Most Tragic Story In Genshin Impact! Scarlet King, Rukkhadevata & Nabu's Backstory! 3 Gods Of Sumeru

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the sumeru god Trio of knowledge or more accurately tragedy truly gentian impact never disappoints with its very tragic stories this time we will talk about the three God Kings of sumeru once three close friends who ruled over sumeru together each pursuing their own path to wisdom now all gone first the goddess of flowers Naboo who died sacrificing herself the second king desert the Scarlet King sentenced to death as punishment and the third Ruka devada made the ultimate sacrifice and was forgotten completely truly one of genjen's most tragic stories this will be somewhat of a two-part video as this will tie into my next video discussed in colombina and how I think this answers some questions about her and before we discuss the three gods of samaru I will very quickly recap the history of Tibet with the primordial one and the war with the second who came for that will make this whole video make way more sense but if y'all are very familiar with all that stuff feel free to skip as I will leave a timestamp in the description but with that out of the way let's begin foreign [Music] as a whole tavat before any Life as we know it today existed there was only dragons Bishops and similar creatures with seven solver dragonlords who ruled over tapat each representing each element the world was very different the atmosphere of the landscape life in general very different than we know it today until one day an unknown defender came to the world of Tibet and was known as the primordial one AKA fanas who battled and defeated the seven dragons after faunas would go on to create four Shades or Angels however you want to interpret that of himself or herself representing time space life and death all of the artifacts after would create humans and gods that would inhabit this new world and create the Earth to cater to them so that they could Thrive Thanos would then create Celestia in the Heavens to reside in long story short she was a benevolent and good God faunas rejoiced in Humanity's happiness and was essentially just a good overall being but after many many many years of life thriving another visitor came to do that known as the second who came the second who came the second Throne of the heavens appeared and started a war the heavens and earth were torn apart and during this period of strife economia dropped into the watery Abyss despite the people's pleas the primordial one and three of its Shades did not respond apparently the primordial one was victorious in this war against the second who came but now wanted to punish humanity and released the Divine nails that wiped out all the original civilizations the primordial one was no longer benevolent or was it really the second who came the sustainer of heavenly principles who won the war and under the primordial ones name destroyed her original World to recreate it in her own image wouldn't that make more sense I don't know about you but if I hijacked an entire world I would want to erase it and start fresh like a fresh piece of paper and would want this knowledge of what was before I came to be forbidden this concept of forbidden knowledge is important to sumero's history and will make everything make more sense now this brings us to Naboo the goddess of flowers who was actually alive during this time when the second you came arrived from beyond the stars and brought War to her kin the Celia is Naboo lived in the original World of the primordial one and was a member of the Sealy race she was later cast aside by the heavens along with the rest of her kin who were punished for an unknown sin by becoming stripped of their minds and becoming husks of their former selves as we see the Sealy today this also makes more sense why it wasn't actually the primordial one funnest but the second who came the sustainer to erase everything not some random Divine punishment out of nowhere the new flowers of paradise artifacts that states that Naboo believes the primordial one was punishing them but was known as a good God why after a war with the second Ducane would fauna's turn on everyone and annihilate all of her Creations makes way more sense and more motive for the sustainer to want to clean slate the world from what faunas had created hence the archon war at age of the seven either way you slice it or what you believe somehow despite the seedly racist punishment and being transformed Naboo was able to maintain her original form and survived she slipped through the cracks somehow and according to Legend she wandered the barren waists for 72 days Springs gushed from her wounds Gardens water lilies grew in these Gardens and the Gin that we've seen in 3.4 were born from them the first gin begged her to stay with them and she relented purple flowers resembling the moon bloomed wherever she stopped some time later she met greater Lord Ruka Nevada and King deshard The Scarlet King who shared his throne with them even though most of tivat's gods were already warring against each other for power during the arkhan war these three were known in sumero as the god Kings and became really good friends Naboo and King descher built the ancient civilization of akanoon in the desert as an Earthly Paradise the goddess of flowers was the originator and namesake of the sabzarus festival which originally commemorated greater Lord Ruka devada's birthday after greater Lord rukadavada's Death the subzarus festival became a celebration for her successor lesser Lord kusanali King desert was ambitious and rejected the gift granted by the Divine Throne wanted to seek his own path for his people Naboo warned him not to seek out Forbidden Knowledge telling him not to seek the master of the four Shades aka the primordial one and inquire the mysteries of the stars in The Abyss she tells him about the Divine nails and the calamities they caused however King deschert remained undeterrent and told her about his own Ambitions Naboo admired his rebellious spirit and decided to assist him in seeking the hidden knowledge all the while knowing that she would die for it so simply put I think the second who came aka the sustainer was the one actually offering this gnosis to desher not the primordial one like everyone thought and once she erased all of what fanas had created the new tevat was established with the seven archons Celestia offered King desert to be the archon of sumeru being that he was the strongest he declined and simply put he gave him the big middle finger as he felt the three of them ruling sumeru together was the right path for everyone and wanted not to be a god puppet for Celestia both were in fact true so in this state sumero absolutely thrived all three God Kings of sumero very close friends and worked well together and would often sit in chat having drinks and enjoying each other's company while all the other nations fought to seize power and the gnosis sumero shined as a nation who didn't need such conflict as their gods could work together and the nation thrived for it despite the sustainers or primordial ones distaste for it depending on who you think actually won nothing lasts forever though and with the odds stacked against them it was only a matter of time King deshard seemed to be a god with strong will and Ambitions either fearless or foolish as he was willing to rebel against the Divine while fully knowing the repercussions it would bring he has desires and Ambitions that has been kept a secret from most people and would shock even the wisest of gods it is hinted whatever his desires are rebelling and doing transgressions against the Divine are part of it on one night over drinks he shared all of his desires with Naboo after she had warned him the possible repercussions from the Heavenly principles further implicating what I suspect already about the second who came Naboo realized that King deshard's stubborn desire to rebel against the sustainer cannot be stopped while at the same time realizes that his desire may bring the possibility to transcend this absurd shackles that governs this world the same shackles that the fatoui now try to break and thus finally agrees to assist him manifesting his desires by fashioning a bridge and bestowing higher knowledge upon Him warning him that he will lose much in this exchange after certain rituals done by the two of them King desert emerges alone and Naboo the goddess of flowers was never to be seen again after the goddess of flowers willingly passes away King desert Mourns her deeply according to Legends he went to look for the Divine nail of the Sands and upon finding it used its power to build the Eternal Oasis as a cemetery for Naboo the goddess of flowers his oldest friend following her passing countless gin creations of Naboo became his servants he eventually went mad in his desire and greater Lord Ruka devada decided to leave and create her own Oasis in a corner of the desert building a thriving rainforest that we see today Lush and green later in his Madness king deshard would eventually unleash Forbidden Knowledge upon the world which would quickly devastate his people and bring the withering into existence with elazar being a manifestation of it on people Naboo tried to warn him and greater Lord Ruka devada who had left the desert and created the force by then came to his rescue and had priests build temples with the power of life to mitigate the disaster and the survivors of King deshard civilization would conjugate an aru Village since the Forbidden Knowledge remained a threat however King desert chose to sacrifice himself temporarily ending the disaster his Forbidden Knowledge this forbidden knowledge must have been the same that Great Serpent God or abashi learned about in economia and was also sentenced to death for it by having to sacrifice himself at the hands of the almighty Shogun this great Forbidden Knowledge the second who came's big secret the very existence of the old world under the primordial one who thrived this false world and false skydority mentions to nahida at the end of the archon quest the one king desert desperately wanted sumero to break away from the Divine shackles and the truth of everything up until this point it would make sense why this information would be forbidden by the sustainer and why the Travelers may have been prevented to leave at the start of the game in the opening cutscene this knowledge must never be known even in other worlds Ruka Nevada would save the desert but would not be able to save her friend now being the last of the god Kings of sumero she would have no choice but to submit to the Heavenly principles becoming the official archon of sumeru gaining a gnosis and was given the title the god of wisdom she created the aranara and with the help of her followers who would go on to establish the Academia Ruka Nevada developed a flourishing rainforest sumeru city that was built on a Divine tree a particularly massive tree located in sumero's rain forest region and the sages of sumero Academia assisted Ruka devada and managing the nation's Affairs now that brings us to the cataclysm 500 years before the start of the main story a bitter struggle between conria a nation doing exactly what king descher tried to do go to war with those who lived under Celestia's control including all the civilians that lived in tabat Seven Nations and the archons who ruled over them as well as an attack by the Abyssal monsters they would wreak havoc across Tibet the withering spread uncontrollably during this time throughout both the force and the desert causing Decay and destruction so terrible that it was called the black tide to put an end to this Devastation greater Lord Ruka Nevada embarked on a final Journey with some of her followers she ultimately descended to the heart of the land which the Abyssal creatures had made their dwelling and turned it into a cavern of the Damned where neither Sun Moon nor fire could shine Ruka devada never returned from this journey and is later confirmed that she was not actually summoned to participate in the war against conria but instead she had been tasked with the mission to protect ermensah the pollution of forbidden knowledge occurred alongside the disaster and had already invaded hermansal caused Great distress to Ruka Nevada she created the Akasha system to borrow her citizens dreams and wisdom and used her own strength for the second time to clear the Forbidden Knowledge like how she did with King deshard thousands of years ago however she realized that the Forbidden Knowledge caused corruption to her own mind as well as she was the Avatar of the world tree she realized that her existence must be eliminated because her existence was still present in urban saal even after her death before her demise Ruka devada prepared for her next Incarnation by cultivating the purest branch of hermansal and left a trail of Clues let the world completely forget me and thus lesser Lord kusanali AKA nahida was born over time and with the help of the academius misinformation campaign the people of sumero have forgotten the true history between Ruka devada and King deshard over thousands of years ago some believe that a battle between the two was what created sumero's desert and fnatic followers of King Desert View Ruka devada as a traitor who betrayed him and took the place of archon this giant lie of what really happened allowed the sages to maintain tight control over information in sumero by pitting the people of the forest against the erminites making it easy for sages to manipulate both groups from behind the scenes you all know what happens from here in the archon quest and how it all ends after scatamucha's defeat greater Lord Ruka devada was removed from Urban Soul by nahida due to Greater Lord Ruka Nevada's connection to hermansal her existence was polluted by Forbidden Knowledge and thus continued to pollute hermansal even after her death and Ruka Nevada the last of the god Trio of sumero was forgotten entirely her impact creation of the rainforest existence gone like it never happened thus completing the trio of tragedy and one of the most devastating stories in gentian Impact one God sacrificed herself for her friend's ambition to help break the shackles of This World by Celestia and the sustainer the next drove himself mad in this Pursuit and was sentenced to death the third having no choice but to take the role and the shackles that came with it being forced to safeguard this forbidden knowledge in hermansal control the corruption place within it and ultimately paid the highest price out of all of them never to be remembered again the gods of sumeru truly stood out compared to all the other nations refusing to go to war with each other and accept the heavens rules choosing to work together and Thrive for their people which makes all of their Fates even more tragic this is what standing up to tyranny means living this giant simulation and lie under the sustainers rule and what happens to those who stand up against it now it is the Teresa's turn the cryo archon to stand up seize each gnosis cutting ties and control Celestia has over them and ultimately go to war with the heavens for the fate of Tibet and to break the cycle going back to the old world hopefully the fatoui the harbingers and the Teresa are able to succeed in completing King deshard and conria's work but what do you think I hope you all enjoyed this video on the most tragic story in genshin impact sumero has some very interesting gods and a very interesting backstory to its entire history forbidden knowledge is a thing that they talk a lot about and I covered this a lot in my video talking about hermansal but let me know what you guys think and let me know if you guys agree I really truly do believe that furnace the primordial one wasn't responsible for its destruction the Divine nails and erasing the old world where everyone thrived it makes way more sense that a second Ascender would usurp and cleanse everything she or he had created it makes more sense to me and using Urban Salt as a way to keep this knowledge forbidden and plague it like almost like a virus in a computer system would make a lot of sense and I have to give respect to all the gods of sumero King deshard could have accepted a gnosis and took control of sumero but chose to work alongside his friends for the betterment of everyone not only did he realize that they all brought something to the table to help everyone in sumeru but he didn't want to be a puppet for Celestia he was able to do something even Rex lapis Jung Lee venti Barbados and the rad and Shogun were not able to do stand up to them he paid the price for it But ultimately I think the archons that we know today have many many regrets of their whole lives and I think King desert and the tsariza have a lot in common but I hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know what you guys think in the comments I'd love to hear you guys feedback stay tuned for my Colombian video because I believe a lot of the stuff we just talked about really ties into a lot of different things I can speculate about her now that we have more information and as always we will see you all in the next video later [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Gamer Chronicles
Views: 12,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Most Tragic Story In Genshin Impact, King Deshret, Rukkhadevata & Nabu's Backstory! 3 Gods Of Sumeru, Genshin Columbina, Genshin Fontaine Leaks, rukkhadevata Lore, Goddess of Flowers, Genshin Goddess of flowers, Goddess of flowers story, Scarlet King Death, Scarlet King Lore, Genshin Scarlet King, 3.5 Archon Quest, 3.6 Leaks, Baizhu Genshin, Baizhu Leaks, Baizhu Gameplay, 4.1 Leaks, Genshin Full Story, Fontaine Story Explained, 4.2 Genshin Leaks
Id: Hyf4WhL5CUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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