34 Facts Only Minecraft Veterans Know

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are you a minecraft og here are 34 facts that only the real ogs will know number one fire used to spread insanely fast once it got out of hand it would destroy entire forests when fire was introduced it was assigned to wood material so walking through fire made the same sound as walking on planks back in in death water had a 66 chance of evaporating but you didn't know that the texture you see when underwater is the original water from 2009 one of the oldest texture currently in the game number three in minecraft classic you could defuse an exploding tnt by punching it same goes for activating the tnt remember the old explosion sound you were able to create monster traps by putting a pressure plate directly on top of the tnt enchanting used to be super hard it required 50 levels instead of 30 and it took all the levels from you the first enchanting tables were made from cobblestone there used to be a glitch where the only enchantment available was feather falling if you enchanted something on a server you couldn't lock off otherwise the item would lose the enchantments number five a creeper didn't stop when exploding it kept working closer towards you creepers would only detonate if you killed them and all explosions produced leaf particles actually they used to be a melee mob at first comparable to zombies if a creeper exploded next to lava you'd get lava as a block water clutching wasn't always in the game update 1.4 made water negate all 4 damage previous to that you would die by jumping into shallow water glass used to look like this and this you could even drop items into glass two massive pillars indicated the location of the stronghold can you believe that stained glass was added nine years ago i feel old now number seven gusts used to shoot burning snowballs unlike today gusts easily survived multiple fireball shots nether portals were intended to spawn guests in the overworld for a while there used to be a funny bug where ghosts were shooting diamond helmets this is the first minecart texture and they were used to store things similarly to chests once minecarts became ridable the player would simply stand inside because there was no sitting animation prior to powered rails players invented ways of boosting minecarts in beta 1.5 you'd fall through the floor when leaving a minecart this was especially dangerous on a bridge or close to the void number 9 the secret updates were 10 weekly patches released by notch during the alpha days of minecraft all secret updates included major new features such as spawners chickens boats redstone and sneaking every week there was a new update that's absolutely insane compared to today mojang is simply lazy there were actual ender dragon spawners in the game and the dragons were on half a heart so the devs could test the death animation killing the ender dragon gives the most xp in the game but it used to give even more 20 000 experience to be exact only minecraft veterans will notice but we're just getting started number eleven the golden apple was added because of a joke player named jte included a crafting recipe for gapless at the bottom of her guide that inspired notch to actually implement golden apples his recipe used gold blocks later changed to golden nuggets and then to ingots in the original recipe jte thought of using golden ingots she literally predicted the recipe years before in beta merely walking over farmland would turn it into dirt that made farming much more annoying you couldn't stack bread or meat so you had to sacrifice half of your inventory the solution was to bring wheat instead which was stackable bread once required 6 wheat to be crafted number 13 prior to beta 1.7 there were no sheers in minecraft the way to obtain wool was by punching sheep they didn't drop any food so it was pointless to kill them in in-depth sheep spawned without wool enderman made zombie sounds before mojang gave them their own sound in the beta demo enderman dropped diamonds instead of pearls endermen had green eyes and were able to pick up any block including obsidian spawners and even bedrock today they can only pick up these number 15 in the early days you could only have five worlds in total pressing f would cycle between four levels of fork and render distance the sun would go down in stages which was both really cool and also quite creepy on top of that brightness was always set to moody so once night came you wouldn't see a thing in survival test pix dropped brown mushrooms this was the first pig model notch messed up and accidentally created the creeper the proper pig model was cross-eyed the pig face used to be flat the snout didn't protrude from their face for a few weeks you were able to write baby pics number 17 when mojang decided to add another dimension they had a couple of options hell paradise and finally woods hell ended up becoming the nether notch also wanted to add a sky dimension similar to the ether there was once a secret item in the game it was the fire item it worked the same way flint and steel does but it also had another use crafting chainmail armor in bedrock edition you can still get soul fire as an item number 19 prior to alpha if you mind a furnace while it was smelting you'd get a burning furnace block before furnaces items were smelted by burning them with flint and steel don't try this today the model of wolves looked like this and if you shot yourself with an arrow your wolf would start attacking you there was a time where you could breed wolves by feeding them wheat i told you the facts only get harder as the list goes on so wait until the end i promise you'll be surprised number 21 you're playing survival and you need a little help just open the world to lan and allow cheats but back in the day there was no such option you had to use an inventory editor such as too many items or inf edit just talking about it gives me nostalgia because i might have used them once or twice minecraft for free was a website where you played the pirated game when a notch found out he got furious so the owners came up with an idea challenge mojang to a quake-free duel if notch wins the site owners have to make a dubstep song but if they win mojang has to give them capes the result notch completely destroyed them number 23 the wither was discovered by accident jep left the skin hidden in the coat but someone managed to find it have you noticed the sights of chiseled red sandstone despite having no feet withers are still capable of making footstep sounds the bedrock texture is basically stone with really high contrast in survival test notch replaced the bottom bedrock layer with an infinite lava sea before beta 1.3 bedrock was destroyed just by planting a weed seed below it number 25 the height limit wasn't always the same in the beta version it was only 127. however bets signs and torches could be placed above it what's even crazier is that if you went above the build limit you'd become invisible there was a way to bring water into the nether you had to use a pickaxe with silk touch to obtain ice bring the ice into the nether and turn it into water as soon as this became popular the deaths fixed it the reason why we have ice and snowy biomes is because someone on twitter gave nudge the idea and he thought it was an awesome suggestion number 27 skeletons shoot an arrow every 1.5 seconds but this wasn't always the case the rate of fire used to be determined by the difficulty so in hardcore skeletons used to shoot arrows super fast in beta skeletons held their bows like this and if you killed a skeleton it would shoot six arrows in every single direction redstone was supposed to be just a potion ingredient but before redstone was in minecraft there were gears they could be placed on walls and even on the sides of lava and water blocks number 29 items didn't float in the older versions if you died in an ocean a river or a lake all the items would sink to the bottom and you had to manually pick them up one by one since there was no swimming this process was extremely slow and painful only ogs remember how updates were announced take the halloween update for example it was supposed to include lanterns but they wouldn't be in the game for another eight years mojang wanted to change torches so they would die after some time and add lanterns that would burn forever players didn't agree with this idea and so notch decided against it number 31 in beta squids could be milked with a bucket just like cows there was one issue though squids spawned at the bottom of the ocean squids didn't despawn this made them the first minecraft pet once you captured it into an aquarium it would stay there forever food was hard to come by one of the best ways was farming zombie pigmen because they dropped cooked pork chop this is how the first pig man looked suggested by the player miklee as a reward nudge gave him a custom bacon cape pigmen weren't designed for the nether they were supposed to live in villages they'd be called the pigment bodyguard and the players would hire them for protection number 33 wooden slabs required a pickaxe to be mined they were also immune to fire the first ever slab was the dirt slab but they never made it rather we got stone slabs and you could get those by mining coal ore because there wasn't any inventory or crafting at the time in 2011 there was a funny bug where if you died the items you had duplicated into ghost copies when you tried picking them up this happened you had to go through all of the fake items if you wanted to get your stuff back
Channel: Dadusak
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Keywords: minecraft, dadusak, dadusak mc, dadusak minecraft, minecraft dadusak, dadu sak, dadusuk, dadsak, minecraft facts, minecraft things you didn't know, wifies, sub's world, skipthetutorial, blockfacts, ideactivatemc, minecraft fact, minecraft old, old minecraft, minecraft og, minecraft OGs, minecraft veteran, minecraft veterans, minecraft alpha, notch, minecraft beta, minecraft indev, minecraft classic, minecraft infdev, minecraft survival, minecraft java, survival minecraft, sipover
Id: qoN8nN1EBlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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