[3.2] The Root of Teyvat's Troubles - Genshin Impact Theory - [Project:Teyvat Ep 1/5]

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add Astra abisosk if you play genjin you've probably heard this phrase a lot then I mean a lot this is the first thing Catherine will say to you anytime you try to talk to her which is again a lot since you need to talk to her to claim your daily Primos and to start a lot of quests and just a lot okay and you know after two years of hearing this phrase over and over and over again and after going through sumero's archon Quest I finally realized that it might actually be more than just a catchy Latin slogan it might be a hint at one of tavat's greatest secrets but to explain what I mean by that we're gonna have to cover a lot of ground including the ear minsel danesleth late lines and the abyss order the infamous unreconciled Stars event and the barely touched upon hexen Circle although not necessarily in that order if you're intrigued then stick around because this is one Theory video that you will not want to miss but before we get started on the theory itself I need to remind you of a couple of small things little ones first this video assumes that you have completed the quests listed on screen these ones right here if you haven't done so then save this video for later if you have completed these quests well that's great keep watching but remember to check the pinned comment when the video is over just in case there are any little Corrections or additional bits of information that got missed when I was making this as per usual all citations and links for further reading and watching if there are videos will be in the description box so check that too also I need to inform you all that this video is technically part one of three I know I know but this video in particular will be covering the hexen circle and Forbidden Knowledge the next will be looking at God's series and descenders and the final part will be about the god of time now originally all three parts were just one complete Theory but I thought it was a lot easier to digest and edit if I split it into three more or less self-contained videos that tie into each other instead now you don't have to watch all three so don't get overwhelmed but you will get the most value out of these three theories if you watch them all together alright then procrastinators this is your last chance to pause the video if you don't want any spoilers because we're getting started right now like most things in genshin this Theory begins with the adventures Guild and its slogan add Astra abisosk to the stars and the abyss considering we are so deeply intertwined with the adventurers Guild it's kind of weird that we know so very little about it for example who runs it and for what purpose well I would like to propose the idea out of complete nowhere and with no context that the adventurer's guild might have been founded by none other than the hexen circle bold claim I know but stick with me for those of you who don't know hexen circle is German for hexing Circle which is basically just a witch's coven this hexen circle in particular has potentially five members two of whom you were definitely familiar with Mona and Alice now Mona has no known affiliation with the adventures Guild but Alice is the author of the tavat travel guide which is sponsored by The Guild and by no other reason but Association the remaining hexen Circle members should be Mona's teacher The Alchemist Ryan daughter and the Mysterious skirk notice I did not include Lisa here because she specifically states that she is not part of this particular hexen Circle which doesn't mean that she couldn't be part of another one but that's another thing altogether now note that these three I listed here are speculated and not confirmed but we will talk about each of them as we go along to explain why I'm listing them here and why I'm making this claim but the real question here is why would a group of witches be responsible for founding an adventure's Guild well let's take a look at the guild the adventures Guild has two main objectives explore the world of Tibet and gather information on the world of Tibet now according to Lisa the only real known objective of the hexen circle is the exploration of ear minsel and tea parties which I don't think are relevant which is a little weird since Mona and her teacher study the stars not the tree while Alice travels willy-nilly recording local history and Ryan daughter well actually Ryan daughter seems to be actively studying Earman Soul so that one checks out her studying the air mental is actually one of the reasons why I think she's part of this hexen circle but I digress now Ryan daughter is the master and Creator and teacher of Albedo and they traveled together to study the insides of domains which contain yanga petrified ear minsal trees he also says that he's seen larger ear midsole that were several miles tall deep underground with giant spiders at their Roots now please note that the ear minsol is in fact underground we got that confirmed into the sumero argonquest and its roots stretch into the abyss meaning we now have two witches studying the stars and at least one studying the abyss all right and then we have Alice who's out there living the life of an adventurer and somewhere in the middle so you know to the stars in The Abyss add Astra abisosk indeed now while all of these interests that these witches have seem to have little in common each which seems to be trying to gather as much information as possible through whatever means suit them best Mona and her teacher are gathering information about the future through astrology Alice is documenting the world at present and Ryan daughter is studying the past if the name of her primordial human project is anything to go by anyway thinking about it like that it makes a little bit more sense why the hex and zirkle would want to study ear minsel in particular that tree is basically a living record of the entire world with the power to alter not just the Physical Realm but also the minds and memories of everyone who lives within its reach which is basically the entirety of Tibet supposedly the only thing it has no power over are the beings known as descenders and the traveler is one of them and of course to top it all off each witch's field of research is closely related to the functions of ear minsel so let's take a quick look at those as I already mentioned ear mental is an underground upside down tree that can maintain a connection to pieces of itself even when they have been cut off or otherwise not physically connected it functions somewhat like a server for all the data in the world collecting said data and Elemental energy are from all across to that through means of its roots which we know as Ley lines some Ley lines are connected to smaller versions of the ear minsel that grow onto that's surface notably inazuma's sacred Sakura and dragon spine's Frost bearing tree as well as the petrified trees found deep within domains although we don't actually know where in physical space those are so I don't know if I should count them but the petrified trees are kind of interesting because they will actually give you gifts in the form of crystallized memories artifacts in exchange for resin which the javelin are magically generates somehow which is weird because they're technically not from this world so it's kind of strange why they would have this function or maybe it's pymon's function I don't know I'm sorry I'm distracted the recorded memory aspect of ear minsel is similar to Alice's pursuit of practical history through her own observations but memories aren't the only thing earmonson contains it also contains vast amounts of Elemental energy which is used in alchemy that's Ryan daughter's field of study so both of these fields of study seem to be very obviously related to what your missile does but astrology seems to be completely unrelated Until you realize it isn't see way back in version 1.1 we got an event called unreconciled Stars one of the most important events in the entirety of genshin and it should have been an archon Quest I'm gonna be salty about it forever but sorry in this Quest meteors fell from the sky and put everyone that came into contact with them into a deep sleep each person who fell asleep had the exact same dream they couldn't wake up from after tracking down these meteors with mono we discovered that it wasn't just a rock that the meteor was but a literal star from a real person's constellation this is something that confuses Mona because the stars that make up constellations should be burning balls of gas light years away it should be actually impossible for them to fall like this and in this form later on in this Quest skarnish concludes that both the stars and the sky are a lie it's something that Mona doesn't completely dismiss because her teacher who's in the hexen circle told her to be wary of the false sky and in chapter 3 act 5 detore reiterates this notion that the sky is indeed false specifically he says that not only are the skies fake but that this fact is actually a secret hidden by ear Mensel concerning the truth of this world the truth of This World by the way is the one thing that Ryan daughter had tasked Albedo with discovering before she left him in monstat now there are a bunch of references to something called a firmament littered throughout the entire game there's the solar Pearl the specters Prototype Amber Vermillion Hereafter just to name a few trust me there's like so many references and while the term firmament can be used to describe the sky itself in the Old Testament it's actually supposed to be a solid Dome that prevents the Waters of the cosmic ocean from you know falling in and flooding the whole world and genjin's higher level World building is actually based on abrahamic theology so that's why I'm referencing that in particular but anyway let's assume for the time being that this guy is fake and that it is solid like it is in biblical cosmology how then would a star pass through a solid structure easy it doesn't it has to be inside the structure or a part of the structure going back to the specters for a bit their description talks about a giant tree in the sky which is odd because we only have a giant tree underground and it says that they resemble the fruit of this tree but you know what else they look like knowledge capsules which are basically the fruit of the Akasha and contain memory data the Akasha was an invention of the dendro archon and its sole purpose was to collect true knowledge from the people in the form of dreams and remember the meteor and unreconciled stars put everyone into a dream they couldn't wake up from dreams are the Dominion of the god of wisdom and it seems reasonable to assume that an archon that was literally crafted from the branches of this world tree would design her invention in the likeness of ear minsel itself and then she named it Akasha which means sky in Sanskrit so if the Akasha is like a miniature ear insole then it stands to reason that the Airman cell also has knowledge capsules or perhaps we should call them leyline fruit because that's what they're called an energy amplifier and if ear minsul is related to the false sky and its roof stretch to the abyss well add Astra abisos the branches must be in the Stars which means that the meteor that fell from the sky was actually a false star or an ear missile fruit a knowledge capsule that forces anyone who touches it to witness the dream of the person it belongs to and those knowledge capsule stars make up constellations which as you may recall determine people's Fates within Tibet or so we're led to believe see if we're right about the Akasha and the Airman still being related then we can look to the Akasha to see an example of Fate In Action putting that in quotes in chapter 3 we saw how the Akasha could predict the actions of the person whose data had been entered into its system with extreme accuracy but once Sino became aware of what was happening to him he was able to subvert his fate or his prediction so to speak earminsul might not actually be all that different it might just be predicting the fates of people and not actually dictating it so with all that in mind consider this the ear Menzel tree stretches from the stars to the abyss and the hexen circle are studying it this tree contains all of the world's history and is able to forcibly change history if the correct conditions are met and it may also be able to determine one's fate based on this massive collection of data this means that once fate isn't predetermined so much as pre-predicted and that it may be possible albeit difficult to escape one's fate Alice just might be studying the world's history looking for inconsistencies possible places where ear minsel has changed the world's memory Mona and her teacher may be investigating the stars as a way to escape the clutches of this artificial fate so what about Ryan daughter well I think Ryan daughter is investigating the potential of forbidden knowledge which we know is incompatible with ear minsel we know basically three things about forbidden knowledge we know it has the ability to pollute or corrupt things we know it cannot be understood and we know that it came from Beyond this world and from the very depths of the Abyss so let's break that down pollution and Corruption are weird terms for a type of knowledge but I think of it this way if ear Menzel is similar to a computer then the data on it is basically like a file that the computer can read however if the file is corrupted that means its data is faulty and can no longer be read by the system if you ignore the possibility of just deleting crucial parts of the file there are basically two ways to achieve this unreadability either the file's data can get scrambled to the point where it's no longer recognizable or new incompatible data can be injected and then maybe scrambled until the system can't read it the former is like corruption while the latter is pollution both methods make it so that the contents of the file can no longer be understood withering zones are a good example of pollution weathering zones are flooded with energy and potentially data which causes life within it to go a little berserk by removing the source of the pollution or stopping the bleeding so to speak a withering Zone can be cleared Eleazar on the other hand is a good example of corruption there's not really any new information or energy being absorbed by the body but instead some of the body's data has been scrambled causing it to malfunction and crystallize and yes the computer metaphor is a valid if not near perfect comparison to make nahida is the Avatar of earman's literally born of its branches and her kit has her normal attacking by jumping on a keyboard marking the enemies with a selection box on her skill and also using a selection box to delete people with her charge attack now what's interesting is that in chapter 3 act 2's dream samsara The Traveler left the dream and went outside the city describing the area Beyond it as a vast chaotic space back in the perilous Trail quest in the chasm Xiao said something similar that all of the separate spaces were chaotic yet connected and when we tried to contact Xiao from those different spaces his voice was distorted not unlike how Ruger Nevada's voice was distorted in the memory that she left behind for nahida now I'm starting to think that the world of tabat is just a series of small domains stitched together and that the space between these domains is a chaotic space full of raw meaningless nonsensical data that has yet to be processed into something readable this fits with the computer analogy we're using because computers hate nonsensical data it renders them virtually unusable and what do you do with an unreadable file or an undesired one I don't know what you would I just delete it and that deleted file usually goes in the recycling bin which ear minsel probably doesn't have but given that its roots extend to the abyss I wonder if it's not dumping unwanted data into the abyss and just letting it get lost in this sea of Chaos so what would happen if someone tried to I don't know recover deleted data set into the abyss would they perhaps be acquiring forbidden knowledge in the desert of sumero we learned about King deshrit a dear friend of Ruka devada and the goddess of flowers due to unknown circumstances the goddess of flowers died and out of grief king deshret tried to build an eternal Utopia we know as the golden Slumber in doing so he discovered Forbidden Knowledge which polluted the land infected his people with Eleazar and nearly drove him insane but if you read the staff of scarlet Sans you get a slightly different picture of what might have happened the text in this weapon is told from the Scarlet King's perspective in first person so it's kind of like seeing his last thoughts just before he perished based on the events that it describes and these events are quite interesting he starts by describing how the world was created then goes on to say that the world was infected by a dark poison and that was driven back by the celestial spikes then he seems to go on a crazed rant talking about how everything should be undone how the barriers between life and death should be removed and how time and space should become one thing and how nothing should exist basically Grind All structured matter down until it's nothing but unrecognizable bits of atoms and data but then he seems to gather his senses again and realizes that he never wanted a Utopia at all he simply wanted to be with the goddess of flowers and Ruka Nevada again he wanted the goddess of flowers to live which is quite interesting because in sino's story Quest we learn of a temple called the court of desolation which is rumored to possess secrets on how to bring the dead back to life and if that interpretation of what it actually does is accurate then it's possible that deshrit actually tried to recover the goddess of flowers data from the abyss so that he could use it to bring her back to life and in doing so he became corrupted infecting his land and destroying his people this is supposedly the first recorded instance of forbidden knowledge being Unleashed upon to that the second recorded instance was during the conrian cataclysm supposedly triggered by gold AKA Ryan daughter a potential member of the hexen circle so the disaster of conria had a few important and notable Events first black mud oozed out from underground then corrosive beasts like Rift towns began to spread and then the condrian people were cursed and their entire nation was destroyed by the sustainer of heavenly principles Ryan daughter is indeed responsible for the creation of the rift towns however the description of the golden wolf Lord states that the creation was unintentional I've taken this in the past to mean that she didn't mean for them to be monsters for a few reasons one of them being Duran Duran is described historically as being a massive black dragon with corrosive blood capable of causing Ley lines themselves to mutate he was considered a horrible threat and yet all of the lore told from his perspective paints him as a very friendly dragon who was happy to meet new people and who wanted to sing songs about his home and the rift wolves and Duran are creatures that she made before she made Albedo and Albedo is the creation that she calls a success she also did consider Duran to be a success but we'll come back to this in a second this implies that Ryan daughter never intended to make monsters they were unintentional byproducts of her researched codenamed the primordial human project as you make gifts from the title a primordial human would have been one of the first to exist in the world and would therefore be long dead at this point ah but wait a second we were just looking at a guy trying to resurrect the dead right with forbidden knowledge interesting so what if we assumed that Ryan daughter was trying to do something similar recreate something from data long since discarded using a forbidden type of alchemy that we know as kemia now within kemia there are four stages there's negrito or Source material represented by the color black Albedo or pure material represented by white Rubidoux or refined material represented by red and citronitos or final product represented by the color yellow the idea here is that in order to transmute whatever it is that you want you must first obtain the source material process it until it's pure refine it into something workable and then craft whatever it is you want from that material Duran was considered a success because he was the proof of concept of the negrito stage a black dragon by no means perfect but proof that her methods could create sentient life presumably from discarded data which is why he was probably a little bit messed up Albedo was his success because he could pass as a human he'd been refined he's her chalk Prince her white Prince he's not quite the human she was trying to create though but he was a step in the right direction basically what I'm getting at here is the idea that Ryan daughter is trying to distill the essence of the primordial humans from the chaotic data of the Abyss in other words she's accomplishing The Impossible by using Forbidden Knowledge she's recovering a corrupted file from the recycle bin so to speak and the intent behind this research is probably why Alice doesn't seem to hold any malice towards reind daughter despite being at least partly responsible for the cataclysm that occurred as a result of said research the hexen circle may consider the sacrifice as a simple part of their investigation of ear minsel and if they can recover discarded data then well any disaster that occurs can just be recovered later right but the truth is ultimately Rhine daughter's research led to the people of konria being turned into Hilla Charles they likely became infected with the bit of knowledge that she Unleashed and Celestia forced them into quarantine not allowing them to re-enter the Ley lines and participate in tevat's cycle of life and death lest they infect earminzel but the abyss order they're another story note that members of the Abyss order carry leyline branches and yes I know the big ones don't they carry those dark statuettes but before those dark saturates would release they did actually carry leyline branches so I'm just assuming all of them have them now we know that leyline branches are connected to ear minsel itself and ear Menzel is full of memories and Elemental energy now this may be why the abysslings can manipulate the elements and the branches may allow them to kind of stabilize their own mental States they don't succumb fully to the corruption of the Abyss yet it's possible they also allowed themselves to consume Forbidden Knowledge and embraced it which transformed them into beings other than hilaterals we will explore this concept more in the second part keep it in mind now Dane's lift has had a few encounters with a hydro Abyss Herald and on one of these occasions The Herald comments on how Dane's corruption is spreading and that they are not so different I've interpreted that to mean that you know whatever it is that the abyss Herald has been infected with daytonzliff has also been infected with it show by that logic it's possible that daneslift has also been infected with Forbidden Knowledge and has maintained some level of control over his infection in fact his title of bowel keeper is vague in English but in Chinese it translates a little more closely to stick picker upper and if the sticks in question are Fallen branches of earmonzel we might think of them as discarded pieces of data from ear minsel in other words danesliff is the keeper of lost memories he may not have been able to stop the disaster in conoria but based on his words in travail he does seem motivated to break free of the laws of Tibet his exact words are we will defy this world with a power from Beyond which is funny because a power from Beyond is exactly the words used to describe Forbidden Knowledge because it does come from Beyond this world and the icing on the cake here actually comes from his character card which was unfortunately only ever released in Chinese but at the bottom of it where his elements should be listed is this mess many have tried to decode this with marginal success but I would like to argue that this cannot be decoded because there's literally nothing to decode his element is literally nothing it's the Forbidden Knowledge it's corrupted scrambled data that literally cannot be understood this would explain a lot of things the abyss orders attempt to revive the Homeland may be an attempt to literally recover conria from corrupted data found deep within the abyss and if they can pull that off then they just might be able to recover data from even farther back primordial data which may or may not be of interest to us and our twin see I've long since held the belief that the twins really are from to that originally but from a time that has been deleted from ear minsel we know that's possible now and we know that the traveler has headaches and doesn't completely trust their own memories which means that there could be gaps in there where their memories have been completely removed or sealed and on the twins character cards the Chinese text calls to that your new world as in possessive and it also says that quote your Homeland has been destroyed all architecture has been reduced to dust you are originally the one that should own your world and embrace the people within but the Last Descendant of the subjugated civilization please do not Lament The Lost moments if this is to be taken literally and the twins are from a deleted civilization then it would explain why we generate resin have an affinity for Elemental energy why we can so easily connect with ear mental and why we can purify corrupted materials because we're from here we're supposed to be able to do that and it means that our twin might be trying to quite literally restore the Homeland from corrupted data by means a Forbidden Knowledge I have a lot more to say on this topic but I'm going to save the rest of this for part two of this miniseries where I will be talking about Sealy's gods and of course the descenders at length trust me it's long oh but hey while the credits roll with all my lovely channel members I want to share some thoughts on skirk since I didn't really have a way of fitting my theory on her into the script so skerg is basically this woman that child met in the abyss when he fell into it as a kid after a lot of accidental research I've come to the conclusion that skirk is likely part of the hexen circle because if you think about it if she is a member of the hexen circle being in the abyss makes sense because that's what the hexen circle does they study the abyss and the ear Menzel and the Stars plus the name skirk doesn't have any real etymological Roots unless you contextualize her as a witch see there's a witch in Greek mythology that we call Cersei in English but in Greek her name can also be pronounced perky now Cersei is a witch with knowledge of Transformations and skirk is responsible for teaching child the foul Legacy transformation and I only got to thinking about this because of the theory that Alice is actually supposed to be heiress the Greek goddess of Discord who is associated with the apple of discord and that Alice's lore always seems to go back to the golden apple archipelago so yeah anyway that's my that's my theory uh That Just About Does it for me I'm gonna go stare off into the abyss and hope it doesn't stare back at me because I suck at staring contests thanks for watching guys bye [Music]
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 243,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore
Id: TYU9Lz1XhzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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