit but that's okay but you can kind of see how it was able to remove that particular wingtip and so I could now 3d print this for example and okay let's see what do I want to do here so we fixed the rock we fixed the bird so so there's other commands in here such as smoothing and again I'm not gonna cover every single one in here but I'll go ahead and and show smooth so I could grab let's go ahead and make this a little bit smaller we do my mesh palette I'm gonna crank this down a little bit and let's just kind of drag a particular area like so and you can see you can do like a factor and so it's basically gonna try and smooth this area out it's it's not the same as the erase and fill it's basically going to try and you know change the triangles a little bit to kind of smooth things and make it a you know a little bit less stark per se okay let's go ahead and close and escape out okay the other one in here which I already showed was a plane cut where it allows you to kind of slice through and again here's a prime example where I've got all of this extra geometry here and I want to get rid of it now earlier I showed doing the plane cut and I kind of dragged up through the rock until it looked good here I'm going to show you a neat little trick I'm going to use a construction plane so let's do an offset plane from here and I'm gonna start to drag up okay now let's look at it kind of from the from the front here and I'm just going to drag this up until I'm kind of cutting through a majority of this I know I'm getting rid of most of that so I'll say okay and I now have this plane that's kind of floating up here in space and I can drag this bigger if I want to just by grabbing the corners hopefully you know that trick okay so I can kind of visually see what's it going to be cutting through now I'll come in and do my plane cut what's the mesh body okay and then you'll notice right here it's asking what is the plane so I'm gonna come in and say this is the plane and it's gonna quickly instead of having me having to rotate these around or whatever it's going to use that plane to slice through my design and you can see it left just a little bit so I could have moved my plane a little bit higher but that's okay I can just go ahead and delete those faces but I find this much faster than rotating and dragging and waiting for the preview to happen you can see how we now have a nice flat bottom that this would sit on a tabletop for example and then I would just come in and you know delete these using the delete command like we've already shown delete faces I'm just going kind of scrub over that say okay so it selected those faces and it's going to delete those again it takes a little moment to do this as it's calculating all those triangles but now I've created this and I could send it to my 3d printer and I've fixed everything you can even do some weird stuff like you can scan yourself I don't recommend it it's kind of freaky I don't like what I look like scanned or whatever but you can kind of see in fact this was the image we used in the the title screen or whatever kind of cool I think now let's take a look at this one so this is a doll now you'll notice it looks slightly different this has squares instead of triangles you'll also notice not a lot of detail but there's enough detail here that we can tell what it is okay now what's cool about this let me go ahead and minimize it I'm gonna come in here expand open the body here and I can say for example mesh to be wrap I could turn this into a actual be wrap now in this case it's probably not going to work because I haven't finished the bottom here but let's go ahead and we try something else real quick I'm gonna capture design history and let's go ahead and edit this mesh see I always forget where it is I apologize I can also turn this into a t spline which you have to have quads to be able to do this and I always lose where the convert is erina maybe you can help me out I I did this in practice and now of course I can't find it why I apologize guys shoot let me go in - here we go I okay convert so basically what I ended up doing I went into my free form and then I come in here to convert and you can see that this gives us the option to convert a quad mesh to T splines now if you're familiar with T splines that means we can actually physically edit this mesh now I'm gonna go ahead and say quad mesh - T splines I'll say okay now it's really gonna come up with a warning looking at the chat window yes I find my skin creepy you can't argue with that so it's gonna convert this quad mesh into 80 spline body now it's gonna take a little bit of time to do this because there's quite a few quads but you can kind of see here's our end result now what's neat about this is I can now edit this just like it's a t spline so for example maybe I don't want her shoes to be quite so pointy so let's come in here I'm gonna select let me make sure hip I can do all those and I'm just gonna grab make sure come in here okay I want to select just a face and it's looking the whole thing give me just a second here I need to make sure I'm doing this correctly selection filters yeah oh I know I'm doing wrong sorry modify edit form I always forget this I'm gonna say edit form now it's gonna allow me to edit this match site so you can kind of see here it's broken down into lots of tiny little faces so if I were to click on this face it's only gonna edit that particular face so if I grab on this you're gonna see that it's gonna grab that face and I'm gonna pull that out a little bit you kind of see how weird that looks right so there is a cool option in here called soft modification and what this allows you to do is to actually select one face and it's going to basically filter and select a lot more and you can kind of see that by the colors so we can see dark red all the way to kind of like a pink to a white and that is done by these options here so for example if I set that to be smaller let's just say 5 you're gonna see that it's only going to affect this little area here but if I set this to be something larger like 25 you'll see that it's going to select a lot more and what's dark red is gonna get affected the most and what's white is gonna get affected the least and everything in between is kind of a fall-off so we have smooth linear or or bulge so watch what happens when I grab I've only grabbed this one little face okay now I'm gonna tell it darn it it clicked let me do the soft modification now we're gonna drag this down a little bit and you're gonna see that it's gonna affect all of those faces we're basically moving her toe down like so okay now typically you can't really edit scan data very well like this but the fact that it was a quad model and I was able to convert it to a t-spline allows us to come in and make some tweaks now with that said I personally don't recommend editing scan data you know trying to manipulate it because it's it's painful it's it's a lot of time it's a lot of effort but I showed you that you can and this is kind of useful for maybe you've brought something in and you just want to remove something like a boss like a screw boss or something like that yeah delete it off of there but if you need to kind of change the shape of something like you've scanned in like a stormtrooper action figure or whatever and you want to kind of change what it looks like you can go in and do that now to do that it has to be a quad mesh and I told you I was going to come back to here and this is our rock example let me jump out here to the doll yeah so here is the the doll example okay so you can kind of see what it looks like kind of textured all the kind of stuff when I came to export instead of obj I changed this to obj quads and you'll notice that it's a much simpler menu and you can also come in here and Target you know your specify your target face count so I again recommend the lower is better so I left it at ten thousand and this is the result this is the excuse me the ten thousand faces I can finish my form and it's going to finish our t-spline edit okay again take some time all that kind of stuff so I'll let that I'll let that keep going so there we go you can kind of see I'm going to jump back to this guy here the other thing I think is really cool where they're using photogrammetry is again at the Smithsonian they have thousands and thousands and thousands of items in storage that are not on display but they're pretty cool maybe they're not on display because they're too big or maybe they're not on display because people won't think that they're at exciting like a pinecone for example so they're actually using photogrammetry to scan all of these different objects and you can go out and and take a look at these and rotate them around I mean here's like a cicada or something like that right and you have the ability to see all of these objects that you would not get to see in the Smithsonian another example what's unfortunately a sad but I think is really cool that they're using photogrammetry for is in some of these places where these wars are going on a lot of architectural type things are being destroyed like statues and monuments etc so they're gone they're never ever going to be able to be replaced well they're actually using photogrammetry and people have written an algorithm that goes out and scans the internet for that particular thing so let's just say for example the Sphinx right in Egypt so you know obviously it's not destroyed but they go out and they search for it and so many people have taken pictures on their vacations or whatever it brings all those pictures together and there's enough of them to make a you know an actual 3d representation of that they're also using it for the Great Barrier Reef they have scuba divers taking pictures of the coral and then they come back a year or two later and they take the pictures again and they compare those 3d models and see which areas are growing and unfortunately which areas are shrinking so you can kind of see some of the cool technology photogrammetry is being used for again being the the nerd that I am I mentioned I really liked the the space stuff you know the fact that autodesk was asked to help scan the inside of the apollo i personally recommend this book this has nothing to do with the live stream but if you're interested in the Apollo missions I read this book it's great I don't work for audible I'm not getting paid or anything like that this is just a personal you know I recommend it so okay so I'm jumping back here you can kind of see that sure enough this converted into an an actual object okay now you'll notice it it shows us an open mesh and unfortunately that's because I did not fill this region in here but if I went back in and you know did the slice or whatever and had it fill in this would be an actual object okay so for example if I come over here let me do in the bodies I think make sure we open this guy up nice and why isn't opening no I did not do it on that one I apologize I know on some of these I did yeah no I guess I didn't I apologize okay and then lastly like I said actually this one I did so you can kind of see here it's an actual body I knew I did it on one of them so of course I'm showing the wrong screen again I'm not doing well this livestream I apologize guys and I used to having webpages coming up so this you can kind of see is an actual body so if I turn that guy off you'll see it go away now all I did here was just download an image of a Doritos logo or whatever off of the internet and added on as a decal but again think about how much time we saved by just doing some photogrammetry to create this chip bag instead of having to model it using T splines or sweeps and lofts etc so I'm gonna end with talking a little bit more about how do you do the photogrammetry we'll keep it try and keep it short here again there's lots of tools out there if you just do a search for photogrammetry and you can see how to spell it in the the live stream here I mentioned mesh mixer so mesh mixer allows you to bring in and edit the the models very very easily this is an Autodesk product okay and I'm gonna go ahead and import let's just go ahead and import that rock and again you can see all of the different tools that we have over here on the right so here is that rock and I can come in I can sculpt on it I can edit it all this kind of stuff export it out as obj and again there's lots of videos out on YouTube on how to use messed mixer this is kind of the the facto go-to product for editing meshes it's very very very useful highly recommend that the other tool that I showed is called let me go ahead and exit out of this recap a photo again this is the Autodesk product allows you to just bring in images and let me show you for example this Doritos chip bag how did I go about doing this so let me just come in here and here's the actual you know sitting on my table here I just set it up so it was kind of elevated a little bit I might I could get my camera kind of low underneath and I just kind of walk around and take a bunch of different pictures from different angles okay and the software then goes through and figures out you know what the angle is etc so we just kind of keep rotating around you know my dog made it in those pictures that's funny so you can see I just walk all the way around and again hopefully this is sharing okay and then I did like more some top view angles to kind of get some of the wrinkles and stuff like that so probably about 50 to 60 pictures so it says it's not showing the screen I think there's a lag again okay so I'll stop showing that okay so with that I'm gonna end here kind of at the top of the hour I apologize for some of the technical difficulties photogrammetry is pretty intense so like I said some tips and tricks to take out of here make sure you minimize your mesh as much as you can until you start losing detail you want to have as much detail as you can but don't you don't need a hundred thousand triangles when you could get away with maybe 20 thousand triangles so make sure you minimize that again I recommend and trimming and deleting in some of the other tools such as mesh mixer and recap photo instead of using fusion however you can infusion I recommend doing it in the other tools that's what they're kind of designed for but I hope you got to see how you could bring in anything anything you can take pictures of bring it into fusion and use it for rendering use it for 3d printing using it for a product like for example the chip bag for the display case for example so it's not as precise as you would hope like I can't take pictures of like jewelry and have it turn out beautiful it's more for like larger things but it's really really useful and hopefully you found this livestream beneficial and if you have any comments or questions make sure you throw them into the chat window
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 28,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution, photogrammetry, mesh, mesh editing
Id: cW9P01QtAjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 29sec (3689 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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