NBA Open Court Greatest CLUTCH Shots In PLAYOFFS History

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what you can anticipate happening and clearly the fact that you know he's coming but to be that open i don't care about foot speed you got to you got to figure out a way to where he's not either going to get the ball or he's not going to get it that open and he hit a tough shot but that was just that was horrible defense i think matt to your question where does he rank i think i'm a basketball field guy even from a young age i just feel certain guys uh-oh get up on them when nick had the basketball when g hill had they got a chance then there are some guys i'm at home even when i played in knowledge and i'm sitting there going so i um know where i rank him i think mine is a field you know you start to sit up he gives you that you start to see it yeah i remember watching music i said oh let me sit up a little bit there's some guys well even though he's a great player i just don't have that feeling i remember i remember the bulls playing the knicks at halftime he was four out of seven so he's 10 out of 12 here and he's done a great job comes into tony look out it's online [Applause] and scotty got mad because he didn't call it for him tony comes out makes the shot they ask field at the end of the game why did you go to crew coach instead of going to pippen phil said i just felt that tony could make the shot just just for you in that period of time it wasn't about what do you remember that in chicago i mean pippin was mad he was like i should i should get the ball like this and he didn't come out and stay on the bench no he's selling man like this they ran the play score and they show people sitting there like yeah coach came out boom won the game yeah and phil was like i i just felt that tony could make the shot and that's what you're talking about hey all that discussion that was just about the first round coming up great clutch moments from the nba's second round the reason why larrybird got so hot in that game in that fourth quarter kevin willis and ein berg was running down the court and kevin reaches across me and puts his finger and larry burst just said don't let this so-and-so score anymore tonight and i'd love to kevin uh what you doing are you crazy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 2.5 seconds jordan again again the pull-up jumper by barkley falls with 1.6 seconds remaining and san antonio uses their final timeout down by two what else can charles barkley do out of the corner for three [Applause] [Applause] to the line with a chance to tie the game welcome back everybody it's open court clutch here on nba tv and we just saw some of the the greatest clutch shots from the nba playoffs second round and i'm going right to you because i've seen that dance many many times in studio it's even better when you see it after the maid shot that's my happy dance and i was definitely he was less happy well he was less happy but they had beat us the year before so when i made that shot that that actually gave us a lift and sent us you know kind of on our way uh but i was i was really happy about making that shot and i remember being in a huddle the only thing i wanted to do was get to the basket i said i'm not gonna settle for a shot and once i got the basketball and they didn't force me left and they let me go right i was like are you lost [Laughter] i got the basketball i'm going right you you lost and we had three guys to challenge that shot yeah i mean it's like when he made that shot i mean you could just all the air just went away like we knew we lost that game how was your huddle before that oh we knew we were going to win the game we said we just have to get this stop guy it was hyped in the huddle you know because we had played such a great game throughout do you remember are you saying isaiah pushing right push him left because that's what i like to hear no but he's actually we thought that dumas was going to get the shot and he was going to be the decoy didn't work out that way i love that huddle yeah that was the play right for for you to get the ball and just go for it yes okay yeah so that's what i like z that in that huddle when joe's gonna get it is it again because we say okay we just get the ball out of his hands and joe dumas is going to be the one to get the shot so we just got a challenge but it didn't work out that way he got to the ball very quickly and he just when he got it he just took off yeah you know we got the bathroom i'm like oh oh man this is over with speaking of great players and i got to ask dominique you and larry bird playoffs the battle one most clutch moments i remember watching it as a kid got me hyped i went outside and started shooting outside of the playground yeah pretending i was both of y'all but 1988 they'll have to be one of them semi-finals nick and bird you know we we we should eliminate eliminate them in six and i remember byrd made a prediction at the end of that game he said i guarantee you'll win atlanta blew the opportunity and i'm like hey i don't know what bird talking about we have a great opportunity we going in there we gonna kick their butt we coming to win it i don't care what he said if you guys ain't ready to fight you ain't ready to go to war don't even count on the court unfortunately bird was telling his teammates the same thing in the other locker room so it kind of set up for that great game but i'm gonna tell you i really believe this the reason why larrybird got so hot in that game in that fourth quarter kevin willis and i and bird was running down the court and kevin reaches across me and puts his finger in and larry bird's chest said don't let this so-and-so score anymore tonight and i look to kevin uh what you doing are you crazy leave him sad let him stay asleep yes you know it's like his eyes got this big and i knew it was on there i knew it was when you talk about the clutch shots he hit 10 clutch shots that was going to say that you had 47 in that game larry bird had 34 but 20 of those in the fourth quarter so clutch is not just the final three or four seconds of the game and the thing is we were sending everybody at him to slow him down he was so hot that i think one of the shots he hit was a left-handed three that's when you know a guy is there yeah larry bird hit more clutch shots you know in pressure situations any place i told you about each and every one right oh yeah he would call the spot yeah you know but he never caught a spot against me that's kind of disrespectful you know but you know what i thought was the the biggest shot in that series that whole series because we had one and we was waiting to play the winner of atlanta boston and we was actually rooting for boston because we we wanted to play boston wanted another rematch so forth and so on and we didn't want to play you guys because y'all were you know athletic big strong y'all had our number we have been battling back and forth i think it was game six at your place y'all had a chance to close them out yep first player of the game dumars and i on the phone because we're watching the game and we taking notes we on the phone the first play of the game the tip goes to danny ainge he comes up the first play of the game pulls up and knocks down the three wow bam and that set the tone yeah they beat y'all game six in atlanta and joe and i watched the whole game by two and it beat us by two and yeah we watched the whole game we taking those three writing stuff down after after y'all lost game six joe and i hung up we said all right we playing boston because they ain't gonna win in boston is how both sides look at it years later you think about derrick fisher in 2004 uh and that was a huge part of the lakers championship years but for all their success the folks in san antonio think point four and remember that pain like it was yesterday and i don't know if that falls under the category of clutch or more or quirkiness obviously he hit the shot but you look at it from the other side and so often the teams and their fans who've lost that game think back point four oh the worst they get it to fisher he scores scores at the buzzer it'll have to be reviewed they'll review it they'll review it the lakers are going to run to the dressing room and they'll try to get on the plane before the officials can get over to the scorers table when you're in that moment both huddles are trying to figure out offensively are we going to execute who's getting the ball go to the second option go to the third option then on defense you're like i got him are we gonna switch no don't switch let's go baseline there's so much confusion and we call it organized chaos who is going to figure out through all this chaos who's going to get the ball but more importantly who's going to finish it and i think that's the most exciting part to you point four you shouldn't get a shot off derek fisher gets a shot off wait in the huddle after the huddle yeah they're walking out and you're walking out and you're walking up right yeah secondary huddle coach carl to play in the hunter we we're walking down all right or on defense when they say we're switching are we switching before the ball comes in when the ball is already here like you want to give them all clarified all right have you ever been in this situation i know you guys haven't coached said you're switching everything and you have that one teammate you're going yeah yeah i'll get through yeah yeah that's great with yours we'll take a break here on open court conference finals clutch moments when we come back the little known secret is they still kind of don't like each other look at this [Music] [Applause] samsung [Applause] mckee [Applause] into sean elliott he fires the three [Applause] brian single coverage with phillips on james working it down five seconds four three james scores with two or two to go the cavaliers lead 109 107 and the pistons call for times [Applause] a couple of appearances from the king there in the clutch moments from the conference finals back on open court clutch here and i want to start with the stockton shot from 1997. he was clutching that game 15 of his 25 were in the fourth quarter but on that particular shot how clutch and possibly illegal was karl malone's screen uh uh it was really really close to being illegal but the ref didn't call it so it was a good play but zeke and i were talking about a few nights ago about john stockton that when you watched him play he was so unselfish to a fault in our opinion because he could score the basketball but because he liked to pass grant you look at his game he said well he's leading the league leading the nba in history and assists but john stockton could score the basketball so when he made clutch shot like that i wasn't surprised yeah we were always happy at the end of the game when he would pass the ball because he was a he was shooting over 50 from the field he was plus 85 from the line he wasn't turning the ball over a lot at the end of the games so he was clutch so you wanted to seduce him to pass and because he fell into in my opinion this whole past first point guard type of mentality i think it cost him because if stockton would have been if stockton would have scored more i think they would have won more championships we saw your uh your happy dance earlier in the show ten years later reggie miller did sort of a modified zeke happy dance after a game-winner against the bulls and recently he explained to us just how it was that he got himself open well i knew ron harper was guarding me and i knew that they were going to switch michael jordan who was i believe guarding mark jackson or someone up top so when i came up i knew the switch was going to happen i needed to get the separation so i kind of elbowed nudged okay shoved michael jordan now the way to create that separation and go to the past where derek was going to lead me and uh it was a perfect pass perfect execution and the rest is history now i got to ask you where was randy brown going he knew brandy knew as soon as the ball touched my hands game time all right let's get ready for the next one randy knew isn't that right randy [Laughter] reggie was never shy about telling people about it yeah he shoved he admits he shoved is that clutch yes yes right whatever it takes and just to add to reggie miller there are some guys i've guarded and i said well i don't know what he's going to do what what was crazy about reggie to me was he was shooting a jump shot right there was he was not going to the bucket he wasn't shooting the layup to know that he was shooting a jump shot and he didn't have the greatest handles to get open but to be able to run shove grab fight back in the day we run through the back stop yep he did whatever it took to get open and you knew he was shooting a jump shot and the bad part about it was you didn't want to file him so you always you always left yourself an inch late because he would pump fake and most young guys don't do this anymore and jump into you and kick his foot out he know everything about reggie okay now the little known secret is they still kind of don't like each other look at this i'm in the room and i'd say okay i'ma watch this you know they they friendly hey how you doing but it's still to look like man it was such because we battled so much and we never really even had conversation until we got out though yeah that kind of talked we all had guys we didn't like but the overall no no i wouldn't say i didn't like you know what i i it's funny when i come out my first game in the league and i was in the all-star game my rookie year and i'm in there and like scottie pippen's there and pat ewing and all these guys that i've grown up watching and dewmars is with me and and he's like we don't talk to like we we we're the pistons we don't we don't frat we don't hang out with these guys on other teams and so i was like oh okay and i just feel like we all kind of play obviously you guys before but at a time where you weren't close with guys on other teams now got everybody handshakes before the game they won't get up before the night before example person and i to this day probably don't like each other you know we'll walk by each other hey what's up and keep going you know the competitive nature of our match-ups when we're playing each other i mean we fought every game right i'm coming physically we fought because again they was trying to create an edge we were trying to create an edge i want to get to lebron's game in 2007. what's remarkable to me about that and this is maybe the peak of lebron's athletic prowess back then but first of all he carried that team to the nba finals secondly you guys know from watching him over the years his first instinct is to play me he wants to pass the ball so for him to score that many 48 to get his team through that that's an amazing thing it really is because when he was young was trill's trying to figure out to your point he's a facilitator likes to pass but he was in attack mode that night once he got around 20 22 hey man somebody will get the ball out of his hands i don't need to watch no more of this he's going to the basket he's making his free throws he's starting to make threes so when you're watching that game that fourth quarter guys i'm like why are they not getting the ball out of his hand well he realized too in that situation that he had to score for them to win right they weren't going to win if he didn't score he had to get more offensive minded for them to get to that and that's kind of my point that's the clutchness of it to me is that he read the game and knew what was required and what was impressive was that at the time that piston team was a great defensive team yes probably the best defensive team in the league during that time and a young 21 year old you know all of a sudden realizing okay i'm i'm gonna take over and and you know he i mean he put on that might have been one of his best performances ever we'll take a pause when open court continues clutch from the nba finals they got a two-on-one in the lane they kick it turn around kick it back out to paxton and he said when he saw the ball going out to paxton he knew he's gonna knock it down won't start until it's touched they'll have to throw it up gorham turn around shot in the air they want michael to get a full head of steam try to keep him in the middle of the floor [Applause] take a yes lead and phoenix calls for time with three and five tenths seconds remaining in the fourth quarter here's jordan did not have the shot for [Applause] with 3.6 remaining miami out of timeouts trailing by two james back to wade wayne puts it up for the win off the mark and dallas has tied the finals some great uh clutch moments from the nba finals here on open court as we continue on nba tv and i want to talk sort of pair them well first of all let me begin the segment by saying we've all agreed we're not going to talk about kenny smith's shop just because not because it wasn't a great shot not because it wasn't a great clutch moment but mostly because it's kenny and we all know he doesn't need the ego boost or the attention and matt i'm still sensitive too well that's a fair problem all right so let's let's talk about it that's a fair let's talk about robert i want to pair the the packs and and ker shots together and talk to me a little bit about how clutch it is to be not the primary focus of a play when you're playing with a guy like michael jordan but knowing that the ball could very well end up coming your way and you need to deliver well michael always told guys like kerr and paxton look you guys you shooters if we pass them you got to make these shots so it was a lot of pressure on them to make open shots so you always have to be ready prepared but again you talk about the trust that's the trust that they had in each other and we all love to hate chicago and detroit and detroit the bad boys but that was the thing that those guys trusted each other enough that you could pass it to them in clutch situation they was going to knock down well and to that point guys you look at kerr and paxton those guys aren't taking 15 and 20 shots a night that's right sort of like six or seven or eight so they have to be ready to shoot we look at the kyle quarters of the world every night what you do is stretch the defense they give spacing for guys like you guys to operate and get to the paint because those guys now on the floor now the clean or the lane is clogged up now you don't have room to operate but they also that's right they also practice to prepare for those exactly so it's not about volume it's about being ready and those guys are always ready to take a big shot that's a different mindset though yeah i mean because when you're that guy you you know during the course of a game i'm getting 20 shots you know i can start off i can miss you know my first three or four shots right and still get into a rhythm and a flow but you might not touch the ball the entire fourth quarter and then all of a sudden when it's money time the ball's in your hands and so as you say practicing and preparing for that moment i don't know that's a different it's a different mindset i got a chance to see steve kerr which i like you say pop calling he hadn't played the entire game that series against san antonio and dallas to take off your snaps even though you warm up and all just sit there z and then a kick out and you hit threes yeah yeah you're not in the florida game you haven't touched it you haven't got a lot of shots to me that's a different type of skill set which is tough even though it's not a lot of pressure on you because you're not the guy you still haven't warmed up and got a chance to be in the floor of the game yeah it definitely i i i would agree with everything you're saying and but i would say there's a however do you agree or disagree but there's different levels of clutch when yes when you when you wide open and you got to catch shine ain't nobody around i mean ain't nobody around and you catch it and you shooting ain't no pressure ain't nobody flying at you i mean that's that's different when somebody you know chipping holding your hands and those two examples there were were paxson and kerr hits those shots if they didn't hit those shots all of it would be on jordan why did jordan pass the ball away good call yeah so when you're that guy that guy at the end of the day if you don't win then all the blame is going to be on your shoulders so i was with barclay and this is how crazy it was we were talking about this play it was he mike fratello and i and several others sitting around and and barclay was talking about how he still dreams about he got doubled kicked it out to marley marley missed his shot that's right so they double jordan on that inbounds play he comes off he said he left scotty came off got the ball out of jordan's hand it kicked back to scotty he said scotty's coming down the lane with a two-on-one is he and horace grant now i'm just i'm echoing barkley here parker you say well we knew scotty wasn't going to shoot it so they threw it to horse we knew horace wasn't going to shoot it say they got a two-on-one in the lane they kick it turn around kick it back out to paxton and he said when he saw the ball going out to paxton he knew he's going to knock it down try to keep him in the middle of the floor yes the balls take a one-point lead and phoenix calls for time when you talk about making the right basketball play barclay made the right basketball play by throwing it out to marley marley missed his jordan made the right basketball play pippin pac pippen horace grant made the right basketball play paxton made the shot so when you think about robert orry for instance he was open big shot how do you categorize his level of clutchness to use i mean what's interesting about him and i don't know if there's a guy in the league who's had a career like him but would would kind of coast during the regular season it was like everything he did was preparing himself for the playoffs and he had great moments big moments big shots is that fate tapping him on the shoulder and making him the guy in those those moments is there something about robert i think he just likes i mean i think he's somebody who you trust in that situation that's somebody who wants the shot in that particular pledge but it's in multiple teams with robert orri so it's tapping on faith and sticking to who you are in houston everybody's gone regular season average about 89 points rebounding the solid defender but something happens when that lights get brighter and we're all saying the right thing he's been on the right teams the ball is moving and for some reason he's that guy on what we call swing swing on the side of the floor and he's knocked down everything he played with guys that got double right that's what i'm saying exactly and give him a lot of credit i give him i give all them guys credit but they're hitting them with some guys that you double team well he's hit more open shots than most first open shots he was one of those guys when he went out to him i said that's good but you look at a guy like jordan he made clutch plays after clutch play it's one game talking about that craig hodges when he was playing in chicago with jordan now they didn't hit him at the end of the game but them threes that craig hodges was knocking down before before curve before paxton i mean the one for me vinnie johnson shot yeah i mean that but smith they're going to be here tell the story though cause he ha he's having an mvp finals and he's rolling vinnie vinnie was vinnie had the mismatch and this was talking about your situation where i would have went to whitman instead of going to you in that series i'm standing out there i'm hot and i'm looking over and i see jerome kirsty on benny johnson right and i'm like vinnie is hot as a pistol i'm having a great series but vinnie had just made three in a row brought us back and jerome kersey's guarding vinnie johnson i'm like i know he's got no shot you got to give it up but the the lazy [Laughter] we used to call vinnie the hooves right yes we used to call him the who and when he when he made the shot we would say he hooed him all right up next what we're calling our famous five clutch playoff shots from the last 40 years he went into the lane and i'm thinking pass but for him to shoot a roll hook and if you go back to see this is closer to the free-throw line yeah the dotted line [Applause] the celtics trail by one with two seconds to go bounce pass comes in detroit here's michael in the foul line a shot on hilo the bull's win cleveland cavaliers michael jordan hits it at the foul line it's a two-point sacramento league we're down to seven seconds bryant putting a move on christie [Applause] rebounding [Applause] [Music] 5.2 seconds left michael jordan running on fumes with 45 points should miami go for the three right away just attack the basket james catches puts up a three won't go rebound bosch back out to allen his three pilots remaining that's what we're calling our famous five greatest clutch moments from the last 40 years of nba playoff basketball for you what what is what is the greatest clutch moment or shot however you want to define well i look at that miami game because basically san antonio had really brought out the champagne ready to celebrate a lot of miami fans never saw that shot by the way they left the building and basically a lot of fans was leaving and for them actually tim duncan came out of the game so you took one of those main rebounders away probably wouldn't have happened if he stayed in the game and to to miss that shot and kick out to rail and he had time to gather himself to get behind that line to knock down the shot was incredible i have to agree as much as i'm a magic johnson fan still my favorite player of all times a little running hook around being in my living room exciting like oh yes i hope one day i can get a shot like that but to nick's point we're all standing there i'm standing next to kevin control researchers we see the yellow ropes come out we're like well look like san antonio do it again when you're watching that place the rebound and ray allen never looks down that's what's so amazing to me this back pedals feet are perfect there's a shooter you lock up and fall through the gooseneck is there he knocks it down everybody goes crazy and for those miami heat fan i know they mad trying to get through the one let me back in what happened too late the game's over i'm gonna go with jordan um utah everybody knows the ball is coming to him all eyes are on him he's got to get a shot somehow he maneuvers gets his man off balance was that a foul [Music] but even though he got open and that's that's what i mean by clutch and pressure because everybody knows it's coming to him you got to make it you got to get open he finds a way to get open right and now he's standing at the foul line after you know a historic career you standing at the foul line and you knock that shot down and he captures the moment after he makes the shot i think he understood the moment the utah fans in the building understood the moment and it was just one of those priceless moments in sport where when he stood there and just held the gooseneck the ball was in the hole and it was it was like it was like muhammad ali standing over sunny listening it was great think of the context of that play what had happened in the last couple of trips down the floor he had scored a bucket on a drive he had stripped carl malone on the previous defensive possession and that turned out to be his final shot as a chicago bull to win an nba finals and i say if stockton did not throw it to malone and the ball would have stayed in stockton's hands utah don't lose that game he's taking this job stockton is about to point guards and we got to stay together we're in the club i'm with you john well the competitor in me i can't give give it to a contemporary of mine so i got i can't got you know so i'm gonna say i gotta go with that magic shot you know growing up big fan uh of of the lakers um and you know for him really somebody who i don't recall really hitting a lot of clutch game-winning shots throughout his career great passer great player but just i don't remember him you know 5-4-3-2-1 hitting a shot but to go in the lane against boston and that hook shot over mikhail and parish uh really taking that shot from kareem and and incorporating that into his game uh i thought that was you know i mean here we are in the nba finals hitting a hook shot to win the game against the celtics like to me as a fan um you know that that's something i always remember as a broadcaster chick hearn's call very close one of the best very you know and i was grant you stole it for me because that magic johnson because of like you said it's the lakers franchise and the celtics at the boston garden which you two got a chance to be there and then yeah i was at that game magic the play wasn't for him and he was dancing and trying to get there and me being a big magic johnson fan and then to add to what grant said he went into the lane and i'm thinking pass but for him to shoot a roll hook and if you go back to see this is closer to the free throw line yeah yeah yeah the dotted line right and to hit that and you know what i'll just keep waiting for that series to keep running afterwards yeah because you know me i'm always that let let the whole play go through the happy dance and then irvin steady running i mean the magic johnson hook this is one of the toughest shots yeah you can shoot a jump no question right now you can shoot a jumper but go out there and try to make a roll hook over was that kevin mchale in paris it's hands down magic johnson shot for me you know what that's a great reminder that these all these clutch moments we've been talking about don't happen in a vacuum there's years or weeks or thousands of shots or whatever it is that lead up to those uh this was fun guys you know i would describe your performances here as uh as clock check yeah nicely done and look who got the ball
Channel: Gerry Cash
Views: 366,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t_9Ol8yoSqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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