.357 Mag vs 10MM - Giant Clay Blocks

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video out here today i've got another big old hunk of clay you guys keep requesting new ideas so i'm trying to do as many of your ideas as i can one of them that you guys sent in that i thought would be awesome and i wanted to see done myself was comparing some pistol rounds or handgun rounds whatever you want to call them this one right here this is a 357 magnum 125 grain spear gold dot pretty wicked when i carry 357 that's normally what i got in there this other one this is a 10 millimeter um spunderwood ammo um and this is 180 grain 10 millimeter and uh yeah it's gonna be awesome i carry these too but i'm going to try to hit both of them square in the center of this guy and let's see what happens but comment down below what you like better 357 or 10 millimeter i think the 357 is going to put on a better show but let's see what happens go set up the cameras see if i can hit it it's right there on your screen here this is my taurus model 66. pretty cool little 357 see if i can hit this thing square in the middle probably not whoa uh that was awesome that thing i actually shot it before i meant to that trigger's lighter than i remember but it was close enough i think we hit it pretty good actually wasn't ready to fire that one yet i mean obviously we're in safe direction whatnot but man that triggers better than i remembered but check out what happened with the uh 357 bag there's some uh some shrouds there in the middle uh see a little bit of jacket there maybe a little bit there too but man that really put the hurt on that thing we had to hit it pretty near dead center and we just opened that thing man opened it like a can of something i don't know what but that just really split that wide open turned it to a pancake i said i thought the 357 would win but i don't know 10 millimeter might even be more impressive you guys already saw the slow motion let's check out what the 10 millimeter does it's a heavier bullet going a little bit slow slower but see what it does all right here goes the 10 millimeter shot for this one i brought out my xd m 10 millimeter check out the paint job on that baby oh boy i'm waiting on a holster for this so i can carry it every day but until then we're just shooting it in youtube videos check out the clay right there i'm actually a better shot with this one so watch me not get a good shot on it check this out i'll show you those bullets right here that's what i showed you the beginning of the video pretty wild stuff pretty wicked stuff but you gotta hit what you're aiming at i put a little hat on this dude too so check out where the hat flies well that hat flew straight up but uh let's go check it out see what happened all right let's go check out what happened with the tin so there's this little hat down there on the ground didn't even get broke which is wild look at it here so it was sitting right here and blew it to the side so completely different reaction from the clay i think that's still the entryway and then the exit out here definitely a big old big old crazy hole there almost made like a heart shape through there but hmm i don't know you know what that's actually the top right there because that's where his hat was but check that out 10 millimeter full size 10 millimeter that's what happens to the clay hmm uh what are you going with 357 yeah i think i got some on my face paul said he's going with 357 uh i think i got to agree the 357 it shot stuff up oh man i didn't move my truck i meant to move the truck the uh the ranger convertible was right there always moving so we don't get clay and nasty stuff all over but anyways the 357 i think was more severe uh 357 mag you know saying it shot clay sky high and everywhere but uh you just saw the 10 millimeter is definitely no joke so i guess it depends on what your uh what floats your boat what you're trying to do that xd holds like what 15 plus one 10 millimeter the revolver only holds seven so for carrying i will probably take the 10 millimeter xd uh for like bear hunting i might take the 357 but then again i'd probably still take the 10 millimeter so uh 357 did the craziest damage but i'm still saying 10 millimeter is my favorite but appreciate y'all watching a big thanks to heavy metal y'all go down below and subscribe to their channel appreciate y'all watching we'll see you on the next one you
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 286,364
Rating: 4.9297843 out of 5
Keywords: 10mm, 10mm auto, 10mm vs 357, 10 mm ballistic test, 10 mm penetration test, 357 magnum, .357 magnum, 357 magnum ballistics gel, 10mm vs, 10mm vs 9mm, 10mm vs 44 magnum, 10mm vs 357 sig, 10mm vs 45 acp ballistics gel, 357 magnum vs, 357 magnum vs 45 acp, 357 magnum vs 10mm, 10mm auto ballistics gel, 10mm auto vs 357 magnum, 10mm vs clay, 357 mag vs clay, .357, .357 mag, 10MM, 10 millimeter, whoteewho, who tee who, 10mm vs 357 mag, 10mm versus, 357mag versus
Id: sFWzrfet5Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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