15 Chinese STREET FOODS in Hong Kong & Macau!! JUICY Buns, CANTONESE Seafood + DIM SUM

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welcome to Chopstick travel I'm Luke Martin and today we've got another compilation Style video for you this time from Hong Kong and MAA two special regions of China and home to incredible Chinese Street Foods this is the top 15 foods to try on your next trip to Hong Kong and maau enjoy we've come straight to a famous spot called Chong hingi it's recommended by Michelin for their Shanghai style pan fry dumplings I ordered up four right here you can see they've been topped with a little bit of Sesame tiny bit of um green onions and they are scorching scorching hot I'm going to kind of open this guy up because as you may be able to see they are super super juicy like there is soup feeling it's almost like a shaolong ball go for a little sit oh my gosh look like an entire mouthful of soup there might be more wow that is packed full of juice oh my God I'm going to have another drink man that is Juicy and it tastes amazing okay I'm going to go for a bite it's it's quite [Music] hot Crunchy on the bottom nice nice juicy pork Oh My Gosh juicy is an understatement that is ridiculously packed full of soup the only thing is The Dumpling wrapper tastes a bit stale almost I guess you could say they've been sitting there I feel like if you came and had them when they were freshly fried it would be even better but okay I'm going to really regrettably waste the juice in this one just so you guys can tell how you see look at how much soup is in there okay that's enough wasting let's go for another [Music] sip yeah it's almost like a shaolong bow like a soup dumpling but it's not it's it's a it's actually a shinen bell which is like a fried on the bottom you can see it's got that crispy layer on the bottom look at it just dripping juice oh my God that might be the juiciest Dum thing I've ever had dude look at this on my arm okay these are hazardous you got to be careful with these they're so so juicy oh my gosh yeah that's the juiciest dumpling I've ever had for sure oh my God so good oh wow it tastes really good though like it tastes like a peppery taste oh my God look at this look at this these are seriously dangerous to [Music] yum love [Music] it [Music] for our next street food we are having dessert so right along Nathan Road here this section with these beautiful ban trees you will find Lee Kung Keys North Point egg waffle so an iconic Hong Kong dessert the waffle and where I come from the waffles have indents but here they're almost out dents they're these little bubbles you can see like that so there is just one woman working in a tiny little shop very famous Shop with a nice big line she's getting lots of business and she's got four of these uh waffle makers going and this is like I said iconic here in Hong Kong M super crunchy it's pretty plain to be honest maybe there's a little bit of vanilla in there there's a hint of sweetness for sure it's really Airy and they kind of Burst when you bite into them so they call them Hong Kong egg waffles I don't know if it's because there's egg in the batter or if it's because these kind of look like eggs what I like is that they're kind of rippable one biters like I said is pretty plain but I love the texture really crispy on the outside and it's super popular look at the line she just opened up and there's a huge line already North Point egg balls is what she calls [Music] them this is a super old school local feeling shop it's called sofa deas and they're famous for their tofu pudding so silken tofu I just ordered one up right here cold or hot I ordered cold you can see the beautiful tofu there it looks like it might be in soy milk and this is going to be the perfect uh chilled dessert to cool off on a hot maau day okay skit Margaret's egg Tarts come straight here that is so so good perfectly sweet refreshing and we ordered a second dessert she this is a jelly soy milk so I think it's grass jelly and then it looks like there's some sugar syrup at the bottom I'm going to kind of mix it up here oh man that DOA is so good I don't know if they actually call it DOA here but it's silk and CKU in English let's try some of this look at the little pieces of jelly I think it's grass jelly let's give that a try yeah that one's not not too sweet really bouncy jelly look at all of it there's tons of it in there that looks so cool yum that's good too beautiful soy flavor really fresh soy milk to get the soy milk to taste like that you got to cook it every single day fresh otherwise it won't taste anything remotely like that I love the atmosphere in the shop really really cool local feeling old school place if you like tofu and you like sweets this is like the ultimate thing it's so silky smooth it just completely melts in your mouth slides right down your throat oh it's so good and this place has it perfectly perfectly sweetened the tofu has such an amazing texture yeah this is some real high quality silk tofu Yumm that was so good this is actually a Michelin recommended spot they're using wood fire to cook their soy milk so it gives it an even stronger flavor damn that was really really good so this spot uh C Kei is an institution here in central Hong Kong very Central loation I've got a bowl of their famous beef brisket noodles with e noodles and just check out the beef in there that looks like super super tender beef oh my gosh that looks amazing I got to try some of that broth as is [Music] though oh man that so beefy smells super [Music] beefy [Music] yeah that baroth is just like concentrated beef flavor oh my God that's beefy really really good tiny bowl of noodles but super delicious okay let's dig in some of this beef look at that brisket that is ridiculously juicy little fatty on the outside pieces of tendon and fat in there let's try [Music] that yeah that is tender it just completely flakes apart in your mouth my God the broth is so good got a little bit of uh I think this is yeah red vinegar pour a little bit of that in give it a little mix it's a it's a small bowl but it's a it's deep bowl and it's definitely packed full of beef I mean I see jeez maybe 10 pieces of beef brisket in there that it's just the most satisfying taste really just hits the spot I would be here all the time if I was working in central Hong Kong really good location a really authentic [Music] flavor damn this is a seriously good bold noodles it tastes amazing with that red vinegar but this beef is just ridiculously tender oh my God so good I could easily eat two of these and we've also got typical Hong Kong drink the uh ice lemon tea see the lemons in there definitely need this it is so hot right there so good that is just a classic bowl of beef noodles very clean flavor delicious homecooked tasting that really hit the spot probably the most famous thing you must try in maau is egg Tarts so famous Portuguese egg Tarts paste they're called in Portuguese this place is called Margaret's Cafe inata and just look at this this is the line it's going to be a while stay tuned we're going to the back of the line yep not even there yet not even close halfway maybe and there's the end luckily mink is not last long it's going to be a while it is absolutely mad here the line is just crazy so even after you wait in this massive line you can see behind me they give you a ticket oh and they say come back at 3:45 so we still got to wait like 15 more minutes that's fine these must be some damn good egg Tarts because this is absolutely insane they must have had 200 customers since we've been in line the line is really fast moving like maybe we only waited 30 minutes but now we have to wait another 15 minutes these must be really good I'm just so thankful they didn't sell out of them because if we got to the front of the line and they sold out that would have been very depressing okay I got the goods about a 45 minute wait and there it is Margaret's famous egg tart Portuguese style but also very famous here of course in maau I can see it's super flaky on the outside look at that golden yellow egg filling custard flaky pastry on the outside and I guess waiting has its benefits because this is fresh hot out of the oven let's try it out oh so hot it's not as good as I thought it was going to be it's got like no sweetness it is a little bit buttery the pastry on the outside super flaky which is nice but the The Filling doesn't have like any flavor it tastes just like nothing like gelatin let me try one more bite [Music] wow that is uh that's disappointing I can't believe we just waited so long just for that it honestly has almost no flavor at all the pastry has a little bit of a butteriness but you can see all that custard on the inside feels like there's absolutely no sugar and it has almost no sweetness whatsoever tast is really good but the filling not that good wow what a waight for not much you guys know me I'm not a picky eater whatsoever I enjoy a lot of things but I do always want to be honest with you guys uh maybe try another one I wouldn't wait 45 minutes especially if you've only got like a day trip like us here I don't know it's really famous like you saw but I don't know what the heights all about it literally tastes like almost nothing so this restaurant is called amwa Bakery it's a legendary spot here in Hong Kong it is a chachang which is a kind of take on Western influenced uh breakfast foods here in Hong Kong but it's very much Fusion so as you may know uh Hong Kong was a British colony for many many years and of course a lot of the influence including the cuisine was brought to Hong Kong and now today you have Chach chant Tang which is sort of a Hong Kong take on a British style Rec it is quite unique though but first off it's got to be the tea I mean the tea is just the quintessential part of the cha Chang ad here in Hong Kong you can get the the milk tea which is always with the black and white so these cups are iconic here in Hong Kong I got to get myself one of these black and white cups to take home oh no sugar put in it into it yet it is very thick and creamy with that uh evaporated milk and a really strong tea flavor a little bit biger add a spoonful or two of sugar and give that a stir yeah that's better they have an extensive menu here at CA but I ordered some of their iconic Foods this is the famous Hong Kong pineapple bun so there's not actually pineapple in it I guess it's just the appearance and this one is filled with a chunk of anchor butter so that branded butter give that a little uh mix BR there you can see the outside of the top layer here is kind of shiny and it's got like a sugar coating on the outside so let's try this that one is a little bit dry it's really dense bread and it's got almost like a crunch on that top sugar coating uh exterior layer and I can also taste like a bit of like lemon zest or something going on in there buttery on the inside not salty butter though that one's really dry got to wash it down with the teeth this is really interesting almost funny this is their spaghetti it looks like a can of uh tomato sauce with some frozen veggies and then you can see the Cantonese influence cuz it's got chachu in it that roast pork and this is looking like something I would cook at home to be honest I'm not a chef so this might be better than I can cook M it's a little bit leaning on the sweet side very Saucy completely covered in sauce let's try pie of chachu that's good you know what it reminds me of Jolly Bee spaghetti tastes almost exactly like the Jolly Bee spaghetti sauce like sweet tomatoey really interesting kind of weird but not bad all right ordered another one one of their dishes this one's looking you know more Chinese style it looks like a bowl of noodles but what's interesting is that there's like this spam processed ham here that's the Western influence this is like a noodle soup with egg little bit of greens back here and then it's in a really thin light broth I want to try a piece of this spam with some of the [Music] noodles not a huge spam fan but it's all right it gives it a little bit of saltiness really a light flavor the barck almost has no flavor let's go in for some more here get some of the egg some of the soup try that [Music] [Applause] [Music] again it's a really plain simple flavor I guess it's good for breakfast it is a really interesting dish I'd have to say maybe the spaghetti might be my favorite out of all these other [Music] so my first stop is this place right behind me it's called Sing Le chachang and they're famous for their pork chop bun which is one of the uh quintessential street foods you must try here in maau the restaurant's packed so I just got it for takeaway and you can see already the Portuguese influence here meat and bread that is very European but that is a beautiful breaded pork chop with a nice toasty bun look at how toasty that is on the bottom there it is packed inside we couldn't even get a seat so I'm guessing it's going to be really good 33 Hong Kong dollars for this let's try it [Music] out oh man super juicy greasy and a nice crunch to it oh my God it's really really good super super crunchy and juicy on the inside I love the breading it's got a little bit of flavor it's uh got a little bit of a Chinese influence with the spices there it tastes almost like maybe a little bit of five spice or something going on in there it's definitely got more flavor than uh if you were to maybe have it in Portugal no offense to Portuguese but this is really good definitely a little bit oily and greasy but that's honestly the way it should be super satisfying I love the crunch mhm and like I said you got to try this when you're in maau one of the most famous foods you can find the pork chop bun at tons of restaurants here in Macau that place really authentic old school chop they do an amazing fried pork bun and even though it's got like bread on the outside and then it's breaded pork chop it's still so delicious it's a little bit of a carb overload but awesome okay this restaurant is called tunen key they have a crazy selection of seafood just look at the aquariums behind me that's the most aquariums I've ever seen at a seafood restaurant stacked up on top of each other they've got it all I can see mantis shrimps scallops clams lobsters cuttlefish slipper lobsters oh man they have it all there is so much and then all cooked traditional Cantonese style of course this just looks so fresh we're going to go for some mantis strip uh probably some scallops I don't think it's going to be super cheap because uh this is really fresh seafood here in Hong Kong and I believe this was also a Michelin recommended restaurant so let's order it up see how much it costs and I can't wait to try out the saong famous sea we're going to get one of these big mantis wow those things are huge those are probably the biggest mantis strimp I've ever seen to 6 scalop scam okay Hong Kong really knows how to do Seafood it's like the Great Pyramids of seafood by far the largest fish in this restaurant is this massive goliath grouper I don't know if you can tell on camera how big this thing is it is absolutely huge I don't even know if it's for sale if you're going to eat this you'd have to come with like two buses full of people in order to eat this thing it is so so big look at that I don't know like 3 or 400 lb at least the layout of the restaurant's also really cool you sit right outside in front of all the tanks and then on the other side you've got the ocean so you've got the seafood coming right from there into the tanks and you're sitting right in the middle something that's kind of interesting here in Hong Kong is they'll always bring out this little bowl and then a pot of hot water sometimes they just give you tea and then you're pretty much supposed to wash your own dishes here this is for water man this is for oh cool and then here's another one for washing your hands just dip in yeah okay cool I've never seen this one drink you know no no for drink really friendly here so like lemon tea to wash your hand and then oh as I was saying you got to wash your own dishes here in Hong Kong even though you pay 100 bucks for the seafood seafood has a we ordered everything classic Cantonese style so first off are the scallops and these are no measly wimpy scallops these are absolute Giants and this is probably my favorite Cantonese dish of them all when it comes to Seafood just to with tons of garlic and then on the bottom or I guess on the top in this case are these cellophane noodles and then a big scallop and some green onions a little bit of sauce on the bottom so good you can just slurp those noodles down with the scallop oh I can't wait to try that and then back here we've got the deep fried mantis shrimp I'm not even totally sure how to eat those they gave us some uh scissors with it so we'll have to uh try to figure that out but it's fried so I imagine you can probably eat maybe these shells not those ones because this is such a massive scallop I'm actually going to cheat here and use this uh scissors to cut this into smaller pieces if I can oh man this is like I said my favorite of them all cantones Seafood dish let's grab that and try to get pie to scallop with some of the noodles oh yes there we go oh yeah this dish is worth coming to Hong Kong alone just for the scallop with garlic and noodles it's so garlicky and then you get a little pint of soy saltiness and then it just slurps down with those noodles they just bring in all the flavor of everything going on in that dish but then the scallop just so meaty look at the size of this guy like I'll move some of this garlic out of the way there's a ton of garlic too but there is a huge scallop oh he's kind of anchored on the bottom look at that oh absolutely beautiful so much [Music] garlic guys this is the best seafood dish in HC seriously order this anytime you go to a seafood restaurant if you love scallet this will be your favorite in the past I've had this where it's just a tiny little scallop and then you can kind of slurp back the whole thing but because this is such a monster it's kind of uh not a one biter it's a multi- biter for sure you can still slurp it back I'm so so happy to be back here in Hong Kong just for this it's worth the trip so much garlic oh my God this is deep fried and then covered in uh spices I feel like I can smell cumin which is sort of interesting definitely cumin oh the shell is really crunchy and crispy I feel like you could probably eat but the scissors were given so I'm going to peel back the shell I don't want to cut my M with all the pieces look at that beautiful beautiful mantis shrimp such a interesting [Applause] creature wow oh yeah that is so good really really soft meat and very sweet I can taste yeah I think it is cumin and there's a little bit of salt and pepper on the outside the shells they're deep fried so you can pretty much crunch them down some of the bigger pieces maybe not oh man the sweetness really really naturally sweet that's so good let's try to get into the tail this is much tougher shell definitely can't eat this it's got a really unique kind of purple color to it there we go see that it's almost purple isn't it I think I can peel that right out probably shouldn't be eating with my fingers but you know got to do what you got to do oh man damn that's so good that spice rub they have on the outside salty little spicy hints of cumin veggies I love how they don't overcook it here it's really crisp on the inside it's got a nice crunch to it super garlicky strong flavor and it's really like juicy like kind of explodes in your mouth yeah these go perfectly with the seafood cops are definitely my favorite but man this mantis shrimp is also super good kind of hard to get at definitely easier than the hairy crabs in Hokkaido which we were just at recently but this is so so good too it's so sweet and kind of Juicy like soft it's got a bounce on the outside but then when you get to the inside it's really creamy not really like a lobster or a shrimp it's it's Unique and the spices yeah so I just got the bill and I guess the way it works is you pay for the seafood and the cooking fee which is I guess separate so it came out to 971 a little bit pricey about $125 two scalps two big mantis uh shrimp but they do give you oranges for dessert I don't know if that's worth it but that was so good seafood in in Hong Kong so [Music] good so on the fifth floor of the Islamic Center here on Hong Kong Island you'll find the Islamic Center canteen which is famous for their dimsum and like I said certified Hal all Hal here and we've ordered up some classic Hong Kong dimsum so first off over here we've got the Shai so that is chicken shoi and wrapped in a beautiful dumpling wrapper and then over here the beef balls with tons of greens all steamed of course in the traditional basket this is traditional style but all which isn't very easy to find around here and then this one is awesome this is the Lotus root uh or sorry not Lotus root Lotus Leaf wrapped uh sticky rice with chicken inside so unfold that beautiful little package right there oh and it's so fragrant from that Lotus leaf and there's the sticky rice and you can see the chicken in there as well that's one of my favorite dishes anytime I go for dim some let me go in with my spoon for this can you see that beautiful Chicken on the inside right there oh that looks great let's try it MH a sticky rice just completely melt in your mouth it's got a really unique texture and it's got the essence of that Lotus Leaf gives it kind of like an earthy flavor and then really tender shredded chicken on the inside that's been brazed in all kinds of Cantonese spices m oh yeah I love that one because of the smell you can just smell it in your nose it's so fragrant all right the shoai maybe the most famous of all uh the dimsums this one with chicken and then a little dip in the chili soy sauce oh [Music] yeah M my God that is a really really good shumai I don't think I've ever had a chicken shumai before but it tastes amazing they're chili soy sauce really salty but it's got a nice kickless spice as well all Halal but that doesn't mean they compromise on any flavor or authenticity this tastes really legit any other Hong Kong non Halal in some place would have a run for their money competing with this place another classic the beef ball steam so you get that really unique texture these ones are big cut that in half let's try oh my God this is really really good D tell oh my gosh it's so delicious that just completely melts in your mouth too so tender and it's a little bit sweet fragrant yum oh that is awesome little crunchy green onions in there as well too okay let's go for a dip in the chili soy sauce with this beef ball and they they didn't have non chili soy sauce over there they only had soy sauce with chili so you got to be a little bit careful if you're not a spice lover [Music] the texture of that is incredible so creamy yum this is great so we are inside of a moss you can hear the call to prayer just started it's kind of a unique experience dining on traditional Chinese diom in a a totally Hal environment really great if you're Hal I totally recommend this place like I said earlier I don't think there's a whole lot of options here in Hong Kong but this this has got to be one of the best so the way this place works is you've got a little green card here and you just walk up to the front point out whatever one you want they'll mark it down on the card it's really quite affordable and we just polished off uh three baskets completely gone and going for a little bit of a sweet dessert and look at this I've never tried this one before it's called like a butter cake and she gave me like the biggest piece possible it's absolutely huge I don't know how they this must have been on the top because there's no way way another steam basket would have fit over top of that look at it's like half a loaf of bread I'm just going to go right in with my my fingers here and rip off a piece it smells really delicious buttery steamed bread oh smells nice and sweet too it's like a sponge cake buttery really fragrant too oh that's delicious it's called camwa beef oal so they serve curried beef innards I'm going to order up a bowl go grab a spot in line right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now yes this place is super super popular for their beef oal with curry and they have a literal bubbling cauldron full of every cut of beef imaginable I saw liver uh tripe intestines all kinds of tendon and they just kind of snip it up with the scissors into small bite-sized pieces and then they slap on a big uh poy Curry on top of that and then if you want you can also order it with spicy sauce which of course I did and here is my small bowl so this was I think it was 35 Hong Kong dollars and you can see I don't know really everything in here there is all kinds of interesting ingredients some tendon some tripe everything I just mentioned there and then it's just swimming in that Curry and it looks like they also put a piece of or a couple pieces of radish in there too like a daon radish so let me try to grab one of these really fatty pieces completely smothered in that curry sauce pouring rain nice and hot this will warm me up the curry really really strong curry flavor and then that piece was like attended I bit into it it melted but then there was also another piece that was a little bit crunchy chewy you get all kinds of strange textures going on in there okay let's go back in see what else we can find oh the flavor is phenomenal though I don't know what the hell any of this stuff is to be honest it's all just cut up and then covered in this uh Curry gravy you can't identify anything yum that pieza is nice and soft oh God the curry tastes amazing it's almost like a Japanese Curry tasting M that one definitely a little bit of a gy flavor you could definitely smell that uh those intestines coming from that bubbling cauldron let's try one of these pieces of uh radish as well and yeah it's definitely got a kick of spice too oh it's really good oh man that piece is awesome just melt completely melts in your mouth yum and this is one of the things you have to try in maau this whole street is just lined with different ones but this one at the biggest line I think it must be the most popular yum that is awesome just look at this all kinds of strange things going on in here I love these fatty pieces because well sometimes they melt in your mouse sometimes you get a little bit of a chewy piece too so fatty and the flavor is just phenomenal yum there's just a steady steady flow of tourists and locals I think there's a lot of tourists coming into maau it is a popular tourist destination for sure and uh well it doesn't matter because the tourists here know the good taste too yeahum it's not as uh funky as it smells I thought it was going to have a real strong Funk to it but really it doesn't it's overpowered by that Curry that pot is literally over flowing with intestines and liver and everything and they've got something that's kind of like bubbling up the the braze that it's brazing it's not the curry that is brazing in they put the Curry on after and man that was really delicious got to try that maau normally I'm not an intestin L but this is really good when the combination of intestine and Curry you should give it a try it's really good I hope you guys enjoyed this compilation video If You did leave a comment down below and let me know what country you'd like to see us do next that was the top 15 Street foods to try in Hong Kong and maau I'll see you guys on the next episode shopstick travel bye
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 91,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, street food, chopstick travel, luke martin, chopsticks travel, hong kong, hong kong street food, hong kong food, cantonese food, macau, macau food, macau street food, what to eat hong kong, what to eat macau, luke martin macau, luke martin hong kong, chinese food, chinese, china, chinese street food, cantonese, cantonese street food, seafood, seafood in hong kong, chopstick travels
Id: 9nOptOsJjr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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