A Look inside the CRAZY week of a junk man. HOW do I do it? Loading batteries, crushing cars & more!

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foreign [Music] good morning everybody Silas back again today and we have got an extremely busy next few days actually tomorrow is the weekend but I do have stuff going on tomorrow too but today tomorrow Monday Tuesday Wednesday there's a ton of things going on so I just kind of thought you know what I don't have time to film a full video right now so I'm just going to film a whole almost a week of stuff starting out I've got to get the back of my truck cleaned out a guy had this great big shelf for 50 bucks so I couldn't turn that down it's not a real heavy duty one but it's not real flimsy either so this will make me some good storage right here foreign [Music] [Music] real quick he had that Old 54 Ford cab and then he had the flatbed off of that welding truck that I sold a while back he didn't want the bed he's making it into a winch truck so he brought that stuff out to me got that unloaded but this stuff here kind of cool this is all stuff that I found in the scrap over the last few days all this week got that intake there and then that oil pan right there is for a car Y block like a 292 312 truck is different that's a car and usually the cars are ripped out on the bottom because they hang so low that one's got a few dents in it but it's not ripped out so that's a fairly valuable piece to my knowledge they don't repop those and then we got the small block bell housing here it does have one damage spot right there but it's not cracked it's just it has a tiny crack in it but it's not all the way to the edge so I think it can be repaired and then I got this Edelbrock here I'm not sure if that's for a small block or what that's for uh it kind of looks different than this one I know this one's a small block so I don't know maybe that's a big block I don't know maybe it's just the style of it who knows but anyway we got a Mopar Billet housing here and that's kind of a cool one I don't know exactly what it's for I'll have to find the numbers on it and look it up but I mean there's a little bit of money sitting right there and it's all stuff that just came in for scrap but I've got to head out I've got a truck here to load crush cars I'm already running super far behind today it's just one of those days you know so I'm gonna head to the yard and get that truck loaded foreign [Music] scoreboard we're working on finishing up these pallets of batteries the trucks are going to be here next week gonna have one Monday one Tuesday and one Wednesday one of them will be at my dad's yard but the other two are going to be here at this yard what we have to do is we have to put cardboard at the bottom in between each layer on these and then we have to put cardboard on the top we have to band the top layer oh we don't have to but we do this for security and then we band them all to the pallet so they don't slide off during transport and then we wrap them in the Saran Wrap right here these big monstrosities are industrial batteries they're huge they weigh over 100 pounds a piece and so we didn't double stack those we just put one small pallet one full pallet those will go as the same price as these big steel case batteries that are over here the rest of these will all go as car batteries even these big golf cart batteries like this are technically classified as as car batteries when we ship them in for scrap so we're gonna have somewhere around 28 to 30 pallets between two loads 14 and 15 pellets per load once we get these banded and wrapped I want to take them out and weigh them one at a time spray paint the weight on that way we know exactly what we're putting on the truck all right guys it's the next day now yesterday some crazy stuff happened in the afternoon and I wasn't able to record anymore but now it's the next day and I've got good news and kind of bad news kind of sad news the good news is that I sold my Jeep and the sad news is is that I sold my Jeep and I had a lot of Adventures in that thing I've had a lot of fun in that thing but I never drive it anymore and I don't want it just to go to waste so Bennett and I are gonna run out there show it to him so we can test drive it and I'm pretty sure he'll want it and then we're gonna head back home yeah it was a good Jeep this thing's seen a lot of dirt roads and adventures all over the state seen a lot of mushrooms but I've put maybe 500 miles on it in the last year or in the last six months especially since I got my truck over there so I never drive anymore so I'm definitely glad to see you go to a good home he'll have a lot of fun with it get it back on the road so it doesn't just deteriorate sitting around out here and good morning we're back again on Monday I'm going to show you guys real quick what I didn't get to show you guys on Friday about those batteries we did get a little bit of rain I think it was Saturday night here's the batteries we've got them all lined up this is one load here almost one load we've got these industrial batteries over here I guess I'll show you these first we went through and weighed every pallet so we knew exactly what they weighed with this company we have to know what we put on the truck exactly we can't guess and we can't get trucks on our scales right now because we've got no room so we went through and weighed them all these are steel case batteries and these are industrial batteries they're all the same price we'll put those on the truck first and then we'll start putting these on I think all together there's a little under 42 000 pounds of batteries here so that'll be enough for a load but yet it won't overload the truck you can put sometimes 45 46 000 pounds of batteries on but if you put that many a lot of times you overload the axles on the truck or the trailer you don't get the weight distributed correctly so we have to put at least 40 000 pounds on or else they dock us so this way we're over that but yet we're not too heavy so this is about a perfect load right here we've got two more ready for the next load I don't remember exactly what these weighed we've got 2 700 pounds and 2 900 pounds here so those are both pretty good pallets I think we have five more stacked in here and I think there's two more in the yard behind me so we're gonna need more than I thought normally we only put 14 pallets on a truck but because some of these pellets aren't very heavy we're going to have to end up putting about 17 pellets on this load because some of these like this in here is only 2 200 pounds that one's 2100 pounds and then those two pellets right there those industrial batteries aren't very heavy shockingly the steel case batteries over there are heavier than any of the others those are about three thousand pounds a piece I just did a quick count and we have 11 pallets stacked for the next load and we're probably going to need about 16. [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] all right I believe we are done stacking batteries here at this yard we have to go through and band a few more we got most of them banded but my helper had to go out to the other yard my dad is stacking batteries over there so he's gonna go help him finish getting that load ready I've got a few things I got to take care of here the city of South Hutch is cracking down on anything they don't like uh they already find one guy like eleven hundred dollars for not painting this building in time and they're taking him to court so that's a big ordeal going on a bunch of drama right now and they came by here this morning and talked to me for a little bit amongst other things they want all this tree brush gone which I know they want it gone unfortunately the guy that was doing all the tree work for me quit he quit several weeks ago I haven't seen him since so uh fortunately I'm gonna have to clean all this up now I've tried hiring a bunch of people to do it it's 50 bucks the place is right down the road it's probably take about an hour to clean this stuff up but nobody wants to make 50 an hour so I guess I'll do it myself in addition to that they want the building up front completely painted the entire building they want all the broken windows and cracked Windows fixed any spot that has plywood they want that gone and then they want the roof fixed on that building which we're already talking to them about fixing the roof anyway and we said man if you want the stuff looking nice why won't you let us build a new building and they said oh you can build a new building if you want to do this and this and this and cost you about another thirty five thousand dollars on top of what the building would cost anyway and we said no we're not doing all that we'll fix the one that's there but that's already in the works they're not too worried about that but they do want the rest of the building painted and then when all this stuff cleaned up they want this done today so I've got to get on this right now it won't be too big of a deal I'm just going to take the loader and pick up as much of that as I can and just dump it in the back of my truck and I wasn't feeling real good this morning but unfortunately The Show Must Go On foreign just like that then I'll dump it in the back of the truck this little small group here and I'll put the big group on top of it hold it over there dump it and I think probably two more loads I'll get the rest of that down there she's a little bit wide hanging off the sides of the truck and by a little bit wide I mean a whole lot wide but that's okay I think she'll be fine we'll just drive nice and slow and if people don't like the way I drive like I always say they can get off the sidewalk [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] that looks much better needs mode through here now because of all the grass that was underneath the tree brush but we can worry about that later in the year but anyway I've got to finish banding these I've got I think six pellets over here I got a band real quick so it shouldn't take me too long to get this done like I say it's a little bit easier with two people than it is just by myself but I can do it by myself so not a real big deal there we go got the last one done I am done banding now I just wrap them but I don't have any wrap supposed to bring me some tomorrow so I can get them all wrapped so I assumed that the guy that was helping me this morning was helping my dad all afternoon but I just found out that he had a blowout and he never made it over there and then he said he's not going to be here tomorrow either because he's got something else going on so uh it's all me again tomorrow it's been the story of her life we had two other people that wanted a job and we said we'd hire him and then they didn't show up and we don't tell them at Price we asked them how much do you want by the hour and they tell us their price and if we can afford it we say okay and they still don't show up so I don't know what to do but we do have one other guy say he can start next week which won't do us any good for these batteries but uh maybe he can help us with some other stuff and then other news I had a pretty good deal come through a guy came out and said I've got an old I think it was a 56 or 57 Chevy grain truck I don't know what to do with it and I know you get a lot of those where do you usually sell them at and I said well usually I just cut them up for art and I said I've never actually been able to sell one I've sold one or two of them that were really nice that ran and drove but most of them get cut up for art and he said well what should I advertise it on Marketplace or what and I said well I'd buy it what do you want for it he said I don't know what's it worth and I said I don't know I haven't seen it but what color is it he said it's red which is a really good wall art color and I said well he said it's all there all complete and I said you take a thousand bucks for it sight unseen and he says yeah I'd do that if you come get it so my buddy's gonna go get it for me and the guy says just to make sure you want this I'll send you some pictures so he sent me some pictures of it just now and it has the wrapper room back window and it's pretty much a rust Creek Cabin clip so I may not cut that one up but I'm about done for the day now it's about six o'clock I'm exhausted I'm gonna go ahead and grab this truck bed here carry it in set it in out of the way as you can see it is pretty well full in here there's a little tiny path to get up on the scales and that's about it so I really need to get to crushing but I won't be able to do that probably for another week or so [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] there we go I got them all weighed I still have to wrap six more I think I couldn't wrap them where they were sitting at inside they were in the weeds and I just didn't feel like fighting with them so I went ahead and weighed them set them all out here the first loads are going to have 17 pellets the second load these are a lot heavier pallets some of these like this one here is 3260 there's a few of them like that for 3000 pounds or more and only gonna need 15 for the second load so we're gonna have two extra pallets but that's okay my dad needs pallets for his yard so I guess I already took them inside the yard over there but he's gonna come pick those up later in the week and take them over there so he doesn't have to stack quite as many foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] good morning today is the day the first truck should be here today today is Wednesday supposed to have one again tomorrow and one again the next day I don't know what time they're going to be here they're supposed to be here between 8 and 11 so that means they'll probably show up sometime around three or four o'clock in the afternoon if it goes according to what most trucks do that's the name of the game when you're loading trucks though is dispatch never quite relays the message to the driver that they're supposed to be there at a certain time and so the driver doesn't hurry driver doesn't know and so the driver just shows up whenever the driver wants to and then you talk to dispatch and dispatch says oh I forgot I forgot I forgot but anyway that's neither here nor there I've got three more pallets I didn't get wrapped yesterday it was getting pretty hot and when you go around and around and around in circles makes you a little bit dizzy so I just said you know what there's only three left I'll just do those first thing in the morning I'll get those done so far my help's not here none of my dad's helped show it up again today he hired two people to help him haul stuff out of Factory and neither of them showed up so now he's having to do that by himself so there's a good chance that my help doesn't show up here soon that I'm going to have to load this battery truck by myself and that's going to be an absolute living nightmare but uh it is what it is I'm used to it but I guess we'll see what happens foreign but the truck's here he drove right past me so he must be lost he's supposed to be here between 9 and 11 and it is 10 59 so uh I guess he made it technically but oh well I guess we'll get them loaded I'm by myself my dad just left to go to that factory place so he won't be back for about an hour and a half so I guess it's all up to Yours Truly to climb back and forth I got to climb down this ladder every time climb up in the back of the semi I'm gonna have him Park out there and grab the pallet with the pallet jack pull it to the front these weigh about 3000 pounds a piece roughly so yours truly is going to be pretty worn out by the end of this well kind of good Ness so he wasn't getting loaded up there so he's gonna be back in just a minute so that'll help a little bit I'm still gonna have to climb back and forth though because it takes two people inside the trailer to be able to pull these up to the front jump out of the loader run over here I took my microphone off just to make it easier to carry the camera around so it might sound a little different climb up in here my knees are going to be feeling today I just feel this under here like that and take them to the front thank you this thing is crazy heavy thank you foreign because the yard's clear full so I can't park him inside the yard where the Street's level and this street out here is a very very gradual slope uphill which isn't normally a big deal but when you're pushing 3000 pounds of batteries even a tiny bit of soap makes a big difference so uh I was going to my dad this year this is brutal [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go put it all the way to the front there's some heavy old pallets in here next load none of them are nearly this heavy I think the heaviest pallet when they're slow is 3 000 pounds most of them are 24 25 2200 so it'll be a lot easier we're gonna put two more here at the back but I'll just set those in with loaders now we've got that done I'm taking a quick lunch break and for my lunch break I came out here this morning I wanted to grab my GoPro so I could attach it to the windshield of the loader and that way I could kind of put a time lapse on loading all those things into the trailer I found my GoPro I knew right where it was at but I couldn't find my Mountain then I remembered my Mount is in my camera bag I started looking around couldn't find my camera bag anywhere and the last time I used it was in Nebraska and I looked back at my videos and in my videos I see me with the bag getting in my truck so I know I had the bag when I got in the truck so I assumed somebody had stolen it so I spent this morning calling around to all the pawn shops and places like that saying hey if you see a camera bag come in it's mine now all my camera gear was not in the bag so I wasn't super worried about it it's about a 250 bag which is unfortunate but other than that I wasn't super worried about it because all my high dollar camera gear is at home then I got to thinking about it and that Monday that I got back I had to film a promo for surf shark and so I came out here to the yard and I used my backpack as part of that promo so I think I know right where it's at and there it is it's not exactly where I thought it was oh I remember now I laid it down on that Fender it must have just fallen off that fender that's right well it got rained on one time it got a little bit dirty but uh I think it'll be okay it's mostly waterproof it's a water resistant backpack but uh I had it in Costa Rica and got an absolute Monsoon on it and everything inside was okay mission accomplished now I'm gonna head back to the yard and get to work and good beautiful morning I'm back out here again today yesterday afternoon I got quite a few cars processed they didn't pull the aluminum wheels off most of them I pulled a few off but most of them I just left the wheels on I mainly just pull the converters and the batteries and my help got a hold of me late yesterday and he said that they were out of town the day before which I knew they were going to be out of town that day but he said they didn't get home until four o'clock in the morning and he fell asleep and didn't wake up and uh you know I'm still a little bit upset because he knew it was really important that we desperately needed him to be here for that battery truck and if he wasn't going to be here he should have let us know the day before that way we could have tried to figure something else out but it is what it is and I am desperate for help and so I'll take whatever I can get at the moment he's supposed to be here in a minute and so he'll should be here hopefully he shows up today he should be here for this next trip you know it's pretty nice out here this morning and my dad's a little bit short on pallet still even with the ones I'm going to be sending over with him so I figured I've got one small pallet left here I want to get rid of the rest of these in this truck pad I won't be able to get all of them on this palette but I can get rid of a bunch of them at least and then I can move the truck bed inside without dumping batteries all over so I thought maybe you guys might find it a little bit interesting to see how we stack these on the pallet because you guys have seen me doing it in time lapse but you actually haven't seen me doing it the way you do it is you just kind of set them on there like that kind of put them over the edge of the pallet every now and then if it hangs over a tiny bit that's fine but you don't usually want to hang them over the side too far I'll put it like that and then what I'll do is I'll run a row of batteries that way all the way to the end and then again and again all the way to the end and every now and then when you get to the other end it won't fit long ways so you got to turn it sideways and there we go I got the first layer done like I say it's not rocket science it doesn't have to be perfect but you at least got to put a little bit of consideration into it now this is where a lot of guys start messing up this part here has been easy so far but now if you look in here I don't have a whole lot of batteries that size it looks like I have one or two more of that size that will work the rest of these are either Too Tall or Too Short a lot of guys would just start throwing them on there anyway and they wouldn't care and so this corner over here would drop way down and so then the top layer would be falling off when you're stacking batteries it's always always worth it to take the time to find the right size of battery unless there just are not period then you got to make do with what you got but if at all possible dig out the batteries that will work and set the other ones to the side now we're on the top layer now this is where we can get rid of the weird batteries I call them the weird batteries like these big golf cart batteries I can put some of those on the edge I can put lawnmower batteries in the middle uh broken batteries like that one over there that there's just something odd about them that makes them hard to stack on top of now I can put them on the top layer but now what I'll have to do with this one here is put a layer of cardboard on top and then I'll walk around it and wrap it now normally I band the top layer and then we band them to the pallet and then I go around each layer twice with the wrap but my dad already took all the banding equipment back to his yard so I don't have any Banning equipment so what I'm going to do is I'll probably go around the bottom layer twice the middle there three times in the top layer four times that's quite a bit extra wrap but I just want to make sure they don't fall off while he's holding this pallet back to the other yard I got a little bit of bad news a little bit of good news and then some more bad news the first bad news is that my help never did show up call text nothing again today so uh I don't know but anyway the good news is is that my dad's help did show up that guy's helping my dad haul stuff out of that factory and they're getting quite a bit done today so that's definitely good news the other bad news is related to that though that because my dad's busy doing that factory today instead of yesterday because no one showed up yesterday now he doesn't have time to finish stacking his batteries so that means I've got to stack five more pallets of batteries myself plus I have five steel case batteries I have to put on pallets as well so I have to stack basically 10 pallets of batteries I just got one more done so that means I got four more to go I don't have that many pallets I've got I think two so I'm gonna have to find two more pallets to stack batteries on and then my dad's gonna bring some pallets over for the steel case batteries well like a dummy when I went to get lunch I left my camera laying out in the sun so when I got back from lunch it was extremely hot overheated wouldn't do nothing for about two hours but in the last two hours trucks showed up we got him loaded once again no help today but uh the driver actually this time was willing to hop up in there and help out so that made it a little bit easier for the first probably half of the load I had to climb back and forth between the motor in the trailer but then my dad got here and so him and the driver were able to wheel him up front and I just drove the loader so I didn't have to hop back and forth so that was really handy it took a lot less time to load this load even though there was more pallets so he's on his way out and I come back over here to the loader and this is what I see nice chunk of aluminum in the tire and I got my pliers I didn't think it was in that deep I started wiggling it and I could hear it start hissing so I just stopped called the tire place they're coming out now to boot it sometimes you can get away with putting a plug in these or maybe two plugs together but uh the problem with that is on front tires it's picking up as much weight as I do you just never know when those plugs are going to pop back out or fail or whatever and then it's probably going to be right in the middle loading the truck or something like that and then you're going to be up a creek so if it's a front tire I usually just have them come out and boot it it's 200 250 bucks something like that it's a lot of money but it's worth it for peace of mind now back tires I'll put plugs in those all day long because those don't ever ever have hardly any pressure on them so I'm just going to go ahead and pop it out of there see what it is that's in there good foreign did I hit [Music] that's a big old piece of aluminum I'm trying to figure out what that came off of it looks like something I should recognize but I can't quite place it I don't know but I do have some good news the other truck that was going to be here tomorrow that we were worried about I'm not getting here in the morning like they're supposed to and showing up in the afternoon like these other trucks have they called and said they just definitely cannot make it in the morning so they canceled and they're just going to come back either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week because Monday's Labor Day so that'll be nice I don't have to stress quite as bad about getting these batteries done I can come out here in the morning when it's a little bit cooler and I can finish stacking the last I think I need I think I need three more pallets three more small pallets and also because it was their idea to cancel we're going to tell them that instead of going to the other yard they've got to come here because before they said they're not switching absolutely will not switch but now we said well we can't load them over there we have to load them over here which is technically true it's I mean we could load them over there if we really had to it's just there's eight pellets over there and there's a 14 or 13 pellets over here so it would take a whole lot more moving to get stuff from here to there than it would from there to here so if we can just load them here that'd be great because that way we can load them with the loader instead of the skid steer and life would just be a lot easier [Music] foreign [Music] you know a lot of times people tell me it can't be as hot as what you say it is because there's no sweat dripping off your face so uh truth be told I like to wipe my face off because uh this doesn't look very good so usually before I get the camera out I wipe my face off so it's not covered in sweat there that's better there we go I got the last oh my watch has let me know that I completed my exercise goal for the day alrighty first thing in the morning I usually about quadruple my exercise goal every day but anyway got the last two pallets stacked up ready to go I think all we have left to do now is put the steel cases on pellets the steel case batteries but I don't have enough pallets I'm out of pallets now so my dad will be here either later today or he'll be here Tuesday with the rest of the pallets we'll get those banded down ready to go originally I was gonna do this as a start to finish type of deal where you see me start at the very beginning stack three loads of batteries load three loads of batteries in the whole nine yards put that third load they called and they're actually not going to be here now until Wednesday and maybe even Thursday they're not gonna be here till late next week so I'm not going to wait that long to record it I've got something else really cool going on maybe Monday maybe Tuesday I don't know which or sometime next week anyway that I want to record so I'm just going to go ahead and close this video out I've had a lot of people ask me what we do with the batteries and I've always told you guys but I've never actually showed you guys so now you know what I do with the batteries exactly it's a lot of work it's a lot easier when you have two people doing it but it is what it is at least I had help for probably the first half of it so I'm better than nothing I guess I've got several interesting videos coming up the stuff we're doing around out here at the junk cars stuff we don't normally do so so I think they'll be interesting so be sure to stay tuned for those and with that I'm going to let y'all go if you enjoyed this please give me a thumbs up on this video let me know something in the comments about this video that you enjoyed as always I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of your day and remember to get out there and find an adventure just hopefully it's not stacking batteries because it's not fun we'll see you next time so actually I already closed this video out like two hours ago but uh I just got a phone call and found out some uh interesting but not fun information they actually rejected those last two loads of batteries that we just sent in they said that those are not what they want to buy and we said well what do you want to buy if you don't want to buy batteries and so they sent us a great big long checklist I've never heard of anything on this checklist we have sold Batteries Now for 25 years almost 30 years and we've never heard of any of this stuff so this company this is a new company we've never dealt with before and we will never deal with them again after we get this next Loadout we already got it locked in though so we want to go ahead and get it gone but I'll kind of show you guys what they're complaining about like this palette here it's done ready to go they would reject this pellet because they're really well there's three issues wrong with this pillow actually Four now that I think about it first issue is they want it shrink wrapped to the ground they don't want that pallet exposed anywhere and then you poke the forks through the holes and that's where you pick it up and then the next issue they had which okay that one's okay there but this one here you see how the side post battery has the terminals facing out they said they always want the terminals facing in if we put them facing out we have to put cardboard in front of that battery just in case the off chance of that battery bumps up against another battery that has terminals facing out and somehow it ignites and catches stuff on fire I don't know we've been dealing with batteries for years you guys see how we have them stored in truck beds and we've never had an issue these are end-of-life batteries they are most of these are dead or in a doorknob but it is what it is the next thing they have an issue with is on top they want the cardboard completely covering the entire top and fold it down over the sides so this here is pretty good except for this corner because this battery's exposed a tiny bit they will reject that one this one here this here they want that completely covered basically every layer the cardboard has to wrap over the layer below it and then they want it completely wrapped on top this one here is not even good enough they want no cardboard exposed at all on top they want it completely covered all of those things that I've mentioned so far are annoying but they're not that big of a deal we could do those if we wanted to if we knew in advance now we do know so for the future we could but probably the biggest issue we have is that they don't want odd pallets like this one here where it's not level it's multiple different sizes of batteries on it which this is probably the worst palette of all of them so it's probably not a good example I'll use this palette for an example this is one I just stacked this morning you can kind of see how this palette here how it has car batteries and then some other sizes of batteries then a few semi batteries over here and one tractor battery and then on the top I've got semi batteries a little power chair batteries lawnmower batteries I've just got multiple different sizes on top like this one here it's all car batteries on the first two layers but then the top layer has multiple different sizes and so the top layer is all wonky they said they do not want them they have to be completely Cube not necessarily Cube around but uh they can be rectangles but they have to be perfectly Square on all sides including the top so we asked them well what do you do when you have odd size batteries that are tall like this one here or that are small like this one here and they said the entire layer has to be nearly identical batteries on that entire layer that way it'll stay completely flat they also said that they want a quarter inch of cardboard between each layer and on top and obviously I could do that but they said they want it to be fresh cardboard they don't want old cardboard that's been sitting outside like we sent on the last couple loads and so we'd have to go buy cardboard to put in there it just it's just going to be an absolute nightmare they said this load here we told them it's already done it's already stacked they said go ahead and send one last load but in the future they have to be done to these specifications oh and also you know how that last load we sent out of batteries I think there was four pallets of industrial batteries there was two steel case batteries and then two pallets of those big heavy 120 pound batteries they said they can only be one pound of industrial batteries per load so they were pretty hot Trot about that too so basically what that means is that they don't want to do business with us what they're looking for is people who have nothing but completely uniform batteries places like O'Reilly's Auto Zone places like that that get cores brought in and I take them and they put them on a pellet and they're all the same size and they stack perfectly Cube and that's all they want to buy they don't want to buy junkyard batteries [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Adventures Made From Scratch
Views: 62,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zdmqbhHBI8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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