$300,000.00 SPENT ON THE MONEY TRAIN ! Best unit ever ! I bought an abandoned storage unit

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that's what I'm talking about we paid 1,800 and this is 1/4 of the actual cost of the stores thing is locked there's something in there maybe $100,000 maybe the coin collection maybe all the gold coins I don't know there's something in this box right here this human being minimum of 300 thousand upwards of a half million dollars ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it's pirate time we are here I'm waiting for my friends youtubers we got today Locker nuts we got storage doctor we got treasure hunting with Jebus we got baby Jebus and we might even have a little mamas stalker Manny couldn't make it today he had to go worry about a $6,000 storage unit he bought what you'll see on his channel to comprar no that's for co-op though a comprar doe a bond the notes that's besito I I'm gonna get his name right I apologize Manny I'm gonna I'm saying it because I'm not gonna chicken out but we are about to get embark on this $1,800 I think there is possibly 40 grand a plus and toys in this storage unit we will only know after we start getting through it but as soon as they show up we'll get started I'm a pirate so I'm always on the sea ready to go but before we can start I want to show you guys something I just did look at this beauty right here and this is the unveiling of my latest project what you guys think tell me about this in the comment section I spent a little bit of money on this but advertising is everything in this world I went all in on this my whole one trailer entire trailer is just wrapped logos YouTube etc etc don't forget to hit the subscribe button YouTube Instagram Facebook storage auction pyro even got it in the front so no matter what angle you're looking at you're going to see guys really you're one of those kids always wants to kick the ball and you're playing catch huh I hate that when you're playing catch or something there's always that one kid who wants to kick the football instead throw it and you got to run around everything I hate that kid been a hectic morning already we got Alex jack Liz they're over there well looking at Jack's video we've got stuff that needs to be filmed it's been in kind of a it's a hectic situation when you buy it the first thing you think about when you buy a storage unit is the value of everything in the storage and retaining that as as youtubers we're always trying to do other things because we're trying to make videos etc etc and I like to make sure we don't lose any money that's my main thing always is trying to get the value and move quick because YouTube takes half of our time so we got stuff that's really good here you could just tell by looking at axes are mark they say train things or they weren't pack so we're setting everything aside here that we feel we need to pack when I'm loading everything that we need to take to the market because this doesn't have really any value I was helping the littlest of Jebus is mr. baby Jebus so I missed a lot of these boxes hopefully Alex and whoever else was in there is going to do trying to pull out the stuff that looks like man they actually made it through and got the good stuff out because armament achilles pirate I'm not saying that I have the most knowledge in the world when it comes to this stuff but I have bought in so many units and touched so many millions of pieces that it's like hitting the equal sign a calculator for me very often I just see and no value instantly and I'm very anal that I don't like stuff being overlooked so hopefully we got this all worked out in the process Jack I see you over here filming Jack I see you over filming I don't know what that is because we're filming I don't think we can't let the world see they're gonna have to go to Jack's Channel to see what you took right are you liking the show so far okay how many $25 items that take to get to million dollars 40,000 40,000 okay we've don't underestimate 20-25 our bills but don't forget to forget a little bit don't forget to go this man channel to watch some of the videos on what oh there's miss state quarters I know I'm a party pooper I'm a fun stuff here but now that means if there's silver dollars no a safe and I guess I got dibs on the safe but what I am seeing ladies and gentlemen sneak peek I'm seeing $500 items what is it I always say I always say that I like gold silver and gems and that doesn't always necessarily mean that gold silver and gems come in the form of a mineral they can just mean something that's very valuable you always hunt treasures and this is the type of stuff I love when you find here this is in the world of trains gold silver and gems this box right here I'm speculating well I'm not speculating because I've already been looking up these things as I've been unloading them and this one sold with the best offer of 575 and it says pre-owned this one here so pre-owned for 99 this one here sold pre-owned for 65 and then you have this one guy who was like I'm gonna be in a hurry to sell and he let his self for for 61 78 but see how that number his chances are he let it bid and when you let something like this go to oxygen bid you're always gonna get far less I think this right here because it's pre-owned is every bit of 500 to upwards of $750 sealed new in the box just for this one locomotive right here that's what I'm talking about we paid 1,800 and this is 1/4 of the actual cost of the storage unit this one I haven't had a chance to look up I'm gonna do here in a second but it's also it's got a serial number this one here is a DSP are it's a 2 0 to 8 D we look at that Denver Park Railroad pre-owned 480 pre-owned 420 actually now that we're looking at this one says 605 it says 5 pre-christmas controllers creon 605 but this one here is sealed new in the box and I'm speculating it once again that this is going to be $500 basically if you look at those two trains right here let's put them back up all nice and pretty if you look at those two trains these two two items right here two items Alex this one I hear is also a nice and says numbered series you think things that are numbered series are always gonna be better but that doesn't necessarily mean it to be true let's look it up real quickly this is how fast research there's like this is like all you need to do to research his item list on ebay I can have this on eBay in the next two minutes if I wanted to but I don't have that kind of time numbers say I don't even see one of these so here we go 179 nineteen pre-owned so basically what I'm hearing is this one here pre-owned is 200 we could probably get 300 for our sealed in the box Wow then pirates this is we got here pirates this thing is locked there's something in there maybe a hundred thousand dollars maybe the coin collection maybe all the gold coins I don't know there's something in this box right here that we're gonna get to soon as I'm done looking some trains Alex I want I got you something for Christmas I need you to open this as a Christmas present I got for you look no it's a real ball can you open it for us it's for you for Christmas oh you want to film it no wow are you excited to disappoint it you think so yeah it's for you for Christmas you got to take it home put it on your tree yes it's made for around the Christmas tree well the Holiday Express animated transept see the little Christmas decorations cutter bucks all right I can't give it to you for Christmas I take it back you can't have for Christmas Alex mmm about three four hundred all right you can't have it sorry how many Indian givers you squeeze as tight as you can and you just look at it I would go from underneath and people think they say an apple a day I got you a tool to wedge with get this in here and then maybe pry upwards or something you know this reminds me of ladies and gentlemen if you haven't seen this video the day we try to fix a go-kart or scooter oh you just take this apart you just pop the dish you this rain this is how you uh jumpstart a scooter what you gonna get in there though underneath I'm trying to help you well first off the toys so Louis Vuitton Oh pirate soccer you know that that is a $400 on ebay sold still got the tag let me get our tool so how'd you get your site open what the knife cheater ooh horn oh you said you say pumpkin or I face it effing eater sorry I did about you test I heard pumpkin weird ready sit oh yeah my we can't is it that some of those photos again might just be it's just a man's vacation when he went to work when he was younger don't underestimate a packrat this month let's see it 100 grand ooh this is uh talk about my feelings Superior Court I was sued that's why I turn the camera around so I want to see everybody look at my face and how disappointing sir I wish you would have put some money in this now whatever thanks for the trains I want you to go these trains there's two trains here let's see what you got so far those two trains were over half the money back that when we're almost impossible just three boxes oh it is it was it he wants to take it out you hold that in I'll hold this thing ready to go tag team back again check to the back and let's begin something that is extremely value but I guarantee they will never be have those in them and that brings up the price of laughs I thought that is lubricant no his lubricant good to see you I need to see it we did the wait a minute you did take two oh it's all the stuff that came out of here oh gosh guys we're horrible here it came out of that pocket he goes in the end then we failed you stock numpy it failed again here it is brand-new unopened the value on this one you know what I haven't had all day what what's helpful oh I bet you senior senior lunch see that there weren't gloves like look how Purdy them hands are thanks guys for your vice that's the one right there $36 King it's 400 basic okay 436 dollars chip ching 400 micron 300 and stock goes worldwide because Mike hangs honest doctor good to go alright but here's the thing we're on I think one two three still is close to profit yeah but the four of these paid for the unit let's see what this fifth one is Jackie got a knife poor set what happened to Jack's knife let's all think back to that time when Alex lost uncle Michaels sons knife when we heard about that for four months Jack you want to help him open his he struggles or getting his open safely yeah near the wood yeah you hear Jack's voice cracking as he's telling this story because he's sad right now you see 16 to 80 locomotive then we have to point out because everybody likes to see them ready go train all these trains these trains are insane and cash in late 1985 we're side the new what was your name in 1985 since you're rapping can we can we Oh what does he go for hey what are you thinking goes fun we don't need to already go to look that's already done pre-owned guys is 249 but that's pre-owned this is brand sealed new so I'm thinking waiting 54 I'm thinking 354 so let's just say like this let's say four hundred four hundred five to seven five to seven 250 what's that it's a thousand but they could be 1,400 cuz pre-owned sold by 25 we pay what for the storage unit 18 books I want to tell you guys that this right here puts us in the profit these five little boxes on the whole entire unit congratulations guys all I gotta say is I love it when you buy a 10 by 20 full floor to roof top to bottom left to right circumference completely taken care of couldn't squeeze the envelope in over a thousand boxes probably and five of them pay for the entire unit five we got so much work to do guys there'll be a lot more videos coming from this I hope you're excited cuz we saw just a lot just in this little tiny video we got all this to film here all the lights not working well we got all that going to the flea market we are pulling out boxes for twenty fifty hundred five hundred dollars a box it's not stay tuned don't forget to go to watch Channel storage doctors little moments toppers treasure hunting with cheapest baby Jebus and Manny's Channel comprendo necesito el mundo dos come on D DOS and we will put the links in the description one of those who so before we get on to the rest of the videos in this and you check our wheels because I want to touch on something list asked a very important question to Alex in his video the other day and it got in my brain she asked him how much money you think was spent on this unit and we started really analyzing first off two units one was 40,000 and rent one was 60,000 rank give or take a few dollars it was a hundred thousand and rent over the period of thirty three years on those two units right off the bat then you have to factor in that there was probably anywhere from 200 minimum to upwards of four hundred plus thousand dollars in retail stuff this person bought over the period of thirty three years I'm thinking that their that units to be lost cost cost this human being minimum of three hundred thousand upwards of a half million dollars just to buy this stuff let it sit there pay the rent to end up losing it that's where the most important things alike weren't things ladies and gentlemen prime example why the most important things in life are not things you work very hard for all that money to buy things and you never even get to enjoy them crazy but we have treasure hunters we are pilots we're stalkers storage hunting locker nut type units and I think we hit the jackpot
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 11,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Auction, Auction hunters, I bought an storage, Make money, Money, Real storage, Storage auction pirate, Storage unit business, Unboxing, abandoned, adventure, asmr, how to, how to make money, locker unboxing, storage, storage auction, storage auction finds, storage auction pirate, storage auction unit, storage locker, storage locker finds, storage pirate, storage unit, storage unit auction, storage unit business, storage unit finds, storage unit haul, storage wars, storages, pirate
Id: 19eTJPqlpKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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