35 Ways To Make EXTRA MONEY On The Internet

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here's the thing that's hard to say in a YouTube video without people getting upset at you for it I do well on the Internet monetarily I am by no means rich beyond my wildest dreams nor can I even compete with people that have millions of subscribers however for someone of my size on the Internet my subscriber number on YouTube my viewership number on Twitch I do very well and most of that can be a credit to the fact that I have been a full-time content creator on the interwebs for about six years and I've learned to run it like a proper business and recognize business opportunities when they come however I'm making this youtube video because I started my internet career on YouTube and Instagram and Vine and when I started streaming on Twitch a couple years ago something in particular bothered me I noticed that compared to other social media creators or influencers streamers don't run their content like a business they run it more like a charity and let me explain what I mean after growing a successful music career on those platforms I mentioned earlier and having not a single viewer ever just give us money nobody gives money on YouTube or on Instagram or any of these platforms it was a shock moving over to twitch and seeing a sub and bit button where viewers could literally just hand the streamer money and then on top of that there's a donation button and then on top of that there's often a patreon or an only fans look some of you guys are gonna disagree with me on this topic and that's fine in fact I've had pretty lengthy debates with other streamers about this I respect your opinion but asking for support so that you can live your dreams is not a business it's a charity and that bothers me a little bit too much to become that kind of streamer so a couple days ago I tweeted out a streamers if you want to be financially stable find ways to make money other than from your viewers just giving it to you there are so so so many ways like so many seriously so many and I got a lot of responses like video please teach us how so here it is a list of ways to monetize as a streamer before we get started I'd like to monetize this video by sharing our sponsor owned TV your one-stop shop for all your stream esthetic needs from overlays to panels to alerts really just all the things plus all the overlays are modular so if you and all your friends pick up the same overlay called good vibes that you're looking at right now none of you are gonna have the exact same looking stream because you can pick different camera borders different elements to fit your stream needs and make it look the way you want so if you'd like to make the smart move like many from the community I've done feel free to use the link in the description below to pick yourself up a design that link also will support this channel and if you'd like 40% off make sure you use code alpha a check out also by the way I do stream every mow me Wednesday Saturday so if you'd like to talk more about this conversation go ahead and jump in love to see you there let's talk about money now there are 35 things on this list I've organized them into nine categories not all 35 of them will apply to you but hopefully these categories will give you some thinking points some starting points to go out and discover some more specific things you can do that will apply to you and your talents and whatever you do number one let's start with the one everybody knows and just bang crowd funding out of the way quick and easy we're talking subs bits donations patreon only fans chatter but again here's the deal I'm not opposed to any of these things as long as you're providing value back to the streamer in return if you start a patreon make sure it's not something like here's the $5 tier if you support here you're an awesome supporter of the channel like give them something like behind-the-scenes videos extra perks you can give them to make that money worth it and it's not just money they can give outside of something in the last 30 days I made by the way are you okay with me showing you this it's like a known cardinal sin for creators to actually show how much they make that's how you end up getting a lot of toxic people but I would actually really like to make a video on exactly how much I make and break these things down that way I can have this video as kind of like a these are a bunch of ideas on how to make revenue and then I can actually give more of a breakdown on now that you have those ideas here's an example of someone putting it into action but that's a really scary video too make so if you'd like to see me do it anyway I'd be happy to leave in the comments down below but in the last 30 days from subs and bits and I guess a little bit of ad revenue I made a little over 10 grand this is an exceptionally high number for a twitch streamer with my amount of viewers and if I do that video I'd be happy to explain why that number is so high for me by the way two other ideas for crowdfunding revenue in this category are things like twitch extensions that have bits involved there are a bajillion of those or off-site things like stream loops or like stream treats or whatever where viewers can pay for things that let you set up like in a little digital store prior cool number two let's move out of viewers giving you money let's move into them buying something and you getting a cut off of it let's talk about merch if you're a content creator whether you're a streamer or a youtuber you should have a merch store set up it's very easy to do now both stream labs and stream elements both have merch stores available for you to just make for free and if you're streaming and someone buys your merch an alert pops up letting everyone know hey so-and-so just bought a shirt and that's free advertising for your merch like built into it so here are my two merch ideas for you one make branded merch put your logo on it put your face on it put whatever is you on your merch that way if you have a big fan someone wants to support you and rep you they can buy that and they feel like they're wearing a little piece of you everywhere they go that sounds creepy the second idea just put up merch that people want to buy take a look at Sam's merch he's got his shirt and his sweatshirt and his stickers and his all the things that have his logo on it but he's also got a shirt and a t-shirt from a really funny idea that he had this was originally his shroud cosplay sure where he's wearing a twitch shirt and then he taped over an actual mixer logo it started as his Halloween costume but then that clip blew up so much that he decided to turn it into just a really funny merch idea so just come up with clever ideas that you think people would want to wear even if it doesn't have your logo on it and sell those as well okay category number 3 Amazon money the Amazon Associates program works really interestingly if I go to a product on Amazon that I really like and I know my viewers are going to buy all I do is click the little text link create a link and then share it somewhere and a peep use that link I get a commission off there I don't know the exact Commission I don't think they share with you I think it's somewhere from five to ten percent though which means if it's a big product like this I mean that's twenty-five to fifty bucks and there are a lot of different ways to monetize with this for example if you make youtube videos on a specific product mention in the video that the link is in the description below and have that link be an Amazon associate link you can also make a profile at kit Co for example you can see my profile here apparently I'm an expert streamer and I have a starting streamer kit pro streaming kit harris heller stream kit and any of these products linked in here take you through my Amazon Associates you can find Amazon sales that are going on that are relevant to your audience and then tweet out a link for that product I know people who do this every time Elgato products and go xlrs go on sale and they make like a hundred bucks every time you can use Instagram stories and have swipe up links go to your Amazon links clothing instagramers make absolute bank off doing that if you have a blog or can start a blog go ahead and put links at the end of your blog to whatever you were talking about it and on Twitch they actually have an Amazon blacksmith plugin where you can put all of your equipment you use and they all go to Amazon associate links cool next category sponsorships slash brand deals basically working with brands there are a lot of different ways to incorporate brands into your content one if I'm speaking to streamers right now having a sponsorship on your stream see a lot of streamers have like avermedia or Elgato on their stream maybe they're sponsored by specific peripherals you got a lot of big streamers sponsored by Corsair or HyperX you can also get your content sponsored for example like this video was sponsored by own TV we call those more brand deals because they're not actually sponsors of you they're just sponsoring a specific video you can get sponsored appearances at events I've done a lot of meet and greets at twitchcon or CES or I was sponsored to be out there and spend some time at a certain brand spooky and obviously this kind of money will grow the more you able to grow your following and your your influence right this isn't something you can just start doing right off the bat but the more you grow the more opportunities you have and speaking of which make sure you grow on multiple different platforms because if you can do things like bundle your Twitter or your tik-tok into a YouTube brand deal the price is gonna go up next category online teaching opportunities like Skillshare or you to me or take I think is take lessons if you are good at a specific thing teach it and I'm not talking about like one-on-one teaching where you have to be there for every lesson I'm talking about create a video curriculum of like 10 videos upload it and then you can have thousands of people pay to watch that specific course I've actually encouraged Sam to start doing this with his video editing and animating skills you guys have seen how good he is on this channel I mean just comment in the description down below if Sam made like a 10 video course on exactly how he does everything he does on these videos would you take it but it doesn't just have to be classes on like creative things are you good at video games can you create a curriculum on how to get better at playing video games so many things you can teach on there go go on the sites and see what kind of lessons they have see if there's something that you think you can teach as well just lightly differently than what other people do awesome next category we're flying through these create a digital product something you create one time then people can pay to download Peter McKinnon has lots for photography plenty of youtubers have created video transitions and titles for videos if you can code make widgets for streamers if you can design make libraries of overlays and things for streamers if you follow me on Twitter you know I'm doing this right now with my music playlist I found a music producer online and I paid him to make a library of original low 5 beats 180 songs six and a half hours which I then uploaded to Spotify Apple music Google Play all literally every place so that streamers can use it as free background music and I make streaming royalties off of it this is how you properly monetize you get free awesome copyright free music I make streaming revenue off of it and by the way as of right now that music is still being approved by Spotify and all the platforms but as soon as it's live there will be a link in the description down below go listen to it use it as background music behind your strings next category move on from digital products let's make some physical products that you can actually sell and send to people you can 3d print things and mail them to people 3d printers you can get them for like 200 or 300 bucks save up for a 3d printer and make cute little items that you can sell the people as figurines for their desktop design cool artwork and sell it you can design either of these things by the way on like Etsy or Amazon gamers Nexus has a really cool one that created something called the mod map it's like a giant mousepad but it's for laying your PC on and organizing your parts for PC builders next category ad revenue a good chunk of my monthly income comes from the ads played on and during my youtube videos oh my gosh I should play YouTube ad right now that would be hilarious twitch ad revenue - actually you know what Sam take take that number nobody makes money on twitch ad revenue seriously guys I showed you how much money I make on twitch did you look and see how much of it was ads literally like 1% it's best not to even count that let's mention blogs again blogs are a great place to put ads throw a little Google ad on the side Google makes it incredibly easy for you to put ads on your website or on a blog find something you're interested in start a blog put Google Ads on it last category let's talk about freelance work up work or fiber or a handful of sites where you can do that there are insane amounts of things that you can do on Fiverr we could list another 50 just by going through this but I'm gonna list off a couple for you some of these don't even take like a serious developed skill that some of them do but like for example voiceover work if you have a good voice and a good personality there's a good name voiceover Pete he has blown up and is now a celebrity because people send him scripts and he reads them for voice-over work he literally just sets up a camera in front of a green screen and just reads what you send him it's actually brilliant private gaming lessons like great things you can sell on Fiverr I've seen 13 year-olds sell that and actually make money custom graphic design works if you want to do logos or overlay you can be a freelance video editor and edit people's videos for the moment you can be a freelance photo editor and edit people's photos on them if you create music you can create beats for people that's actually exactly how I found my producer to make my music playlist where we eyes at 35 I feel like that's 35 guys that was 35 different ways to monetize and there are but Jillian others if none of those work for you I hope they at least sparked some ideas for you to find other ways to monetize I recommend you stop relying on people just giving you money to support you start running it like a business and if there's something you think i missed feel free to jump into my twitch chat again I stream every Monday Wednesday Saturday let's talk about it also there is a massive group of like 40,000 people in our discord that are also demonetised go brainstorm with them link to that in the description down below and guys as always happy streaming good job guys really great job Dale you can just find me a plow wha-wha-wha
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 203,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, revenue, cash, more, paycheck, ideas, help
Id: KgEpyLW1NEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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